Don't Play With Trash

Don't Play With Trash

DPWT Podcast - irreverent straight talk about how to make room for more abundance and joy in your li


To kick off season 3, we’re talking about the “unseen, perennial generation” which includes women age 40 to 65. This group of women is unseen because we’re not being marketed to. We’re not the focus of products and services. Many companies focus on millennials, but with TRILLIONS of dollars in purchasing power, it’s a missed opportunity that this segment is so terribly overlooked.

You have GOT TO hear this conversation with my friend . We're talking about the most ignored group of women - aged 40-65. We'll talk about why this is the case and if you're a business owner, what you can do to ensure that this group finds your products and services.

Listen on iTunes or


In episode 6, we’ll talk about some things that are happening in the world. When we’re sweating paying 6 bucks a gallon at the pump, we need to re-evaluate what’s happening in our country. Let’s talk for a second about how regular folks like you can me, can start fostering relationships with our neighbors and start talking about what’s really happening in the world. This will allow us to follow the money more easily. Follow the money!

You’ll be surprised at what you discover. Click the link below or listen on iTunes.


One day I woke up and realized that I wasn't living my life for me. I wanted more. I wanted a life rich in adventures, experiences, and people. I decided to let go of all of the junk in my life. In short, I decided to stop messing around with garbage so that I could experience life on my terms. If this sounds like you, make sure you check out my youtube channel. Going forward I'm going to have my episodes available on youtube, as well.

If you're more of a visual person and would prefer to watch a video, click below to check out my youtube channel.


Hot off the presses is Episode 5.

Why are you broke? Could it have something to do with high inflation? What does that even mean? Does it even matter? And what can we do about it?

Listen on iTunes, youtube, or


Episode 4 is now available. We're continuing the discussion of Why You're Broke. In this episode we're discussing your priorities. By NOT making your money a priority you're denying yourself more of it.

Listen to the whole episode on iTunes or


Episode 3 just dropped today!
I've been thinking about this since the invasion of Ukraine.
What if women ran the world? What if women had the kind of financial power that Oprah has? What if we had more money and could make a bigger impact in this world.
What do you think?

Listen to the whole episode on or iTunes



Why you're broke - let's talk power


The problem continues. Regular, middle class folks are forced to compete against big investors for residential property. Again, I ask how there are no restrictions for big investors when it comes to residential property???


Why did the cost of real estate rise over 20% per year in the past 2 years? The media keeps saying that there's a "housing shortage", but what's the REAL story? Listen to Episode 2 where I talk about what's happening with residential real estate and why people like you and me are being priced out of the market.

Go to iTunes or to listen.


Season 2 of Don't Play With Trash is HERE! The theme this season is "Why You're Broke". I'm not going to judge you for your pumpkin spice Starbucks. Instead, let's talk about the things that are contributing to you having less money in your bank account than you thought you had.
In Episode 1 I'm talking about how other people's opinions have an effect on your bank account. Hold on to your Louis Vitton bags, because we're getting real.
Happy Season 2!


In Episode 49 I talk about how to improve your relationship with money. The most frequent question that I get asked is how can you start to improve your relationship with money. I'm giving away some of my favorite tips in this episode so don't miss it!


A new episode dropped tonight. Sometimes life can kick you in the teeth. It's important to not only keep going but also figure out what lesson you needed to learn from the situation.
We learn the lesson until we've learned it.
This is why sometimes we feel stuck in a loop. This is why sometimes we find ourselves saying "why is this happening again?"
The faster we learn the lesson the sooner we can move on, so learn the lesson, already!


Go to and you'll be notified of when you can get my new book for free and you'll get enter to win all of the fantastic prizes that I'm giving away on launch week.


This week on the podcast I'm chatting about Britney Spears and her conservatorship. The whole situation got me thinking about the dynamics of power, especially in that situation.

Listen to Episode 47 on iTunes or


It’s Monday, which means it’s podcast day! Today I’m talking about Britney, women, power and the patriarchy. This is gonna be such a good episode you don’t want to miss it.


Babe, you're not lost. You just haven't succeed yet.
If you're feeling lost, wobbly or just not confident of where you're going, you have GOT TO listen to episode 46.
It can be hard when you don't have the exact map to your destination, especially when you're a control freak like me.
Listen to this week's episode to find out how this girl got out of her head and back on track.


Hey, boo, what's going on with you?
I had this great thought of finding new ways to support my community by speaking about topics that they want to hear.
So tell me, what problems, issues and concerns are you facing right now? What's keeping you up at night?


When I told my 10-year-old the name of my podcast he said “why would you play with trash? It’s trash!”
I laughed hysterically, because it was so clear to him. It’s always clear to us when we’re in it. We frequently can’t see that we actually are playing with the trash in ways that we never would’ve thought. We do this by putting up with things that we really don’t want to. We do this by undervaluing ourselves. We do this with all of that negative self talk.
Let it go! Choose the harder path that going to serve you in the long run. Stop playing with the trash!


This is how I feel about life right now. Yes, you BLEEP-ing can!
If you've ever listened to the podcast you know I'm like your favorite aunt wants what's best for you, and also will call you on your junk.
Whatever you want, let's start working towards it. I don't know about you, but covid left me with an even bigger inability to BS. Let's stop doing all the junk that’s a time suck, energy suck and financial suck.
Let's do this, people. Let's lean into the things (and people) that bring us joy. Let's level the eff up this year!
Join me on my journey as I do just that.


Episode 44 is all about FEAR. News flash: fear really isn't helpful.

So how do we deal with our fear? How can we leverage our fear as well as make choices that at alleviate our fear, so that we have one less thing to worry about.

Listen on iTunes or


Episode 42 is all about your relationship with your money. Believe it or not, you actually have a relationship with your money. In this episode we’re going to explore

On this episode we’ll discuss:
-Why your relationship with your money is important
-How everyone needs to work at their relationship with their money, even if they don’t admit it.
-How you can improve your relationship with your money

Go to the link in the profile or to listen.


I have a secret relationship with my inner wealthy woman. How about you?

I believe that inside every woman is a wealthy woman who's just dying to come out. Listen to episode 41 this week to find out how you can get in touch with your inner wealthy woman, too.

Listen on iTunes or


Have you ever experienced a financial heartbreak? It's not just a disappointment but a total heartbreaking financial sucker punch to the gut. I've been there. I feel you.

In episode 40 I talk about how you're going to get over this devastating situation and into action.

List on iTunes or go to


This week I'm talking about about women and money. It sounds really nice to have someone take care of your money. But it's actually REALLY nice to SAVE YOURSELF.

Listen to Episode 39 on iTunes or


New Year's Resolutions are great, but are you actually focusing on your faults? Are you trying to change the perfectly imperfect person that you are?
In Episode 37 I talk about how New Year’s resolutions tend to be bu****it and what we should do instead.
To listen go to iTunes or


New Year's Resolutions are great, but are you actually focusing on your faults? Are you trying to change the perfectly imperfect person that you are?
In Episode 37 I talk about how New Year’s resolutions tend to be bu****it and what we should do instead.


Are you telling your money to EFF OFF?

Are you blocking your own abundance? Sometimes abundance doesn’t come in the form that we’re expecting. Sometimes we’re scared of our own success or really getting what we want. Either way, you’re telling your money to Eff Off!

On this episode we’ll discuss:

When you ask the universe for abundance, expect that you’re going to get it!
Sometimes getting exactly what you asked for can be scary, just breathe and lean into the abundance.
Check yourself to make sure that you’re not blocking all of the blessings coming your way.
Episode url:


I don't know who needs to hear this, but no. You do NOT need to forgive someone because it's the holidays.

Forgiveness is a gift for YOU, not THEM. You don't need to hold onto all of that anger, sadness and hatred. Baby, it's just going to give you an ulcer and WRINKLES!

Let's let that s**t go!

I also share the hardest person I ever had to forgive. You don't want to miss this one.


Boundaries are beautiful. This holiday season do you need to set some boundaries?
In Episode 34, we talk about how to set boundaries with people in your life. And just remember, Boundaries are a way of letting people know where your line is, before they cross it.
Listen on iTunes or HERE:

Videos (show all)

Why you're broke - let's talk power
Are you giving away your power? .... Especially in regards to your money?