Universal Declaration of Natural Rights and Responsibilities

Universal Declaration of Natural Rights and Responsibilities

Declaration of sincere people in every nation on earth, from all walks of life, working to better the world.


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The Monroe Doctrine has been ironically summarized in Latin America as "America for the Americans".

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Winston Churchill called Uganda "the pearl of Africa".

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Diverse cultures include variations on the phoenix, a bird with the ability to be reborn.

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The host nation for the World Cup final tournament is automatically qualified to play in the tournament.

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Socialist revolutionary Che Guevara was born in Argentina and received the nickname "Che" because of his frequent use of the Argentine word Che, meaning "pal" or "mate"

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In Chinese thought Qi is believed to be the “life force” or “spiritual energy” that pervades the natural world.

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Lloyd Morgan's Canon is both the most quoted and the most misrepresented statement in the history of comparative psychology.

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The Zambezi River's most spectacular feature is Victoria Falls, which divide the upper and middle sections of the river.

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The First Persian Gulf War was between the armed forces of Iraq and Iran and lasted from September 1980 until August 1988.

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Rōnin, meaning "drifting person," were masterless samurai as a result of their master's death or ruin.

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Day at the UN January 4, 2024 05/01/2024

Day at the UN

Day at the UN January 4, 2024 23 new items added to shared album


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Jujutsu means "gentle art" and is rooted in the ancient cultural traditions of Japan.

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Hermann Rorschach, inventor of the Rorschach inkblot personality test, was nicknamed "Klecks," meaning “inkblot,” because of his childhood interest in Klecksography, the making of fanciful inkblot pictures.

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The Sufi poet Rumi referred to Allah (God) as his Beloved.

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Pop music is generally understood to be commercially recorded music with the goal of having mass audience appeal, with the result that its style changes significantly depending on the time and place.

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Cave paintings probably had a religious or informational purpose rather than being purely decorative.

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The Florida Seminoles are the only American Indian tribe never to sign a formal peace treaty with the United States.

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The suffering in Biafra during the Nigerian Civil War led to the development of international humanitarian agencies designed to respond to complex emergencies anywhere in the world.

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The story of Noah's flood may not be the most ancient of the flood stories that exist in cultures around the world.

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The deaths of such popular figures as Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie contributed to how the Battle of the Alamo has been regarded as a heroic and iconic moment in Texan and U.S. history.

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Most of Dickens' major novels were first written in installments in journals and later reprinted in book form.


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The first aviation facility to be called an "airport" was Bader Field in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Article link: https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Airport

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The Path to Violence, and the Responsibility of the Citizen 23/10/2023

The Path to Violence, and the Responsibility of the Citizen Listen now (18 mins) | A Podcast by Frank Kaufmann

Friendships and Brotherly Love 04/10/2023

New Podcast

Friendships and Brotherly Love A Podcast by Frank Kaufmann