Aden Salik

Aden Salik

Author of the book "Dive Into The Self: A Journey of Strange Pleasure"


Enjoying my very first book review!
Alhamdulillah. If I can change one life, I will be able to die with peace.
I highly recommend my folks get the opportunity to read the text of my book. This will help you to go on a journey that is of strange pleasure!
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Alhumdulliah. I am so glad to see that my book has been rewarded by Amazon as the #1 Best Release. May Allah accept from me Ameen


How beautifully Allah honours his servants who took his path. May Allah make us among all those who are the seekers of the knowledge that can lead us to become the residents of his Paradise. Ameen


The originating point of all human knowledge is from your Lord. One must not claim to be knowledgeable as Khizar R.A was one of the most humble knowledgeable messenger of Allah SWT. He dedicated all of his intellect and the knowledge of things to Allah SWT.

"Acquire knowledge, it enables it's professor to distinguish right from wrong:it lights the way to heaven. It is our friend in the desert, our company in solitude and companion when friendless. It guides us to happiness, it sustains us in misery, it is an ornament amongst friends and an armour against enemies"

Prophet Muhammad PBUH


"Allah comes in between a person and his heart and verily to him, you shall be gathered"

Qur'an 8:24

Existing here in this world with all your senses can somehow make you able to see but you really can't see the reality if can't observe the essence behind the things.

Allah SWT has mentioned in the Qur'an about real sight of a man which is not the light of the eyes but the awareness of the heart. The consciousness of the mind and soul.


As humans, we tend to chase after false lights. The world we live today is more chaotic and distracting than ever.


Hate fear, even death can't frighten you. Live a life of hope and courage. One must need to be aware of the values and disvalues of the self.

The things can weakens the human personality are fear, grief, disappointment, Imitation, segregation from community and slavery which includes the intellectual slavery as well. The holy Qur'an has already called the disbelievers of God's mercy as infidels.


Self development has a strong relationship with the acts of an individual performs or is involved in.

Positive personal growth can only be achieve by personal effort and diverting the self towards right and strong that can leads one to the ultimate beautiful result of life known as "Personal Immortality".

Lack of tension, efforts, struggles, pondering are Ego-Dissolving Acts while an individual in a constant state of struggle can sustain his ego.

"By the soul and He who has balanced it, and has shown to it the ways to the wickedness and piety, blessed is the who has made it grow and undone is he who has corrupted it" (91:7:10)


"Verily, never will God change the condition of a people until they change it themselves(with their souls)" ; (Al-Ra'd 13:11)

While trusting in God bind the knees of thy camel, Said Prophet PBUH.

Faith in God is based on the Prophet PBUH tradition. It means that one should not sit idle, hoping that God himself shall do everything. One must use all the means within one's power to the maximum potential and leave the results to God.


One of the most important characteristics of the self is its uniqueness, i.e the personal individuality of man.

The thing that makes a personality unique is adopting the characteristics of the most unique individual. God in its nature is the most unique individual. The most supreme.

According to the Hadith in which Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace, and blessings be upon him, said, “People are like mines of silver and gold. The best of them in the time of ignorance is the best of them in Islam if they have religious understanding.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2638