RichE Marketing Consultation

RichE Marketing Consultation

We analyze businesses and meet their area of needs. With our expertise we provide the right service for your business or your audience


We have a team of passionate people who will go above and beyond to meet every single one of your request.

Reach out now ! And be a part of our family

“I realized that I spend more than half of my day on social media, I litterally enjoy doing so, From that I learned how people always go for the look, the lifestyle you are selling, for this one account or business which always pops out on their timeline. I felt for few, spent couple dollars on items , i didn’t use, followed accounts just because of the consistency and the work they put in. I analyze what the market is, thought about what the demand is , just to realize that most businesses, bloggers, Non profit organizations,sometimes just some customers who wants their page to look nice but have no idea how, need a team willing to meet their requirements, to put in the time and consistency . That’s when we come in.” Edna L. Amokomayen

Book us now , take a back seat and let us take control of your accounts!


-Partager des photos amusantes prises dans “l’arrière-boutique”,

-Republier des photos de vos abonnés,
Publier des vidéos,
-Organiser des concours et des promotions,

-Publier des photos sur des événements en cours,

-Raconter des histoires amusantes et/ou inspirantes…
Sans oublier de :

-Publier régulièrement. Mieux vaut publier 2 ou 3 fois toutes les semaines qu’une fois par jour pendant 10 jours et plus rien le reste du mois,
Interagir. Instagram met en avant les utilisateurs qui interagissent régulièrement sur les publications d’autres comptes,

-Profiter des hashtags afin d’apparaître dans l’Explore Page et au final obtenir plus d’interactions.


Why advertise on Facebook?

Yes, the CPC is lower, but if you set up your campaigns right, your campaigns will drive high-quality clicks that produce value for your business. As a result, Facebook ads are often a much more profitable way to market your business than other advertising channels.


C’est en effet un endroit privilégié où vous allez pouvoir cibler et interagir directement avec votre audience. Si vous êtes un professionnel, vous savez à quel point ce contact direct peut faire la différence entre vous et quelqu’un d’autre.


1. News and comments on currents events. Ex: Black Lives matter

2. Statistics: to inspire a reaction

3. Quotes: they are always a good idea because people can easily relate

4. Behind the scenes: to buil a connection with your audience.

5. Humor: it’s always a good idea to laugh

6. Daily hashtags: it helps you reach a large audience .


If you want to succeed, you gotta put in the work. Always remember that to keep track you have to document almost everything.


Long captions are fun, but we all agree that if we want to read a book kindle is our bestfriend. Keep it short, sweet and straight to the point .


New to Instagram? To get started, figure out what story you want to tell, decide on a cohesive look and feel for your account, and post consistently.

Timeline photos 21/10/2020

The mistake most of our customers make, is the need to grow your audience without putting in the work. It’s not about how many followers you have, it’s always and will always be about your engagement with your followers

Timeline photos 21/10/2020
