

Breathwork/Ice Plunge /Sound Bath. Welcome to a space for community, connection and personal growth.


Real talk: knowing you should do something or feel a certain way is just the beginning. True transformation is all about embodying those values and living them out loud.

This is why we’re all about that bottom-up approach. Science tells us that physical practices like breathwork can literally rewire the brain. It's not just about thinking better, it's about living better. Align your mind and body, and watch your world transform.

Try breathwork: www.mindgym.pro

Photos from Mindgym's post 10/05/2024

why not..


how would you describe breathwork in your own words?



When stress hits, our body goes into 'fight or flight' mode—thanks to the sympathetic nervous system. Our heart rate increases, breath quickens, and blood flow shifts away from non-essential functions. 🧠That’s why our perspectives become narrow and we tend to react emotionally to situations.

But when we're calm, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated—promoting relaxation, slower breathing, and a sense of stability. From this state, perspectives shift, and the world looks different.☀️

Since we have the power to control our breath, we're hacking into our own system. That's why breathwork is the shortcut to calm state and better decisions.


Inner Peace > Stress.


Breathwork often gets compared to psychedelics. They both can take you to “altered states of consciousness”. That’s when your perception, thoughts, emotions—everything is different from the norm. This heightened state of awareness may allow individuals to explore and release deeply-held emotions, such as those associated with trauma, depression, and anxiety. We love seeing continued scientific research demonstrating that breathwork leads to the same state.

It’s hard to explain what moments of clarity like this can feels like. Just give it a try and you may just find life gets a little bit easier.


"One of the bravest things you can do is be true to who you are. To leave expectations at the door and let judgements fall to the wayside. To say what you mean and share how you feel. To keep your heart open and stay warm, even when the world tries to turn vou cold. One of the bravest things you can do is to maintain hope when people would understand if all you felt was despair. To fall in love with life, and revel in both the good days and the bad. One of the bravest things you can do is to take risks and chances. To follow the things that pull at you and embrace your fear of failing head on in the process. One of the bravest things you can do is to truly live, love and bare it all." - author unknown

Just a little reminder to stay true to your journey. Is it always a walk in the park? Definitely not. Being authentic takes courage. Keep breathing and unlocking your full potential, one layer at a time.



Ground yourself,
clear your mind,
and embrace calm
to set the stage for your dreams to flourish. 🌼

(a cluttered state creates cluttered dreams.)



Reasons to join the Breath Club 💪🏾

* Reduce physical and mental stress
* Reduce ADD symptoms and enhance focus
* Alleviate anxiety and depression
* Quiet mind chatter for improved sleep
* Clarify personal values and life goals
* Learn to surrender
* Inspire and be inspired by others


(Bookings in bio)

Photos from Mindgym's post 15/04/2024

What felt like 5 minutes was actually 1 hour. We love Sunday Live Sessions! They're a great way disconnect from the outer world, connect with your dreams and feel you most authentic self.

Tune in for the next one in May 🖤


Connecting with yourself during moments of positivity can sometimes be more challenging than during moments of negativity. However, consistent self-reflection is the key to hacking your mind and body.How would you describe your inner state today?


Expanding your horizons requires a fresh perspective and open-mindedness. How open are you?


Your perspective is always limited by how much you know. Expand your knowledge and you will transform your mind. - Bruce H. Lipton


HBW = Holotropic Breathwork.
Sharing another interesting research paper with you that shows that breathwork reduces stress and increases satisfaction with life. Sounds like a nice trade-off.


Look around. Some of the strongest people around you have gone through extreme suffering. It's moving through these hardships and bearing the scars that have shaped their immense character.


Skin in the game called life.


Do you know those moments in your life when you feel perfectly aligned and everything seems to be falling into your hands? In relationships, work, or personal growth, you are achieving what you've always wanted. Kind reminder to always begin with yourself - your body and your mind.🍎

Photos from Mindgym's post 28/03/2024

🍔for 🧠: It takes 90 seconds for an emotion to move through our body IF we acknowledge the emotion. IF NOT-we loop. 🔁


"To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often." -Winston Churchill


Changing your mental state doesn’t take long. In fact, 5 minutes per day can be enough. Here are some insight’s from Stanford’s research on Breathwork. (full PDF in bio)

* Daily 5-minute breathwork and mindfulness meditation improve mood and reduce anxiety
* Breathwork improves mood and physiological arousal more than mindfulness meditation
* 'Cyclic sighing' is most effective at improving mood and reducing respiratory rate


Breathwork is a practice where we let go of the storyline and face the simple truth. From that place, great things can be cultivated.


oxygenmask/ eyemask 😉


where there's a will there's a way. where there's no will, there's no way.


Your breath is a built-in rest button. Join us for Online Psychedelic Breathwork next Sunday (March 17th). A great opportunity to hit reset. (Link in bio)


“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am then I change.”- Carl Rogers

Photos from Mindgym's post 10/03/2024

This is your body signaling the need for balance.


Life's unexpected twists are just opportunities to create something uniquely yours.

Photos from Mindgym's post 07/03/2024

Are you team comfort or discomfort?


a study worth sharing (by Fincham et al.)

Connected breathing (diaphragmatic breathing) has profound effects:

* enhances brainwave patterns.
* improves neural communication.
* boosts mood, increases positivity, relaxation, and tranquility.
* increases mindfulness.
* Fosters mental well-being, with potential therapeutic applications.

Breathwork is brainfood. 🧠 Download the full research paper from the link in our bio.


“Clarity and decisiveness come from the willingness to slow down, to listen and look what’s happening.” -Pema Chödrön

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"We don't need to win the race, the lottery, or the promotion before we experience the emotions of those events." ~ Joe ...
the most effective way to do it it is to do it ~ Amelia Earhart#justdoit #selfcare #wellness #seekdiscomfort #icebath #s...
