Oh My Cookies

Oh My Cookies

Custom Sugar Cookies


🚨 Flash Sale cookies will be posted at 12pm Today - Dec. 19!

Available today will be Santa sets (4 cookies) and single cookies which can be personalized before pick up.
Paint Your Own Cookies will be available later this week; either Thursday or Friday.

Super limited quantities available, however I think I have enough for everyone based on your feedback 🤞🏻

Pick up will be AFTER 5pm today. There is no way I will be able to have them ready sooner. However, they can be out and ready for a quick pick up as early as 7am tomorrow morning as well!
** If you’re hoping to sn**ch some Paint Your Own cookies later on and want to leave your whole order until those are ready just let me know!

See you back here at 12… or 12:01 😜


👋🏼 Me again.. two posts in one day is super strange but here I am … late night planning and trying to squeeze in as much as I humanly possibly can without needing to sleep before Friday (only partly kidding)!

After looking over the little poll from earlier the majority vote is on the PYO set and the single cookie option. Which is funny because I really thought the set of 4 was going to be the main attraction 🥴 so the poll was super helpful haha!

Of course due to the extreme time crunch I’m under, I simply cannot have all options available for pick up before Wednesday. That would give me just tomorrow to make multiple batches of dough, cut out allllllll those cookies, bake them all and then decorate each one which takes HOURS upon hours! Then I’d have to take pictures and package and it’s just … much 😜

So here’s the plan - and if it all goes south don’t blame me 😂

🍪 Tuesday, December 19 (evening pick up)

Santa Sets.. $20 set of 4 cookies
Single Cookies.. $6 each. (Unsure if this will be able to be personalized or not, price would stay the same regardless)

🍪 Thursday, December 21 (evening pick up … this may need to be Friday morning 🤞🏻 I won’t know until about Wednesday for sure)

Paint Your Own Ugly Christmas Sweaters .. $10 each

These will be first come first serve, flash sale style! I will post each option for sale the morning of the pick up day!
Please DO NOT message to preorder!

If you are interested in trying to grab some cookies and the above listed timelines will work for your needs, could you please do me a huge favour and comment below what you’re interested in and how many you’d need so I can be a better judge on just how many I should make!

The poll earlier was great if everyone is just looking for one cookie but no so much if multiple are needed 😵‍💫😆
Note: It is totally ok for you to grab cookies on Tuesday and Thursday and just do one pick up on Thursday. You would not need to make two pick up trips (as long as you are fine with waiting for your whole order to be complete - there is zero chance the Paint Your Own cookies will be ready BEFORE Thursday evening).


Happyyy Monday!
We’re T-2 weeks until the big day. Who’s all ready? 🙋🏻‍♀️.. not me but I’m hopeful I’ll have myself all organized over the next week🤞🏻!

Quick little cookie update while I wait for my final set of cutters of 2023 to finish printing… (it’s crazy that I can say that)!

All messgaes/requests will be answered today so make sure you double check your inbox/emails if you’re on my waitlist/have sent a message over the past month!
We’ve officially hit the point where I cannot take on anymore custom orders for the remainder of year. I wish I had more time, more hands, more ovens… just more everything. Unfortunately, I can only do so much and I’ve now hit that limit.

With that said; I have my heart set on some special cookies and I will do anything to be able to have a Flash Sale next week. So, keep your eye out for a flash sale hopefully on Monday or Tuesday - pick up details will be ironed out next week as well!

Keeping in mind these are all rough plans and I may run out of time, I just wanted to give you all a heads up on what should be available.
I’m hoping to have:
- Paint Your Own Ugly Christmas Sweaters
- A set of 4 Santa theme
- And a mini set.
Sets should be ready before the last day of school incase anyone is looking for teacher options; none will be teacher specific, however, the Santa theme would be a sweet gift option for anyone 😉
‼️ These will be flash sale only; you cannot preorder them and I will not have time to make extra … so make sure to keep checking back!

Lastly; I am offically opening my calendars for the next 3 months; requests for January, February and March are now being accepted and requests will be confirmed as they come in (if you’ve already sent a request for either of these months, you can expect a follow up email this afternoon).
If you’re looking for cookies for January, February of March, feel free to fill out the request form and I will get back to you ASAP!

Order Request Form:

I think that’s all for now!
… time to get back to the cookies 🙃


Hey.. just sending along my updated December calendar!
If you’re wondering why the heck I haven’t replied to your message/request yet… we’re somewhere around the purply/beige area 😵‍💫 which means I’m ahead of schedule right? 🫣

All jokes aside. I promise I am working as hard, as much and as long as I humanly possibly can!
We’re talking 8am-3am baking, decorating, cleaning, repeat… all day, everyday (almost - gotta take a break every now and then for caffeine, food and for the little green square - when I remember I have kiddos 😆)! We haven’t hit any all nighters yet so we’re doing good I think!

If you have a request for pick up BEFORE the 16th … I know for sure I 100% cannot fit you in and I’m so sorry!

If you have an order request in for pick up beyond the 16th I am working sooo hard to be able to get back to you. You ARE on my waitlist… I just need to get through this week and then I can take another look at where and if I can add anything else!

With that said; if anyone’s Elf on the Shelf knows how to bake or decorate cookies feel free to send them over! All mine did was draw on my face with a sharpie last night when I finally fell asleep on the couch so they’re fired 😆

Enough chatter… back to cookies! 🤭


👋🏼 Hey! .. and Happy first day of December!

I feel like it’s been a minute since I’ve made an appearance around here so I wanted to check in and give a little update on things.

First of all; thank you all so much for your patience - I’ve been trying to keep on top of messages and order requests as much and as regularly as I can! So if you’re hanging out waiting for a reply; I will get to you ASAP! Feel free to send another “hey I’m still here” message, it’s super helpful incase your message gets lost in the mix of things!

If you have an order request; the best way to keep me organized and get a reply quickly is to head over to the Order Request form! I try to reply to those on Monday mornings for sure but will check in throughout the week if I get a chance!
You can get the form here:


I am currently booked solid for this month, however, I am still accepting requests in the event a date does become available. So feel free to send along requests. I’ll be in touch ASAP and add you to my waitlist.
I currently am not booking into the New Year just yet - however, feel free to send along your requests, it’ll give you first shot at your pick up date once I know what dates I will be available for!

Second of all; the big guy is coming to town tomorrow and we couldn’t be more excited in our house!
Of course that means time is getting short before the most wonderful time of the year!

I tried to leave some space in my calendar to do a flash sale or two throughout this month however; if you’ve ever sent a “hey… any chance you could fit me in here…” message, you know I have a really hard time saying no 😆
Which means, I may have COMPLETELY filled my calendar and left no time for sleep or anymore cookies! But I promise I am desperately trying to squeeze in some surprises!
I have the cutest cutters, the most precious packaging and soooo many ideas! But of course, real life happens too so we’ll just keep our fingers and toes crossed for now!

Keep your eyes out for another update sometime later next week. I should be able to have everything situated by then 🤞🏻

Lastly; for those of you who snagged an advent calendar or two.. I will be in touch sometime on next Saturday to arrange your pick up/drop off time over Sunday/Monday so you can keep an eye out for that next week!

If you’ve made it this far… congratulations 👏🏼

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend full of all kinds of Christmas festivities to begin the holiday season!



All advent calendars are now “Sold Out!”

I am still waiting for payments from a few orders. If you could please send those EMTs along by this evening that would be great so we can secure your calendar(s) and I can keep myself organized!

If you’d like to cancel your order; please send me a message and I will post it as available for someone else!

So excited to get started on these over the next little while and I have a few more fun Christmas themed ideas throughout November and December! 🤞🏻


12 Days of Cookies Advent Calender …… $60 each!

Includes: 12 mini Christmas themed cookies AND 1 large surprise personalized cookie**

* Personalized cookie will be packaged separately in a sealed box so it will be a surprise until it’s opened on Christmas Eve. or Chirstmas Day .. if you can wait that long! 🤭
** Cookie designs will be exclusive to this preorder only and will not be available to be purchased any other time!

🎁 Pick up or Delivery on December 10 or 11th.
Yes.. delivery! Just like ol’ Saint Nick himself I’m offering delivery with this order (Badger, Grand Falls-Windsor or Bishop’s Falls)
Of course you can still do pick up if you’d like to do that!

🍪 To order: Please send me a message with your quantity, pick up date and name for the personalized cookie!
EMT due at time of confirmation of order.


Congratulations Amanda Mercer… you can send me a message to arrange pick up 🙂

Thanks so much guys for playing along!


✨ One Calendar Left!

Reminder: If you’ve ordered an advent calendar EMTs are required to secure your preorder!

🎅🏼 52 days until Christmas
(As long as there’s snow on the ground I’m allowed to start counting down right? 🤭)


12 Days of Cookies Advent Calender …… $60 each!

Includes: 12 mini Christmas themed cookies AND 1 large surprise personalized cookie**

* Personalized cookie will be packaged separately in a sealed box so it will be a surprise until it’s opened on Christmas Eve. or Chirstmas Day .. if you can wait that long! 🤭
** Cookie designs will be exclusive to this preorder only and will not be available to be purchased any other time!

🎁 Pick up or Delivery on December 10 or 11th.
Yes.. delivery! Just like ol’ Saint Nick himself I’m offering delivery with this order (Badger, Grand Falls-Windsor or Bishop’s Falls)
Of course you can still do pick up if you’d like to do that!

🍪 To order: Please send me a message with your quantity, pick up date and name for the personalized cookie!
EMT due at time of confirmation of order.


Giveaway is now CLOSED! Putting all names in a random generator now .. might take me an hour 😆
Going based on the likes so double check you’ve liked the post!


Prize includes: 6 mini Taylor inspired hearts and 1 large Taylor doodle and one friendship bracelet .. as shown!

To enter: Submit a 5 paragraph essay highlighting all of the Easter eggs Taylor has hidden over the last 6 months … just kidding!
Simply like this post and tag a fellow Swiftie, the person you drive the most crazy with all your Taylor lore OR if your Swiftie is a little to young for Facebook you can share a favourite T. Swift song!

Draw will be Saturday November at 12pm!
** You must be able to pick up your prize locally. And of course this giveaway has nothing to do with Taylor or Facebook 😆 just little ol’ me sharing cookies!


✨ It’s Taylor Thursday .. apparently!
The snow has completely thrown me for a loop this morning! I woke up this morning thinking it was Wednesday 🤦🏻‍♀️
Well on the bright side I’m a little closer to the weekend now!

Since it’s Taylor Thursday; pre ordered cookies are all ready for pick up (emails have been sent) - I have a few 22 style shirts available this week but unfortunately no extras of anything else! 😞

In the spirit of Taylor Swift, the final week of the Eras Tour movie of course and the upcoming holiday season … we must do a giveaway!
More details at 12pm today! 😉


✨ Only 1 Calendar Left
Grab them while they’re still here!

Some of you guys have some pretty fast fingers 🤭
I’m blown away by the support and I’m so excited to get started on these .. have I mentioned that before?

EMT payments can now be sent to secure your order!
Thank you! 🙂


12 Days of Cookies Advent Calender …… $60 each!

Includes: 12 mini Christmas themed cookies AND 1 large surprise personalized cookie**

* Personalized cookie will be packaged separately in a sealed box so it will be a surprise until it’s opened on Christmas Eve. or Chirstmas Day .. if you can wait that long! 🤭
** Cookie designs will be exclusive to this preorder only and will not be available to be purchased any other time!

🎁 Pick up or Delivery on December 10 or 11th.
Yes.. delivery! Just like ol’ Saint Nick himself I’m offering delivery with this order (Badger, Grand Falls-Windsor or Bishop’s Falls)
Of course you can still do pick up if you’d like to do that!

🍪 To order: Please send me a message with your quantity, pick up date and name for the personalized cookie!
EMT due at time of confirmation of order.



12 Days of Cookies Advent Calender …… $60 each!

Includes: 12 mini Christmas themed cookies AND 1 large surprise personalized cookie**

* Personalized cookie will be packaged separately in a sealed box so it will be a surprise until it’s opened on Christmas Eve. or Chirstmas Day .. if you can wait that long! 🤭
** Cookie designs will be exclusive to this preorder only and will not be available to be purchased any other time!

🎁 Pick up or Delivery on December 10 or 11th.
Yes.. delivery! Just like ol’ Saint Nick himself I’m offering delivery with this order (Badger, Grand Falls-Windsor or Bishop’s Falls)
Of course you can still do pick up if you’d like to do that!

🍪 To order: Please send me a message with your quantity, pick up date and name for the personalized cookie!
EMT due at time of confirmation of order.


Happy first day of November!
I am SO excited for all things Christmas and ready to jump right in .. although this has actually been in the works since July I can finally shout it from the rooftops! 😉

The countdown has officially started .. TONIGHT at 7pm I will have ADVENT CALENDARS for preorder!

Have I mentioned how excited I am?
I’ve wanted to do calendars for years but these guys are so hard to get your hands on 😅. Have no fear .. wayyyyy back in July I was able to get my hands on a small number of boxes and I’ve been (kind of) keeping this secret for months!

A little bit of info to prepare for tonight:

🧸 This will be a preorder and payment is due immediately once I confirm your order with you.
I do not expect these to last and of course I will not be able to get my hands on more calendars this year.
Please do not sent payment until I’ve gotten in touch with you to confirm your order!

🎁 Advent Calendars are for 12 days ONLY. I was not able to sn**ch up the 24 day sets so I have a fun little surprise to go along with them to hopefully make up for having to start your countdown halfway through 😉

🎅🏼 Orders will be available and ready to go on December 10 & 11th. More on that tonight 🤭

🍪 You can order your calendars via messenger tonight once all details have been posted!

See you at 7… or 7:01 if I get caught up digging out Christmas trees with the kiddos 😆


👻 All orders are now out for pick up!

You can swing by anytime today .. no worries about sending a message before hand!

I hope all the kiddos all have so much fun tomorrow night! Fingers crossed they share their Reese’s with their grownups 😆🤞🏻

Happy Hallowe’en!


** Macie with an “ie” has been found! 👏🏼

You know what happens when you’re decorating cookies until 2:30am for 3 consecutive days … you start spelling names totally wrong! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Anywayyyy ... Anyone know a Macie … with an “ie” 😆

This little cuddle monster is available!


🎃 That’s a wrap on Halloween 2023!

All orders are currently being packaged and pick up emails/messages being sent as they’re ready!

Thank you all so much for your orders! I had a lot of fun with them!

Next up…. 🎅🏼🤶🏼
* A few super early Hallowe’en customers know what’s to come. But for anyone who didn’t get the sneak peak … you might want to set a reminder for November 1st at 7pm 😉

Photos from Oh My Cookies's post 28/10/2023


Wow! Thank you so much you guys! 😍
Now… back to the pumpkin carving 😂

** Trying to do way too many things at one time 😆 Build Your Own Skeeltons just added! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sorry I’m late… I got a little into the pumpkin carving with the kiddos! 😆
Real life happens haha

SUPER limited quantities .. please message me with your order!
First come first serve of course!
EMT due once I confirm I have everything you’d like!

Videos (show all)

