Naessly's art Space

Naessly's art Space


I make art. Mostly Intuitive art. English/Français


Unfortunately commissions are already at a halt due to a family emergency. I should get back to it around june 6th

In the meanwhile, here is a beautiful commission I had the pleasure of doing.


I'm having a new sale with 2 types of illustrations this time.
You can message me at any time for different kind of projects you have in mind.

On the first discount, 5 places left so far.

Payment options;
International: paypal
Canada: paypal or interac transfer


This was a personal piece
Nothing else to say but thank you Doja Cat lol

I'm still open to working on all sorts of projects, message me if you have something in mind!

ID: A hand of warm colors like red, pink and orange, with lighter nails, like tiny nebulas, with a golden bracelet around her wrist and connecting to her finger, made of stars, is reaching towards a planet. The planet has colder colors, different teints of blues, some purple, looking like a whole galaxy, with a beautiful ring of stars around it. At the bottom of the picture, there are some magical clouds. The background is a mixture of dark colors with orange, blue, black, yellow, and quite far in the background is another planet with a warm golden ring around it.



Hello all!

2022 is here and I am coming back for more art. I am adjusting my prices, and will be spending the year saving up for my service dog's successor. In a few years, my current service dog will need to retire (she will stay with me


*contest is local to Sherbrooke, QC, Canada*

Une très belle cause a encourager!
J'offre un portrait de votre animal ou vous + votre animal dans le prix gagnant (ils y aura bien d'autres prix, restez à l'affût sur la page de Korina Joseph Photography )

A great cause to encourage! I will offer a portrait of your animal or you + your animal in the winning prize (there will be many other prizes, stay tuned on korina Joseph photography's page, linked above, for more)

🐶 POOCH PLAYOFFS🐶 J'organise un concours de photos d'animaux de compagnie avec 16 participants. Le frais d’entrée pour le concours, de 99$, ira au Refuge le Château. Les participants recevront un produit photo en remerciement ET un sac cadeau et auront la possibilité d'acheter des photos à partir d'un nombre limité de produits sélectionnés🖼 Le grand gagnant recevra le prix ultime!!

Commencez votre inscription en planifiant votre séance pour janvier ou février aujourd'hui en envoyant un courriel à [email protected] ou en appelant Korina Joseph Photography, (514) 451-2992

J’ai moi-même adopté mon chien d’un refuge. J’ai pu lui donner une deuxième vie; c’est pour cela que l’argent ramassé ira à un refuge Sherbrookois. Il y a trop d’animaux qui sont délaissés ou mal traités et je veux faire une différence🐾

Mon chien est parti d’un chien battu trouvé dans la rue à un chien d’assistance. Il est superbe! En 2020, j’ai failli le perdre et aucun maître ne devrait vivre un tel événement. C’est pour cela que je crois qu’il est important d’avoir de belles photos de nos amis à quatre pattes!🐶❤️


Your energy, your space, your being, all deserve your care and safety. It is time you reclaim what is yours.


To anyone who needs to hear this right now:

You don't always have to push your limits, to work on yourself, to change yourself.

Sometimes you just want to sit in this space and it's okay. We all get saturated, and no one can be wise and strong all the time. Allow yourself a break from all of this.


I wish I had some wise piece of advice right now, but I don't. So I'll just hold myself instead


I have not posted in a while and figured I'd explain why.
Im preparing for a move which in itself is draining. It's especially difficult during covid and a housing crisis. Other personal life events have been happening, making it quite difficult to focus on my art.

If I get a commission I will definitely get back to you and complete your request though.

I am saving my energy so I do not currently draw for pleasure, but if anyone needs anything, I'm still here! :)


''The wound is the place where the light gets in


May 5th is approaching quickly, you can still order a portrait or any other type of commission to help me pay for my cat's surgery!

ID: Three dark blue-ish mountains in front of big white clouds, the sky is a dark blue with some rays of purple light and trails of galaxies, at the top right is a white moon and next to it, in white, is written '' We often justify our feelings''.
At the bottom left corner, just over a mountain, in white once again ''You don't always need a reason for your emotions''

Photos from Naessly's art Space's post 17/04/2021

Resharing this, his surgery is in may!

Photos from Naessly's art Space's post 08/04/2021

Here are some more commissions from today!


Here is the wonderful Gustave 💚💙


Quick art of my dog 💛


''Shut up and listen''

Here are my feelings for this month, just my vibe generally speaking in 2021. Seems like we often fail to do this for one another. Of course, ESPECIALLY when it comes to marginalized communities.

ID: A space background with tones of dark to bright blue along with some dark purple, with a current of colors and stars, over which at the bottom of the image are some plants/leaves growing up, filled with delicate lines, in pale blue and lilac.
At the top of the image, a text can read ''Shut up and listen'', in white.

Photos from Naessly's art Space's post 05/04/2021

(Français ci-dessous!)


My cat needs yet ANOTHER tooth extraction, it will cost about 686,96$, I have to admit Im struggling quite a bit lately. So I decided to sell portraits of your pets (and possibly you and your pets?)

You can send the money via

Prices (CAD) are 20$ per portrait, 35 for 2 pets in a portait, then add 10$ for every added pet (or person). If you need additional customization, message me and we will see how we can work it out. Thank you!

If there's one thing you can do to help, is share this ❤️



Mon chat a encore besoin d'une extraction dentaire, cela coûtera environ 686,96 $, je dois admettre que j'ai quelques difficultés financières ces temps çi. J'ai donc décidé de vendre des portraits de vos animaux de compagnie (et peut-être de vous et de vos animaux de compagnie?)

Vous pouvez envoyer l'argent via

Les prix (CAD) sont de 20 $ par portrait, 35 pour 2 animaux dans un portrait, puis ajoutez 10 $ pour chaque animal (ou personne) ajouté. Si vous avez besoin d'une personnalisation supplémentaire, envoyez-moi un message et nous verrons comment nous pouvons y parvenir. Merci!

S'il y a une chose que vous pouvez faire pour aider, c'est de partager ❤️


I will try to add an ID later, my brain is finally relaxing and I want to attempt sleep lol.


Had not posted in a while. I'm back to trauma processing therapy, but hopefully I can make some fun things soon. I had projects in mind, but also executive dysfunction got in the way. We'll get there.

''The thing is, you couldn't protect me.. without saving yourself"

ID: A vague background made up of dark clouds and what seems to be sea waves crashing. It is also lightly raining, which denotes a storm is probably happening. The tones are all of bright to dark blue with some grey. At the center is a weird twirly shape. There are two bright yellow orbs flying through the strange shape (which seems a bit lke a staff but made of many twirls).
Over this whole scene reads this text: The thing is... you couldn't protect me.. without saving yourself.


Sometimes you just don't.


Sorry, totally forgot to make the draw yesterday! Live has been a bit chaotic.

The winner is Sarah Anne!! Congrats! I will message you for the prize, and thank you everyone for participating :)


Remember to share (publicly), contest ends this week :)


We just hit 100 likes! Thank you all for the encouragement 💜🌟

I'd like to throw a small contest to celebrate!
I will give away to one person an intuitive drawing.
With your permission, I "feel out" your energy and draw what I see in you!

If you're interested, just make sure you've liked my page, like and share this post!
Like the original post, not the shared one 😊

I will choose (randomly) a winner on march 10th

Music Media Kit » NeuroClastic 12/02/2021

If you've seen or plan to see Sia's movie Music, here is a great resource to learn about autism from actually autistic folks

Thank you NeuroClastic for this great resource

Music Media Kit » NeuroClastic NeuroClastic is a publication with resources, articles, and creative expressions from Autistic people and about the autism spectrum.


Image transcription by The Autistic OT

"Image text: a dark grey humanesque blob sits with its head bowed and legs crossed. Inside, a golden spiral glows. The text reads, "your body went through the same trauma as you did. please be gentle with it."


CW: Blood

this one is not my usual style, but I used a prompt which was ''Demon doing a good deed'', so here we go!


Chocolate milk is my go to during sensory overload

the details aren't great but I'll be honest, I could not care less about it tonight. I just wanted to have fun

Hint: I did!


What is your favorite method of transportation? Mine is the flying whale


I never draw dragons despite loving them. So here is a try.


Today I realized that compassion is still scary for me.
Being in the dark, clinging to hurtful dynamics is something I'm used to, it's familiar and it comforts me.

I'm just going to sit here and observe it for now, that's all I can do, and that's alright.


This is the grateful bear.

With body dysmorphia, it's really hard to ''learn to love your body''.
I like to imagine myself as a big bear rather than to try to find the beauty in this human body. It's comforting, and it helps me feel grateful for all that my body does for me.
This is what it looks like for me now, it might be different for others, and my perception might change with time..

but grateful bear will always be here.


The divine caregiver


Ear defenders are life


And an oldie


A little magic tonight
