B.A. Oliver Videos

Videos by B.A. Oliver. Author of The Breeder series of Haremlit adventures. Available on Amazon and Amazon Kindle Unlimited.

Today's mandatory break from sitting in front of the computer.

Normally when I see humpbacks up here it's a pair, or a pair with a calf. Sometimes those family groups will hang out for days or even weeks.

Today looks to just be one.

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Today's mandatory break from sitting in front of the computer. Normally when I see humpbacks up here it's a pair, or a pair with a calf. Sometimes those family groups will hang out for days or even weeks. Today looks to just be one.

Orca's came by for a closer pass.

Where I live we get some very large swings between low tide and high tide. Tomorrow is one of the largest of the year, with a full 21' difference between low tide just before 9am and high tide at 2:45pm. It truly is amazing to see the ocean (well inlet) rise and fall so much in just six hours, over three feet on average, and closer to 4' per hour during the middle of that time. This morning I was down making sure I didn't have anything on the shoreline low enough it would float away on me (it's happened before) and was moving some old foam floats that I had scavenged beachcombing to higher ground when a large pod of orca showed up. One bull, you can tell from the very large dorsal fin, several cows, and at least one calf. The little guy stopped and took a nap for a few minutes about 300-400' feet from me, with the cows circling for protection. Very cool to live where I do and get visits from orca and humpbacks on a somewhat regular basis. Living an hour by boat from the nearest town has it's drawbacks as well though. This week I've thought about making a trip to town, but the wave forecast is a little bumpy for me (up to 3' waves most days). So I'll stay home, drink coffee, and write. Which is what you all want me to do anyhow! Sorry no pictures or vids of the orca today. Left the phone up at the cabin when I went down. Update: got video when they passed by again.

Just had a pod of Orca visit and interrupt my writing session. Always worth it. Bull with his family. Pardon my voice, caught a cold and throats a bit rough right now.