Patrick shelby

Patrick shelby

We give the best here just dm me and get no regret whatever we do


I am engaged in this because this was how i saw the post about Alex .
l and I decided to give it a try
and luckily i went well I highly recommend


And to whom has it really reached
that a lot of money does not equal wealth??
• What
can a person without money be rich, and a person with a lot of money be poor? That state of abundance is the cause of wealth, not the consequence ? That every happy person is already rich But not every person with a lot of money is happy s Just honestly
• Well, be 100 honest h


How long have you been here? How many do you have left? What don't you allow yourself? What/ who is stopping you from doing it? When Do You Start? What if you found out that God is real and all he want is you .. To become a truly & happy person, and do only what you really want to do


If you are constantly stable to buy Bitcoin with free funds, you do not need a pension fund, no insurance, no bank deposits 100 de It has been growing for 11 years and will grow for the next 11 too. Such is its architecture and software code. No predictions, just maths


Every woman was once a little girl@ I wish every girl, woman to always be inside that little tender and cheerful girl, whom everyone around loves and fulfills all her wishes and dreams


My Mom & is a teacher psychologist ( lem with 60 years of experience, labor veteran o
›, today is
her 85th anniversary
O- and I gave her a second
professional life # 10 years ago when I was looking for my purpose in life and underwent many trainings and courses on it on the subject, I imagined that when I will reach all, all my material goals, I will continue her life business I will pass on knowledge and study pedagogy and psychology. But then I couldn't understand that it's the same thing if a talented artist, singer, artist, coach, lawyer, doctor, educator, etc. would say to himself that I would first earn money, and then deal with my life, what fills me with and what really love • "Smile, gentlemen, smile, all the greatest stupidity on earth take place with a serious expression" I will say in another way: Laugh, gentlemen, laugh, only in a state of happiness and joy can you find your true one The ultimate goal is to find the meaning of life and follow it Mom I love you Love
• Happy birthday
Now you and I are going through life together and doing one big and most necessary thing on the planet

Photos from Patrick shelby's post 07/12/2022


Photos from Patrick shelby's post 07/12/2022

What a great day 😃


Responded to 100 "The most valuable thing you own is your time and energy because both are limited."
When you realize this, you begin to understand why you are so anxious to spend time with people who steal your energy. When you start fighting for a happy, interesting life, not everyone will be ready to follow you.
It means you have to let go of people who are not willing to accompany you. The truth is, you are not for everyone and not everything is for you. Let go of the people who are not ready to love you. It's the hardest and most important thing you'll ever have to do in life.
Stop having heavy conversations with people that don't want to change. Stop involving yourself with people who are not interested in your presence. I know your instinct is to do whatever you can for recognition, but it's the urge that steals your time, energy, mental and physical health. There are people who should not be in your life. Make your life a safe haven where you only let
"compatible" people. It's not your responsibility to convince people to become better. It's not your job to exist for people and give your life to them. Your only obligation is to realize that you are the master of your own fate. "You deserve true friendship, commitment and true love." Anthony Hopkins 2022


Oh this wonderful online world
Freedom of
time and space 100 Scale
Unlimited income - 4 billion users 1 Moscow
New York London Amsterdam Who's next? I'll teach you how to make money on a good job online, without experience and skills in 30 days a There are 4 spots left in October # PS My time and attention are not rubber


i la la la la la la la la la na do We have the whole world in our hands, We are the stars of continents, We have smashed the cursed competitors to ashes. We can barely open our mouths, How everyone is crying with happiness, And we know in advance

Photos from Patrick shelby's post 07/12/2022

What do y’all think?


I've lost my mind
Used to be Cho on
business on smarty pants?
Butle Is there
anyone alive here?
There are many
There are few alive PS Is there anyone alive here?

Photos from Patrick shelby's post 07/12/2022

What a lovely day