The Unsolicited Writer

The Unsolicited Writer

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Photos from The Unsolicited Writer's post 14/08/2022

Humanity Is Still Alive

One of the best proofs that
humanity is still alive is
in times of disasters.

You see people who rescue
and help out during floods,
landslides, fires, earthquakes and such
without asking for anything in return
but the hope of saving a life.

It gives you a sense of relief
that in times of trouble,
there are still people—
complete strangers at that—
who have no hidden agendas;
no desire to be compensated,
praised, nor acknowledged;
who are just simply trying
to make this world
a better place.

And perhaps their only hope
is if they or the people they love
ever needed help
somewhere along the way,
somebody else will show
the same kindness...
ever hoping that the universe
paves the way for this
grand gesture of reciprocation

So even at least once
in your life, be that one
to give hope that
humanity is still alive—
that one person to start
a chain of goodness and kindness

because the world
desperately needs
more of that right now.

You never know where
the edges of your ripple of
kindness and hope
may reach.

- The Unsolicited Writer

Photos from The Unsolicited Writer's post 14/09/2021

There are some things that appear to need a lot of fixing when really all you can do is accept it for what it is and move on with your life
