Rachel D. Muller

Rachel D. Muller

Author • Speaker • Owner at Timeline Press LLC


🌺 Well, lookie here...I got to unbox my very first NEW paperback copy of PHILLIP'S WAR! My heart is happy! 🥰 What do you think of the new MATTE cover?


✨ This book continues to be my Best~Selling novel. 11 years and still going strong!
Copies of LETTERS FROM GRACE will be available for purchase at my book signing event on Saturday, December 9th, at the C Burr Artz Central Library. However, copies are limited in quantity, so to ensure you cinch your copy, arrive early!

📸 And check out this amazing shot Full Heart Photography snatched at our recent photo shoot!


I love that so many of you have reached out letting me know you'll be in attendance! And I know some of you are unable to attend, but have expressed wanting to help support in some way. I appreciate your sweet words! Here are other ways to support that mean just as much as being in attendance:

✨️ Share ~ are you in Facebook groups? Share this event in your community or private groups
✨️ Invite ~ Invite your family and friends to this event or to Like & Follow my page
✨️ Like ~ Continue to Like and Comment on posts on my page to keep seeing content

As always, thank you for your love and support!

🫶 Rae ~ Lo


✨ Join us for a very special event!✨
Announcing the return of Rachel D. Muller, Best Selling Author of the Love & War Series, with her FIRST book signing event in over 5 years!
This meet & greet will be held at C. Burr Artz Public Library in Frederick, MD on Saturday, December 9th from 11am - 4pm. The tour is part of Frederick's 275th Anniversary and Museums by Candlelight Tour. Check out the event page for more details.
Books will be available for purchase at the event.
No admission fee.


💕💕Having your support over the last 10 years has been amazing! I'm thrilled to be relaunching my brand and author page, and take all of you on this incredible journey with me! Help me make my next goal of 1️⃣,0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ Likes/Followers. It literally takes less than 30 seconds:
Go to my Author Page and tap the 3 little dots on the side of page
Hit “invite friends”
Select "invite all" or you can select certain people.

That's all I'm asking of friends who support my page. 🙂 Your simple invite means the world 🌎 to me and allows me to keep writing and offering content.

All my love & hugs,
~Rae Lo

Phillip's War 14/11/2023

✨Now Available!️✨️
The newest edition of Phillip's War by Rachel D. Muller...find it on Amazon and other online retailers.

Phillip's War

Phillip's War They thought the war had ended…but the real battle was just beginning.When Marine Sergeant Phillip Johnson returns from the Pacific in the winter of 1946, no one could be happier than the gal that’s stuck with him through the duration—his Libby. Finally, it seems 1946 brings new promise to the...


✨️You radiate differently when you're truly happy.✨️
These words were recently said to me, and it struck a chord so deeply within me.
And it's true. The power of changing your mindset and the environment in which you CHOOSE to live in creates the difference in whether you thrive or languish.
The outcome depends on YOU. Taking the first step depends on YOU. Your success (or failure) depends on YOU.
That's the beauty of a life worth living. Write your own story and own the outcome.

🫶 Rachel


Today marks 5 years from the moment that changed my life forever. Five. Years. I'll never forget saying "goodnight" to my kids the night before, not sure if that would be the last goodnight hug and kiss they'd receive from me. I'll never forget lying on the OR table looking up as I felt the anesthesia take affect and asking God to allow me to wake up. I won't forget the pain I woke up to or the moment the nurses rushed to my side to check for my pulse as I felt consciousness slip away from me.
So many things I won't forget...which is why my outlook on life is so different. Material possessions are NOT worth a dime in this world! Money and status is absolutely worthless. What matters most are the people you love and the ones you care about and the real people who stick with you through thick and thin. Never take those things for granted. Life and health is a gift. Every waking day is a brand new beginning and a new chance to make a change; a new day to love; a new day to live. Live with no regrets and love with no regrets. 🫶

📸 by Jennifer Pugh Fitzpatrick 🩷


Here we go...this is 40! Maybe it's not off to a bad start.
Thank you for all the BIRTHDAY wishes so far! You guys always help make my day special...year after year. Love you all!!! 😘


Happy Monday! Writer by night....but Real Estate Assistant by day!! What's everyone up to on this October Monday??
(P.S. today's tasks require a standing desk... )


Well....Fall 🍂 is here, but I sure miss those summer vibes (I know...I'm in the minority, lol). I mean, I love sweaters...but I like shorts and sandals too. 😏 Anyone out there feel me on this?


Sharing some of my readers' favorite lines...
🌿Maggie's Mission🌿

Fund it on Amazon and other online retailers.


This made my morning!!




Merch from Timeline Press coming soon!! Check out this branded tee!


Did someone say ?? 👀 Check out my big announcement and let me know what you think in the comments! 👇


Good Morning! It was a wide open lake for some wide open living!
We are living life to its fullest. No regrets.

I don't know why the mountains call to me, but they do. They cause me to think, reflect, plan, and relax. They're my happy place.

Find your happy place. Allow it to consume you, even for just a little while. But allow its consumption to fuel you forward. Never backward.


Jeep Hair Don't Care!

Photos from Rachel D. Muller's post 12/08/2023

We ran away for the weekend. Love our spontaneous trips for some R&R.
Thank you to for this awesome tee! I asked for some products and they sent me this! Delivery was next day at my door. Swipe for an of my


🌞 Good Morning! As I'm getting ready for work and sipping on my coffee this morning, I'm wondering what genre of reading material is your go-to. So tell me, what's your favorite genre, time period, or non-fiction to read? 📚


✨New Cover Reveal️✨️

How amazingly authentic is this new cover design!? 🤩 Thank you to Hannah Linder Designs for another incredible cover that captures the very essence of my Love & War Series!
This book is #2 in the series and it has undergone a TITLE CHANGE. So if you've read Maggie's Mission, then you've read UNFORGETTABLE.
If you haven't read Maggie's Story yet, you can pre-order your paperback copy through me by visiting the Google Form link pinned on my page. If you place your order through this link, your copy will be SIGNED by me!


A ✨️NEW✨️ Cover Reveal is coming VERY SOON!


✨️"Dreams don't work unless you do. Find what sets your soul on fire and go after it."✨️


🌿My life didn't turn out the way I planned...

No one ever asks for hardship. When we're young and just embarking on life's journey, we dream big and see all the colors of the rainbow. We want to soar in the clouds. We have goals. And we have the energy and strength of youth to set out on accomplishment.
We don't see the road blocks. We don't think of danger. And oftentimes, we're completely blindsided by difficulties and trauma.
I'm always reminded of the 'Refining Fire' as I walk through traumatic events in my life. I liken it to the idea that I'm literally walking through the fire, withstanding it's flames and heat. It hurts. It's unbearably uncomfortable. And sometimes the pain is too much.
But I've lived enough life to know if I keep walking, if I keep withstanding the fire, eventually, I'll emerge from the flames.
Glass is made by heating sand at an intense temperature. The grit of the sand is melted away, and when fired enough, spun, and shapen, beautiful things are created...things that glisten in the sunshine, that sparkle...that SHINE. But it had to be put through the fire to get there.
If you're walking through the heat right now in your season of life....don't give up. Keep walking and...ALWAYS HOPE. One day, you'll know the purpose for the refining of your life. 🫶


🌿 Patience:
Have you ever felt you were stuck in suspension? You can't move forward, or side to side...but moving backward is NOT option?
So, you just wait...and wait.
Feeling stuck is frustrating. Even maddening, sometimes. We can experience anger, depression, defeat, and a sense of hopelessness. We can take that feeling and create a vision in our minds that that defines what our life is.
But, I want to encourage you that it DOES NOT define your life.
A building project can take 3 months or years before we see the finished product. But the planning begins long ahead of the construction. If you're stuck in suspension, you can be assured God is working behind the scenes...planning, constructing, teaching your heart something it has yet to learn.
Patience is something that's hard to accept these days when everything is on demand. We hurry up just to slow down.
Always remember, the best things in life are the things that took careful time to plan and prepare. Our lives are no different. So take special care of yourself, open your heart to what you can learn, and hang in there knowing that at just the right time, you'll be catapulted into your next exciting chapter.


Tell me, what are some of the best meet-cutes you've ever heard of?
(Fiction or Real Life)


🌿 You can choose to let circumstances destroy you or you can choose to take your hardship and give someone hope. The choice is yours. Make the most of your life, experiences, and abilities.


Happy Monday! Let's beat the Monday blues with a little daydreaming....cause, you know, we writers do a lot of that. 😏 Tell me what your picks would be. Mine's in the comments...


🌿 and always hope....Good Morning!


This meme stopped me in my tracks. It took years for me to set boundary lines and know when it was time to stop giving the benefit of the doubt. Even when I knew the truth, I still chose to hold out hope for some people. But that's just who I am--I'll always hope for the best...
But there comes a time when you have to open your eyes and train yourself to see situations for what they really are.
Surround yourself with those who want to embrace you, who see your worth, who make the efforts, who want to see you succeed, and those who walk through deep waters WITH you.
Learn to say enough is enough.


Wishing you all a safe and Happy 4th of July! 🎆🇺🇲


Words from my forthcoming book, You Were Summer...


Self-Doubt is like a disease to the body. But decisiveness is the cure. Did you know I struggled with self-doubt? Emotional wounds cut deep, and often, our doubts in our abilities are directly related to a time in our lives when we've been deeply wounded.
Recently, I was put into a situation where I needed to step back and examine my life--everything about me--who I was, what my passions are, where I'm most happy. I had to learn how to set boundaries, stop allowing toxic people to trample me and take up residence in my life.
And what I learned in those first steps was that it opened a locked door to a myriad of emotional wounds that I had hidden under lock and key. The problem was I had hidden that key for so long that I'd forgotten how to unlock my feelings.
It took a good 18 months (and still ongoing) for me to sort through the mess that kept me chained. But through a series of steps I learned to develop, I've been able to overcome those wounds and come out stronger. Was it easy? Absolutely not! There were many tears, frustrations, prayers, despair, and moments of pure joy as I jumped each hurdle.
But here's the lesson I wanted to share with you today: You may think you are chained to your life's circumstances, that you CAN'T change your situation. And while there are certain things that can't be controlled, YOU DO have the ability to change your direction in life. It may be the most frightening decision you'll ever make, but you'll never look back and have regrets. To change your course, means sometimes you have to step outside the small box you've been living in. You are worth MORE, You ARE CAPABLE of more. Set your goals and dreams high, find what you love, and run after it! And never stop working at those goals and dreams until you say you've reached them. Create Your Own Story.


We've been getting inquiries on how you can order a SIGNED copy of Rachel's book. So we've made it easier for you to do just that!
We've created a Google Form just for ordering purposes. All information is in the form--you just need to answer a couple questions then submit!
(P.S. This will not place you on a mailing list and we WILL NOT spam anyone who sends in this order form. We just don't have time for that! 😅) See link below:



Look what just arrived!! The ✨️NEW✨️edition of my 1st Bestselling novel is out with a new look in a MATTE finish!!


Look 👀 what arrived! The very first prints of Letters From Grace with its brand new cover design in a MATTE finish! 😍 My 🫶


Sometimes life takes us places we never thought we'd go. Sometimes we are forced to walk a path that we don't want to tread. And often, we are given no choice but to take it. Many of us stumble along the way, or experience an exhaustion so deep we have no choice but to stop and rest. And then there are times when giving up hope on the journey is something we entertain in our minds.
But let me encourage you that when those momentary times of weakness grip you, never lose hope! Rest for a night or a few nights, then find that source of strength within you, lift your chin up, and keep walking forward. There is ALWAYS HOPE in every situation and circumstance.
That's why I write.
To encourage someone that there's always hope...even when life doesn't turn out the way we planned. There is something better in store for you--Otherwise, you wouldn't be asked to walk this path.
So, keep going and always hope...Romans 5:1-5

Letters from Grace (Love and War Book 1) 01/04/2022

Although I'm sold out of my physical copies, you can still order my books on Amazon. Choose your format: paperback or e-book.
You can get to all 3 books in the series from the link below: 👇

Letters from Grace (Love and War Book 1) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NAGQ46U/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_D69WDS9NGS7FAXC6PZX3

Letters from Grace (Love and War Book 1) Letters from Grace (Love and War Book 1)


SOLD OUT....whaaat??? And a little note from me to you:

Photos from Rachel D. Muller's post 28/03/2022

You guys voted and MAGGIE was your favorite Love & War character! If you haven't read the story of this heroic WWII nurse, you can find her story here: 👇
Maggie's Mission (Love and War Book 2) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QX53VAW/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_TPG8F1276RTZWQXMD1Y4

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