Eng. Muhammad Israr Azeem

Eng. Muhammad Israr Azeem

A Muslim, APakistani Kashmiri...Born on 20 April.



The genius princess the angel... 😔


آذاد کشمیر کو صوبہ بنانے یا انضمام کی باتیں سامنے آنے کے بعد کشمیری قوم کو متحد ہو کر یہ پیغام دینا چاہیے کہ دنیا کی کوئی طاقت کشمیر کو تقسیم نہیں کرسکتی ۔اگر ایسا کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی تو انجام کی ذمہ داری ریاست پاکستان پر عائد ہوگئی ۔کشیمریوں کی گزشتہ 70 سالہ جہدوجہد ، لاکھوں شہیدوں کی قربانیاں اس بات کی عکاسی کرتی ہیں کہ کشمیری قوم کو جھکایا نہیں جا سکتا ۔ہمارا موقف بالکل واضح ہے کہ کشمیری قوم کو حق خودارادیت دیا جائے اور استصواب رائے کے ذریعے کشمیری قوم اپنے مستقبل کا فیصلہ خود کریں گئے ۔راجہ فاروق حیدر خان کو ان کیمرہ اجلاس بلانے کے بجائے پوری کشمیری قوم کو اعتماد میں لینا چاہیے اور کشمیری قوم کا موقف اسمبلی میں متفقہ قرار داد پاس کرکے پیش کرنا چاہیے ۔ ۔موجودہ اقدامات اور حالات سنگین خطرے کی طرف اشارہ کررہے ہیں ۔ان اقدامات نے 5 اگست کے اقدام میں بھی ریاست پاکستان کے کردار کو مشکوک کردیا ہے ۔لہذا میں وزیراعظم سے مطالبہ کرتا ہوں پوری کشمیری قوم کو اعتماد میں لیا جائے
رہزنوں سے تو بھاگ نکلا تھا
اب مجھے رہبروں نے گھیرا ہے



Dear kashmirs
We are going to launch protest against the merge of kashmir into Pakistan in upcomming week.



And the result of Khan Speech!We had intimated Pakistani leadership that Indian would not understand lanauage of peace or peace request, but the launage which jeopardize their exisitence on world Map.


Pakistan should declare Disease as a !




Pakistan vs Pakistan?
The Christian and the Zionist West is operating under and behind the cover of secular democracy. It goes without saying that it is captained by the United States of America, which after the decline of the European colonialism has taken upon itself the ‘responsibility’ of acting as the ‘bullying policeman’ of the globe.
Till Marxism - Leninism - Stalinism & Maoism happened to be the ‘identification’ of the threat faced by “the-freedom – to-rob” brand of Capitalism, the ‘secular’ West was acting in the name of ‘God’, to defeat the Godless forces of Evil. The phrase that Reagan had coined for the Soviet Union was “the Evil Empire”. The term “Evil” by itself is a clear reflection of religious motives – in this case the Christian-Zionist motives.
After the demise of the above-mentioned EVIL Empire, the name of the enemy is Terrorism which is one and the same thing as Islam, and Sharia which is the very opposite of human rights.
It so happens that in this new war scenario, the adversaries have a history of centuries of conflict and animosity, precisely because of which the currently dominant West harbours a fierce aversion to the very thought of an Islamic country acquiring possession of the nuke-making technology.
Even more averse, the democratic-secular West is to the thought of Muslim countries adopting Islamic character and seeking to Islamize their legal systems.
This is, in the simplest terms, the political scenario of the world of today. Only by keeping this scenario in mind, can we understand the psyche and the motives of the Christian-Zionist war on terror that has been unleashed on the world of the Crescent.
The irony is that Washington wants Pakistan to fight this war on behalf of the West. Even greater irony is that there is a strong, well-financed and strategically-positioned lobby in Pakistan that is serving as ‘the frontline force’ of the West under the cover of secularism and democracy.


A Public Message...

Maximum temperature recorded in some cities:
Lahore - 47 degrees
Peshawar - 47 degrees
Multan - 49 degrees
Karachi - 45 degrees
Hyderabad - 49 degrees
Even cities like RWP/Islamabad - 45 degrees
Next year these cities will cross 50 degrees and even AC will not save you in summer.
Why is it so hot?
In last 10 years over 10 crore trees were cut for widening roads and highways. But not more than a lakh trees has been planted by Government or public.
How to make Pakistan cool?
Please do not wait for government to plant trees. Sowing seeds or planting trees does not cost much.
Just collect seeds of Peeple, Mango, Lemon, Jamun, Neem, Custard Apple etc. Then dig two-three inch hole on open spaces, roadside, footpaths, highways, gardens and also in your society or bungalow. Water and nurture them well..

Timeline photos 15/02/2017
Timeline photos 08/02/2017

Last night I was talking to an old classmate of mine . She was pretty pi**ed that she was not getting any rishtas . Everyone came saw her and would reject her for silly small reasons like height shakal family house location ( the usual Pakistani dramay ) . I started feeling bad and changed the topic by asking about her brother (major in army ) rishta . Did they find a good one . And she was like Kidhar . Koi kam ki larki milti hi Nahin . Kal dentist dekhi larki uski height b match Nahin kerti ghar b Ganda Tha woh Bahi ke sath match Nahin kerti . Woh major hai koi larki uske level ki milti hi Nahin . Thak Gaye hai rishtay dekh dekh ker. Did you see what just happened ??

People have made this tradition/fashion now a days. In the name of Rishtaaz, a family including bhai, bhabi, bhawaj, ami abu, chota baby, attack together the girls home as if they are going to win a war along with the battalion OR as if they're going for a family picnic. For them its just an activity "Larki dikhain" as if she's a decoration piece for them. Complete head to toe scanning of girl is done by the Commander Ami ji along with the rest of the force i.e bhabi and company. They want the girl to resemble with Katrina Kaif no matter if they themselves resemble with Murli Tharan.

Abu and bhai would also love to have some glimpses of girl but their main focus is on number of desserts served with the tea. Girl is rejected straight away if her nose is tilted someway or the other Or her height is a bit less or more from their expectations. And if the girl is lil fat then God Forbid the girl is seen with such eyes as if they're gonna eat her with their eyes. An interview cm investigation is taken place from the girl as it feels like there must be some academies where Rishta preparation classes are offered to tackle the clumsy questions. Sm ppl even reject the girl straight away at her face. I mean what would be the feelings of a girl rejected just bcz of her physical look.

If today they are doing with smones daughter then tomorrow it will be done to their daughter by someone else..................................................


In a country where:
1. Eating meat of a donkey is justified;
2. Muslims are systematically killed in name of Islam;
3. Killing of innocent non Muslims is a sacred duty;
4. Corruption is justified;
5. Justice is bought and sold;
6. Pure milk is not available;
7. Kids milk is contaminated;
8. Fake medicine are sold;
9. Organs of poor people are taken out without their knowledge;
10. Doctors behave like butchers;
11. Secret agencies issue certificates of patriotism;
12. Mullahs decide who is a true Muslim;
13. Becoming a foot soldier of secret agencies is perceived as a pride;
14. Secret agencies dictate democratic norms;
15. Defeat is projected as a great victory;

I don’t want to be part of that country. You can call me whatever you like, but I don’t want to be a party to this corruption, nepotism, extremism, terrorism, injustice, inequality and oppression.

I will work to create a small space where equality and peace prevails; and where no one is killed because of his religious views.........................................................

Timeline photos 20/11/2016

This is called mental slavery.

There is a country which has prefix Azad, meaning independent, the only one of its kind in the world. Its taxes are collected by a neighbouring country. Its Prime Minister is selected from the most loyal mental slaves by the neighbouring country. Once the Prime Minister is in office he is fully controlled by Lent Officers and security agencies of that country. He begs that country to release a percentage of the money collected from taxes. Sometimes he is obliged by release of some funds.

This Prime Minister cannot ask how much they have looted from his territory; how many billions they have made in foreign exchange sent by its citizens. Once when he was sacked from his post, he said PM of this territory has fewer powers than a peon. Interestingly he has agreed to accept the post which has less power than a peon.

Citizens of that country are so intelligent that despite knowing some of the bitter facts they continue to claim that they are independent. And sadly they say they are happy too.

To best of my knowledge there is no other nation on earth so happy with its slavery. This is called mental slavery. Those who tell them that you are fooled in name of religion are promoted as traitors. What can you do with this level of mental slavery?


Who is not corrupt? Lack of an opportunity to steal is not evidence of someone’s

Issue of corruption is discussed in every nook and corner in Pakistan, and in areas of Jammu and Kashmir administered by Pakistan. Mostly talking point is corruption of Mr Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif. However, if we closely examine the society, then question arises who is not corrupt in the Pakistani/ Kashmiri society.

On way back home, a man parked his car near a wooden cart where an old man was selling apples. The car driver thought it will be help to this old man if he bought apples from him. He bought two kilos, paid him the money and went home. On reaching home when he opened the bag, to his horror, he discovered many of the apples were rotten.
He was angry and wanted to go back and speak to this man, but his brother said the return journey would cost you more in petrol; so leave it. He has not made millions out of this.

This added fuel to the anger of the elder brother. He said I bought the apples from him to help the poor man. He has proved that he is also corrupt like others in the society.

Younger brother said he is not as corrupt as Zardari and Nawaz Sharif because they have made millions; and this man only made a small amount.

The elder brother retorted, in my view, he is worse than them. He only had access to the corruption that he has committed. If he was a Minister or head of some department or a Prime Minister and did not commit any corruption then we can say he is better than Mr Zardari and Nawaz Sharif.

He continued, ‘it is unfortunate that we live in a society where it is difficult to find honest people. The milkmen generously mix water in the milk. Doctors take medicine from government hospitals and use that to treat their patients in their private clinics. Chemists sell fake medicines’.

Find me one section of the society which has no corruption. Cricketers sell pride of Pakistan to make money. Doctors have commercialised their noble profession; and innocent patients suffer and die needlessly. For the sake of money and promotions, the police and judiciary notoriously side with the powerful; and culprits walk away.
From school teachers to army officers and from traffic wardens to taxi drivers, you will struggle to find honest men. Other day I heard one colleague proudly saying that he paid 1000 Rupees to get his electricity bill reduced. Is that not corruption? Are electric meter readers honest? Don’t they take money to give wrong reading to
electricity billing department?

Go to any government department you won’t get anything done unless you offer them money. These people are supposed to be there to serve people and get paid by the government; but they won’t pick up a file unless paid. At one time it was done in secret; now it is done openly and the money creamed off goes all the way to the top.

It is pointless even talking about corruption of religious leaders and what goes on in name of religion in madrassas and Masjids. I can’t find any sector of the society immune from corruption and wrong doing. Anyone who talks about so called guardian of our religion is projected as an agent of the non believers to malign Islam and the religious scholars.

After pocketing illegal money from where they can, these champions of morality get together and yell that politicians are corrupt. Politicians have not come from Mars. They are from the society we live in. If the society, civil service and the establishment is corrupt then, of course, we will get corrupt politicians too.

Those who say so and so is not corrupt, they need to put them in charge where they have opportunity to pocket money. If they refrain from doing it then one can say they are honest.

After listening to this long sermon, the young brother said, Bahi Jaan you seem to be really upset because of the cheating of this man.

The big brother said, ‘yes I am upset. The society we live in is corrupt to the core. We have people who preach to others instead of correcting themselves. I don’t know how long more Allah will give us.

If we don’t correct our mistakes then Allah’s system will correct things in his own way. We need to speak out against wrong doings. If we remain quiet Allah may punish us all’.

Lack of an opportunity to steal or pocket money is not evidence of someone’s honesty. Remaining quiet is not option admired by Allah. To speak against wrong doing is the best jihad.

Timeline photos 21/03/2016

A Legend .... n ........ Proud of Mangral's ............... Raja Sakhi Daleer Khan of Sarsawa.......


Our Green Gold exploited by Pakistan::
________ ______ ______ ____ __
Pakistani officials and Pakistani people claim that they feed people of Azad Kashmir; and that without their help people of Azad Kashmir cannot survive. This is not true. We were self- sufficient in food before the State of Jammu and Kashmir was forcibly divided in 1947/8; and the only thing we imported was salt from Punjab. In return we exported many things to Punjab of that time.

The entire State of Jammu and Kashmir is endowed with enormous natural resources; and Allah Almighty has been very kind to Azad Kashmir as well. Forests in Azad Kashmir which enhance the beauty of the region with enormous other benefits spread over area of 1.4 million Acres; whereas, total area of Azad Kashmir is 32, 85760 Acres. This means about 42% of the Azad Kashmir territory was covered by forests. However, due to excessive deforestation and greed of the officials, and Timber Mafia only 14% of that is remaining now.

The Timber Mafia which is supported by some corrupt people from Azad Kashmir as well, on average cut 155,000 t0 180,000 trees every year. These trees are generally Deodar, Kail and Fir. All these trees are in abundance in the Neelam Valley. Because of this deforestation, the region is facing many environmental problems; not to mention landslides, increased floods and poor harvests.

Safi Allah Asim, Secretary General, Committee for Protection of Forests, in his article ‘Azad Kashmir Ka Sabaz Sona, iss ke tabahi ka kon zimadar hai’ meaning: ‘Green Gold of Azad Kashmir - who is responsible for its Destruction’ published in June 2012, wrote: That apart from the damage done by the Timber Mafia, nomad people from Pakistan (goat-sheep herders) bring lakhs of sheep and goats to Azad Kashmir, especially in the Neelam Valley during Summer; and they cause enormous damage to very valuable plants and trees. 1

Poor farmers of Azad Kashmir allow the Timber Mafia to cut trees for the sum of 180 to 350 depending on the size of the tree. When these trees are exported to Islamabad, Gujranwala, Lahore and Karachi, it is sold like a gold dust. For example the whole Deodar tree could be sold in Lahore for more than 3 million Pakistani Rupees. 2 The price for the Deodar tree is priced at 1.8 million Pakistani Rupees in Muzaffarabad, capital of Azad Kashmir.

The Deodar tree survives more than 100 years; and it takes about 10 years for it to achieve its maximum growth, which is around 200 feet in height. One Deodar tree provides 1000 cubic feet; and retail price of one foot in Lahore is Rs 3600. 3 If we multiply that with 1000, the price for one Deodar tree is 3.6 million or 36 Lakh Rupees. 4

Deodar trees are also used to collect a natural medication which comes in a liquid form, and is called ‘Lodh’ in local language. It is very effective for killing certain types of germs and insects, especially to kill household germs, insects, and bed bugs etcetera. Similarly, Kael tree also provides a natural liquid which is very useful for treating wounds and problems associated with feet, for example cracked feet. In a Pakistani district Hazara, this liquid is extracted on commercial bases and sold.

Similarly the whole Fir tree is sold for millions of Rupees in Pakistan, and the whole Kael tree could be sold for 1.7 million Rupees. The majority of these trees are cut from Keran Sector, Sharda and Athmaqaam. They are transported in cities in Punjab and Sindh, where they are produced for creating expensive wooden furniture which is then transported to Holland, Belgium and Denmark.

One can imagine how lucrative this business is. People of Punjab and Sindh, and for that matter, government officials do not encourage establishment of any industry in Azad Kashmir that people can manufacture furniture here and strengthen their economy. They purchase raw trees at peanut price and make a fortune out of this.

New trend is that Pakistani businessmen are purchasing vast areas of land in Azad Kashmir, even though legally they cannot purchase any land in any part of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

Total population of the Neelam valley is around three Lakh. It must be pointed out that due to lack of electricity in the Neelam Valley, people use wood for cooking and for heating houses during very harsh winter. It is estimated that around 60,000 trees are cut annually by the local people for this purpose; and according to conservative estimate it is about 51 billion and 84 Cror Rupees.5

The Neelam Valley has abundance water resources. There are many small tributaries of the Neelam River, which could be used to generate electricity and people won’t have to cut trees to heat houses in the winter. This will save money, save trees and also help the environment, as leaves of Deodar tree are especially good at absorbing carbon dioxide.

Apart from exploitation of our trees, every year 3 billion Rupees worth of flowers are also taken from Azad Kashmir, which are transported to Pakistan and then abroad. It is important to remember that the revenue goes to the provincial governments or in pockets of the businessmen of Punjab and Sindh.

Furthermore, Azad Kashmir is famous for different valuable plants and herbs. Out of Pakistan’s most economically useful plants, 70 percent are transported from Azad Kashmir, especially from the Neelum Valley. Most of these plants are extracted in wild form and transported to Punjab and Sindh where they are used for herbal teas, pills and medicine. All these items are then exported to various countries making huge profits; and this also generates very valuable foreign exchange for Pakistan

Just see how much they make and exploit us, these corporations extract 1 billion Rupees of medicinal plants each year from Azad Kashmir; not to mention the herbs that are used for other purposes like herbal tea and pills etc.

I am not a Mathematician, but anyone with common sense can work out how much they are making from Azad Kashmir if we only work out the price for trees cut from Azad Kashmir. For example, instead of saying 180,000 trees, we say they cut 160,000 trees per year; and if average price is 3 million Rupees per tree, then it works out to be:
3,000,000 x 160,000= 480, 000,000,000 480 Arab Rs.

This income is from the trees only. What if we set up furniture and medicine manufacturing industries in Azad Kashmir then you can see how much income we can generate by exporting furniture and medicine to Pakistan and other countries.

I suppose the situation is similar on the other side of the Line Of Control as well, and our resources are systematically exploited. No wonder they want to keep us divided, oppressed and colonised


سوچا بھی ہے ا ے مردِ مسلماں کبھی تو نے
کیا چیز ہے فولاد کی شمشیر جگر دار

اس بیت کا مصرع اول ہے کہ جس میں
پوشیدہ چلے آتے ہیں توحید کے اسرار

ہے فکر مجھے مصرع ثانی کی زیادہ
اللہ کر ے تجھ کو عطا فقر کی تلوار

قبضے میں یہ تلوار بھی آجائے تو مومن
یا خالدِ جانباز ہے یا حیدرِ کرار


~There is no such thing as good luck & bad luck....whatever happens to a Muslim is from Allah...~
~The Ayaat Mention below explains it all... ~
~~But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not... ~~
~ [Surah Al Baqarah 216] ~.. ~~Put your trust in Allah...and Allah Indeed Never Breaks Trust...~~ :).. ~~SubhanAllah...~~
May Allah Paak give us the wisdom to Understand His Blessings and Love for us...
May Allah Paak Bless all the Shaheed Highest Mukaam in Jannat..
Ameen Summ Ameen.




"The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in."


n Honest smile from a smiling heart, crossing many kilometers has just reached your INBOX…
Wishing you a life, full of SMILES…
Keep $miling.


I pray you bear me henceforth from the noise and rumour of the field, where I may think the remnant of my thoughts in peace, and part of this body and my soul with contemplation and devout desires.


In peace there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility.


Good MOrnINg To ALL FANNNNNNN صبح بحخیر


My mother drew a
distinction between achievement and success. She said that 'achievement
is the knowledge that you have studied and worked hard and done the best
that is in you. Success is being praised by others, and that's nice,
too, but not as important or satisfying. Always aim for achievement and
forget about success.'


Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.

Muhammad Israr Azeem

Aapka Hamdard,Hakeem Abdul Hameed,About Us 04/07/2010


Aapka Hamdard,Hakeem Abdul Hameed,About Us Aapka Hamdard, meaning sympathy, refers here to one who shares the pain of others and is willing to mitigate it.


Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has
reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.

Timeline photos 03/07/2010

Picture of Hakeem Muhammad Saeed posted in the Karachi, Pakistan gallery.
