ManagerHacks by Mona

ManagerHacks by Mona

Tools & templates to manage your teams. Use with Notion, Airtable, and GoogleDocs


Unlock the Secret to Effective Learning at Work! 🚀

After a decade in Education and Team Management, I've discovered the key to learning isn't just lectures, videos, or books. It's about integrating these into real, practical experiences. Here's a simple, actionable 4-step model:

1. Engage in Hands-On Activities: Involve your team in live, real-world tasks.
2. Reflect Actively:** Encourage your team to think about what they did and how it went.
3. Develop a Repeatable Model: urn these reflections into a practical checklist or framework.
4. Apply in New Scenarios: Use this model to tackle fresh challenges.

As a manager, facilitate each step to foster continuous learning and growth in your team.


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We always talk about feedback in 3 steps: Give factual observations, Explain the Impact, Set the expectation.

However, this is only scratching the surface and never involves the other person in this conversation. Often, we notice a mistake within our team or even with our peers that should not have happened. Even if it has a minor impact, you need to address it swiftly and keep your constructive mindset at all times.

Pointing out what should have been done differently can feel overbearing. But feedback, when done right, is a powerful tool for growth and improvement.

Here is a 4-step framework to make sharing feedback easier.


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I am here to remind you that there is always time for celebration.

When was the last time you congratulated yourself (or your team) for a job well done? Did you mark the occasion?

You should!:) Here are five easy-to-spot moments when celebration is in order.



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🌀 Conflicts can be complex, but understanding their roots is the first step towards resolution. Our infographic breaks down the 'Circle of Conflict' into five key types: Relationship, Data, Interest, Structural, and Value.

🧩 Each type represents a unique aspect of conflict, helping you identify and address the real issues. Explore the circle and transform conflicts into opportunities for growth and understanding!

Adapted from Christopher Moore


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🛑 Hold up! Before leaping into solutions, let's get real about the issue at hand. It's easy to see a problem and rush to fix it, but are we really tackling the root cause?

🤔 Get to the bottom of things with the 5 Whys technique.

Start from what's observable and keep asking 'Why?'—not once, but five times. This journey of questioning will lead you to the true core of the problem.

🌟 Remember, it's not just about quick fixes; it's about understanding deeply and solving smartly.

How to Use the 5 Whys:

1. Start with the Problem: Identify a specific problem you're facing.
2. Ask 'Why?': Ask why the problem occurred.
3. Analyze the Answer: Consider the answer, and then ask 'Why?' again, based on that response.
4. Repeat the Process: Continue this process until you've asked 'Why?' five times or more, each time using the previous answer as the basis for the next question.
5. Identify the Root Cause: The final 'Why?' should lead you to the root cause of the problem.
6. Develop a Solution: Once the root cause is identified, you can work on a solution that addresses it.

By repeatedly asking 'Why?' based on each answer, the 5 Whys method peels back the layers of symptoms to uncover the root of a problem. This approach helps in developing more effective solutions that address the true issue rather than just treating symptoms.


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The GROW model is a powerful and widely-used coaching framework that helps in structuring conversations and problem-solving sessions. Here's a breakdown of each step with key questions to ask:

1. Goal:
- Objective: Define what the coachee wants to achieve.
- Key Questions:
- What do you want to accomplish?
- What is the ideal outcome?
- How will you know that you have achieved this goal?
- Is this goal realistic and achievable?
2. Reality:
- Objective: Understand the current situation and the context of the issue.
- Key Questions:
- What is currently happening?
- What are the challenges you are facing?
- How have you tried to address this issue so far?
- What impact is the current situation having on you and your team?
3. Options:
- Objective: Explore different strategies or paths to achieve the goal.
- Key Questions:
- What could you do to change the situation?
- What alternatives have you thought about?
- Who could help you with this?
- What are the pros and cons of each option?
4. Will (or Way Forward):
- Objective: Commit to specific actions to move towards the goal.
- Key Questions:
- What will you do, and by when?
- What steps will you take first?
- How will you keep yourself accountable?
- What might get in the way, and how will you overcome these obstacles?

To effectively use the GROW model, consider creating a template or worksheet that outlines each stage with space for notes. This can be a simple document in Word or Google Docs, which can be used during one-on-one meetings to structure the conversation and record action items and insights.


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⬇️ Diminishers make your message less appealing and harder to understand.

Clean those phrases from your vocabulary.

Instead, use polite affirmative sentences that show your point of view in a concise and confident manner.
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Measuring productivity is not an easy game.

One thing is for sure - presence is not a sign of efficiency, productivity, or success.

Yet, employees today still feel the pressure of presenteeism - both physically and online.

In 2023, it's time to show your team you know how to measure results. You are not here to check if they are online. You are here to make sure they bring value to your company and to your clients.

Measure Objectives and Key Results easily with the dedicated Premium Notion template:


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There is a beautiful French proverb that says "What is done is no longer to be done” (”Ce qui est fait n'est plus à faire”). Couldn't have said it better.

✅ ✅ ✅
Tackle small tasks immediately—once they're done, they stop weighing on your mind. Clearing these quick to-dos frees you to concentrate on bigger, more meaningful projects.


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I don't even remember how we worked without a Notion team space 😱
It has been 4 years that I have used Notion every single day with my team.
If you are just getting started, here are my 3 tips fro efficient Notion team spaces.

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The light disappears from the sky. The night starts crawling in. The clock ticks away.

And you feel like you have not even started your to-do list….

The feeling of not having enough time is the most frequent problem of managers nowadays.

It's also one of the first reasons leading to anxiety and its harmful cousins.

Don't wait until tomorrow to take things in your hands. Start simple - say “no” to a request from a colleague which doesn't fit in your calendar. Delegate a task you actually enjoy doing but could be done by your team. Block time for focused work with no notification or other interruptions.

These are small changes and you probably know them all - so why not start now?

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While you know that the 1:1 check-in is a valuable time between you and your employee, do you know what is the most important topic to focus on?

The 1:1s should focus on what is not being said or shared in public. It’s the time to check in on well-being, fulfilment, and performance. It’s the perfect time to provide feedback on recent events, or to offer help in an area where you see your team member may be blocked.

Get more insights during your 1:1s with the free Notion template:


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💭 Stepping into a leadership role? Remember, it's less about having all the answers and more about posing the right questions. For example:

- Instead of "Did you finish that task?", ask "What progress have we made on that task?"
- Instead of "Why did you do it this way?", try "Can you help me understand your approach?"
- Instead of "Who made this mistake?", inquire "How can we prevent this in the future?"
Cultivate an environment of curiosity, understanding, and continuous learning. Let your questions guide the way.

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👏🏽 Congratulations! You've just stepped into a managerial role. Your leaders have announced your new position, and now you have a team to lead. But where do you begin?

Should you dive into project documents, read the knowledge base, examine key client files, organise one-on-one meetings, review financial reports, or evaluate existing rituals? The answer is yes, eventually you'll need to tackle all of these. However, before you dive in, it's crucial to ask yourself the right questions.

Should you look at the project documents? Read the knowledge base? Go through the key client files? Organise 1:1s? Review the numbers? Look at the existing rituals? Something else?

Asking powerful questions can provide you with clarity and structure, helping you to see the bigger picture in your new role. After interviewing 8 managers with experience ranging from 1 to 17 years, I recapped their most insightful questions in the following list.

Here are the first five questions you should ask yourself as a new manager..
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Trust is a powerful tool in leadership. When you trust your employees, you'll often find they exceed expectations. It's simple: Give them the trust to handle tasks on their own, and watch them thrive.


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Photos from ManagerHacks by Mona's post 01/11/2023

Stepping into a managerial role can often feel like opening Pandora's box. You will find numerous surprises, both exhilarating and and challenging, that test your resilience and adaptability. Here are the top 10 surprises managers I have interviewed have shared for their first month on the job:

1. Echo: Every word you say is heard, remembered, and often over-analysed by the team.
2. Perspective Shift: You start seeing the organisation from a bird's-eye view.
3. Isolation Waves: The peer-to-manager transition can be lonely.
4. Confessions: Surprisingly, people begin to share more with you – both work-related and personal.
5. Joy in Others' Growth: Witnessing your team evolve becomes the most appealing reward.
6. Emotional Barometer: Your mood and energy become a mirror for the team.
7. Decisions Pressure: Your choices now impact many, not just one.
8. Newfound Empathy: Understanding team challenges becomes deeply personal.
9. Conflict Navigation: People look up to you to solve complex interpersonal challenges.
10. Continuous Learning: No matter how prepared you are, every day you will bring you something new to learn (that you won't master at first and that's ok).


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🎃 People managers are arguably the most anxious population in the working industry.
No fear, managers, I got your back.
Leave those worries at home and build a fulfilled team 💚

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🏞️ It's easy to ignore the small wins when you look at how far the major goal is.

🍾 If you want my advice, look at the small wins as little pebbles over the river of challenges to overcome to reach the horizon of your objectives. Pebble by pebble, celebrate each step taken with your team. This will give you the energy to go further and build a sustainable team.

Ready to level up your management game? More tips and tools:

Photos from ManagerHacks by Mona's post 30/10/2023

💫 Test your resilience score 💫

In leadership, resilience is a foundational trait that dictates how we navigate challenges.

Resilient leaders are known to adapt to adversity, maintain a positive outlook, and continually grow from their experiences.

Some examples of resilient leaders are Nelson Mandela, who persevered through decades of imprisonment to lead his nation, or Sheryl Sandberg, who, after personal tragedy, channeled her grief into advocacy and support for others facing adversity.

Are you aware of your own level of resilience? 🤔

☑️ I've put together a simple 8-question test to help you gauge your resilience levels.

Dive in, reflect, and learn. Because knowing is the first step towards growth.

Swipe to take the test.


🚀 Why did you become a manager?

I think we all have our reasons. Some do it to help with employee development, others - because they get energised by team dynamics, yet others - to get more responsibility. Whatever the reason, you have the steering wheel and the power to define the future of your team. I don't want to put pressure on you. Rather - make you realise the chance you have by being elected as the manager of your team.

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💭 Are you the master of your stress, or is it mastering you?
The Stress Wheel is a diagnostic tool designed to help you categorize the nature of your stress—Healthy, Unhealthy, or otherwise. Utilize it to make informed decisions and maintain a balanced work environment.

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📝 Quick tip for fellow managers: Weekly check-ins aren't just a box to tick. They're your tool to align your team's efforts. Use them wisely to ensure everyone's rowing in the same direction. 🛶

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🧠 With one small action per day you can flex your brain muscles and boost your management skills. That’s the law of '**aggregate marginal gains**', and is the idea that if you improve by just 1% consistently, those small gains will add up to remarkable improvement.

Now how do you do hone your management abilities?

7 ideas for each day to get you started with minimum investment.

1. Read articles on practical management (application is key)
2. Share your pains, successes, and challenges with a fellow manager to get external points of view
3. Subscribe to my channel so that you can get fresh ideas every day
4. Get feedback from others and improve where need be
5. Reflect about your week and use a journal to write down your thoughts
6. Make sure to keep physically active as your brain requires some good movement
7. And, of course, make sure to relax and unwind after a successful week.

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Giving feedback is a routine but critical part of management. Here's a simple five-step process to make those tough conversations easier and more effective: Observe, Listen, Address, Action Plan, Apply.

1️⃣ Observe: Note down specific instances that require feedback.
2️⃣ Listen: Give your team members space to express their side.
3️⃣ Address: Clearly state what needs improvement, and why it matters.
4️⃣ Action Plan: Outline a roadmap to address the issue.
5️⃣ Apply: Execute and monitor the plan together.

The goal isn't to call out errors but to set a path for improvement.

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🪞 Have you noticed how your team slumps when you are not feeling at your best?

As managers, something we often forget is that our team is a 🪞 mirror reflecting our own behaviour. Want the team to perform well? Show what high performance looks like. If you're stressed or short-tempered, don't be surprised if your team starts acting the same way.

So before you walk into that next meeting or send that next email, think about the example you're setting. Your team is watching.

Check out my profile for more insights and tools:

Happy managing! 🙌


Feeling busy? Think you're efficient because your calendar is packed? Think again. If your meetings are back-to-back, you're setting yourself up for stress, and guess what? Your team senses it. Start adding buffer time before and after meetings—trust me, it's a lifesaver. Use those extra minutes to regroup, strategise, or even just breathe. Be proactive, not reactive.

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4 mindset changes to ease your first steps as a leader:

1. From self to others
2. From pleasing to driving (= not everyone will like you)
3. From executing to developing others (=they can do the job)
4. From theory to practice (=time is the best teacher)


When you take the responsibility of becoming a manager, you might get overwhelmed by the changes around you. To get ready, tune to 4 mindset changes first.

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👚 One size doesn't fit all in leadership. Are you aware of the leadership styles you're using? Is it autocratic, democratic, or laissez-faire?

Do you know how your style impacts your team?

It's a useful tool for your management toolbox. Knowing when to use which can make or break a project, or … your team.

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Ever wonder why an employee's performance varies despite seemingly stable work conditions? 🤔 There are things about your team that you'll never fully know, but that doesn't mean you can't be a supportive manager.

🧠 Mental Health Status
💰 Financial Stress
💔 Personal Relationships

These hidden factors can influence productivity and morale in ways you can't always see. What you can do is maintain an open-door policy, foster a supportive environment, and remember: everyone has something on their mind. Be the kind of leader who understands this. 🌱



This is Mona 👋🏻

Find the right tools to manage your teams!
No fluff, just straight-to-the point tips & templates to lead performing & happy teams.

How do I build the ManagerHacks tools?

The products you see are the result of 10 years in project & team management in startups & international companies. In every mission, I think about the smart ways to approach a situation, solve a problem, or work efficiently. The results is in front of your eyes.

You will find all templates on 🙌🏼


Manager OS is shaping up nicely 🏗
The objective: one space for leads to manage their teams.

💫 Run your team from the long-term vision to daily operations
💫 Accountability on projects & milestones
💫 Keep confidential data safe
💫 Recruit & Develop

- Coming soon -

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Manager OS - Teaser
