Stories From The Edge

Stories From The Edge

Lessons from a PTSD Warrior. A place of hope, resilience, and recovery for trauma survivors.


Sometimes you just have to be brave

The Bravest Thing I Ever Did I loved him. Part of me maybe still does. And yet, deep down I knew he was evil and malicious and hurt people for his own pleasure. I knew it. But my desire to be wanted and loved by any man overrode my good sense and made me blind to what he really was. Then, one day, he crossed a line that could n...


While this end of year blog may be a sad one, it is also part of the healing process and an important topic to be open about.

Death of a Dream As I reflect on this past year, there have been so many amazing things that have happened in my life. I started my business, I got my degree, and I paid off my mortgage; all things I never thought would be possible. I started dating again and, even though it did end in some heartbreak, I am okay and...

Get Help | 9-8-8: Su***de Crisis Helpline 30/11/2023

It’s here! As of this morning the 988 su***de crisis hotline launched across Canada! Spread the word and let’s save some lives!

Get Help | 9-8-8: Su***de Crisis Helpline Connect to a crisis responder to get help without judgement.


Still relevant and still missing him…..not just on his birthday but every day 💔

18 Days His name was Steven and he was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. I was just shy of five years old and can still remember holding my second little brother for the first time. My first thought was boy is he heavy! There is a picture of me smiling the biggest smile while I sat beside my other li...


Danielle says so beautifully what healing out loud can do for those of us who choose this path ❤️

It can be scary!

But it is so worth it.!

I used to be scared to share my story. I thought that people would think I’m exaggerating or attention seeking.

And they would have been right in a way, I guess. I was seeking…I was seeking connection. I was seeking any sense of belonging.

How I wished to find another spouse who would say “I know exactly what you mean!”.

Instead of just continuing to wish, I stepped far out of my comfort zone and created my blog and this space to go along with it.

The connection I have gotten from both has filled my heart in ways I never could have imagined and opened doors that I graciously step through.

I will never stop healing loudly ❤️


Caring is important...caring for ourselves is vital!

Caring Recently, I attended a weekend long country music festival with my niece. It came at a time when I was transitioning from leaving my job to running my own business full time and having that weekend of powerful music with someone I love was just what was needed. Music is healing and I have always fou...


Back in to blogging mode! So grateful to my amazing therapist who has helped me learn that what we often think of as flaws are actually gifts!

Flaw or Gift? I think I’ve said this before, but my mind works a little differently than most from what I can tell. I always felt different and strange and saw it as a character flaw. Some people told me to my face I was off my rocker and should do things differently. And for a long time, I believed them. It us...

Autism advocate welcomes appointment of new minister 29/03/2023

Autism advocate welcomes appointment of new minister Read the full story and comment on


Thinking of all the things that money can't buy....and am so grateful!

What Money Cannot Buy People often ask me, why do you volunteer so much? And, how can you volunteer for the places you do that deal with trauma and heartbreak? The answer is a complex and often confusing one; so much so that articulating it is something I avoid. My usual answer is to say that it makes me feel good and, w...


Some days I'm just so tired

Tired Some days I just get so tired. Not the kind of tired that sleep will fix, but the type where your soul is weary and it feels like there is a ten-ton weight on your back. The kind where the world feels really lonely and full of nothing but bleak and dreary skies. I am tired….. Of reaching out and h...


This time of year plain old sucks for me....but I use self-awareness and self-care to get me through it!

Tis The Season Every year I know it’s coming, and every year I try my best to block its path. Every year it happens anyway. This season, from about October to January, is my toughest time mentally. It isn’t just because I’m no fan of winter, even though I try to embrace it every year and still do daily walks...


Taking a new plunge and diving in head first!

Diving In I got some news recently at the doctors that stopped me in my tracks. Nothing serious is wrong but bloodwork revealed indicators that it was time to start making some changes in my life at the physical level, or I will end up down the road paying the price. Part of me knew this moment would come bas...


A little raw poetry about the things you don't see about me

What You Don't See You see me smiling Being a chatterbox Tackling projects and goals You don’t see The panicked moments Tears streaming down Feeling like a failure You see many who know me Who say kind words And my gratitude for that You don’t see Me wondering if they truly like me If I look like a fool Still feel...


Creating your circle of support takes work....but you are worth the effort!

The Circle I know a lot of people. Like my father before me, I’m involved in a lot of things, particularly advocacy and volunteering, and my network is pretty large as a result. I enjoy meeting new people, getting to know them, and learning about the world from different perspectives. My circle is different....


Rock bottom is different for everyone and I still struggle when people ask about mine. But bring on the hard questions I always say!

Rock Bottom People often ask me questions like “what did your rock bottom look like?”. I shouldn’t have a hard time answering this, but I do. The reason is that I have had several rock bottoms over my lifetime and each one looked very, very different. There is no straight line through those moments. Inste...


Always listen to your heart 🥰

Big Mouth, Big Mistakes 23/05/2022

My big mouth has made many mistakes along the way....but I am working hard to keep growing!

Big Mouth, Big Mistakes Every day I wake up and remind myself how much trouble my mouth can get me in. I know far too well what this big mouth of mine can do; many good things to be sure, but it has the potential to cause hurt and anguish. Impulse control is an issue for me as it relates to my Post Traumatic Stress Disorde...

Piece by Piece 01/05/2022

Back to writing after a long break....feels good!

Piece by Piece Like everything in this massive universe, we are made up of a million different pieces; physically, spiritually, emotionally, the internal and external, the spoken and unspoken. One thing I have come to realize is that in order to live in a recovery mindset, you must, at different times in your life...

Letter to the editor: Paramedics cries for help fell on deaf ears 29/03/2022

Letter to the editor: Paramedics cries for help fell on deaf ears A lack of support and education in the workplace raising concerns for a former Thunder Bay paramedic who went off sick with PTSD.


The popular documentary about Gabor’s work, The Wisdom of Trauma is now available online.

Though a donation is suggested, none is required. Our intention is to make this film available to as broad an audience as possible.

Please share with your networks.

Vulnerability 02/01/2022

Don't run from vulnerability; embrace it

Vulnerability I used to think that being vulnerable meant being weak. Since I started writing my blog, and from the time I started publicly speaking about my mental illness years ago, I have been leaning into that vulnerability more and more. As uncomfortable as it can be at times, I have learned more about mysel...


Looking back isn't always a bad thing


Eyes open to truth

True Colours I see you now. I see what you truly are. As someone who believes the good in everyone, you knew I would put my faith and trust in your words. Betrayal didn’t cross my mind, but here it is. You will only ever fool me once. Trust is not mandated. Trust is earned. When trust is broken it changes the ...

Photos from Canadian Heroes Foundation's post 06/12/2021

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