Health&My.Mind EU

Health&My.Mind EU

Welcome to Health&My.Mind !

If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with.


Не вярвайте на всичко, което си мислите. Във всеки от нас дреме един критик, който постоянно ви пази от неприятности. Но много повече, за съжаление, ни пази от всичко хубаво, което може да ни се случи.


Не е нужно събуждането сутрин да е кошмар. 🙂

Ето 10 начина да се събуждате щастливи:

1.Протегнете се

Веднага след като отворите очи, още докато сте в леглото, се протегнете. Раздвижете и разтегнете ръцете, краката, шията. Това движение освобождава ендорфини, което намалява стреса и гарантира щастлив старт на деня.

2. Земенете сутрешната телевизия с приятна музика
Какво "по-хубаво" от сутрин, изпълнена с новини за катастрофи, природни бедствия, болести и политика.

3. Подгответе всичко необходимо от предната вечер
Така ще пропуснете частта с "Какво да облека?".

4. Нещо за усмивка на нощното шкафче

5. Вземете сутрешен душ

6. Направете си сутрешен ритуал

Независимо дали говорим за обикновеното пиене на кафе, чай, друга напитка, или просто за време, прекарано в планиране на деня. Измислете си свой сутрешен ритуал и се фокусирайте върху предстоящия ден.
7. Пуснете слънчевите лъчи

Аз лично винаги го правя. Проучвания показват, че човек се събужда по-лесно и по-отпочинат, ако в спалнята му влиза естествена светлина.

8. Секс

9. Заредете се с енергия

Две лесни стъпки - вода и закуска. 🙂

10. Не чистете и не подреждайте дома сутрин
Каквито и домакински задачи имате за вършене, не ги оставяйте за сутринта. Свършете ги предната вечер. Така ценното ви сутрешно време няма да е пълно с прахосмукачки, чинии, бърсане на прах и т.н.🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


"Не чакайте нещо специално, за да сте щастливи. Животът е нещо специално. Най-специалното..." ❤
🌼🌼 Прекрасен ден! 🌼🌼


„В тази прекрасна неделя не забравяйте да си поемете дълбоко въздух и да се отпуснете. Насладете се на семейството си, на приятелите си и се отдайте на приятна чаша кафе. "


Дали ще е преувеличено, ако кажем, че няма човек, който да не е изпитвал пролетната умора?

В действителност обаче всеки разбира това състояние по собствен начин. Всеки организъм реагира различно и това е причината да има редица разнородни дефиниции и симптоми на пролетна умора.

Универсална дефиниция за това състояние обаче няма.
Предполага се, че пролетната умора се дължи на промяната в съотношението на светлата и тъмната част на денонощието и връзката им с хормоналния баланс. Отделянето на серотонин, един от т.нар. хормони на щастието, е свързано с дневната светлина.
Резкият преход между сезоните не дава на тялото достатъчно време да се приспособи. Резултатът е физическо неразположение с характерна липса на енергия, което наричаме пролетна умора.
Кои са симптомите?
Пролетната умора е временно състояние. Можем да предприемем конкретни мерки, които да облекчат симптомите и да ни помогнат по-бързо да се адаптираме към новия сезон. Кои ?


Човешкият организъм не произвежда витамин C, затова трябва постоянно да си го набавяме чрез балансирано хранене.
Подобрено усвояване на желязо в червата, защита от свободните радикали в организма, намаляване на окислителното увреждане на ДНК и на окисляването на LDL холестерола – това са само някои от многобройните функции на витамин C, а това показва колко важен е той за тялото.
А вие приемате ли необходимото дневно количество от този витамин?


The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.

Good morning!😊😊😊😊😊😊😊


Започнете вашето здравословно приключение с AquaSource Програма Лесно начало – вашата 4-седмична програма за поддържане на по-здрави черва. Направете здравето цел за вас и вашите близки.

Start your healthy adventure with our Aquasource Start Easy programme.

Мake health a priority!!!


“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”

Good morning!


“People Who Are Crazy Enough To Think They Can Change The World, Are The Ones Who Do.”


Hello March!
I have big plans for you!


Stay active with AquaSource Flexibility!
🤩🤩🤩Unique nutritional support for optimal joint health🤩🤩🤩🤩


Don't wake up with the regret of what you couldn't accomplish yesterday. Wake up while thinking about what will be able to achieve today.
Good Morning!


"Magic is believing in yourself. If you can make that happen, you can make anything happen.”


Because collagen is crucial for our health.
Without this crucial component, you may start to develop premature wrinkles, sagging skin, and joint pain. We definitely do not want that.


One of the best ways to encrease your magnesium levels is to include magnesium-rich foods, like spanich, nuts and seeds, black beans and fish.

In addition, topping up with a daily magnesium supplement may also be something to consider.💯🤓



Research has shown that magnesium benefits virtually every part of your body. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps your heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps your bones strong.

❗️ If you are not getting adequate daily magnesium, you may start to experience magnesium deficiency signs and symptoms.

Early signs of severe magnesium deficiency include:

✅Loss of appetite

As magnesium deficiency worsens, symptoms include:

✅Muscle contractions and cramps
✅Personality changes
✅Abnormal heart rhythms
✅Coronary spasms


AquaSource ColActive3 is our “next generation” colostrum product!

AquaSource ColActive3 offers excellent nutritional support for active lifestyles, including athletes and others with very dynamic active lifestyles.🔝🔝🔝


The biggest source of motivation are your own thoughts, so think big and motivate yourself to win!


Dont let yesterday take up too much of today!


Nutritional Protein Powder Now Enhanced with Organic Pea Isolate and Vegan Society Approved

Our Lighten-Up! Nutritional Protein Powder is packed with natural source ingredients to provide efficient, balanced nutrition to help maintain health and energy while engaged in almost any weight management programme. The increase in protein levels and reduction in sugars makes AquaSource Lighten-Up! very suitable for the very popular and effective Keto type diets.


"Every day is a new day, and you'll never be able to find happiness if you don't move on."


One very nutritious type of algae is known as "blue-green algae" (Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae or AFA). The highest quality blue-green algae come from the Upper Klamath Lake in the Cascade Mountains, Southern Oregon, USA. Fed by no less than seventeen pure mountain streams and geothermal springs, this ancient lake boasts ten metres of mineral deposits and has the most mineral rich alkaline waters on Earth. Here is where AquaSource harvest their algae; the place where Nature's most complete and balanced food grows.
The algae found here has many remarkable properties & nothing equals its nutritional profile. On a gram for gram basis, it is a rich source of a wide range of nutrients


What is Blue Green Algae?

Fundamental to many of our products is one of the best blue-green algae in the world. What makes this miracle of nature so important? Scientists have known about algae as a food source and nutritional supplement for hundreds of years. They have studied different forms of algae from almost every point on earth.


AquaSource ColActive Colostrum is sourced from the South West of the US where the processing facility was designed by dairy process engineers as a state of the art processing facility for the sole purpose of producing the best quality colostrum. The Colostrum is collected and processed. Then, flash pasteurised at 72°C for 15 seconds and finally dried with low, indirect heat. This process helps maintain as much nutritional value as possible.
AquaSource ColActive Colostrum can be taken by young and old alike. It can be especially helpful to athletes and others with extremely active lifestyles who need the significant recovery support ColActive nutrients provide.


➡️Flash pasteurised, then slow dried to preserve nutritional value.
➡️Contains all five classes of immunoglobulins found in humans.
➡️Excellent nutritional support for athletes and active lifestyles.
➡️Supports the immune system.
➡️Important for well-being and maintaining optimal health.
➡️Contains other important components such as cytokines, interleukin-10 and proline-rich polypeptides.


Wishing you a most enjoyable weekend!


How Does the Immune System Work?

When the body senses foreign substances (called antigens), the immune system works to recognize the antigens and get rid of them.

B lymphocytes are triggered to make antibodies (also called immunoglobulins). These proteins lock onto specific antigens. After they're made, antibodies usually stay in our bodies in case we have to fight the same germ again. .


"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”


Enter this new year with a gratitude for the new chance to create your dreams!


"Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely."

Start the New year with AquaSource Start Easy Programme.

✨Recommended for anyone new to AquaSource nutritional supplements. The Start Easy Programme is designed to safeguard levels of important enzymes and bacteria in the digestive system and includes AquaSource Algae, thus supporting the body’s own inner cleansing mechanisms, and helping optimise nutritional intake for well-being and vitality.


Wake up.
The rest...




Christmas is forever,
Not for just one day.
For loving, sharing, giving,
Are not to put away.
Like bells and lights and tinsel,
in some box upon a shelf.
The good you do for others,
Is good you do yourself.
Norman W. Brooks
Merry Christmas!


Be blessed!
Have an amazing GRISTMAS!


A Superfood designed to promote cellular health and more energy.


❗️Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly important.

❗️They have many powerful health benefits for your body and brain.


Its Sunday!
The perfect day to sleep!


Organic blue-green algae are one of the highest in nutrient foods on the planet. The best and preferred blue-green algae species is Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae - AFA.


Boost your immune system and enjoy your holiday with our Vitamin D.


Are you ready with the Christmas gifts?

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The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.Good morning!😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
But first coffee...
Support the immune system with AquaSource ColActive Colostrum.