Kristina Trott

Kristina Trott

'The Power You Have Available' is Kristina Trott's debut release. From beating Stage IV cancer to ov


With my student who I taught in Tehran.

The Divine Duality: Unveiling the astonishing truth of Jesus as God and Man from Isaiah 9 30/10/2023

One of those light bulb moments for me this week when I read Isaiah 9. I’ve read that chapter dozens of times in my life but suddenly I saw what the message was all about.
Hope you enjoy this blog.

The Divine Duality: Unveiling the astonishing truth of Jesus as God and Man from Isaiah 9 What incredible words are spoken in Isaiah 9:2-7! Who knew that the entire Gospel was foretold in these verses nearly 800 years before the appearance of Jesus. 2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. 3 You have enlarg...

Eternity and the unfathomable love of God 22/10/2023

Today I’ve been thinking about what God’s love will look like towards us in eternity. I’ve been reflecting on:

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor. 2:9).

Eternity and the unfathomable love of God This morning it dawned on me that God’s love that is poured out on us in this life is going to go on and on forever and that that love, in eternity, is going to be unimaginable. Even though God’s love surpasses all our human understanding and is far greater than any other love we can experience ...

Unforgiveness: A sign of Jesus' return 14/09/2023

Unforgiveness is all around us. So many people hang on to a hurt or wrong against them.
Jesus prophesied that when we saw such offence very prevalent amongst His disciples then that would be a sign that He would soon return to the earth.
It’s a warning to us to forgive and forget lest Jesus returns and forgets us.

Unforgiveness: A sign of Jesus' return When Jesus was asked by His disciples what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the age He gave a number of newsworthy signs like wars, earthquakes, famines, plagues but then he added this remarkable statement: 10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one a...

Warrnambool & District Baptist Church 10th Sep Sermon 13/09/2023

My dear cousin gave a sermon recently about his journey from Christadelphian beliefs to understanding just what the Bible says about Jesus.

Warrnambool & District Baptist Church 10th Sep Sermon

Jacob's dream, promises and unaware that it was the place of God 19/08/2023

Pete and I were sitting at the beach reading Genesis 28 and talking about Jacob being completely unaware that God was there right beside him. Jacob had left in a hurry to avoid the situation of his father dying and the ensuing rage of his jealous brother. He had felt so alone yet God appeared to him in a particularly startling way.

Jacob's dream, promises and unaware that it was the place of God 10 Meanwhile, Jacob left Beersheba and travelled toward Haran. 11 At sundown he arrived at a good place to set up camp and stopped there for the night. Jacob found a stone to rest his head against and lay down to sleep. 12 As he slept, he dreamed of a stairway that reached from the earth up to heave...

John the Baptist and Your kingdom come 15/08/2023

I love this promise that Jesus made to us.

John the Baptist and Your kingdom come Throughout the Old Testament there were many prophets who were involved with dramatic events such as calling down fire, raising the dead, wiping out entire armies, healing diseases and anointing and deposing kings. Nevertheless, it was John the Baptist who was said to be the greatest born of a woman...

What have you lost? 13/08/2023

Don’t look backwards— regrets are in the past. Press on to know more about Jesus, the only source if salvation and hope.

What have you lost? “Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I lost!” Luke 15:9 (NKJV). What have you lost? I know that, throughout the pandemic, alone, a lot of people lost their facemasks! Jesus speaks about people losing a sheep or a coin (Luke 15). Actually, God even cares about the little things that...

Turning away from Depression 08/08/2023

Depression is so common. Life’s circumstances or even the news can put you in a downwards spiral. There is a remedy and in the midst of Jeremiah’s lamenting God spoke to him about it.

Turning away from Depression I’ve managed an international college for over 20 years and have had thousands of students come and go. In that time I’ve had numerous students come and talk with me. Just Google “crimes against international students in Australia” and you’ll understand the things that we dealt with. Depre...

Prayer that shapes history 07/08/2023

In the face of distress the Christian can stay at peace. The “secret” is in the power of prayer. Prayer is the basis of a vibrant relationship with the God of this universe.

Prayer that shapes history Before Jesus returned to heaven He gave us the keys to His kingdom, first to Peter and then to us. We have been empowered to have dominion on the earth and to make the earth look like Heaven. We do this through the power of prayer. Our prayers are not pleas for God to fix our world. We do not need t...

Living life with no fear 03/08/2023

Fear! I used to have all sorts of fears but they instantly dissolved the day I saw the Holy Spirit washing through my body.

Today I want to share what the Bible has to say about fear and God’s promises so you, too, can be free.

Living life with no fear “My son, let them not depart from your eyes— Keep sound wisdom and discretion; So they will be life to your soul And grace to your neck. Then you will walk safely in your way, And your foot will not stumble. When you lie down, you will not be afraid; Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be...

What gives you lasting joy and happiness? 01/08/2023

I’ve been running in to so many negative people lately so today I’m wanting to think about having a mindset that lends itself to happiness and joy.

What gives you lasting joy and happiness? I was reading in the latest edition of Money magazine of a woman planning to be financially independent in a few years and to retire early. She talked about highlighting every purchase that you make and look at its value in bringing sustained happiness after the initial dopamine hit. That’s good a...

What a butcherbird taught me 25/07/2023

What is the purpose of faith and trust if every time we pray God instantly answers our prayers?
God hears and today I want to share how intimately He hears.

What a butcherbird taught me I was living in the countryside and was hanging the washing out. (You can appreciate that with six active kids that was a regular pastime!) A grey butcherbird, an amazing mimic, was serenading me with his repertoire of numerous bird calls and even the ring of an old telephone. Laughing, I teased him...

Pruning the twisted tree 23/07/2023

God can make something of you even if you think you have nothing to offer.

Pruning the twisted tree The ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao-Tze wrote that, “The twisted tree lives its life while the straight tree ends up in planks”. I’ve got good news for you – God has no use for the straight trees, the people who think they are righteous and holy. God is looking for the twisted trees, the on...

Leading people to Jesus 15/07/2023

The most powerful blessing is yours to grasp simply because you have made Jesus your Lord and Saviour.

Leading people to Jesus Join the Spaces by Wix app to read this blog and stay updated on the go.

Speaking graciously 14/07/2023

Why should you be speaking graciously and positively?

Speaking graciously ”Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.” (Col 4:5-6 NLT) I’ve known people who were bubbly and engaged and who would always speak with grace, ...

Sometimes it’s hard to know what to say 13/07/2023

Are you struggling with what to say? So did Nehemiah. So did Paul. Read how they found help.

Sometimes it’s hard to know what to say It must’ve been hard for Paul. He had been schooled as a Pharisee, was extremist in his zealousness but then did a 360 to follow Jesus. He would’ve lost all credibility with anyone who knew him. On top of that he had continual affliction from persecution. When you read his list of suffering you....

I make all things new 08/07/2023

So many people are not living their best life. Today I want to share briefly how Jesus makes all things new and that you ARE special, unique, chosen, forgiven and loved.

I make all things new In the 2004 movie, The Passion”, Jesus was on His way to Golgotha to be crucified, and He turned to comfort His mother and said, “I make all things new”. Whether He actually said those words at that time hasn’t been revealed but in Revelation 21:5 we read, “And the one sitting on the thron...

The communion of saints 26/06/2023

We recite the Apostle’s Creed each week and speak about the communion of saints. Here are my thoughts on one perspective of that unity.

The communion of saints When you think about “the communion of saints” (added to the Apostle’s Creed mid 5th century) there’s a perspective that I hadn’t thought about before. The Feast of Tabernacles was a feast in ancient Israel where water was taken from the Pool of Siloam for 7 days and poured out on the alta...

What does it mean that the pure in heart will see God? 17/06/2023

Have you ever had a half-hearted friendship? Anything less than a friendship where both parties are fully invested in one another, is not a real friendship.

It’s the same with God. He wants us all in!

What does it mean that the pure in heart will see God? ”Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matt. 5:8). Here’s another verse I’ve frequently read and always understood to mean that the pure in heart will actually get to see God after the resurrection. It is another verse that the Holy Spirit has enlightened me on, leading me ...

An amazing lesson God taught me about hearing His voice 10/06/2023

Here’s one of the most poignant and intimate messages from God that I’ve ever received. Hope it bless you, too.

An amazing lesson God taught me about hearing His voice 16But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our report?” 17So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 18But I say, have they not heard? Yes indeed: “Their sound has gone out to all the earth, And their words to the ends of the world....

What love is this? 05/06/2023

I went to a concert yesterday and I haven’t stopped thinking about God’s love ever since.

What love is this? Yesterday we went to a concert where the Australian composer, Prof. Matthew Hinson, introduced us to some of his recently composed pieces for the piano, “Sad Pieces”. One of them was about love and he wanted to show how all encompassing was love to the human spirit in the midst of all the pain o...

Come back to the raw 16/05/2023

I’m still thinking about that concept of rawness with God, and, in particular, having a raw live towards God.

Come back to the raw “Write this letter to the angel of the church in Ephesus. This is the message from the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand, the one who walks among the seven gold lampstands: 2 “I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance. I know you don’t to...

Mothers Day and being adopted 14/05/2023

Happy Mothers Day! We all have mothers for who we can be thankful. For the most part they birthed us, nourished us and selflessly cared for us as best as they were able.

Even if we weren’t cared for by our birth mothers, we have a selfless love showered on us from the Creator of all. This love opens us to infinite blessings for eternity.

Mothers Day and being adopted It's Mother's Day and fittingly we look at these incredible words penned 2 thousand years ago that we were adopted as sons into the family of God. 10 He (Jesus) came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t recognize him. 11 He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. 12 But...

How to hear God’s voice 04/05/2023

Here’s an ambitious blog today — how to hear the voice of God. I pray this will bless you.

How to hear God’s voice Our last few blogs have been about receiving the Holy Spirit. Today I want to help you enjoy the relationship with God that we have through the Holy Spirit. Even though Jesus declared that “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27), it can take us to hear His voi...

ANZAC Day Prayer 24/04/2023

ANZAC Day Prayer In your holy presence, loving God, and in the name if Christ who shared our pain and suffering, we remember all those whose lives have been caught up in war. We remember those who went to war – eagerly, imagining it to be an exciting adventure, purposefully, convinced they were honouring both God ...

The Holy Spirit power and you! 16/04/2023

When Jesus was taken into heaven, His beloved disciples rejoiced BECAUSE they were now going to receive the Holy Spirit. That promise is for you, too. Don’t miss out on this wonderful blessing that Jesus made available for us.

The Holy Spirit power and you! The best friend you could ever have is the Holy Spirit. He will share with you information that there is no way you could have known. He will open your mind to what the Bible is saying. He will direct you to do different things in your life. Are you tapping into that wonderful resource and getting t...

You have been surrounded! 11/04/2023

We talk of comfort foods but there’s a way to feel comforted in every cell of your body. Today I want to quickly look at the unique presence of God around us.


You have been surrounded! When you woke this morning, did you realise that you were SURROUNDED? The reality is that God’s presence surrounds you every minute of every day for eternity. Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people, both now and forever (Psa. 125:2) and again: You go before me a...

A different perspective on suffering 10/04/2023

Here’s a different view on our sufferings and pains and what is going on.

A different perspective on suffering It’s a common human experience to face betrayal, deception, hurt and emotional pain. We tend to blame the other person but here’s a surprising revelation about God in Lamentations: 30 Let them turn the other cheek to those who strike them and accept the insults of their enemies. 31 For no one is...

Jesus, the cross and freedom 07/04/2023

It’s Easter and time to reflect on the crucifixion. Today I’m focussing on the thief who repented and the implications of that for you.

Jesus, the cross and freedom Jesus was crucified with 2 criminals. We are not talking about men who stole candy from babies – we are talking about men who had ruthlessly murdered. Here they were, hardened offenders who were being tortured to death with Jesus. Where does your mind go while you are being tortured? For Jesus it ...

Ride on ride on…and take o God your power and reign 06/04/2023

It’s coming up to Easter and when we sang this hymn last Sunday, I started thinking about the words.

Ride on ride on…and take o God your power and reign Palm Sunday has just passed and I wonder how many congregations around the world sang this hymn? 1 Ride on, ride on in majesty! Hark! All the tribes hosanna cry. O Saviour meek, pursue your road, with palms and scattered garments strowed. 2 Ride on, ride on in majesty! In lowly pomp ride on to die.....

The power of God’s compassion 03/04/2023

The compassion of God is endless. From kindness to a poor Moabite girl, kindness to a poor Nazarene girl to kindness to us poor lost sinners. Our marriage to our bridegroom heralds in blessing upon blessing for eternity.

The power of God’s compassion “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus“(Phil. 4:19). We have recently looked at how a poor Moabite girl came to live in Israel and have a wealthy near-relative of her husband’s “spread his garme...

The power of being alone 02/04/2023

Learning from someone who has been alone and who has suffered horrifically helps us to understand the price Jesus paid when He was friendless, beaten and tortured so that we can spend eternity with Him in His family.

The power of being alone I’ve written before about the loneliness that Ruth must have felt when she went to Israel with Naomi. There was no one from her culture or family there and the people of Israel weren’t on civil terms with the Moabites. What about loneliness on a whole different level? My friend spent years in so...

The power of providence 31/03/2023

At times we wonder what on earth is going on with our life. Can we really trust that God has our lives in control?

I want to look at those questions today.

The power of providence God can see beforehand what is going to happen. God allows things to happen and works through the natural order of things to accomplish His plans. What may seem like an insignificant event in your life may actually be an event that God is using to bring about His plans for you. "For I know the plans...

The power of God’s timing 28/03/2023

We are so dependent on time in our culture and expect God to work on our time lines but it doesn’t work like that. God’s timing is precise and perfect, though, and we need to wait for Him.

The power of God’s timing When you pray for God’s intervention and nothing seems to be happening, have you ever wondered about His timing? I think this episode in the life of Ruth will help you understand that God times things perfectly. Let’s start with a riddle. Israel was told to not allow a Moabite into their congreg...

The power of brokenness 27/03/2023

There is hope after months of brutal torture. Only Jesus, who shared His broken body with us, can comfort and heal.

The power of brokenness Our experiences, both good and bad, can either draw us to God or drive us away. It is our choice if we want to turn to our Saviour who has experienced every human emotion and seek His comfort and healing. In every possible way Jesus “understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testing...

Escaping disorder and instability and finding peace 16/03/2023

People choose to flee conflict, instability and physical calamities but there is a brave young woman who chose to leave all she had known to live with people who were hostile to her people.
See where I’m going with this today.

Escaping disorder and instability and finding peace Another way people can feel lonely and isolated is when they flee or are expelled from their home country. In the course of my work I have encountered hundreds of political refugees from Europe, the Middle East and Asia who have fled their homelands because of persecution, political instability, war...

Transformation from hopelessness and pain 14/03/2023

What a privilege it has been to know this person! He has been so brutalised that death seemed close on many occasions yet he survived. Decades later he has come to know the comfort of Jesus and find purpose and hope in His life.

Transformation from hopelessness and pain If you’ve ever suffered ghastly betrayal and loss in your life you know what I’m talking about when I talk about the loneliness and inexorability of pain. But I’ve friends who’ve fared far far worse. One endured unspeakably wicked brutality at the hands of a malevolent regime - simply becaus...


Celebrating amazing women of faith; then, now, and yet to come... 🙌