遊戲人生 Life is Game
Life is game
Happy New Year to everyone
Merry Christmas to everyone🎅
女人是不能得罪的生物 >,<
Don't make your lady angry >,
用這隊組合玩PVP之前, 來個簡單熱身先
Warm Up before PVP by using this team.
粉絲為大家帶來兩次Legendary Finish
當然, 我不會話你知粉絲又打贏了^^
Fan carried out 2 Legendary Finish for you
Of course, I'll not tell you Fan won again^^
意想不到連粉絲的朋友都會來砌磋一番, 不能抑制興奮狀態.
Cannot imagine that Fan's friend also has a battle with me. I cannot stop myself from exciting.
這場戰鬥會令你體會網路通暢的重要性. 但你不會在你的生命中看過這樣的戰鬥. 感覺今次打得好笨好笨, 哈哈~
In this battle, you will understand how important the network is. But you might never see such battle in you life. You will see how stupid I am. HaHa~
好高興受到新一位粉絲邀請進行一次比試. 感覺既興奮又有壓力. 下次有機會再戰一場^_^
Very Happy! New Fan invited me to have a battle. My feeling is exciting and stressful. He has different style and makes me so stressful. Learn a lot. Next time, I might change my style for you.
如果我的弗力札換成悟飯, 粉絲的18號換成布瑪, 兩家人基本就齊了^_^
If my Frieza had been changed to Son Gonhan, Fan's No.18 had been changed to B
好高興再次與粉絲砌磋. 這次砌磋分為3個回合, 先為大家送上第1個回合.
It is our pleasure that we have battles with you again. 3 battles were arranged this time. Let's share the 1st battle for you.
For Indonesian, here is a lot of game choices, you may click on it for more detail.😁http://tinyurl.com/y3s8wrex___
How come 15% discount. Who loses this game, who washes dishes to night. Good idea, right! ^_^
Selfridges & Co. Selfridges 為每位客戶提供獨特的體驗。 無論您是要尋找最新的設計師時裝,必備的手袋,美味的巧克力還是豪華的護膚品,Selfridges 都將最受歡迎的品牌與古老的收藏品和世界獨有的產品一併存儲。
如果我是您, 我會買一些家庭式的遊戲來玩。享受家庭樂^_^
If I were you, I would like to buy some family games. Family hours^_^
Selfridges & Co. Selfridges 為每位客戶提供獨特的體驗。 無論您是要尋找最新的設計師時裝,必備的手袋,美味的巧克力還是豪華的護膚品,Selfridges 都將最受歡迎的品牌與古老的收藏品和世界獨有的產品一併存儲。
I want it. (Picture will show you detail information)
Selfridges & Co. Selfridges 為每位客戶提供獨特的體驗。 無論您是要尋找最新的設計師時裝,必備的手袋,美味的巧克力還是豪華的護膚品,Selfridges 都將最受歡迎的品牌與古老的收藏品和世界獨有的產品一併存儲。
終於抽到了, 但覺得角色不似預期. 也可能是我玩得廢, 笑了. 但有一點是我最喜歡的, 就是夠帥 ^_^
Finally, I get it. But it is not as what I expect. Perhaps I play it stupidly. Haha. Be honest, he is super cool. ^_^
用三個賽亞人都打到咁, 下個關卡點算好, 我們技術有待提升^_^
Win hardly with 3 Saiyan. How about the next stage!? How can we win? Our technique has a big improvement space. ^_^
It is a little bit difficult to control techniques.
Hi, 大家好呀! 大家在玩遊戲時喜歡飲甚麼呢? 飲肥仔水🥤? 飲果汁🍐🍉🍇還是飲其他呢? 我們有時就會一邊享受咖啡, 一邊娛樂. 那麼您呢?
Hello, guys. What will you drink while you are playing game? 🥤🍐🍉🍇Sometimes, we would like to have a cup of coffee. How about you?
Hard sell mode 😉Teeccino Chicory Herbal Coffee Medium Roast Caffeine Free http://tinyurl.com/ybl3t3tx
eVitamins.com eVitamins.com 擁有超過25,000種不同的純天然健康產品,包括維生素,膳食補充劑,嬰兒及兒童用品,草本,美容和護膚產品等等。 歡迎在eVitamins.com上購買值得信賴的商品,全部商品均為美國知名品牌在美國本土生產,eVitamins.com 將...
面對國寶, 怎能不收服呢~
雖然險勝, 但我估布羅利想講: 每次被攻都好似蟻咬, 玩野咩~
Although we win the battle, we guess Broly wants to say: whenever I was attacked, it looked like an ant was biting me. Don't play me~
Hi, everyone! A clean space is required for enjoying game, no matter you play game with your family, friends etc. We have a recommendation for you.
Hard sell mode😝X20 cordless vacuum cleaner and mop
Selfridges & Co. Selfridges 為每位客戶提供獨特的體驗。 無論您是要尋找最新的設計師時裝,必備的手袋,美味的巧克力還是豪華的護膚品,Selfridges 都將最受歡迎的品牌與古老的收藏品和世界獨有的產品一併存儲。
您好! 有個遊戲心得想與您分享. 玩遊戲其中目的莫過於讓自己從緊湊的生活中放鬆下來. 空間整潔更能讓人放鬆心情. 我們好懶😝也好貪心🤪, 想有更多時間去享受放鬆心情的過程. 我們會選用一些電子產品來輔助. 希望對您有幫助啦
Hard Sell Mode【英國 Gtech】小綠 Pro小綠無線除塵蟎專家
ICareU 嚴選 艾可嚴選致力於將優質品牌商品用最實惠的價格推薦給您,一律總代理公司貨,售服保固免煩惱。
岩石封鎖不及冰封世界咁好用, 你覺得呢?
剩下這一千零1個, 都被我們找到, 還不是屬於你的😏
This is the final 1!!!!! How come ~ It should be yours😏
分享遊戲體驗外, 讓大家有多個Playstation 4 pro console 的選擇, 希望你們喜歡啦! ^_^
In addition to sharing game video, let you have another option - Playstation 4 pro console. Hope you like it. ^_^
Selfridges & Co. Selfridges 為每位客戶提供獨特的體驗。 無論您是要尋找最新的設計師時裝,必備的手袋,美味的巧克力還是豪華的護膚品,Selfridges 都將最受歡迎的品牌與古老的收藏品和世界獨有的產品一併存儲。
感覺打到無氣了, 最後任人魚肉>.<
No energy to fight at the end. Rival can do whatever he/she wants >.
感覺打到無氣了, 最後任人魚肉>.<
小綠 Pro小綠無線除塵蟎專家: http://tinyurl.com/y8zsk8sz
無線手持/直立吸塵器 XJC-Y010: http://tinyurl.com/y8p6ntu7
No energy to fight at the end. Rival can do whatever he/she wants >.
面對嗡蝠, 只是險勝 >.
一定要看到最後, 不到最後一刻, 勝負難料.
產品連結: Haier 直立式無線吸塵器 http://tinyurl.com/y8528gqv
You must watch until the end. Result is always unpredictable unless you watch till the last moment.
如果有精靈"粉香香" 的攬枕就好了^_^
遊戲設計咁搞笑既~ 火孤狸懂得幻像光線?.?
關鍵時刻!!! 一招定勝負, 你會如何決擇?
Critical moment!!! Win/Lose depends on ONE action. What will you do?
成功收服了落雷獸, 帕奇利茲, 小磁怪, Yeah~
換人+瞬移能幾乎同時進行, 學到了^_^
Switch + Teleportation can be done almost at the same time. GOOD STUDY ^_^
第1場: 小箭雀
第2場: 熔岩蝸牛
第3場: 熔岩蝸牛
反敗為勝就聽得多了, 反勝為敗呢~ 咩玩法!~ 心都累了>,<
Almost win but lost finally~ How come!~? >,
為何打到最後, 演變成悟空對悟空^o^
How come it finally becomes Super Saiyan 4 vs Super Saiyan God SS ^o^
第1場: 小箭雀
第2場: 熔岩蝸牛
第3場: 熔岩蝸牛
We want the perfect Android 17~