Hannah Schermerhorn, Author

Hannah Schermerhorn, Author

Happily ever after doesn't begin with marriage. It begins right now.


Shasta's cousin, Oli, taking a nap after a good read ☺️🧡🐶


I had the joy of being a part of Focus on the Family's The Boundless Show!🎙🧡

Thanks for having me Boundless.org! If you give a gift of any amount to Boundless this week, they will send you a copy of my book!📒😊

Check out the full episode here:



Check out my new article with Propel Women ☺

“God is letting you endure singleness right now, but as He promises in Romans 8:28, He is working things out for you as well,” writes author Hannah Schermerhorn. In her article, Fighting Jealousy and Envy as a Single Woman, Hannah unpacks from her own experiences the complexity that is found at the intersection of singleness and being set apart.

Read her full article here: https://bit.ly/45fbvci


My mom and I spotted my book at a Christian book store. So cool to see it in a store ☺️🧡☺️


This morning I went into my car and realized that someone tried to rob me, but apparently found nothing they wanted. My glove compartment was open with everything dumped over my front seat. The center console was open and quarters for parking flung all over my car.

I have to say, I'm a little offended. What were they looking for? I have a Harry Potter Bertie Botts every flavor beans bag full of coins (including foreign currency). I have a cozy blanket in the back seat to protect my car from the wear and tear of Shasta. I have an EXCELLENT CD collection in my car that I'm sure they would enjoy.

The irony is not lost on me that this CD was left on my front seat. One of the songs by Remedy Drive (All Along) says,

"All the things I thought would fill me up inside
Left me empty here - and now I know why
All along I was looking for something else
You're something else
All along I was looking for something more
You're so much more
I finally found what I could never see before
You've always been the one that I was looking for"

Sorry robber, you didn't find what you were looking for, but maybe this CD would have helped you find what you really needed. But robber, you reminded me just how much I am like you. I search, I achieve, I compete, I'll go to extreme measures to try to be satisfied, when Who I really need is already right in front of me ✝️ 🧡

Photos from Hannah Schermerhorn, Author's post 28/07/2023

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? 💕

I've been organizing photos and appreciated this reminder from an adorable fruit stand in Maui 😊 Swipe to see some delicious fruits I had never heard of and my first coconut 🥥🌴😊

A Season of Singleness // Little Things With Amber Albee Swenson 25/07/2023

I've listened to Time of Grace since I was in high school so this was a special one for me 💚💚💚

A Season of Singleness // Little Things With Amber Albee Swenson Today we are starting a four-part series on being single. I look at this important topic from four different perspectives. Today you'll hear from Hannah Sche...

Photos from Hannah Schermerhorn, Author's post 20/07/2023

I''m posting this as a reminder for myself 😊

I've been spending a lot of time at coffee shops starting my next book. The green tea and chocolate pastry are my reward to myself for showing up each day and struggling to begin again.

The first time I had this pastry was in Germany when my travel buddy and childhood best friend bought me one. I was amazed and couldn't believe I had never tried putting chocolate on bread before. Genious!

That time of traveling with her was a time of new beginnings. My romantic relationship was over, college just finished, life looked very different, and I held a phrase from an Owl City song close to my heart that said, "It's just the beginning, this isn't the end."

I struggled to start trusting, to start dreaming, to start adjusting, and to start happily living my life again. But now as I eat this delicious pastry, I remember what God has done with all of those beginnings that were so hard for me back then.

He grew me into a person with so much more trust and confidence in Him. He showed me talents I have and what can happen if I follow them. He changed me and the entire way I live my life in such a beautiful way.

So now as I come to another beginning, I can tell my fear, my doubt, and my perfectionism that God is here in this beginning. Even though the work can feel frustrating and slow, God is rejoicing in the small beginnings 🤍

Photos from Hannah Schermerhorn, Author's post 17/07/2023

Last Thursday and Friday I had a wonderful time (virtually) attending the She Speaks conference!

Writing can feel lonely. It is easy for my mind to play tricks on me telling me my writing is meaningless and won't ever help anyone. Even though I've finished one book, the old imposter syndrome still creeps in as I begin to work on my second book asking, "Who do you think you are to write this?"

Last week I was blown away by the amazing messages that were given. They reminded me that even when I don't feel ready, I can keep pushing forward because God is right there with me. That even though my work will never be perfect, God has uniquely equipped me with my own talents and story to share. That I don't need to chase recognition or likes or sales to write. I write because of my first love: Jesus.


Hi friends! Social media is full of distortion and partial stories so I want to make sure I'm not adding to that. When I started this account the couple of kind friends who followed me, knew the details of my life. Now I'm thrilled to see there are people here I have never met so it's time for some life updates!

This past November I got married 😊

A few years ago, when I only had the very last chapter of my manuscript left, I met Josh at a friend's birthday party. I had no intentions of dating (I was working on a book on singleness. Why should I date?!?) so when he asked me out, I turned him down 🫣. But thankfully, a few weeks later we went to the same wedding and he asked me to dance. We danced and talked the rest of the night and I realized that maybe God had different plans for my life than I expected 😊

We dated (Josh was a huge supporter of my book) and got married a few years later.

After so many years of being single, I thought that it made the most sense to be single as I tried to support and uplift singles. But God is showing me that is not true. Just because we may be going through different seasons doesn't mean we can't support each other. I'm still dedicated to encouraging singles even though my life looks a little different now 🙂

I also know I'm not married because I did everything right and checked all the right boxes. Marriage has shown me just how much I still have to learn and hold on to God. So if you want to follow my method of how to find someone, just write a whole book about being single and then maybe a significant other will cross your path at the end 🤣

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2023 "Summer One Day" Q and A with Hannah Schermerhorn 06/07/2023

If you missed Awake & Alive, here is the link to my Q/A 😊-Mike Westendorf

2023 "Summer One Day" Q and A with Hannah Schermerhorn As part of Hannah's keynote talk, we took questions from the audience after a time for community group discussion. Hear more from those who attended and Han...


This is one of the people who helped my publishing dream come true: my wonderful agent ! If you read my book and enjoyed it, you can thank Macey for believing in my book and getting it to publishers. We met in person for the first time in New York, and I'm so excited to keep working on new books with her 😊🧡😊


Today I'm talking about Genesis 2:18. God has a special purpose for singleness and marriage. I've been surprised how people use this passage to try to dismiss all the awesome things God can do with singleness. Let me know what you think 🙂


Wisconsin friends, Midwest friends, or anyone else who wants to visit ✈️😊 I'll be speaking at Awake and Alive this year! Join me for the one day summer group by registering (it's free!) at www.awakealive.com 🎉


New interview with Liv Dooley! I had a wonderful time talking about common myths about singleness 🧡

Listen here: https://livdooley.com/asinglelife

Three Books on Spirituality and Singleness 22/03/2023

Publisher's Weekly featured A Single Life to Live!!

Three Books on Spirituality and Singleness New titles explore biblical perspectives of singleness while urging churches to reconsider and better meet the needs of unmarried Christians.

Photos from Hannah Schermerhorn, Author's post 15/03/2023

It was awesome going on The Morning Blend! ☕📺 Special thanks to for coming with me! ☺️

How To Enjoy Your Single Life 15/03/2023

I had my first tv interview today! Thank you to The Morning Blend for having me on 🙂🙃🙂

How To Enjoy Your Single Life Author Hannah Schermerhorn is here today to discuss why a single-life is a life worth living- and it's worth living well.


So many nights I sat alone at my kitchen table. Writing my book with Fritz asleep on my lap.

But behind all of those nights, I have had incredible people encouraging me and praying for me as I follow my dreams.

Thank you to everyone who has been with me in this journey, everyone who has poured out prayers and encouragement, everyone who has celebrated my launch, everyone who has shared my book, everyone who has reached out to me, and everyone who has believed in my dream to uplift all the wonderful singles out there.

This book would not be the same without you ❤️


"This world acts like being part of a relationship or marriage is the same as getting a promotion. You have moved on to a greater and more significant life than when you were single. However, Paul tells us the exact opposite. Singleness is a good thing, and people should aspire to it! Both singleness and non-singleness are equal levels of life. Let me say that again.

Singleness and non-singleness are equal according to God! Marriage is not an achievement that makes one more qualified as a human being; it is simply a different and equally important life
-A Single Life to Live, Hannah Schermerhorn, Author


I loved going on this podcast, and now I also am thoroughly enjoying Jaime's other podcast: Smooches and Stabs 😊(You should totally check it out!)

Mornings with Carmen LaBerge - Faith Radio 23/02/2023

This morning I am going on Faith Radio on Mornings with Carmen around 7:10am. You can listen live here:

Mornings with Carmen LaBerge - Faith Radio Bringing the mind of Christ to bear on headline news, Carmen LaBerge enters into honest conversations through a framework of faith that leads to real hope.

A Single Life to Live 21/02/2023

Want a Bible reading plan on singleness? You can check out my 5-day Bible reading plan on The YouVersion Bible App!☺️📖

A Single Life to Live Loneliness. Rejection. Fear that you will never find a spouse. Wondering if something is wrong with you. Questioning if God really has a plan. Singleness brings many difficulties. But singleness doesn’t have to be a time of hardship. God has a wonderful purpose for it. This week’s devotion dives...

Dawn and Steve | Guest: Hannah Schermerhorn | Author, A Single Life to Live 20/02/2023

A few weeks ago, I did my first radio interview with Moody Radio!! You can check out the full conversation here ☺️🎙📖

Dawn and Steve | Guest: Hannah Schermerhorn | Author, A Single Life to Live Hannah Schermerhorn gives us insight into singleness based on the lives of singles in Scripture and from her own experiences. She has written the book A Sing...

Photos from Hannah Schermerhorn, Author's post 17/02/2023

Thanks everyone for coming to celebrate my book launch with me!! More pictures to come soon ☺️

Photos by

How To Live a Single Life without Feeling Lonely – Episode 201 | Dr. Michelle Bengtson 17/02/2023

Check out my conversation with Dr. Michelle Bengtson!

How To Live a Single Life without Feeling Lonely – Episode 201 | Dr. Michelle Bengtson Hannah Schermerhorn and I talk about how to live a fulfilling single life without feeling lonely. Perfect if you’re single, single and wish you weren’t, or want to support a single friend.


I loved this conversation with Dr. Michelle Bengtson!!

A God-designed life doesn’t start when you say “I do” or when you get engaged or even when you meet “the one.” It’s been happening as long as you’ve been alive—even if you’re still single and wish you weren’t.

Hannah Schermerhorn, Author knows what it is like. She was months away from getting married when her wedding was called off. She feared being single again, but in the following years, God taught her many hard lessons that transformed her bitterness into authentic joy. Join us for how to live a single life without feeling lonely.

Listen Thursday on Apple podcasts https://apple.co/2PFTJe9, Spotify or your favorite podcast platform.


The day is finally here!!! It's book launch day! 💕📚💕
4 years ago I started working on this book. I had no idea where it would take me. God has opened so many doors I never expected and I am truly in awe that this is getting into people's hands today. I hope you enjoy it! ☺️❤️☺️

If you’re looking for contentment in your season of singleness— today’s episode is for you! 13/02/2023

I had a great time talking to Josiah & Micah Kennealy on the Young Adults Today Podcast! You can check it out on any podcast platform or the Youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q49sSiQgOEA

If you’re looking for contentment in your season of singleness— today’s episode is for you!


A Single Life to Live comes out tomorrow!!! 🙂🙂🙂


1 week until my book officially comes out!!

I have been feeling everything from complete excitement to wanting to hide under a pillow as people actually read my book 😊😶‍🌫️📚

But as I work toward the launch of this book I feel like I just stepped into a world that makes me feel small.
🔸There are people with millions of followers on social media
🔸There are podcasts that have hundreds of thousands of listeners
🔸There are authors who are instant New York Times Bestsellers
🔸There are speakers that sell out arenas
🔸There are influencers with teams of people to do their photography, website, and social media posts

And then there is me. Someone who stayed up late every night to write a book that I couldn't find in the world but wished existed. Someone who isn't famous and honestly doesn't want to be. Someone who followed the whisper of a dream to see where God would take it.

I keep putting pressure on myself to market and influence and try to make myself big, but then I remember:
🔸Moses was afraid of speaking, but God used him to lead the Israelites out of slavery to the promise land
🔸Little shepherd David defeated the giant Goliath
🔸Jesus used a boy with just 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed over 5,000 people

The bible is filled with so many examples of God using the broken, the smaller, the underdog, the less qualified people to do His will, and He can use me as well.

When I wrote my book I thought, “If it helps just one person then all of this work is worth it.” I don’t need to have accolades and achievements. I don’t need to be a best seller. God will use this book as He sees fit, and if you are the one person I can help with my book, then it is worth it to me 😊

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Photos from Hannah Schermerhorn, Author's post 03/02/2023

Preschool me and 30-year-old me's dream has come true! Meet Shasta, my new Samoyed puppy 🥰

Can you tell which kid is me? ☺️


3 weeks until A Single Life to Live comes out! I can't wait for you to read it so I'm going to start sharing quotes ☺

It is so easy to focus on the negatives of being single. Loneliness. Uncertainty. Rejection. Fear if you will ever find someone.

Instead of treating singleness like a time that needs to be survived, can you take this time to explore the unique talents and abilities God gave you? The story, the business, the volunteer opportunity, the song, the trip, the job, the pet, the devotion, the podcast, the art, the dance, the unique beauty that God has given you. In my experience, an easy way to spend less time frustrated with singleness is by exploring the unique and wonderful person that God has made you to be.

What step can you take today to start becoming that person?


Want to win a free book?

Goodreads is giving away 15 copies of my book.

You can enter here to get one🙂



Hi Friends!

I am so excited to share that my book is coming out this Valentine's Day! ❤ Four years ago, I decided to sit down and start writing this book. It is full of my struggles, my questions, and the incredible hope and love that God filled me with in singleness.

It took years of publishing rejection, to finally get the news that my book was getting published. God had made a way for it to get into people's hands. After the news, I happy cried the entire night, because out of the worst experiences in my life, God had made something truly beautiful in this book.

I have poured so much of my heart into this. I can't wait for you to read it!

You can preorder anywhere books are sold ☺


I’m so excited to finally get to tell you all about the big project I’ve been collaborating on with Alana and Jaime from the Praying Christian Women podcast:

The Praying Christian Women Online Conference: Battle Plan For the New Year

This online conference will be bringing you 24 sessions over 3 days (January 23, 24, and 25th). More than twenty speakers (including me!) will bring you encouragement, teaching and practical tools to help you create your prayer "battle plan" for the new year — all from the comfort of your computer, laptop or mobile device!

The best news is, it’s totally FREE!

To sign up, use the website below:


Fritz is ready for the Wisconsin blizzards 😊🌨️🥶



Just handed in my manuscript! 🙏😊 Time for a little bit of ice cream with my M&Ms.


I'm excited for Awake and Alive tomorrow!! Will I be seeing any of you in Minnesota? Tickets still available :)

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Rejection :(