Cran Bethadh - The Tree of Life. Lauren Kelly

Cran Bethadh - The Tree of Life. Lauren Kelly

Thoughts on creating better health and balance in life, from a frazzled Mum of 3! Essential oils, n

Photos from Cran Bethadh - The Tree of Life. Lauren Kelly's post 30/11/2023

✨Yesterday, I shared about 'Beauty in Bloom' from the karminativekollective. Here are some of the featured DIYs. And just look at that gorgeous list of plant allies!

Feel free to comment or message if you have any questions. Otherwise, click the link to download your copy now! Don't forget, 30% off ends on December 7th.
(*the link I shared yesterday takes you to the Kollective homepage, but this link is direct to Beauty in Bloom!) 🙃

Photos from Cran Bethadh - The Tree of Life. Lauren Kelly's post 29/11/2023

🌱I have been a part of karminativekollective for a while now as I start on my herbalism journey of learning. I love their accessible and affordable approach to community herbalism. Our monthly herb of the month zooms are so inspiring!

🌸Karly, Sarah and Caitlin have just released an amazing collaboration with many other herbalists called 'Beauty in Bloom'. With so many great articles and recipes, it just looks amazing! DIY skincare, self-care, internal care - the tag 'Glow from the Inside Out' is spot on.

🌸I am honoured to be part of their affiliate program, sharing about this publication as well as their other offerings. Beauty in Bloom is available now in digital and hard-copy form and is 30% until December 7th! If you are keen to get your hands on a copy, feel free to click my link below or message me for more information!


🌕🍓Full Strawberry Moon in Gemini ♊️

Goodness, I feel like everything is just happening at once at the moment!

✨Now we have entered Sagittarius season, things are feeling a lot more positive after lots of heavy Scorpio energy. Things are starting to move and I am trying to harness this energy to cut through long-term procrastination and get things done. To make changes and put in place habits I have been wanting to implement for a long time.

✨It also feels like the perfect time to really look at things you are holding onto that you no longer need to carry and let it go!! ❄️

*Sadly not my picture, the moon is not visible at the moment! Image credit: Onkamon Buasorn/Getty Images


Just the beginning! Planted echinacea, lemongrass, bergamot and calendula to join chamomile, spearmint, lemon balm, nettles (rescued from the weeding pile! 😆), chives, parsley and dill. Still working on my big herb garden area, so in pots for now. There is still quite the list of things I plan to add! What would you include? 🪴


Today’s veggie box - lettuce, spinach, kale, cabbage, asparagus! ☺️


Miss 11 and I will be at the Deniliquin Farmer’s Market tomorrow morning!

💎 Earrings!
🥦 Vegetables!
🌱 Seedlings!
💧 Essential oils, including custom rollers!

We would love to see you there! 😊


Super Full Blue Moon in Pisces. ♓️ 🌕The most super super moon for the year - with the moon at its closest point to the earth, so she is enormously beautiful. 🔵And a blue moon - the second full moon in one calendar month - to boot. Could it be any more amazing?! 💫So much energy swirling with this one. 💥Things coming to the surface that have been held onto for too long - harness the energy, get clear in what you no longer need to carry and release it. It is also a good time to look at things in your life that no longer serve you. Are there things you are doing only out of habit, taking valuable time away from other, more aligned activities that could bring more joy? ✨Take the time to journal, meditate or just sit quietly and reflect - does your life look just how you want it? Are there things you can let go of to make space for a new path or small tweaks to bring your life more in line with your vision. 🌝Leverage the huge energy to get clarity and release anything that is holding you back. ☺️


Homegrown deliciousness ready for the oven!


Garden abundance for today!

Loving my garden at the moment - it’s a great chance to reset, even if only for a few minutes.

I am harnessing the energy of the new moon 🌚 to finally get going with my extended herb garden 🌿.

Watch this space! ☺️


✨My monthly LRP order always has some combination of these products nowadays. Such wonderful options - they are low-tox and so much cheaper than toxic supermarket alternatives! And bonus - I’m earning points towards free essential oils! 🤩

✨If you would like more information on doTerra’s Loyalty Rewards Program, or if you would just like to try these great products, comment below or message me. I would love to help! ☺️


🌸Super Full ‘Blossom’ Moon in Aquarius ♒️

The second super moon for this year, she is beautiful! Although I really think I need tutoring on how to get a decent picture of the moon. 🌝

This year, the full moon coincides with the fire festival of Imbolc 🔥 and the themes are quite aligned. I will do another post with my reflections! 😊


And this one!

Focus on the right emotion!


Love this slant on not pouring from an empty cup!

Really true!


🌕Full 'Citrus' Moon in Sagittarius.♐️

🍊This month's moon is feeling much calmer than last month! I can't quite believe it is June already. Our moon names seem to be a bit out of whack this year, with really no frosts since our 'frost moon' in May and our oranges are not yet ready to harvest on this citrus moon.

🍓Strangely, this moon is known as the Strawberry Moon in the northern hemisphere and we are having a big flush of autumn strawberries, so things are a little topsy-turvy!

🌝This full moon, I feel it is a good time to reflect on the year so far and everything that has been accomplished. It is often surprising how much we have done when we actually stop to reflect. There are grounding energies to encourage us to slow down and take time to be quiet as we head towards the winter solstice. But Sagittarius, a fire sign, encourages exploration and looking outwards, so we have a balance this full moon of reflection/introspection AND being open to new opportunities and experiences that will be coming up. Embrace it and enjoy some quiet time with exciting plans to come! 😀

Photos from Cran Bethadh - The Tree of Life. Lauren Kelly's post 05/05/2023

🌝 Full 'Frost' Moon in Scorpio - partial eclipse peaking at 3:30am Saturday. 🌬 ♏️

Well it has been a minute! So much going on in life and sadly this page has fallen by the wayside - no Full Moon post since February! 😢

🌝 I have REALLY been feeling huge energies the past week and fell into a bit of a hole. Full moon, eclipse and scorpio energies have combined to bring up a lot of fear and limiting beliefs that I have needed to sit with and process. Tonight I took some time to write them all out and release them - look at that burn! I have also laid out my entire crystal collection for charging.

🔥After sitting for a minute and watching the flames, I pulled a card from my Green Witch Deck. Take what you will from it!

✨I hope you have all managed to navigate the super-charged energies this week with grace and flow and have emerged positively transformed and energised. I am hopeful to be back to posting more often very soon!


😴Some further musings on balance and the part rest plays!

✨I spoke a bit yesterday about my tendency to get caught up in 'doing' - if things are working well and I feel like I'm getting things done, I tend to keep pushing with that energy and do more and more while the going is good. This tends to be at the expense of REST. In my head, I'm very on board with rest being essential and not needing to be earned. But when things are rolling, I always think - just this next thing, tick things off the list whilst you have the time/energy. You can rest when everything is ticked off the list - spoiler, the list is never completed!!

✨It tends to be a false efficiency, because I just keep on doing all the things until it is 'too late'. All my energy is gone and I am wiped out. Whereas if I consciously added in routine periods of rest - without having to 'earn' it and without guilt! - I would probably actually get more done over time, with a more steady rate of work. Balance!! It seems to come into everything at the moment.

🍂Today, I am bleeding for the first time in 9 months (peri-menopause shenanigans 🙄) and it is wearing. I actually wonder if it is the universe's way of forcing me to take it easy - as I said, the first few months of the year are hectic. My impulse now I don't have so many 'time-sensitive' jobs was to rush around getting all the other stuff done - tidying and all the things on the 'when I have time' list. But really, rest is what my body needed - so it all but forced it on me!

🍂To me, rest doesn't have to be lying down or sleeping. Today, I have just been 'pottering' - no hustle or having to get 'xyz' done. Just going with the flow. I have a Mabon simmer pot on the stove and my house smells delightful!

🍂I hope you have found some time to rest today - even if only to read my post!


It's all about balance...⚖️

Balance is a word that has been on my mind a lot lately - mainly because I am struggling to find it at the moment!

🌓It is also a seasonal theme, with the Autumn Equinox/Mabon tonight and tomorrow being a time of equal light and dark. We have a time of beginnings, with a New Moon as well as the sun moving into Aries. As aries is the first sign of the zodiac, it is the start of the astrological year.♈️

🍂This really resonates with me, as I always find the start of the calendar year to be a little overwhelming and hectic. Coming out of the Christmas/New Year period, with Miss 7's birthday on Boxing Day to boot, we then have an annual week long camping trip, back to start a new school year then Miss 11 and Mr 14 have their birthdays within 5 days of each other, not to mention the local show at the same time plus this year we also had V heading off for his 8 day ride to raise funds for cancer research. I have been feeling like I am in 'survival mode' for the past little while!

🍂All in all, I am feeling the need to pause and reset before moving forward with the year again! I love the idea that tomorrow is 'another' new year and I can rest, re-evaluate and move on with a better balance.

🔥Aries is a fire sign and this energy is really something I have come to realise I need to be aware of and consciously balance. My own sign (Sagittarius) is a fire sign and I do tend to get swept up in this energy, pushing and busy 'doing'. Getting lots done, yes, but then crashing and burning if I am not careful to balance the 'doing' with just 'being'!

🤍Yesterday Miss 11 and I spent some time refreshing my altar and rearranging the area.
🌾A gourd, chestnut, cloves and mushrooms from our lawn, corn dolly and my lovely toadstool and crystal apple symbolise the beginning of harvest time of Mabon.
Black and white candles for the equinox and orange for autumn. Plus some pinecones and pine-needles from our neighbours. Miss 11 selected the crystals intuitively.
Malachite for overall well-being, also know as the 'stone of transformation.
Moonstone was chosen for the new moon, but it is also very relevant for this post, being linked to cyclical change, inner clarity, balance and embracing new beginnings!
Carnelian for courage, endurance, energy and motivation.

I hope you all have the opportunity to pause, rest and reset as we head into the darker part of the year. 😊


We are on our last BOGO day!
📦 Our BOGO box is still available, but only until midnight tonight. Don't miss this amazing box of gorgeousness! I am very happy to answer any questions you might have - just reach out. 😊

With today's deal, you can save more than you spend and get an amazing 4 oils for the price of one.
🍃 Our SuperMint is a blend of Peppermint, Japanese Mint, Bergamot Mint & Spearmint and can support mental clarity & enhance stamina, support healthy digestion, open airways and act as a natural breath freshener. I add at least a drop of mint to most of my morning diffuser blends - so refreshing and invigorating.

🍊 Wild Orange is simply sunshine in a bottle - delicious!
🍋 Lemon Myrtle is another favourite of mine - it is just the most beautiful, calming and uplifting, citrusy aroma. I love to diffuse it with Black Spruce.
🌳 Copaiba - a lovely woody oil that can help to soothe & calm emotions, promote a clear, smooth complexion, unwind, relax & reduce overwhelm, soothe tired sore muscles and can help when massaged over sore joints. Also an amazing natural teething remedy (rub along jawline with coconut oil - I also like to add Siberian fir and lavender.)


In case you are keen to get started!

The link here:


Calming, restful oils for BOGO day 3.

Lavender is one of my all time favourite, most used oils. I have loved it as long as I can remember - and doTerra's lavender is something else!

We use it to soothe minor bites and scratches, to help with seasonal allergies, headaches and every day to help with relaxing and restful sleep.

Miss 10 loves using the calmer blend in a roller at bedtime.
The lavender touch is diluted ready for topical use - pop it in your purse to have this magic wherever you go!

Reach out if you would like help to get these wonderful oils. Our BOGO box is also still available with 10 more oils and the Move diffuser for huge savings!


Facebook is not my friend today!

I have lost both my pretty posts so far! But I really wanted to share about BOGO day 2 as we have 2 beautiful, grounding oils today!

Buy Balance and get a Cedarwood free.
Balance is one of my favourites! Woody and slightly fruity, it just anchors and calms me if I'm feeling frazzled or scattered. It is also amazing for the kids when the wheels fall off at the end of the day.

I recently 're-discovered' Cedarwood and am finding it amazing for a bedtime diffuser with lavender. So calming and relaxing.
Also great in my anti-headlice spray...🫣

BOGO Box is still available until sold out. This is one of the best BOGO boxes I've seen with such an amazing group of oils. With savings over 50% off retail, I highly recommend taking the plunge!

Message me to get started with a box or just to get your hands on today's deal!

Photos from Cran Bethadh - The Tree of Life. Lauren Kelly's post 20/02/2023

🍎I had some sad apples and peaches, so tried making some fruit leathers for the first time! I don't have a dehydrator, so just used my oven on the lowest setting. Couple of lessons learnt - spread the puree more thickly and they didn't need anywhere near as long as the recipe said!

They were a little thin and crispy, but the kids kept coming back for more, so I'll count that as a win! 🙃

Photos from Cran Bethadh - The Tree of Life. Lauren Kelly's post 20/02/2023

Some info on the benefits of the oils in our BOGO Box.


🌸BOGO Box - an amazing collection of oils and such great value! With an extra oil and the MOVE personal diffuser exclusive to the box PLUS you get a 12 month wholesale membership included for free.

🌸So many benefits to joining our community - one on one support from me, plus a members page for wider support. We also have lots of education and information available and a free essential oil app.

🌸I would love to help you join our community - message me to help you get started!


It is time! BOGO week has started - here is today's offer. Some gorgeous citrus oils to lift your mood and many other benefits. I would love to help if you are keen to get your hands on these - just let me know! Or keep an eye out for my next post on the BOGO box to get all 12 oils and save a bundle.


BOGO - buy one get one. Always an exciting time in doTerra land!! Amazing deals and a great way to get some new oils into your life. Stay tuned for details tomorrow or message/comment if you would like more information.

Photos from Untigering's post 18/02/2023

Love this post. Pretty sure the kids are going to turn out fine! 😊


Just me?! 🥴😆


When you have some early windfall apples and over-ripe plums, what do you do? Make jam of-course!

Let me know if you would like some - limited availability!


My lovely Wyandotte girls have started to lay! 🥚🥚

After observing closely for a while, I have realised that the girls always come out of the coop in the same order when I let them out in the morning - Poppy (back left), then Bronto (front right), then Cheep Cheep (front left) and Hetty the grumpy chook last - after I have walked away!

Wondering if this is something all chooks do? 🐔

Videos (show all)

🌸BOGO Box - an amazing collection of oils and such great value!  With an extra oil and the MOVE personal diffuser exclus...
It is time! BOGO week has started - here is today's offer. Some gorgeous citrus oils to lift your mood and many other be...
BOGO - buy one get one. Always an exciting time in doTerra land!! Amazing deals and a great way to get some new oils int...