Amee Kroeker Coaching

Amee Kroeker Coaching

I provide parenting and education guidance to Expat Moms.


Moms in a new country soon discover language learning and motherhood are frequently at odds. BUT here are three ways kids can benefit from mom’s language study efforts.

Check out my latest blog post:


If you're looking for a quick test to determine your wisdom - or lack thereof - here are six quick questions to ask yourself (straight from Proverbs 9).


Does God have a grading system? If He does, how can I make sure my kids have an A?


"Mom, I'm worried about______." How do you prepare for those talks with fearful kids?


How is it possible to be ready at a moment’s notice for key conversations with our kids? Check out my latest blog post:


Conversing with kids about a sensitive topic is a daunting task.
🙄 What do I say?
🤔 How do I say it?
🤐 Should I even have a conversation about____?

Here are three things you might want to consider as you step into those uncomfortable moments.



A lot of junk in the world clouds my thoughts of You. Disease, conflict, and war fill the headlines. As a mom navigating life in the middle of this broken world mess, help me to never forget that you are my God. Remind me that unity in heart and purpose can only come from you. Help me maintain my spiritual health not only for my own good, but for that of my children. I trust you, Lord, to ultimately bring about Your perfect purposes, no matter what today looks like.

I praise you, Father.



Somedays only one line of the Horatio Gates Spafford hymn, "It Is Well With My Soul" reverberates over and over in my mind:

When sorrows like sea billows roll...

In those moments it's pretty impossible to sing out the next couple of lines:

Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
"It is well, it is well with my soul."

On those days, I found bringing my lament to my Sovereign Father who cares is an important step towards "It is well with my soul." You can read more about it my latest blog post:


Is it ever ok to laugh about a child’s bad behavior?

Sometimes those littles are simply “cute little stinkers,” but where is the line between cuteness and just plain condoning sin?


Whether your transitions are mega or mini, geographic or career, family or business, the heart sometimes doesn't want to move with the to-do list changes.

⁉️Are you transitioning well?
Check out my latest blog post


If you could move anywhere, where would you choose?


Yes, I got braces. 😬 Yes, it's sooo embarrassing. 🤭But I don't want to miss learning through the process, so I wrote about it in my blog post


I got braces. Not fun. But I'm learning stuff in the middle of the uncomfortable and I wanted to share it with you.


What is a good habit you hope never to loose?

I miss these days... while our running habit is still holding steady, I miss preparing for a race and having that extra motivation to get up and go every morning. Here's hoping Tim and I can do another race someday soon 🏃‍♀️


If you gave me a checklist of tasks for today, I would go to Herculean efforts to put an x beside every item by sunset (a particular challenge during the winter 😂). If I wouldn’t succeed at a complete set of neatly checked boxes, I would go into dejected frustration, sad that I couldn’t somehow squeeze another hour into the day.

Sometimes, my Bible reading follows that same pattern. I neatly cross off all the boxes for each day’s assignment. I feel satisfied that “Bible reading” is now checked off of my to-do list. I move on.

So far, I have stuck to my January Bible reading list, BUT, I want to challenge myself to think more about what I’m reading, how to apply it to my life, and therefore grow. Soooo, I’m inviting anyone who wants to join to a one-year-only, private Facebook group. We will share

✅ What we are reading
✅ What we are learning about God
✅ How we are applying it to everyday life

Come join me and combat your “I forget what I just read” syndrome!


The end of January is just around the corner...which New Year's resolutions have you stuck to?

1️⃣ I have been successful at so far is no social media (Facebook and Instagram) on Sundays. It's amazing to take a day to rest from the temptation to scroll!

How about you? What are your resolution successes?


Sometimes days are just a series of rushing from one thing to another, so how can we make sure what we do is actually the meaningful stuff? Check out my blog post this week


"Your eyes are bigger than your stomach!" applies not only to moms cautioning young kids to back off of the chocolate cake, check out these 3 tips to finishing your to-do list TODAY!


I love stunning beginnings and sweet endings. I enjoy that organization to my weeks too, starting with amazing Monday morning and finishing with cozy Friday.
The other day, I discovered I have an insane amount of sunrises and sunsets on my phone photo gallery. I’m kinda obsessed with how God gifts us each morning with a unique and glorious start to the day and an elegant conclusions to all that hard work. And so, I give you a slideshow of my sunrises and sunsets.


Would you rather spend an hour on social media or ten minutes face to face with the same people?


I've been thinking about friendship and what makes a great friendship. I stumbled on a lot of info about who shouldn't be a friend, or what "toxic people" can do to negatively affect us, but what are positive friendship traits? I wrote about 3 big ones in my latest blog post:


Bitter sarcasm. Malicious words spewed with venom.Toxic individuals. Relationships can be like a boat caught in a swirling sea, tossed around carelessly and capsized with a simple post.

And yet, God created us with a desire for connection. Relationships are delightful, life-giving, growth-producing, positive movement forward. Help me flip the narrative. What’s one positive word that describes your relationships?

I’ll start:



I was guilty of hide-behind-my-kids syndrome. Maybe you have done this too? I explain some of the symptoms of my illness and how I could have handled things a bit differently.
To evaluate your own mom strengths and challenges, download my motherhood reflection guide



What spiritual discipline do you find most difficult?

📖 Reading the Bible


🙏 Prayer?


Kids running around the house, homework needs, carpool rides from one event to many noble and valuable mothering things that make quiet, alone time in prayer difficult. What is stopping YOU from a healthy prayer life NOW? Check out my latest blog post

Videos (show all)

How Wise Am I?
Difficult conversations with children
Learning before you reach those goals
3 Tips to Finish Your To-Do list TODAY
I love stunning beginnings and sweet endings. I enjoy that organization to my weeks too, starting with amazing Monday mo...
Hide-behind-my-kids syndrome
Best of 2021 - nonfiction
Best of 2021
Best Fiction of 2021
The Best of 2021
The problem with my Christmas Eve planning
How to plan holiday fun when no one agrees on what to do