Friends of Senneleys Park

Friends of Senneleys Park

A local community group working with other bodies to preserve, develop and improve the environment,

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 21/12/2023

Mulled wine and mince pies were a welcome end to our final session of 2023. Four of our regulars were off sick and sadly missed out on the treats. wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Photos from Bradley's Buns's post 18/12/2023
Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 16/12/2023

This week tackled some fly tipping which is always so satisfying as in 90 minutes we can clear so much and we know is a much better place for it.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 10/12/2023

More work along the brook bank and keeping the water flowing.

Photos from The Conservation Volunteers - Birmingham & West Midlands's post 07/12/2023
Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 02/12/2023

got rather wet and very muddy this week. Terry from STW River Rangers came to help us tackle a stretch of the brook along the edge of the path where it was being undercut by the water. We have also made a start on filling in the deep ruts around the park.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 20/11/2023

As well as usual work sessions clearing along the brook bank, two of us have been on a training course run by James of Birmingham River Champions. We were shown how to do a kick survey, identify and record invertebrates found in rivers and brooks. So much to learn but it was thoroughly absorbing.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 06/11/2023

We have our Park back! The car parks are clear of rubbish. This morning the sun was shining and were able to relax and enjoy working along the brook.


The Tai Chi group in were not going to be deterred today and found a different spot this week to hold their class. The sun was shining and the sky so blue.


Some welcome visitors to today. Five Little Egret enjoying the rain in search of worms.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 29/10/2023

keeping a check on the bramble growth and removing fly tipping of garden rubbish.


What a week! The River Rangers joined on Monday and we managed to clear one of the winter ponds, just in time for the rain. Today has been a good test for the new de-culverting work. It is the first time the overflow tunnel has been needed. Two Little Egret have been feeding on worms near the outdoor gym.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 14/10/2023

have worked in a variety of areas over the last few weeks.clearing Bluebell Bank, two sections of the brook and also the path from Mill Lane entrance along to Blue Bridge.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 03/10/2023

What a glorious time this family is having, flying their kite in .


Big thanks to the fire service yesterday morning who compassionately helped rescue an old and extremely stressed dog in the stream in . RSPCA didn’t want to know and Bham council dog warden team were not contactable. Remember when feeling charitable who the real hero’s are. Much respect 👨‍🚒

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 17/09/2023

The wildflower meadows were cut this week. Many thanks to the Woodland Team. cleared some burnt and dead conifers, tidying the area around them.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 15/09/2023

Dog found in park this morning. Please message if it's yours.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 04/09/2023

It was a lovely warm, sunny morning for to work on another stretch of the brook. STW River Rangers joined us again. Thank you guys.


For those who are spending the bank holiday clearing out unwanted items, the recycling truck will be in on Wednesday. Entrance off Overfield Road.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 19/08/2023

During the last month, have focused on clearing the brook. We were joined one week by Severn Trent River Rangers who are able to work in the deeper water as they wear waders. After four sessions we have managed to open the brook near the bridges for Park visitors and the birds to enjoy.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 06/08/2023

Many of you will have noticed tree contractors hard at work in . This is as a result of a recent survey which happens every five years. Some diseased or unsafe trees will be felled but most needing attention will be pollarded, have a crown lift, dead branches removed etc. Logs and chippings are either left on site or taken to a power station for use as a bio fuel.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 01/08/2023

The Natural Rivers and Green Corridors project is now explained on a lectern information board situated near the newly deculverted section of the brook in .

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 28/07/2023

An evening stroll in . Hopefully it will all be cleared away very soon.


Friday is day in . Come and join in at 12 noon. FREE.


A glorious evening shot of the new brook course.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 06/07/2023

are featured in the summer issue of magazine.
Please note, the 1000 saplings were planted in 2012, not 2023, and are the large trees pictured in the photographs.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 11/06/2023

Once again are supporting a young Duke of Edinburgh volunteer. We have been working on keeping entrances to clear and welcoming. Many thanks to local people who have offered us cool drinks during the hot weather. Much appreciated.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 29/05/2023

It was absolutely gorgeous today up in Leo's Wood, near the Monmouth corner of . The change in the last seven years is amazing. We first visited this woodland in late 2016 with Leo McKevitt (Chief Ranger) and Sue Amey (District Parks Manager). Leo suggested it would be an ideal place to coppice. We cleared the area of 51 car tyres, rusty springs from an old mattress and loads of litter. In 2019, with the help of the and their chain saws, many trees were coppiced or removed and the area was underplanted with wildflowers and whips. Sadly Leo died before this work was completed. We will be forever grateful for his suggestion as we enjoy the flora & fauna, sunshine and birdsong.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 13/05/2023

It's bluebell time in . Our hard work keeping these areas clear has paid off and the bluebells can now thrive. They are mainly English bluebells but a few Spanish ones have appeared as well.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 05/05/2023

New bins in . The were awarded funding to pay for replacement litter bins. This week thanks go to the contractors who have removed all the rusty old square bins and put in our new bins. Now they all match throughout the park.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 22/04/2023

We have given the skatepark and MUGA a really good clean and sweep, removing leaves, weeds, glass and other debris. Looking good! Thank you to STW River Rangers who gave us a hand and also cleared a blockage in the brook.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 03/04/2023

It was a glorious morning in today when the joined with to plant up the new brook course. Hundreds of plug plants were put in including 180 reed canary grass, 120 purple loosestrife, meadowsweet, brooklime, marsh marigold, lesser spearwort and h**p agrimony. There is nothing much to see at present but hopefully the plants and flowers will appear throughout the summer.
The ground maintenance team were also in repairing damage along the path edges and reseeding the grass.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 29/03/2023

Travellers have now left . The scrap metal man has been. A photographic opportunity for many people. It has to be seen to be believed how much flytipping has been left. The clean up crew are booked to attend on Thursday and Friday. Do be careful when walking around the park . Toilet paper in woodland will be a warning. Up and running as usual next week.


Unauthorised Encampment Update:

A section 77 notice was served this morning, it prohibits return within 12months for those on site today.

They must leave by Wednesday, the council are working to secure police and bailiffs for an eviction on Thursday.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 25/03/2023

Travellers are visiting .

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 18/03/2023

The weather was against us on Monday but were hard at work later in the week. As usual, we stumbled across some flytipping.

Photos from Friends of Senneleys Park's post 12/03/2023

STW River Rangers joined on Monday to help clear some of the overgrown dogwood. This should promote fresh growth during the year with red shoots coming from the ground next winter. On Wednesday we worked in the sleet clearing a dangerous dead overhead branch and also clearing for planting wildflowers. have advised us on creating a 'Butterfly Corridor' through .

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Two small waterfalls.