

SelfTeck is an educational podcast designed to create better ways of thinking and behaving. This is This site does not diagnose or treat mental conditions.

This is a self-help, educational app.


In my athletic career through high school and college, I experienced several kinds of coaches, and as you might expect, I performed with differing success depending on their approach.

The first coach was relaxed and non-directive. During high school track, I never learned proper training methods, hindering my performance in the 200-meter sprint. I even taught myself discus and shotput throws! While I did okay, with better guidance, I could have achieved so much more.

My experience with an angry basketball coach was equally frustrating. While I received some shooting instruction, practice time was limited to after-school sessions. My terrible shooting and constant fouls during my senior year were never addressed. The yelling and lack of clear guidance led to one of my most disappointing experiences.

Thankfully, my college experience offered a stark contrast. At West Virginia University, freshmen weren't eligible to play with upperclassmen. We received position-specific coaching, and my linebacker coach, Donnie Young, was a game-changer. He was my biggest cheerleader, providing step-by-step instructions on everything from tackling to pass defense. He celebrated my successes and offered clear direction for improvement.

Spring training under a dedicated coaching staff further exemplified the power of good coaching. At 19, I was in the best shape of my life, able to run a full 400-meter sprint. This level of fitness would have been a huge advantage in my high school track days.

These experiences highlight the profound impact coaching can have. It's not just about sports – good coaching matters in every aspect of life. Whether it's guiding our children's behavior, strengthening relationships, or achieving personal goals, the right coach can unlock our potential and propel us forward.

Do you feel like you could benefit from a supportive and experienced coach?

I'm a professional coach passionate about helping others achieve their goals. Let's talk about how I can help you develop a winning strategy and unlock your full potential. Contact me today for a free consultation!

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5 Ways to Address Inner Conflict, Conclusion

Practice meditation

Finally, meditation is a great way to address inner conflict. It gives you the peace and mental clarity to reflect on your life and the things you need to change. It may take a while to get used to it, but you’ll find great beginner videos online to help.

During your meditation, consider using the 4 Steps found on the SelfTeck Mind App. I will soon be making available some meditations guiding you through these steps. This will help you mind in accepting the truths more easily and thus, assist in emotional self-regulation.

These are some of the best ways to address inner conflict. If you want to live a happy and fulfilled life, dealing with your inner critic is essential.


5 Ways to Address Inner Conflict, Part IV
Think about what you really want

What is it you really want? Often our inner conflict comes from not doing the things we desire. If you are trying to please everyone else, you are only going to end up feeling miserable. So, if you feel like you aren’t being true to yourself, take a step back. Think about what you truly want and then focus your energy on that.


5 Ways to Address Inner Conflict, Part III

Avoid making rash decisions

When you are going through an emotional time, be sure not to make any rash decisions. Think about what is best for you, without forgetting about the impact your decision will have on others.

It’s easy to make rash decisions when you are dealing with inner conflict. However, staying calm and really thinking things through your conflict is going to lead to the best decisions.


5 Ways to Address Inner Conflict, Part II

Balance your rationale and emotions.

To address inner conflict, you need to be able to balance rationale and emotion. If you tend to focus more on your emotional needs and desires, your rational thinking will be compromised. Similarly, if you were to focus only on being rational, your emotional needs would suffer. To make the best choices, learn how to balance reasons and emotions.


5 Ways to Address Inner Conflict (Part I)

Is inner conflict holding you back? When we struggle with inner conflict, it is basically a battle between our emotions and thoughts. If a situation doesn’t turn out how we expected, it can release feelings of anger, stress, fear, and frustration.

There are many different types of inner conflict. You may know you need to end a relationship, but you keep talking yourself out of it. You may know you need to adopt a healthier diet but eating the foods you love is the only thing that gives you pleasure right now. Whatever the inner conflict is, it could be holding you back from a happy, healthy life. Discover 5 ways to address inner conflicts to be happier and more fulfilled.

1. Identify and confront inner conflicts.

You’re going to find it hard to address your inner conflict if you aren’t fully aware of it. However, identifying and being aware of inner conflict isn’t always easy. After all, it is much easier to ignore confrontation and the things that make us uncomfortable.

The trouble is, when you ignore your inner conflicts, they simply get worse over time. So, start by writing down what you want and the things that are holding you back. Then, delve into your inner conflict and try and understand where it comes from. For example, is it coming from a place of fear or comfort? Often, we stay stuck in routines because it is our mind’s way of protecting us.

Watch for Part II


I heard Miss Alice play the piano this morning at church. She is 80+ and plays the keys as though it is her first language. It's beautiful to listen to as it seems so "second nature" to her. I remember quitting my piano lessons when I was in the 5th grade after only two years of playing. I also remember having 4 semesters of Greek and Spanish. I am not fluent in piano, Greek, or Spanish because I did not put the work into practicing. Without practice, it never had the chance of becoming “second nature”.
Those of you who are practicing “The 4 Steps” take this to heart. Practice, practice, practice


If you had a job you knew you could never get fired from, you probably wouldn't be a very good employee. In the same way, if you get married thinking you could never get fired from that relationship, what kind of a spouse would you be?