Sunlife: St. Lawrence Team- Almond NBO

Sunlife: St. Lawrence Team- Almond NBO

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25 tips to get you started with life insurance

Factors that are smart to consider

18. Ask about premium structure options
Stepped premiums are premiums that increase as you grow older. Level premiums remain the same until you reach the end of your term. For level premiums, the initial payments start low but they gradually increase each year until the end of the term. For stepped premiums, while your premiums start higher, as you near the end of the term, the cost decreases.

Choosing a premium structure, stepped or level, will depend on your financial situation.

19. Know that premiums are variable
Itโ€™s not a fixed template for everyone. Older people, smokers, and those who have a high-risk job pay a higher premium. There are several factors that determine the cost of life insurance but a general rule is you will pay less the younger and healthier you are.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisors Mr. Mark Salva for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


25 tips to get you started with life insurance
Factors that are smart to consider

16. Think of the amount you can comfortably shell out
Consider your income. There is no point hitting an exorbitant coverage if paying for high premiums will not be sustainable in the long run.

17. Opt for a comprehensive coverage
You can protect yourself against a range of risks by getting a comprehensive life insurance policy that can give you hospitalization and disability benefits, when you pair it with the right rider for you.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisors Mr. Christian Sarmiento for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


25 tips to get you started with life insurance
The versatility of life insurance

14. You can use it for your โ€œfinal expensesโ€
Letโ€™s face it, funerals can be pricey. A life insurance policy can make sure that your final expenses are paid for so the people you leave behind will not have to worry about money at an already stressful moment.

15. It can pay for estate tax
Before we leave the world, we want to make sure that our assets are transferred to our rightful heirs. For this to happen, our heirs will need to pay for estate tax so they could gain the right to your assets. Your insurance policy can be used to pay for estate tax to make sure that your heirs will not get hit with a big tax bill.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisors Ms. Katrina Centeno for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


25 tips to get you started with life insurance
The versatility of life insurance

12. You can use it for your retirement
Your life insurance can be used to supplement your retirement. In fact, we have different life insurance products for peopleโ€™s retirement needs. See them here.

13. It can protect your business
If you own a business, life insurance can cover your financial obligations so your hard work doesnโ€™t go to waste in case things go awry. If the nature of business is of partnership, then both parties should have coverage. That way, if one of you passes away, the other isnโ€™t left with a heavy financial burden.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisors Ms. Ma. Regina Francisco for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


25 tips to get you started with life insurance

The versatility of life insurance

10. You can use it to pay off debts
Your policy can be used to pay off any debts that you leave behind so that these debts would not be a financial burden to your family.

11. You can use it to provide for your loved ones
Life insurance can ensure that your family will still have money for their needs like food and tuition even if something happens to you.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisors Ms. Ma. Regina Francisco for securing two lives today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


25 tips to get you started with life insurance

The versatility of life insurance

8. Think of it as saving, not as spending
Instead of seeing the act of paying premiums as an expense, why not interpret it as a means to save for a future fund? After all, a whole life insurance allows you to build up cash value over time that you can also tap any time.

9. It makes your money inflation-proof
The value of money today will not be the same years forward. Remember when the minimum jeepney fare only costs โ‚ฑ5? Now, you wonโ€™t get anywhere with that amount. That, folks, is inflation. The beauty of insurance policies is they have a feature in which the value of benefits increases to keep up with inflation.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisors Mr. Christian Sarmiento for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


25 tips to get you started with life insurance

Hacks to spend less on premiums

7. The earlier, the better
Technically, responsibilities and spending grow to a higher amount as time goes so it makes sense to choose the present when expenses are likely to be less heavy. Can you imagine the day when you have to pay for diapers, tuition, and a mortgage? Adulting happens and it entails money so get yourself coverage as early as you can. The important thing is not to postpone.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisors Ms. Jas Adra-Hojilla and Jasper Gonzales for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


25 tips to get you started with life insurance

Hacks to spend less on premiums

6. Change your lifestyle
One of the factors that could affect the cost of your premiums are health and lifestyle. For example, smokers pay higher premiums because smoking makes them more prone to health risks than non-smokers.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisors Ms. Jas Adra-Hojilla and Jasper Gonzales for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


25 tips to get you started with life insurance

Hacks to spend less on premiums

5. Get it while youโ€™re young

You might be asking why you would spend on life insurance when you are far from needing it because youโ€™re young. Well, this is because age is one of the factors in determining the price of premiums, because the older you are, the more expensive it gets.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Ms. Riza Beredo-Macatangay for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family.


25 tips to get you started with life insurance

Why you should get life insurance

3. It protects your money
Since we all have the intention to grow our money, it should also come naturally for us to think that the money we worked for should be protected from getting lost as well.

4. Because health is wealth
Spending on your health, once it gets really bad, can drain the wealth you worked hard for. Having life insurance can help you cover hospitalization costs, and with the right riders, can also give accident & disability benefits.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Ms. Regina Francisco for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


25 tips to get you started with life insurance

Why you should get life insurance

1. It protects your income
Life insurance is important, especially if you are the breadwinner. If something were to happen to you, this will serve as a means to provide income to the people you left.

2. It gives peace of mind
Having life insurance can give you peace of mind knowing that the people who matter to you are financially protected, as long as you put them as your policyโ€™s beneficiaries.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Ms. Chinkee Rios for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


8 good spending habits to keep you away from financial distractions

8. Monitor your progress.

Youโ€™ll appreciate your efforts to stick with your financial goals better if you will monitor how you are doing and how near or far you are from your goals. Have you paid the debts that you planned to get rid of? Is the money that you want to use for traveling or buying a property almost complete? Keep track of your progress. The results of what you do will keep you motivated and even inspire you to ramp up your efforts.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Ms. Chinkee Rios for securing two lives today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


8 good spending habits to keep you away from financial distractions

7. Allocate funds to insurance and investments.

Investment and life insurance are two things you should consider to help secure your financial goals. One of the top reasons to consider the two is their role in keeping you and your loved ones secured and assured of a bright future. No matter what uncertainties may arise, you can make your money work for you smartly. Aside from having the funds you need for emergencies, you can also potentially enjoy higher gains from your investments.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Ms. Katrina Calderon-Centeno for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


"Dedicate yourself to what gives your life true meaning and purpose; make a positive difference in someoneโ€™s life."
Roy T. Bennett

Drive can be defined as a way to get from A to B. But for you, it means hard work and dedication. Your constant drive to want to do better and be better has paid off. Going above and beyond what is required of you can sometimes seem like a thankless task. But this time your hard work was acknowledged, and this promotion proves it. Your strong work ethic is what got you here.

Congratulations to our newly promoted Unit Manager, Ms. Darlene Gonzales.


8 good spending habits to keep you away from financial distractions

6. Use unexpected earnings wisely.

Use additional income from salary raises, bonuses, and side hustles as an opportunity to save. The initial amount you planned to save should grow as you earn more money. If your salary is higher now, your savings allocation should also increase. But remember, itโ€™s not wrong to enjoy your extra earnings, so you may choose to allocate a certain amount to your savings goals and the remaining part for your personal use.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Mr. Christian Sarmiento for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


8 good spending habits to keep you away from financial distractions

5. Understand your needs and wants.

Be clear in identifying what your needs and wants are. Understand the differences between the two so you can assess your priorities and focus more on what really matters. One way to do this is by creating and sticking to a budget. This will help you establish financial discipline so you will have enough money to spend on your needs and prevent unnecessary expenses at the same time.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Ms. Regina Francisco for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


Our Unit Manager, Ms. Lobelle Gonzales is EMPOWERED.

Be empowered to do what you want. Be free to be what you want. Because YOU CAN, YOU SHOULD, and If you are Brave enough to start, YOU WILL!


8 good spending habits to keep you away from financial distractions

4. Pay your bills on time.

Consider your bills as obligations that you need to settle before they go past their due dates. If not, the fees and penalty charges that they may incur will derail you from your financial goals. Pay your bills on time to keep your financial life in control. This will also keep you from paying unnecessary charges and using money that you could have allocated to your savings.

Congratulations to the Unit Manager of St. Gabriel the Archangel, Ms. Darlene Gonzales for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


8 good spending habits to keep you away from financial distractions

3. Plan your shopping trips.

Make it a habit to plan out your shopping trips. Heading to the store now and then for a few items may make it difficult for you to control your spending. Make a list of the essentials to buy and identify how much you could spend on shopping for a certain period. This will help you stay in control of your expenses, avoid impulse buys, and prevent purchases that you donโ€™t really need.

Congratulations to our very own Unit Manager, Ms. Lobelle Gonzales for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


8 good spending habits to keep you away from financial distractions

2. Keep track of your accounts and credit card spending.

Make sure that you are aware of your account balances. The accounts you maintain may impact your financial status, especially if you wonโ€™t do balance checks from time to time. Keep in mind that there are balances that you need to maintain to prevent charges.

When issuing cheques, make sure that your account will be adequately funded to avoid bounced cheques. Aside from preventing penalties, this will also help you maintain an excellent financial record which youโ€™ll find helpful when applying for loans. You also need to monitor your credit card spending to avoid high-interest rates due to unpaid balances. Make sure that the amount youโ€™ll spend will not be more than your actual earnings.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Ms. Regina Francisco for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


8 good spending habits to keep you away from financial distractions

1. Automate your savings.

Is saving money a challenge? Simplify it by setting up automatic transfers to your personal savings account. Pay yourself first ensure that a part of your income will go into your savings or emergency fund.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Mr. Mark Salva for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


Step 7 and last step towards Financial Independence:
Get insured early.

Life insurance will serve as a security blanket that will keep savings intact even when life's surprises happen. Doing it early will ensure maximum benefits from the plan. It will help protect current savings and impact your capacity to save in the future.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Ms. Riza Beredo-Macatangay for securing two lives today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


Step 6 towards Financial Independence:
Set up an emergency fund.

It is essential to set aside at least 6-month's worth of emergency funds to keep you afloat when uncertainties strike. Without an emergency fund, a financial breakdown may quickly happen when unexpected expenses in the future arise.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Ms. Chinkee Rios for securing two lives today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


Step 5 towards Financial Independence:
Increase sources of income.

Not having enough money to support essential needs could lead to problems. People whose incomes are insufficient should consider having multiple sources of income. This will spare them from financial turmoil brought by job loss, avoid debts, and get the resources to save more money.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Ms. Jasmin Hojilla for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


Step 4 towards Financial Independence:
Set realistic goals.

Small and short-term goals are more attainable, making the journey towards financial freedom less difficult. Goals like avoiding the usual non-essential expenses, such as buying coffee or ordering food rather than cooking at home, are simple cuts that are realistic and can deliver great results.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Ms. Jasmin Hojilla for securing two lives today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


The accomplishments or lives saved by the advisors of St. Lawrence team for the 1st half of the year...
June 2022


The accomplishments or lives saved by the advisors of St. Lawrence team for the 1st half of the year...
May 2022


The accomplishments or lives saved by the advisors of St. Lawrence team for the 1st half of the year...
April 2022


The accomplishments or lives saved by the advisors of St. Lawrence team for the 1st half of the year...

March 2022


The accomplishments or lives saved by the advisors of St. Lawrence team for the 1st half of the year...

February 2022


The accomplishments or lives saved by the advisors of St. Lawrence team for the 1st half of the year...

January 2022


Let me introduce the people behind the very fun and loving environment of St. Lawrence Team of Almond NBO.


Step 3 towards Financial Independence:
Learn how to budget.
For some people, budgeting is difficult. But with the right budgeting method, this can be done with ease. The most common types of methods include:

>50/30/20 budgeting method - For this type, income is divided into three different categories wherein 50% goes to essentials, 30% to personal expenses, and 20% to savings.
>Zero-sum budgeting method - This method encourages one to spend all income to achieve a zero-sum budget. This means that full income will be appropriately allocated, and none will be used on unplanned expenses.
>Envelope budgeting method - This method uses envelopes to promote awareness. It allows one to see how much money is still available, the same way it helps one to be aware when all has been exhausted.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Ms. Regina Francisco for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


Step 2 towards Financial Independence:
Spend less than actual earnings.

Aside from knowing where money is spent, one should also learn how to live within his/her means. It will reduce money-related stress, open opportunities for savings, and slowly move closer to financial independence.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Mr. Christian Sarmiento for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


Step 1 towards Financial Independence:
Be mindful of how money is spent.

It is important to determine needs and wants to identify essential from non-essential expenses. This will help one to keep track of his/her spending, avoid living from paycheck to paycheck, and stay away from debts.

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Mr. Mark Salva for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


"A goal without a plan is just a wish" -Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Mr. Christian Sarmiento for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


Congratulations to our SLT Advisor Ms. Chinkee Rios for securing one life today!

Plan Ahead. Be Secured. Protect your Family. ๐Ÿ’›


We at Sun Life Financial- St. Lawrence Team of Almond Branch is ready to be a part of your life. Be your partner for life.

For inquiries about life insurances, investments and other financial-related concerns or even how to join our team, you may message us thru FB messenger.

Thank you.

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Our Unit Manager, Ms. Lobelle Gonzales is EMPOWERED.Be empowered to do what you want. Be free to be what you want. Becau...
