Rachel Brooks

Rachel Brooks

🌱I seek those who also want to shine and help them find their light to



Photos from Rachel Brooks's post 02/11/2021


Stay with me for a second. I know this can be confronting to what you may believe.

See, when we have the problem-solving mentality (and most of us do), we are focusing on fixing a problem. Therefore, you are focusing on the problem. Where your attention goes, energy flows.

Most activists are against something:
against child poverty
against the causes of climate change
against racism
against (insert here)

But then your focused on what your against. It’s in the very messaging activists use to generate awareness.

An example that you may be familiar with for yourself is:

If you don’t have boatloads of money, but want boatloads of money, you can’t focus on your problem of “not enough money.” Believe me, I’ve tried. It doesn’t work. You have to focus on what your life would be like if you were to have boatloads of money already. What does that look like? What does that feel like? Notice the end result isn’t about the money itself. It’s about the experience of of feeling safe, supported, free, to do and buy as you please, supportive to others, etc.

I want to tell you about a girl who saw a problem and instead of doing activities to bring awareness to the problem, she chose the end result she wanted to create. Then she raised awareness and money for that creation. Her name is Janeece and she had an illness that caused her to be in the hospital for long periods of time. There was no place in or near the hospital for her family to stay while she was there. So she decided that a place needed to be built. So she did a penny drive (back when pennies were still a thing) and raised enough money to build a large house for multiple families to be able to stay in while their children were in the hospital. Instead of focusing on the problem, she focused on what she needed to create to make her and her families life better.

This is what we help you find in Find it. Feel it. Free it. There is no magical fix, or “proven” solution that we’ve come up with that only works for us. We guide you through a process that takes you within and finds the end results YOU actually want. Join us November 21 @ 1 PM PST. Link in bio



The saying goes “comparison is the thief of joy.”

When you are continuously comparing yourself to others and finding yourself lacking, the message being sent to your unconscious is “I don’t like who I am.”

This is because when you’re looking outside of yourself you aren’t being who you actually are. You have to look inside to find the real you.

Comparison is looking to others to see if you’re good enough. But since it’s outside of you, you can never know if what you’re perceiving is actually true.

If you’re comparing your house to a perfect feed on Instagram you have no idea what happens outside of the pictures and videos.

Or if you’re comparing your body to someone who’s really fit you don’t necessarily see all the hard work or the exact diet and conditions that have occurred to make that particular body type happen.

We look to others to confirm what we think we know about ourselves when there are as many correct houses or perfect body types as there are people (not what our society tells us).

That’s why you looking outside yourself is never going to bring you happiness or satisfaction. You’re looking at what’s perfect (potentially) for that person, not you.

Only YOU can see what’s good and right for you. And you have to look inside to do that. To listen to your body. Listen to YOUR intuition.

When you do that, you tell your unconscious you know who you are. And then you know who you are.


The warrior is in you hidden down in your depths…look behind your should’s and cannot’s.

You are refusing to see her because you are afraid fo what she’ll unleash. The time is upon us. Your warrior is asking to be released or forever shackled. Returned to her former glory or forever forgotten.

Your warrior is your boundary setter. Your no-sayer. Your put-your-foot-downer. She is all of you who knows exactly who she is and doesn’t let anyone say otherwise.

Who are you?
Who do you want to be?

Do you hear your warriors’ fierce cry echoing throughout your body?
Do you hear her calling for you to step into who you came here to be?

Does that include allowing social media and our society to tell you that there is only one way to be beautiful?
Does that include society telling you you don’t know how to mother your children (or to even BE a mother)?
Does that mean giving your sovereignty away every time your boundary is crossed and you do nothing?

Who did you come here to be?

Let your warrior out. Let her be free. Let you be free.

You came here to stand for what you believe to be right. Decide what that is and stand for it.
You came here to defend those who cannot defend themselves. Decide who that is for you and defend them at all costs.
You came here to make your voice heard either directly or through your actions. Decide what your purpose is and follow through. Follow through. Follow through.

This is how you create the life you came here to create.

Decide. Commit. Follow through.

Don’t know how? Find someone who does. Someone who can show you how to find what’s right for you. You’re not meant to do it alone. Talk to a friend. Hire a coach. Hire a counsellor.

This is how we change the world. By becoming—by remembering—who we came here to be.

Photos from Rachel Brooks's post 14/09/2021

Reiki is so much more then just energy work.

It is healing
It is rejuvenating
It is a stress reducer
It is an immune enhancer
It increases the flow of Love in your field

Love is such a potent energy. When you live life from a place of love, you see the changes in your life immediately.

The things that normally get you down, can’t quite reach you the same.
Your patience is increased and you have more energy to draw from.

So Reiki is definitely more then just energy work.

And it’s more then the hour I spend with you. It’s also the preparing as I tap into the energy of being in the highest service to you and all. It’s in the follow up as I write up all the information I received during the session so you have it to refer back to at any point.

If you want to book a Reiki session with me, click here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=BDAA3TJWNMJVS

Much love.

Photos from Rachel Brooks's post 01/01/2021

As we ring out 2020, let's all take a deep breath and think about what 2021 is going to hold. What are your goals and dreams? What do you want to accomplish?

In support of this, I am offering a 3-day Guilt-Free Self-Care Challenge for the mom on the go.

3 days of short videos talking about myths of self-care, including:

"I don't have time for self-care"
"Self-care is only baths and spa days"
"Self-care is selfish"

3 days of homework that can take as little as 5-10 minutes, but can also be done longer.

Let me help you discover how to take care of yourself again because when you, the mom, is happy, the rest of your family is happy. The rest of the people in your life are happy. And I imagine that with the past year, your self-care has slipped to the back of your mind if it wasn't already there.

If your ready to start taking the time for yourself that you not only deserve but REQUIRE, then join me in my Facebook group Mama’s Soulbliss on January 10. (Link in bio)

Let's make 2021 the year when moms are remembered. And well taken care of. It starts with you. Are you ready?


I help you go from stuck to moving in your business and your life. Really anywhere that you want to change but don’t have the motivation or don’t think you know how to do it.

I’m a no nonsense kinda gal and I’ll tell it to you straight. So if you don’t like being called on your bu****it or seeing to the depths of your Truth, you won’t want to work with me.

I can guarantee it will get uncomfortable. Getting through the shadows to the truth is fu***ng uncomfortable. But being liberated by the truth is like no other freedom out there. It truly is an indescribable feeling and soooo worth the short period of being uncomfortable.

I know it’s hard to leave the safety of the sameness of your life.

I know it’s fu***ng so hard to make your dreams a reality.

Until you decide on you it’s going to stay hard, but comfortable.

And I’m not going to sugar coat it and say it gets easier. If anything, it gets trickier, but the struggle is gone.

You’re happier. You know why?

Because you’re living your authentic life, being your authentic self. Unafraid of what the world thinks of you. Knowing your values and standing up for them no matter what. No matter what!!

That’s when you find inner peace and true fu***ng freedom.





Today I was having an angry day. Mad at my husband for not listening to me, not seeing me. Upset with things not being put back the way I put them back and when I go to use them I have to fix things first. I got to thinking where can I see and hear myself more and see and hear my husband more.

And my next thought was I don’t have the capacity. I’m feeling tapped out taking care of my daughter, still nursing her, her still getting up in the night etc. etc.

So then I asked myself if I need more capacity, what do I do to get that? And the answer was immediate and the same as it always is when I am frustrated or confused. It always comes back to taking care of myself first. Whenever I haven’t done enough self-care is when I start to get angry. I start to get frustrated, and I start to lose capacity to live my life the way I wanna live it.

So it comes down to building your capacity and building your capacity is done by taking care of yourself first. Always.

It’s not selfish, as you can see. It’s not selfish of you to want to build your capacity so that you can take care of your family. It’s not selfish to want to build your capacity so that you can live your life. It’s not selfish to take care of your goddamn self so that you feel good every fu***ng day.

It’s not fu***ng selfish.

So stop listening to the world that tells you it is. Stop listening to your head that tells you it is because of societal conditioning. Stop telling yourself it is because it’s a goddamn lie.

The world needs us healthy. The world needs us happy. The world needs us sane.

So it’s not fu***ng selfish to take care of yourself first. Period.


For so long I searched to find who I am, who I was and who I am meant to be.

Because that’s what this world teaches us: put yourself in a describable box that you can write about in 1-2 sentences

But I am (and you are) so much more then that. And, at the same time, less.

We are who we say we are. And we aren’t.

We are the universe in one and one in the universe.

So to shrink ourselves to fit into 1-2 sentences does us all a disservice.

I don’t have to be organized. Or I can.
I don’t have to be a tidy person. Or I can.
I don’t have to be a coach. Or I can.
I don’t have to market any 1 way. Or I can.
I don’t have to be a super mom. Or I can.
I don’t have to be ____________. Or I can.

I choose to be my 1-2 sentences and so much more. Or less.

I can identify with all the things and nothing. I don’t have to only choose one thing or choose anything. And neither do you.

So be you. In all your glory or none of it. And know that it is all okay.

It is okay—it is safe—to be yourself.

P.S. Come rock out with me in Return to Bliss: A workshop to return you to your bliss. To return you to your worth. Walk with me and remember WHO YOU ARE. Info in comments

Photos from Rachel Brooks's post 23/09/2020

The little things are just as important to celebrate as the big things.

You may never even have one big thing that contributes to your success.

In that case all you have to celebrate are the little things. So do it! 😀

You’re worth the time and effort to celebrate. ❤️

Photos from Rachel Brooks's post 01/09/2020

I am so blown away by my experience after this past weekend taking the Usui/Holy Fire III Level 1 and 2 Practitioner course with . Her energy is so amazing, and her capability for holding space and channeling spirit for all of us was truly breathtaking. The sisters who did this course with me were also brilliant souls.

The experiences and attunement processes were incredibly intense, and I released and shed so much that was no longer serving me. Past life experiences were brought up and released. I was able to really lean into my fears and surrender them to my higher help. Releasing these fears was such a huge step in my healing process and ability to move forward.

I am in awe of the Reiki energy and all of the things that it can do. It really is limitless.

It can...
Remove blockages
Assist in healing physical ailments and illness
Raise your vibration
Be incredibly relaxing
Reduce pain
Help with anxiety
and much more
(Disclaimer: it is not considered a cure, and I’ll always refer to a medical practitioner if needed)

You can benefit from one or multiple sessions. It’s is entirely up to you.

I have always known that I have healing capabilities and now to have activated the physical aspect of this within my body is a dream come true.

I am offering Reiki as a part of my group coaching program, Powerless to Soulbliss in the form of group healing sessions as well as one on one sessions with each soul client.

I am also offering 1:1 Reiki sessions.
30 minutes @ $77
60 minutes @ $123
Bundle 3 x 60 minute sessions @ $333

All links are in the comments and you can DM me or book a love call for more info!

I am truly honored to serve the collective by doing this soul work and am grateful to have been placed on this path. I look forward to connecting with each one of you.

Timeline photos 20/08/2020

which way
sounds more

letting go
hustling hard
taking no rest
which way
sounds more

going in
trusting you
looking to others
doubting yourself
which way
sounds more

to the Divine
that is You


Have you ever felt like you’ve had your power taken away from you?

Maybe it’s a manipulative person in your life.

Or little comments people make about your style of parenting.

Or maybe you compare yourself to other moms and women.

I’ve been there. In fact I catch myself doing it all the time. I have to remind myself that there’s room for everyone and me being jealous of someone is only going to ruin my day, not theirs.

So what can you do?

How can you stop the comparing and the jealousy that make you feel out of control of your emotions?

How can you protect your energy from someone trying to manipulate you and say ABSOLUTELY NOT to whatever they’re trying to manipulate you to do?

How can you take your power back and be the one in control, unaffected by what others think. Not worried about what other mom’s houses look like or if you’re feeding your kid right.


This is what I help moms with in Powerless to Soulbliss. I take them from feeling worried and scared to feeling empowered and in charge.

But the course IS a commitment.

If you’re looking to experience a taste of what I do, then come to my 𝑴𝒂𝒎𝒂’𝒔 𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝑪𝒊𝒓𝒄𝒍𝒆—𝑨𝒖𝒈𝒖𝒔𝒕 28—𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒑 𝑴𝒂𝒎𝒂’𝒔 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒔.

We’re going to start with a meditation to get grounded in our bodies. To relax and then go deep to find where you first gave your power away. And then you’re going to take it back by loving and forgiving your inner child.

Then we’ll move on to EFT where we tell your body what we want to release.

And then we’ll MOVE the body through ecstatic dance to let go.

Link is in bio. ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕘𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕞𝕖!

Timeline photos 16/08/2020

I see you. You who don’t feel like you’re seen. By your partner. By your best friend. By your sister or brother. By your mother or father. Maybe even by your therapist or coach.

It sucks. And it’s hard.

But I invite you to get curious. To ask yourself why you’re not being seen. To ask yourself why you’re not being heard.

How do you SEE yourself? How do you listen to yourself? To your body?

Do you nourish it? Do you honor its cycles? Do you give it rest? Do you allow it to move? Do you listen to your voice—in a recording or journal? In meditation, do you listen to your soul’s whispers?

You are seen by others how you see yourself.

So before you become bitter, become curious. Stay gentle. And SEE yourself for who you are.

Timeline photos 01/08/2020


When you are divided, you help the world stay divided. Accept yourself. Wholly.

That guilt you feel? That’s a valid feeling. Don’t be ashamed of feeling it. Observe it and find out the root cause of it. Don’t deny that part of you. You are human after all. Accept that you will have human feelings.

Don’t shy away from them OR get stuck in them, because they’ll get stuck in you. If you don’t let your emotions flow, they will become stuck energy in your body and literally cause you pain and to get sick.

That pain you feel? Could be some heart break you didn’t allow yourself to grieve.

That ache in your knee? Might be you stuffing down your dreams to please someone else.

What’s your body telling you? Listen to your pain. It’s there for a reason.

Accept yourself wholly. Don’t deny any aspect of yourself. You are Holy with all of your messy feelings and painful memories. Your imperfections do not detract from your divinity.

Accept yourself.

God, Creator, Mother God, Source, the Universe, Allah, Buddha, Sophia, your Higher Self...whoever or whatever your higher power is. She/He/We accept you. Wholly.

All. Of. You.

Timeline photos 25/06/2020

Anyone else done living in fear?

Are you tired of being fearful of whether or not you’re raising your children right?

Are you tired of being in fear of making sure you always have the right food for your kid? Or tired of being stressed when they don’t eat the “right” food?

Are you tired of being afraid of eating the right foods yourself?

Or tired of always trying to say the right thing? Or be the right person?

Are you tired of being afraid of getting it wrong?

I know I am. I’m done being afraid of pleasing other people. Because that’s what all these things really are. We’re scared we’ll do it wrong and be judged for it.

I say, who cares what other people think.

So I handed it all over to a higher power. It is not mine to carry.

I am done being afraid.

Are you ready to to stop being afraid? And step into your power where you do things even when you’re scared?

The Happy Way starts tomorrow. Are you joining us?? (Link in bio)

I’d also like to acknowledge Black, Indigenous and People of Color who face the fear of loss of life or someone they love losing theirs every day.
You are strong and resilient for showing up every day despite this. 🖤

Comment below what you would most like to let go of!

Timeline photos 24/06/2020

✨My Too-muchness✨

My too-muchness died
The day
I let her all in
I opened my heart wide
Both front,
back and

The day she came in
The too-muchness was gone
Instead in her place
What was there all along

Was my Just-rightness
And had been from the start
So let your too-muchness
right into your heart

And maybe, just maybe
You’ll find all along
That your just-rightness
Is actually your song

Photos from Rachel Brooks's post 02/06/2020

Timeline photos 02/06/2020

Boom. 🎤 💥

Timeline photos 02/06/2020

📸 Art by

When a black person
is murdered
Of course it hurts
It is a piece of your soul
being ripped away
When a black person
is murdered
Of course you should protest
It is His and Her right
To survive
To thrive
To be unafraid


I know my words, my posts and my actions are not enough.

But I am trying. I’m watching. I’m reading. I’m listening and I’m learning and unlearning.

I will use my privilege to stand up for what is important to me and black lives are important to me.

Timeline photos 29/05/2020

Oh, to experience the unbridled joy of a child!

They don’t care what people think of them, so they show their emotions fully and wholeheartedly.

They don’t have years of stress weighing down on them, so they enjoy the moment.

They don’t have years of conditioning telling them they are unworthy, unlovable, and broken, so they love themselves wholly.

How can we be more like the child?

How can we find our joy?

Photos from Rachel Brooks's post 03/05/2020

I was supposed to be having a big shindig at a cabin on the lake, but I’ll take what I can get.

I had an amazing birthday celebration over the past two days being in nature and social distancing with family.

Thanks to everyone who helped celebrate, even if it was from a distance! ❤️💖❤️💖


I invite you to join me at 1pm PST to talk about dealing with fear and how to move through it.

I’ll be going live in my group. Link is in the comments.


If anyone’s been wondering what it is I do...💃🏽🤓


You can’t manifest abundance without action. That would be like trying to lose weight without changing anything you’re doing. Diet and exercise.

The same is needed for your soul. Feed it good thoughts and practice good habits. Stay consistent with this and you’ll see massive change. ❤️🥰


“You can have excuses or you can have success. You can’t have both.”
-Jen Sincero


Another episode is up on the podcast. I've taken my interview with Melissa Jollymore and put it into podcast format. Because I'm all about repurposing content where I can. Hint: you should too!

We talk about how MLM is broken and how our FREE business school is helping to fix it; how business is changing; and Melissa's #1 daily activity that keeps her on track.

If you didn't catch the video, download this episode and listen anywhere.

Don't forget to share and subscribe (it's on iTunes too)!

Have a badass day!



Another episode is LIVE! Today I talk about overwhelm (in business and life) and how to manage it. I invite you to check it out!! Please share and subscribe if you like it 😃😘🙌



This is the chair.
The chair where I do A LOT of thinking.
The chair where I get so many ideas and inspiration.

But it used to be the chair where I was stuck.
The chair I was in a couple times a day and multiple times a night.
The chair I could do NOTHING in.

It’s the chair I nurse my daughter in.
For naps.
To put to bed.
Whenever she wakes up at night.

While I was slightly resentful of the chair, it wasn’t too bad until recently when my daughter decided that she no longer needed to let go of mommy when she was done nursing.

She wouldn’t DELATCH

Nothing I did would get her to let go short of manhandling her jaw open, which would result in her waking up.

I would be stuck in this chair feeling the need to GET OUT, but not being able to.

I would get SO frustrated, because I felt helpless.

I could do one of two things:

1. Stop nursing her.


2. Change the way I thought about the chair.

Since I’m all about working smarter, not harder, I chose 2.

And so, instead of resenting the fact that I HAD to sit there when I could be doing SO MANY other things…

Instead of getting mad at my little darling…

I could appreciate that I get to snuggle her for so long.

I could appreciate having the time to just be.

I could appreciate the fact that I have had so many great ideas (and some rather lacklustre ones) while sitting in the chair.

When you can’t change the situation (or don’t feel like you can), change the way you look at it.

Find what you CAN appreciate about it.

Look for what it IS doing for you, not what it is not doing for you.

Change your perspective to gratitude. It opens way more doors then anger.

Listen to how I did this on the latest episode of my podcast!


Are you winning right now? Do you want to win more? Tyler Frank Trichilo


What does time freedom look like for you? What are your goals to get there? Becky Amrein


No hype, just systems and REAL support = financial AND time freedom. Want to know how? Watch this 👇🏻👇🏻. Jodie Komar


Where are you getting your advice and is it any good? Tanya Jackson-Pekeski


I love my life.

Mobile uploads 02/09/2019

I would add to this:

Not enough money
Not enough time

What are you going to let go of?

Mobile uploads 02/09/2019

✔️Yes or yes?

👩‍🎓Anyone has the capacity to do this too, it’s just a matter of learning a new skill and being willing to put in the work.

📑The results? They speak for themselves.

🖥My friend, Kimberly Bottger, will tell you how she did it tonight!

Mobile uploads 02/09/2019

If you’re “too busy” for things then “they” have you right where they want you.

🤳🏻 Too busy to make positive changes
👪 Too busy to spend time with your family
💆🏻‍♀️ Too busy to take care of yourself
🚣🏻‍♀️ Too busy to have FUN

You’re stuck.

👨🏼‍🏫 Stuck in the 40 hour + work week
🕔 Stuck in a 9-5
🐀 Stuck in the freaking rat race.

And so you medicate...

🍻 With booze
📺 With TV
📱 With your phone

🙅🏻‍♀️Want out?

🌞🌞🌞Click that message button up there🌞🌞🌞

PS. If you read this and it made you uncomfortable, I’m talkin’ to you.❤️

Mobile uploads 02/09/2019

🔮I have big dreams for my life.

👏🏻I want to be making a million a year.

👏🏻I want to own property on the water.

👏🏻I want to build my dream house.

👏🏻I want to have all the water toys and all the snow toys.

👉🏻👉🏻It’s going to happen. You know how I know? Because I decided that I was going to make it happen. I’ve made a plan and am taking action. Everyday. Sometimes that action is simply relaxing, because you gotta stay in a good mindset for your dreams to happen. You have to have some freaking FUN!!!

❌You can’t make your dreams come true if you’re complaining about your life.

❌You can’t make your dreams come true if you don’t believe they will.

❌You can’t make your dreams come true if you don’t have a plan and aren’t taking action.

📝“Get a plan, and get a life.” -Christie Marie Sheldon

Videos (show all)

Where are you getting your advice and is it any good? Tanya Jackson-Pekeski