Jaz Floyd
Outdoors Oil Painter
Here's a video about the experience painting Hotel Clermont.
Hotel Clermont Original Oil Painting by Jaz Floyd 24” x 24”Oil on CanvasJaz FloydAfter a century, Hotel Clermont stands more recognizable than ever before. The soft glow of the neon “Motor Hotel” sign attrac...
Here are some detail photos of my oil painting of Hotel Clermont
New Painting out of Hotel Clermont! Full write up on my website.
Hotel Clermont — Jaz Floyd Hotel Clermont painted in stunning neon oil colors by Jaz Floyd.
Here's the video for Fellini's Pizza, an original oil painting.
Fellini's Pizza Oil Painting by Jaz Floyd Fellini’s PizzaJaz FloydOil PaintingHexagon Canvas27.5” w 32” hSizzling colors spring from Fellini’s Pizza in this oil painting, as delicious as a late night...
I just uploaded another oil painting - Fellini's Pizza on Ponce De Leon Ave.
Fellini’s Pizza — Jaz Floyd Fellini’s Pizza: an original oil painting by Jaz Floyd.
New painting out - I created Lean Draft House on the last day of 2023. More photos and a video here:
Lean Draft House — Jaz Floyd Lean Draft House, painted in purples and yellows en plein air.
This piece has already sold! There are plenty of other spots to paint in Piedmont Park. Where would you like to see me paint around Atlanta?
After painting for ten years, I'm finally opening up commissions! Over the next month, I'll be offering half off commissions to help me find new places to paint around Georgia! Help me find the next spot to paint