Evergreen Valley High School Democratic Socialists

Evergreen Valley High School Democratic Socialists

Organizing committee for the future Evergreen Valley High School YDSA Chapter. Interest form: https://bit.ly/3aWpdXl


Hampton Institute


Spirituality for Justice


About Face: Veterans Against the War

Although the government and media will frame conflict with Iran as a liberation of a supposedly oppressed people, the only people that'll benefit from the overthrow of the current Iranian regime will be corporations who will then have free reign over Iran's resources. The vast majority of people in Iran will be given only instability similar to the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya.

Claiming Iran is a state with a failed economy would be ignoring the US's role in causing it to fail. Crippling sanctions and even direct attacks against Iran's assets been directed by the US in an attempt to get the people to overthrow the regime that they put in place.

An extremely dangerous escalation, rather an act of war. This has the absolute potential to put us on a path towards military confrontation between the United States and Iran. There is no upside when it could cost millions of lives.


San Jose Peace and Justice Center

After 5 years of a "preliminary investigation", the International Criminal Court has finally agreed to begin investigating human rights abuses by Israel against Palestinians.


San Jose Peace and Justice Center

Fred Hampton, one of the most important civil rights activists in US History, as well as a Black Panther Party organizer was killed 50 years ago to this day.

Fred Hampton is a symbol of how, when people unite, can make even the strongest power structures in the world feel afraid.


Return of the Pleb


Bay Area For Bernie

Probably just a coincidence. Is this what "green capitalism" looks like? Wars and coups over lithium instead of oil?


Defeat "Right to Work" in Wisconsin


Keystone Pipeline Leaks 383,000 Gallons of Oil in North Dakota

nytimes.com The spill in the northeastern part of the state, which occurred along a different stretch than the controversial XL pipeline addition, coated an estimated half-acre of wetland, officials said.


PG&E should belong to Californians. Not to its Wall Street shareholders

sacbee.com PG&E can no longer remain under the leadership of the Wall Street shareholders responsible for disastrous wildfires. CA needs to put it’s largest utility under public or nonprofit ownership to benefit consumers.


Undercover Cop Tricks Autistic Student into Selling Him W**d (Full Length)

The police department supports a system that encourages this.

Meet the Martha Stewart of Ma*****na http://bit.ly/2gTh2PQ Subscribe to VICE here! http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE This is the story of Jesse Snodgrass, a ki...


Occupy Homeless

what the hell is wrong with the so-called leadership in this country? (rhetorical question, dripping with sarcasm)

And when we speak about "leadership", we don't mean just the f'n politicians. We mean those that operate businesses, banks, real estate, city planners, and a whole lot of individuals that brought about this current cluster f*ck.

"State of Emergency"??? Really? It Did NOT need to get to this point, but some people's kids chose to do things that have continued to make this worse at every step of the way.

Check Yourself! ~ Gnat


Lebanon's mass revolt against corruption and poverty continues

theguardian.com Dissent gains momentum with country’s largest protests since Cedar revolution of 2005


Capitalist Hating Union of Rogue Communist Hooligans



San Jose Peace and Justice Center

With over 53,000 homeless in Los Angeles, and with the weather getting colder, the deaths are only going to increase. Although not as severe in San Jose, this issue is still extremely important.


Socialist Rifle Association - Eastern Washington chapter

Thomas Sankara, the Marxist president of Burkina Faso, was assassinated on this day. It's amazing what he accomplished.



What do landlords contribute

stuff that makes me cuss really loudly, so i'm gonna stop talking now

Outside, it's and we are dying you f'n bastards! ooops ~ gnat


US Census report: Inequality grew rapidly in 2018 to record levels

"The past year saw a staggering transfer of wealth from the bottom 90 percent of the population to the top 10 and top 5 percent. This is the intended result of the bipartisan social counterrevolution intensified by Barack Obama and carried to a fever pitch by Donald Trump, who has slashed corporate taxes and regulations with no opposition from Democrats in Congress." - From the article

wsws.org The US is now as unequal as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and less equal than Kenya, Mexico and Malaysia.


Occupy Homeless

and is caused by greedy people and corporations like this, and the politicians that accept bribes for changing laws to allow these things to worsen.

with these workers in any way that you can! in everyway that you are able! Tell your friends how angry these things make you!


Mutualist Memes

Corporations have a history of influencing electoral politics, whether through subtle publicity campaigns like this, or through direct lobbying, leading to essentially legalized bribery. This case isn't unique, and there are countless more examples of this happening.

Mmmmmmutualist memes continues to wait for comment from the liberty movement


This is one of the nicer ways the media will portray the progressive movement. Sadly, there are more cases of people defending the far right for "presenting their opinion", despite that opinion having the very real potential to affect marginalized groups.

9/10 times centrists are just cowards afraid to admit they support the ruling class


Israel launches airstrikes against Iraq, Syria and Lebanon

Taken from the article: Those struck in the attacks included Shia militia members in Iraq, members of the Lebanese Hezbollah Shia militia in Syria, a heavily populated civilian neighborhood in Lebanon’s capital, Beirut, and, on early Monday, the pro-Syrian Palestinian faction, the Patriotic Front for the Liberation of Palestine—General Command, in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley.

The Israeli media has reported that the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is also considering the launching of attacks against the Houthis in northern Yemen. The monarchical dictatorships of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), with which Tel Aviv is seeking to form a US-backed, anti-Iranian axis, have been waging a near-genocidal war against Yemen for more than four years. The Israeli military is reportedly already providing intelligence to the Saudi and UAE forces.


wsws.org The wave of attacks across the region is linked to both the US offensive against Iran and Netanyahu’s re-election campaign.


To prevent attacks on our political and economic system, the state will defend crimes that can be used to make arguments against the system whenever feasibly possible.


Green Party of Santa Clara County CA

Even if reformist at heart, this new bill will empower the most progressive age group to push for changes that'll take us on the steps to reforming our economic system, and fixing our environmental crisis.

If you go to Evergreen Valley High School and would like to help us organize, contact this page.

California may join many other states in allowing 17-year-olds to vote in primary and special elections, if they will turn 18 before the following general election, under a proposed amendment to the state constitution approved Thursday by the state Assembly.


Bernie Sanders

Taken from the article: "An amicus brief filed by the Justice Department weighed in on two cases involving gay workers and what is meant by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bans discrimination "because of sex.” The administration argued courts nationwide should stop reading the civil rights law to protect gay, le***an, and bisexual workers from bias because it was not originally intended to do so."

If you go Evergreen Valley High School are interested in helping us organize, contact this page.

The president is a homophobe, and his bigotry must never be what our country is about. When we are in the White House we will pass the Equality Act and prohibit all workplace discrimination against LGBTQ+ people.


The Right is fully willing to claim that they're being censored, while the media will go out of its way to avoid important left leaning issues, if to cover a relatively minor, although violent protest in Hong Kong that the US government is co-opting to use as a propaganda piece against China.

Some information on the 200 million worker strike that started earlier in the month: http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Some-200-million-workers-on-strike-against-India%E2%80%99s-Prime-Minister-Modi-45915.html

If you go to Evergreen Valley High School and are interested in helping us organize, contact this page.


Imagine if this person wasn't lucky enough to become a teacher, and was working a job that paid him so little that he was living paycheck to paycheck, like nearly 80% of all working americans. Any type of medical emergency in that position would most likely lead to you losing everything you've been able to build up throughout your life in an instant.


ICE contracting detention companies get paid enough to put every detained immigrant into a hotel.



This has happened not only to leaders that have publicly identified as socialists, but also those who didn't but we're still brave enough to question the authority of US companies, that through corrupt deals have owned many of the profitable assets in South America.


No leftist of any tendency in this day and age will claim that the socialist states that have existed were perfect examples of what we want to implement.

We recognize the economy was mismanaged constantly, but we also will always recognize that these states, which were usually created in times of great poverty, were able to stabilize their economies, and in at most a decade were able to provide a standard of living for nearly all their citizens.

Western powers, doing their best to destroy the reputations of these countries pounded strict sanctions, like the ones that still exist in Cuba to this day. This would lead to the stopping of any possibility of fast economic growth. Using the still low, but stable economic standards, powers like the US would point to it as a failed state, and as is the case for almost all of South America, would start influencing the politics of those countries for their own personal gain.

If you're interested in learning more, feel free to message this page.


Leftist Gamers

Socdem or not, solidarity with the new surge of game developer unionizing is a big step forward.

