Lark & Lux

Lark & Lux

We believe in beautiful, practical, and comfortable feeding-friendly dresses for all moms. #feedfearlessly

Photos from Lark & Lux's post 04/01/2024

👈Out with the Old and In with the New 👉 The New Year is laid out like a fresh slate before us, let’s abandon those habits that don’t serve us and leave them in the dust of last year. Though I’m not a ‘new’ mom anymore, I’m still guilty of a few of these *internet diagnosing* so I’ll be in the trenches with ya!

What are you working on this year?? Let me know 👇

Photos from Lark & Lux's post 03/01/2024

🔔 2024 Word of the Year 🔔 New year’s resolutions are historically a flop for me (I still bite my nails and swear profusely!) I hopped on the word of the year bandwagon last year with my promise to Glimmer and I think I achieved it! This year, my word is Rise. To rise to the challenge of this new role. To rise out of old habits into a shinier version of myself. To rise alongside my colleagues as we make shifts for all. To rise to any occasion that offers growth for myself, my family and my business.

Tell me, did you pick a word for 2024? Share below 👇


🥂New Year, New Creds, New Pricing🥂 Happy 2024 Fearless Feeders! This is going to be an EPIC year, I can just feel it in my bones! First, I’m starting out the year as an IBCLC (my dream job that I didn’t even know was a job until 7 years ago!). To align with providers in the Greater Hamilton Area, I’ve had to adjust my pricing. Yes it’s a bit more than my pricing has been previously, but here are some ways you can add it into your budget
🔅Register for a Prenatal Package for your shower
🔅Check your benefits, most often you can claim under a HSA or have stand alone IBCLC coverage
🔅Check your email if you’re a past client for a rebate code to share with your next referral or save for yourself if you’re having a baby in 2024


👵🏻Aunt Mabel is Holiday Ready👵🏻 It’s the most blessed time of year and she has a fresh perm to celebrate. She’s Aunt Mabel. She loves to smile, talk to your baby, but criticize your parenting in the process. She’s Aunt Mabel. Her comments are founded in traditional values, but forgets the village our ancestral sisters had to support them as new mothers. She’s Aunt Mabel. She wears frosted pink lipstick, loves a church penny sale, and intends to leave her collection of porcelain dolls to you in her will. She’s. Aunt. Mabel. We all have one in our family.

This next week of content is to help you in formulating responses, both naughty and nice, to any Aunt Mabel snark about your feeding choice.

Stay pure, loved ones. 🤣


😮‍💨RSV SZN😮‍💨 It’s brutal, but it’s here (again). RSV is a highly contagious virus that affects everybody, but is most dangerous to infants under 6 months, those with weaker immune systems, or the elderly. Most of us who get RSV will have mild cold-like symptoms, but babies will likely also experience lethargy, loss of appetite and breathing difficulty, which lands many in hospital to receive treatment.
😮‍💨To avoid RSV, please don’t kiss babies that aren’t yours! Stay home if you’re sick, and stay away from littles. Teach your kids not to touch or kiss babies on the hands or face during this season. And wash those hands!
😮‍💨If your babe does get RSV, keep breastfeeding or pumping. Your milk will deliver all the hydration and antibodies your babe needs to get through this sickness. Feeding in an upright position can help if baby is feeling super congested and unable to feed.
😮‍💨If baby isn’t breastfeeding, make sure to pump to protect supply and offer a bottle. If you have any milk to spare, give it to your toddler (AKA PATIENT ZERO). A little breastmilk up the nose can break up congestion and make feeding easier, even if you don’t use a syringe to clear after.
😮‍💨Take care of your needs, a baby who is constantly nursing, maybe with a shabby latch, might hurt your nips like the early days. Pull out the ni**le balm and take care of yourself!


🥛Pump Rentals Available🥛Alright, by now, you know, I love a good imported Spectra pump and find my way to Target to buy them clients whenever I’m in the US. But gals, now you can try the spectra for yourself!

✨Spectra S2 available for short term rental to current clients✨

DM for more info!


👌Hands Up👌She may be a bad ass celebrity, but she’s like us mere mortals when it comes to lactation. Im no fashion icon, but I bet she didn’t think to put breast pads in that couture gown (the horror!)! If you’re ever in this tricky situation, my advice is to teeter over to the ladies room, and give yourself a quick hand expression to release the fullness! You don’t need to empty, just to comfort. If you’ve already sprung a leak, or feel the tingle of an upcoming letdown, give those girls some firm inward pressure, like you’re hugging yourself. That should shut it down for a moment! And if that all fails, thank the heavens you’re not going to be captured by the paparazzi. Though Riri makes it a LEWK, a little part of me wants to give her a hug, this is hard for any new mama! Celebs, they’re just like us.


🤰All Mothers are Working Mothers🤰 This year the theme of World Breastfeeding Week is to support working parents in achieving their breastfeeding goals. Canada has adapted this theme to align with our better (not perfect!) maternity and parental leave policies. Though many women do not enjoy these leave policies to the fullest- specifically those who are self-employed, casually employed, precariously employed- as so many women are. Canadian women initiate breastfeeding at 91% BUT 1 in 7 stop before baby reaches one month of age- why? We need to increase access to prenatal care and assistance in planning for women who need/must return to employment sooner than 12 or 18 months. We can do better.


💪Work it, girl💪 This year the theme of World Breastfeeding Week is empowering and supporting working parents to achieve their breastfeeding goals. While ALL parents are working parents, those who work outside of the home face particular challenges to their breastfeeding success. Often times, inadequate national maternity leave policies or precarious employment situations, leave women at risk of having to choose between economic stability and providing breastmilk for their infant. Meeting these goals is a World Health Organization imitative, so working to support parents at all levels within your own country is important to meeting these objectives worldwide.

As a lactation worker, I support parents at all stages of their feeding journey, and thankfully, our policies in Canada are aligned with helping most women achieve 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding, but many women also do not qualify for maternity leave benefits. Working to bridge this gap in policy, making lactation support accessible for more women, and supporting women in the workplace is crucial.


🔥The OG Fearless Feeder🔥This week would be my grandmother’s 94th birthday. She has been such an inspiration in my life, for so many reasons, which is why I named one of my dresses after her (if this is confusing to you, scroll waaaaay back in the feed!). She came to Canada as a refugee from Hungary in 1956, after hitchhiking across the border into Austria to find her new husband who had to flee urgently. They arrived in Canada, settled in Hamilton, and she had my mom a few years later, early at 36 weeks. I think of her in those days, new to the language and the country, worried about a new baby, her mom and sisters back home, who did she turn to for help? Comfort?
Support? She persevered on, probably not fearless, but she made it. In the end, when her mind would come and go, the thing that she was able to speak to me about what her experience as a mother. She remembered her early days nursing, asked me how I was doing with my own nursling, if my baby was having those yellow poops that stain everything (I couldn’t break it to her that I used disposable diapers). She met my daughter for the ‘first time’ so many times, my son too. Somewhere, in her innermost self, her experiences as a new mom were there and she supported me, despite not knowing who I was. And that, dear feeders, is what it means to be Fearless. Sharing when you need to, supporting when you can, courageously doing the best for your family. Now when I remember her, I know she’d be my biggest cheerleader, and heck, I’d love that.



👌Prenatal Colostrum Collection👌 This is a super way to prepare for breastfeeding while you’re pregnant and here’s why. First, you’ll get to know your body in a new way during hand expression. You’ll learn your sweet spot on the breast and the rhythm that works for you. Low pressure since there isn’t a baby demanding food that moment! Next, all your work results in an insurance policy of colostrum that you can freeze and take to the hospital to use as supplement for your baby, rather than formula. Starting at 37weeks, you can hand express for 5-10 minutes once a day. From 39 weeks you can express 2-3 times a day. Collect in a sterile , pull into a small syringe, freeze and don’t forget to bring to the hospital on the big day!

⭐️Ask your care provider before starting any prenatal expression⭐️


👯‍♀️Sisters, not twins 👯‍♀️ It’s pretty common to have one side that pulls more than her fair share and one that barely gets by. Once we’ve ruled out any history of injury or trauma to that breast, and confirm that baby’s growth is on track, I’d want to explore if maybe baby doesn’t latch on that side as frequently or as efficiently, leading to reduced stimulation and reduced supply. If all is well there, then it’s really a conversation about what matters to you. You CAN increase supply in one side, but you’d have to really want to (pumping extra on that side 🤪). Unless you’re pumping, you really don’t have a true sense of how much each side is producing, but if you are pumping, I’d want to make sure you’re using the right sized flanges which can help with output too! Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with using one side as the food b**b and the other as the soothe and snack b**b.


👶🏼Two Under Two👧🏼 This time of year always has me deep in my feels as my littles have birthdays back to back in June and July. While we missed the Two Under Two by a few weeks, it was still like having two babies for a while. Add to this a nursing journey that didn’t get off to a great start, and my ‘fix it now’ personality, needless to say…. It was tough. I always keep these early weeks in mind when I’m working with parents who are seeing me for their second (or third! Or fourth!) babe. The type of plan you go home with has to fit your life, and shouldn’t be a source of mom guilt. It’s always up to you to choose your hard, but feeding your baby shouldn’t be. You do what you can, when you can, and when you can’t, we have alternatives. That, right there, is what it means to be a Fearless Feeder.


🤰Birth Day🤰This is me, on my due date, a few centimetres, but no action. As a planner, and with a toddler at home, I was desperate to know when this baby was coming, but I kept waiting (not so patiently). Frequent monitoring, spicy food, breast stimulation, ‘doing the thing that put the baby there’ per my grandmother’s suggestion, and a million stretch and sweeps… and nothing. This baby was coming in their own time and I was uncharacteristically ok with it. Baby arrived, 12 days later in a fast and furious morning and I was back in my own bed that night. Perfect.

On this eve of my 37th (sweet Jesus, yes, 37) birthday, I’m thinking about my Birth Days. I changed, in ways I didn’t know I could, with each babe, and if that isn’t a gift, I don’t know what is. Happy (almost!) Birthday to me! And all you geminis out there, keep it real you spicy little tamales! Love ya!


🤰Happy Mother’s Day 🤰To those who’s bodies grew and shrank, to those who are praying for their own pink lines on test, to those who are grieving, to those who are so tired they couldn’t possibly do it all again tomorrow, to those who did it and can’t believe it’s gone so fast. I see you. I thank you for being here. I thank you do inviting me in to support you on your journey. It’s a wild ride, but it’s better when you’ve got good company.


🌈Gratuitous Selfie Celebration 🌈 As many of you know, I’ve been getting clinical hours at a Breastfeeding clinic in Waterdown as a qualification to sit the IBCLC exam. Here I am, 500 HOURS later, feeling so EFFING proud of myself for getting this far! I talked myself out of trying for a long time, because I wasn’t a nurse I said. Because I couldn’t do the course work, I said. Well, I did it. And now, all that’s left is studying (and passing) my Board exam in September and then HELLO WORLD, I’m Britt Holton IBCLC.

This is your gentle reminder or aggressive shove, you choose, to take the first step to doing that scary thing. After a few steps, it’s not so scary after all! I wouldn’t be living up to my Feed Fearlessly roots if I didn’t share this with the world… all while in a bikini no less.

Photos from Lark & Lux's post 21/04/2023

💪 Pump it 💪 Most people, myself included, have a love/hate relationship with their breast pump, so why do we do it? Obviously, if your baby isn’t latching or isn’t cleared to feed at the breast, pumping is required to maintain your supply. In other instances, pumping is needed to protect and promote milk supply, in the absence of adequate sucking skills in the babe. And other times, mama might just want a little insurance policy in case she needs a night out or a night in without feeding. Pumping has its own learning curve different from direct breastfeeding, so having guidance on how, when, and which tools to use is important if pumping is part of your journey. I can help you- and I promise, I won’t wear my pumping bra.


🥸 Feeding In Public🥸 In the early days, it can feel like you need to be fully nudie to get baby latched, but I promise it won’t always be like that! Having clothing that is easy to get the girls out of is KEY! In fact, that’s how I got started in this world, making cute nursing dresses!

You don’t need anything fancy, though I fully love a dress. Two shirts, one pulled up and one pulled down, one shirt with buttons, or a low neck tank and cardigan combo is a great uniform. If you want more variety, you can find some amazing t-shirts or sweaters that are designed for quick ta-ta access. Check out my pal Angela for more options!

If you’re nervous about feeling exposed in public, my favourite way to practise is in front of a mirror. That way, you can see what they see, and more often than not, there isn’t much to see at all!


🤸‍♂️Gym-nurstics🤸‍♂️ In the beginning we work hard to get feeding off to a strong start for you and babe. You need to feel confident that your body is doing it’s part, you need to feel comfortable and pain free, and you need to learn the signs of when to worry. Babe needs to learn how to use their reflexes to transfer that milk, and we work together to support them- activating some reflexes and toning down others. But then… after all that hard work you both get the hang of it and suddenly you’re just hanging out, upside down, having a snack. While this wouldn’t be a go-to position for us at 18 months, it worked, for that moment and allowed the little guy a new perspective on life 🤣


🥰Sharing is caring🥰 When starting to include table foods in your babes diet, it’s important to look at more than their birthday. Is your little one sitting up, unsupported? They need to sit with good head control for safe swallowing. Can your little one pick up and bring items to their mouth? Does your babe push food out or readily allow food into their oral space? If not, they’re still protecting their airway with the tongue thrust reflex, they’re not ready! Is your little one interested in eating? Do they watch you eating and lick their lips, screech for sharing, or try to grab your food? Making meal time a family affair is equally important to the nutrition of mealtimes. Babe will watch you eat and drink, they’re exposed to family conversation, and they learn table manners (not sure where she picked up feeding the dog from the table, probably the husband!). Eating is pleasure! Eating is fun! Eating is being together! While it won’t be possible to share every meal as a sit down affair, try to make this part of your family rhythm, I promise, it will be worth it!


👍Feeding Beyond Infancy is 👍As you baby grows into a toddler that is eating plenty of table foods (and some floor foods!) your milk adjusts to provide the same nutrients in a concentrated form, similar to the early colostrum! Toddlers come to the breast for reasons beyond nutrition, they’re sad, hurt, want to snuggle between running around, need some support going to sleep, anything at all! Perhaps most important for your toddler, is the continued exposure to antibodies to help them get well in times of illness- daycare, preschool, music classes, playgroup, germ town! In someways, feeding your toddler at the chest is more of a parenting tool than a nutrition opportunity. Let’s not forget about you mama, every year of breastfeeding is shown to have benefits for you too- reducing risk of osteoporosis, diabetes, some types of cancer. So go on, feed that toddler, and savour the snuggles when you can get them!


👯‍♀️We Are Stronger Together 👯‍♀️ Parenting isn’t meant to be a individual sport, but it can often feel like *everything* is falling on your shoulders. Finding your people, your supporters, and yourself is key in getting through these sometimes challenging years! Myself, I feel honoured to help women learn and refine how to feed and comfort their babies from their body. I think of the women that led me here and supported me in this journey and I’m reminded why I work so hard! Tag your mom BFF or biggest cheerleader below 👇


🎉HAPPY IBCLC DAY🎉 I am so lucky to work with so many talented, skilled, and compassionate IBCLCs in my training. .corrie .wellness .lactation .lc .llama.lactation


👩🏼New mom, new baby, new skill👩🏼 Did you feel like you needed extra arms and hands to manoeuvre into breastfeeding? Here I am, two hours post delivery, trying to figure this out, based kind of only on the one chapter I looked at in our prenatal book and a vague idea of how it was supposed to look. Put baby to breast, holding the back of the head must be helpful right? NO. Put ni**le in mouth for them, so I’ll squeeze it and line her mouth up, super helpful. NOT. There is so much that I would tell this version of me, but mostly, I’d tell her to do less, your baby is capable. If you’ve been my client, or just consumed my content, what is one tip for latching and positioning you’d tell circa 2016 Britt? Tell me in the comments below 👇


🌞Vitamin D🌞 Human milk is full of amazing things, but one thing it doesn’t have enough of is Vitamin D… and that’s because most lactating people are deficient in vitamin D! Vitamin D is crucial in the development skeletal and immune systems. The typical recommendation is to supplement baby with 400IU of vitamin D at the breast. However, there is another camp that believe supplementing the mother with 6400IU of Vitamin D will allow her milk to contain adequate levels without further supplementation to the infant. Other ways to get ample vitamin D is to get outside with lots of skin showing, for a quick non-SPF sun bath (ideally in the morning or afternoon when the UV rays aren’t as strong… mama doesn’t need more wrinkles😉) A wise woman .nd told me vitamin D is best absorbed through the tummy and upper thighs, so give ‘em a show and get that D!


👋 And that’s a wrap 2022!👋 It’s been a HUGE year for me professionally as I’ve knocked out my pre-requisites, gained 350 hours towards my 500 hours of supervised practice in preparation for my IBCLC exam! And most importantly, so many of you have trusted me to come into your homes and help you on your feeding journeys- from prenatal preparation, navigating challenges, or weaning at the end, it’s a privilege to support you at this stage of life. Here’s to more of everything in 2023. See you then 🤙


👵🏻Introducing Aunt Mabel 👵🏻She’s a bulldog in lipstick (light pink, same shade she’s worn since her wedding day). While she looks sweet on the outside, she can be anything but with her words and opinions. Not only does she still hold a grudge that Shirley McIcklestien won the church fudge bake-off in 1984, she suspects her neighbour Denise is poisoning her roses and sabotaging her chances for a garden award. She loves a turtleneck and cardigan combo, has a collection of porcelain kittens, and has gone undefeated in Mah Jong for 8 months and counting. But guess what, her comments are NOT OKAY this holiday season Fearless Feeders. I’ll be here all next week sharing some naughty and nice responses to the Aunt Mabel in your life. Choose wisely.



🎄Worried about the Holidays?🎄It can be stressful, thinking about all the commitments outside of the home, the change in routine and schedule for your little ones (and yourself!), and even dealing with family members and their opinions. Be sure to follow along for the month of December as I bring you all the holiday content you need. And until then, pack this same energy, and tell those Aunty Mabel types where to go!


☃️Winter is coming☃️ It’s coming, so let’s try to enjoy it! Baby wearing in the winter is so magical- and way easier than pushing a stroller through the drifts. If you have a coat that accommodates you AND babe inside, that’s ideal. Dress your baby in one more layer than yourself (an extra sweater is perfect) and remember to monitor their temp. Keep their airways free, head high enough to kiss, and if they’re old enough, enjoy the front row seat to their wonderment and the snowflakes!

Videos (show all)

😴 The Nip Nap 😴 AKA Breastsleeping. AKA biologically normal infant and toddler behaviour. AKA NOT A BAD HABIT. If you’ve...
🤓Nerd Core🤓 Learning is my favorite- all parts of it, from the highlighters to the lectures. But y’all, it’s hard AF to ...