Product To Market

Product To Market

Get YOUR Product To Market on iFBtv's NEW Shopping Network, COMING SOON! The purpose of this page is to help you get your product to market.


Having dinner at the Courtside Grille in Clearwater, FL, with iFBTV's first round of Shopping Network graduates...CONGRATULATIONS GANG! This group is the first to get through training & filming of their commercial segment for iFBTV's NEW SHOPPING NETWORK--right here on Facebook, with Bob Circosta (TV's "Billion Dollar Man") as their Co-Host.

If YOU'VE got a product that you feel is ready for television, please send us a message here or to [email protected], and lets talk about how YOUR product can be on iFBtv's NEW SHOPPING NETWORK on Facebook...COMING SOON!

Timeline photos 13/04/2012

Do YOU have a product or Service you think would be GREAT for Social Television? Let Bob Circosta, TV's "Billion Dollar Man & Original Home Shopping Host, be YOUR host!
