Randine Lewis

Randine Lewis

Traditional Chinese Medicine Expert in Women's Health & Wellness |
Author | Teacher | Guide

Menopause | Yin Qi Gong 09/04/2024

Yin Qi Gong and Menopause

Menopause is not a disease, and its symptoms do not mean anything is wrong or necessarily needs to be treated hormonally. However, menopausal symptoms can bring us into the awareness of some deeper issues which may have remained unaddressed during the fullest time of our childbearing years when hormones abound.

This is a time of transition, and all transitions tend to challenge us. But when we understand the language the body/mind is speaking during this time, we can find harmony within the shifting inner milieu. Yin Qi Gong provides impactful support for the journey!

Menopause | Yin Qi Gong MENOPAUSE MENOPAUSE – THE GREAT TRANSITION Menopause is not a disease, and its symptoms do not mean anything is wrong or necessarily needs to be treated hormonally. However, menopausal symptoms can bring us into the awareness of some deeper issues which may have remained unaddressed during the ful...


what will allow you to let the light in to the dark parts of you that you keep hidden so that you can bloom in to the fullness of you?

What is Healing #3 – Opening to Healing #portalsofperception 23/03/2024

Here is a rich conversation: “What is Healing” with Aviv Shahar, Alexander Love, Lorie Dechar, Lonny Jarrett and myself. I hope you enjoy.

What is Healing #3 – Opening to Healing #portalsofperception How do we sidestep a familiar and unhelpful pattern of thought or behavior in that moment when trauma or pain begins to assert itself and trigger a response?...


SHE LET GO. Without a thought or word, she let go.
She let go of the fear. She let go of the judgments. She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head. She let go of the committee of indecision within her. She let go of all the "right" reasons. Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go.

She didn't ask anyone for advice. She didn't read a book on how to let go. She didn't search the scriptures. She just let go. She let go of all the memories that held her back. She let go of all the anxiety that kept her from moving forward. She let go of the planning and all the calculations about how to do it just right.
She didn't promise to let go. She didn't journal about it. She didn't write the projected date in her Day-Timer. She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper. She didn't check the weather report or read her daily horoscope. She just let go.

She didn't analyze whether she should let go. She didn't call her friends to discuss the matter. She didn't do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment. She didn't call the prayer line, She didn't utter one word. She just let go.

No one was around when it happened. There was no applause or congratulations. No one thanked her or praised her. No one noticed a thing. Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go.
There was no effort. There was no struggle. It wasn't good and it wasn't bad. It was what it was, and it is just that.

In the space of letting go, she let it all be. A small smile came over her face. A light breeze blew through her. And the sun and the moon shone forever more.

~ Ernest Holmes


What are you holding on tight to?


Qi is the vital animating force of life. Without Qi there is no warmth, no vitality, no breath, no heartbeat, no life. We can divide the vital life force into three major categories: original qi, nutritive qi, and protective qi.

Read more about How GMOs Impact our Qi

Yin Qi Gong | Yinqigong.com 11/10/2023

Over the last three decades, I have helped thousands of women find peace and balance in their bodies and transform their lives by learning to come home to themselves. The Yin Qi Gong program is my gift to you– an opportunity to put the depth of this experience into a tangible, transformative daily practice.

I hope you will join me.

Yin Qi Gong | Yinqigong.com I’m Randine Lewis Hello! I’m Randine Lewis, author of The Infertility Cure (2004) The Way of the Fertile Soul (2007), Spirit of the Blood (2022) and Birthing the Tao (2023). I have also created a feminine form of Qi Gong, more in line with how our bodies flow – called Yin Qi Gong for women. Ov...

Yin Qi Gong | Yinqigong.com 01/10/2023

FALL RESET WITH Dr. Randine Lewis
Thursday, October 5 at 6pm Central

RSVP to [email protected] for the Zoom Link!
Open to ALL (whether you've registered for the course or not!). Anyone who registers will receive the recording, if you cannot attend live! Details below:


Self-Reflection: As the world quiets down and the days grow shorter, Autumn provides us with an opportunity for introspection. We can take a step back from the busyness of life and reflect on our own growth and experiences over the year.

Transition and Change: The shift from Summer to Autumn represents a transition from a period of activity and growth to a time of preparation and change. This transition reminds us that change is a natural part of life, and it's essential to adapt to these changes gracefully.

Letting Go: The image of trees shedding their leaves serves as a powerful metaphor for letting go of what no longer serves us. Just as trees release their leaves to the ground, we can use this season to release negative emotions, old habits, or anything that may be holding us back.

Renewal and Rebirth: While Autumn marks the end of one cycle, it also signifies the beginning of another. The fallen leaves become nourishment for the earth, supporting the renewal of life in Spring. Similarly, the personal growth and self-discovery that occur during Autumn can lead to personal renewal and growth in the future.

Cycles of Nature and Life: The annual cycles of nature, including Autumn, mirror the cycles of our own lives. We experience periods of growth, change, loss, and renewal, just as the natural world does. Recognizing these patterns can help us better understand and navigate our own life journeys.

Overall, Autumn is a season that invites us to connect with the rhythms of nature and find meaning in the changes and transitions we encounter in our lives. It's a time to embrace introspection, let go of what no longer serves us, and prepare for the new opportunities and growth that lie ahead.

The course has a balancing effect on the hormones, lifts the mood, improves lymphatic flow, and opens up the joints, especially of the hips and shoulders.
As we continue the practice and our bodies begin to open up, it is not uncommon to witness accumulated tension and experience the stress held in the body-mind. When our histories include feeling unworthy or separate, our inner experience is of physical or psychic states of dis-ease. As we stay with the practice, inner tension begins to unwind, and any symptoms of imbalance tend to drop away. As we learn to understand our own psychic holding patterns, we become stronger, more balanced, flexible, and self compassionate.

Yin Qi Gong | Yinqigong.com I’m Randine Lewis Hello! I’m Randine Lewis, author of The Infertility Cure (2004) The Way of the Fertile Soul (2007), Spirit of the Blood (2022) and Birthing the Tao (2023). I have also created a feminine form of Qi Gong, more in line with how our bodies flow – called Yin Qi Gong for women. Ov...


Blood ( xue ) is the personification of our experiences - influenced by nature, nurture and our awareness (at times, lack of awareness) of the choices made that have manifested within the Blood. Yet nothing in the blood work is static and the analysis only imparts an overture for us to either continue engaging our lives in our “normal” manner or to consciously shift our choices that would serve to enliven our spirit and to live a rich, meaningful, and healthy life.

- Jeffrey Yuen, Foreword to Spirit of the Blood


Qi Gong practices are known for their health benefits around the world, but over the last hundreds of years, they’ve been taught by men for men. Most focus on consolidating the lower energy centers.

While there are obvious differences in male and female physiology, our energetic anatomy also has uniquely subtle distinctions. Ancient feminine Qi Gong practices paid less attention to consolidating the lower power centers (men have more challenges here), and more attention on the middle energy center of the heart, where we tend to have more imbalances, and also more power.


Being fertile and fruitful can mean giving birth to a child — but to have a fertile soul means to give birth to the true self a woman wants to be: to live a life filled with passion, strength, joy, and adventure.

In The Way of the Fertile Soul, Dr. Randine Lewis outlines ten ancient Chinese medical and Taoist “secrets” that hold the little - known key to successfully conceiving babies, new dreams, and a fulfilling life for women at any phase in their lives.

Read more - https://randinelewis.com/books/

Integral CM collective #5: The Role of Pain and Suffering in Healing 27/06/2023

Here is another penetrating inquiry with scholar physicians Lorie Eve Dechar, Heiner Fruehauf, Lonny Jarrett, Randine Lewis, Alexander Love, William Morris, and Vansanthi Vanniasingham as we discuss, "The Role of Pain and Suffering in Healing."
I hope you find it as enlightening as we do when we come together!

Integral CM collective #5: The Role of Pain and Suffering in Healing Scholar-physicans Lorie Eve Dechar, Heiner Fruehauf, Lonny Jarrett, Randine Lewis, Alexander Love, William Morris, and Vansanthi Vanniasingham discuss The Ro...


Randine's Yin Qi Gong Zoom Meetup - all welcome to join!

Discussing Level 2 Yin Qi Gong Course - Water Energies!

This level is about “exploring the depths” with regard to will, physical drive, sexual desire and creative power, destiny … as we tap into following what’s true within and facing our own darkness as the self-inquiry process for this level, along with the movements that accompany it.

Using our will in the wrong way, or overusing our will power

Pelvis, pelvic diaphragm, reproductive organs, hormonal output, libido, intestines

RSVP at [email protected]


Qi gong changed me more than anything else I’ve ever done for my wellbeing. It has become the key not only to my health, but my sanity. During these movements, I am not separate. I am not living in my head while my body waits for its daily punishment.

I have access to a deeper and profound realm of being not governed by faster, harder, more. It welcomes me into the truth and wisdom of my own dear, beat up body. 60 years old now, and still resurrecting itself every day for the experience of this exquisite life.


The learning of the sage seeks to return nature to its origin and to set the mind to roaming in emptiness.

The learning of the knowledgeable seeks to connect nature to the great expanse and to awaken stillness and quiescence.

The vulgar learning of the age is not like this.
It tugs at Potency and drags at nature.

Internally it vexes the five orbs;
Externally it belabors the ears and eyes.

- Huai Nan Zi, 2.10


"The Valley Spirit never dies.
It is named the Mysterious Female.
And the Doorway of the Mysterious Female
is the base from which Heaven and Earth sprang."

—Lao Tzu, Ch. 6 Tao te Ching


Dr. Lewis is devoted to deepening the profound wisdom of the Tao in powerful energetic and movement processes, unique to women. They can stand alone as meditative movement exercises, or as a transformative healing journey through the body’s seven energetic levels.

Learn more at https://yinqigong.com/yin-qi-gong-course/


Over the last three decades, I have helped thousands of women find peace and balance in their bodies and transform their lives by learning to come home to themselves.

The Yin Qi Gong program is my gift to you– an opportunity to put the depth of this experience into a tangible, transformative daily practice. I hope you will join me in Yin Qi Gong.



I was exposed to qi gong at acupuncture school. At first, I didn’t like it – It was slow, quiet and didn’t give me the euphoric release from my crazy stress. But I had to stay with it as it was a required class. Usual overachiever that I was, I joined a martial arts studio at the same time to REALLY learn it. I started practicing it at home. I ran to the river, and practiced secretly outside, behind trees so nobody could see these strange movements.

And something happened.

continue reading... https://yinqigong.com/about/


Curious about my Yin Qi Gong class?

Tonight you an be IN the course even if you have not yet signed up for the course - an inside look at the monthly membership time with Randine.

What we are looking at this evening ...

Practice Level One - The Waterwheel

Essence: Stillness, innocence, purity. Our true nature, prior to anything else, primal yin and yang, gives rise to the subconscious

Challenge: Not growing up; remaining in the dark

Benefits: Perineum, opening joints, activating fluid metabolism

Self Inquiry exercises: Nourishing the Conception Meridian - Primal Yin

Journal the following questions and answers to access your connection to the conception meridian:

In what ways do you tend to feel disconnected?
What does true connection look/feel like to you?
In what ways do you bond with others?
With whom do you bond at the Wei Qi level?
With whom do you bond at the BloodYing level?
In what ways do you feel like there’s something missing?
In what ways do you feel incomplete?
What memories do you have of being nurtured?
Do you hold areas where you have experienced lack of basic nurturing?
In what ways have you compensated in your life for this lack?
What makes you feel most nurtured?
What makes you feel most whole?
What makes you feel most connected to others?
What makes you feel most connected with yourself?
What is your association with rest and down time?
In what ways do you care for yourself prior to caring for others?

This class will be intimate, and full of wisdom.
Join us by commenting your interest below.


The 道 Tao, or The Way isn’t just an external path we walk, but an internal path into the timeless, spaceless space where a power, not of our own making, leads us.

Ancient Taoist teachings inform us that those who are at One with The Way, do not waste time meddling in external affairs. They go within, align with their true Selves, and appropriate action arises without any strategy. With absolute certainty, all things will take their proper course, and we move along with them. We are at one with creation - a “spirit-like” vessel.

fb.me 03/04/2023

Join me on April 24th to learn what makes my Yin Qi Gong Course so incredibly healing!

This call is open to ALL - whether you have signed up for the course or not!

Yin Qi Gong has a balancing effect on the hormones, lifts the mood, improves lymphatic flow, and opens up the joints, especially of the hips and shoulders. Each level has a self-inquiry PDF to help guide you through a process to facilitate emotional release in conjunction with the movements. We will go through the initial self-inquiry process on April 24th along with the first qi gong movements in the course, so that you can experience it for yourself during the call!

As we continue the practice and our bodies begin to open up, it is not uncommon to witness accumulated tension and experience the stress held in the body-mind. When our histories include feeling unworthy or separate, our inner experience is of physical or psychic states of dis-ease. As we stay with the practice, inner tension begins to unwind, and any symptoms of imbalance tend to drop away. As we learn to understand our own psychic holding patterns, we become stronger, more balanced, flexible, and self compassionate.

RSVP at [email protected]



CM Integral Collective: What is the Role of Love in Healing? 30/03/2023

If there was more time, I’d have gone into the concept of receptivity and the power of Yin. Our entire physiology begins with receptivity. Opening up to receive universal love always precedes the ability to share it.

CM Integral Collective: What is the Role of Love in Healing? Scholar-physicans Lorie Eve Dechar, Heiner Fruehauf, Lonny Jarrett, Randine Lewis, Alexander Love, William Morris, Brandt Stickley, and Vansanthi Vanniasingh...


This was my story ...

Imagine an ongoing thought bubble in my teens and twenties: I’m fat and flabby and out of shape. Look at her. She’s fit and thin. I hate her. I want to be just like her. I’ll do what she does.

I do situps, pushups, and jumping jacks. Burpees even.
I run six miles a day.
I join an aerobics studio.
I lift weights.
I buy leotards.
I teach aerobics classes.
I brutally try to lift more weights.
It’s never enough.
My feet, knees, and back hurt.
Obviously I need to work out harder.

I was exposed to qi gong at acupuncture school. At first, I didn’t like it. Read more here - https://yinqigong.com/about/