Dr. Kinberly Burger

Dr. Kinberly Burger

Author page for Dr. KL Burger and Dr. Kinberly Burger. Updates , photos, and more to keep up with yo


Our first press release has been sent out!!!


I am very pleased to announce our first book Deceitful Reign is now available from our publisher Dorrance Publishing. We have a few available direct from us and would be happy to personalize them if anyone would like to purchase for themselves or as gifts.


Good day everyone!!! Our professionally published book is getting ready to be released. It’s hard co er with a dust jacket and looks fantastic.

We are wanting to get started on the audiobook version, but I need to get the software and computer stuff needed to do it. Any recommendations?


We are more than half way finished with the writing of book four in the series. The Blue Prince will hopefully be completed by Summer end and be ready for purchase in early September under our self publishing.

If just catching up with us, our national publisher for mass production has completed the editing process and is currently formatting book one; Deceitful Reign. Book tours and author signings will be set up for later in the year.

Thank you to everyone who has been there for us. You are our encouragement and we love you!


Hello everyone!!!! Wanted to spread some good news… we have been picked up by a small publishing house!!

Prince of the Gridiron 18/10/2021

And book 3 of the Royals

Prince of the Gridiron https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JJJ9FWZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_64CBXDYJA77WDFPAG63N

Prince of the Gridiron Prince of the Gridiron

The Noble Dilemma 18/10/2021

Book 2 of the Royals

The Noble Dilemma https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JJJ73K3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_PH3HGX4YK6AAWD5AFHEQ

The Noble Dilemma The Noble Dilemma

Deceitful Reign 18/10/2021

The hardcovers are ready!!! I can’t believe we’ve come this far!

Deceitful Reign https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JJJ9F3C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_V30KW12F2R5ACDQMGQ2S

Deceitful Reign Deceitful Reign


Princess Sadie all dressed up and ready to go



We have arrived at a brand new milestone!! We are now available in hard-back!! All three books will be available soon for $19.95+SH. We will tell more when we are able.


Good morning fans!!! Book 4 is well on its way! The title is The Blue Prince and I’m hoping on having it out by Fall. It continues the saga of Katie’s family in readjusting to their new roles.

Alejandro is finally finding himself in his architecture and proving that he isn’t what people say he is.

I hope you enjoy this one as much as you’ve enjoyed the first three!

Love you all!!!


I am thrilled to finally have my author page up on FB. Please feel free to message me here for book information, writing questions, anything you need. Love you all!!!!

Please share so I can get my name out.

Have a glorious day!!


We had the chance to meet a reader and personalize her book. What a blessing!!

Prince of the Gridiron (Royals) 18/04/2021

Book number 3; Prince of the Gridiron.

"His indiscretion nearly destroyed his family in the past, so it's better that Tyler keeps his fiancé in the dark about his true identity. But when she finds out who he really is, her heart isn't just broken, it's destroyed. After a near-fatal accident, it seems fate may have the upper hand. Can he get her back and reunite the pieces of her shattered emotions before it's too late?"


Prince of the Gridiron (Royals) Prince of the Gridiron (Royals)

The Noble Dilemma (The Royals) 18/04/2021

Book 2; The Noble Dilemma

"Maria is all too familiar with oppression, deceit, and loneliness. But the death of her father brings new found freedom to her life. After a whirlwind wedding and a princess-like honeymoon, her life falls apart once again when what she thought was reality proves to be a lie. When a jailbreak and the onset of vivid nightmares sets off a chain of events that removes the people she loves the most, she finds herself in the middle of corpses, car chases, and clues that lead her to her ultimate reality. But is the truth worth potentially losing her husband, her friends, and potentially her mind?"


The Noble Dilemma (The Royals) The Noble Dilemma (The Royals)

Deceitful Reign (The Royals) 18/04/2021

Book Number 1. Deceitful Reign

"Katie has always known about her family, but after a series of events including kidnapping, car chases, espionage, and murder, she begins to find out her family history goes much deeper that she knew. A trip to her home country uncovers truths about her family's past, potential future, and deceit that goes centuries deep."


Deceitful Reign (The Royals) Deceitful Reign (The Royals)
