Reyshen Reyan Reuban

Reyshen Reyan Reuban

I've experienced and learnt a lesson of life which I can share in this platform:-
H S Swadhin Kr Pal


Leave them if you feel that they are not by your side for giving a little space in their life.


Be with the person who at least understands your situations when everyone moves away from you.


Never vaunt on the things which are not pertinent to your life to demean you from opulence.


When you think of someone in your life, something may be anything of the person and that may be nothing in that person.


Feeling lonely is not the final option but feeling content of oneself is what relates to companionship.


Heart might make a wrong choice but mind is what makes a better choice.


Don't be in a hurry to make things happen abruptly. When time is given for anything that has a concealed knack.


Believe when you are sure of what really is in your belief. A belief is an experience, likeness, mutual and unreasonable understanding.


Someone may have a choice but that choice may not directly come from the other.


Life is like a tornado. If you want to survive from it then you need to square up to your ways of living.


Don't wish for something which will be like a dream but if anyone puts in effort incessantly, it means that merely that person is very close to it.


A person can desire to have many things in life but it takes time in uncertainty to get by chance.


Clenching teeth together ties an anger till that's shown on someone.


One has to see a good heart of a person more than appearance.


Your palm with jammy lines are the gifts for a life that's erratic and indecipherable for some.


Never make someone your prime concern, one who ignores even after knowing your precedence for that person.


You don't need to impress anyone with your words and actions because everything will be an effect of attraction with a slight impression.


If someone occludes you from one's life to stop you showing empathy and sympathy, it's better to turn your way out.


It doesn't take time to ruin someone's life but it takes years to get prestige in life for life time.


Trust someone until you know that someone trusts you even more than you.


A belief is sometimes a delusion. We believe in someone but that person becomes cagey duper.


The world is full of illusions because the people are in hallucinations. They sometimes make hornswoggle but be real with your emotions.


Experience is another alternate morale of an orderly chance of life to improvise the skills with confidence.


You can run after your career and your desires will have the race with your success.


Time and words are never to be avouched if something is uncertain to fill a gap.


Whatever anyone feels must be expressed in confidence, never mind however will it be a response.


Not everyone will be a choice of your life even if anything is of your choice don't let it go unchosen and unpicked.


A badmouth cannot think of oneself while reviling someone because it gives pleasure for that person, where a shrewd also can truly be a victim.


There are people who traduce your works but you never try to smite them in anger because they will get a meme of blasphemy.


Where there's no response, try until you feel that the time is sure and perfect to divert your mind only for selflessness but not for selfishness.


Mistakes can teach you to improve the emendations because blunders are the ways to learn something new without a lapse memory.


No one can clasp the innate qualities of the person but anyone can possess it by the character and good conduct.


A temporary struggle can give you an invincible glee that is really susceptible to being explored by all.


If someone hungers for a career, it takes time to teach a valid lesson with a solid experience.


Giving space in the heart for someone means that the person subsequently looks right on the inveterate life.


Don't question your brain for blame, you need to know that your heart can clear the blame from your brain.


A healthy heart will keep a healthy relationship. It doesn't look for anyone's background because it happens in the heart.


Tear apart your misdeeds, we need to acquire the qualities that can annex our stable relationship with everyone.


Don't manipulate over your misconduct that will manifest your character for your whole life.


Never impress anyone with what you have but try to win someone's heart by being how you are in life.
