Yoga With Moto

Yoga With Moto

Instructor yoga 200 de ore Purna Yoga Academy


Ahimsa. In yoga this principle means non-violence, not hurting other beings. For example, when you practise the asanas and you feel pain, your body tells you that you have gone too far. Thus, in order to not hurt your body, you loosen the posture or simply get out of it. From my point of view, if I bring this principle in my life, I will understand that no one should force anyone to do something. Even if it may seem a good thing for the person she/he is forcing. From my point of view, each of us has a path, a certain level of evolution and her/his own pace of (spiritual) development. We are different. We can very easily be misunderstood when we think something which is good for us is also good for someone else. I believe we should be kind and understanding to all beings around us, and don't force anyone to be the way we are and make them do the things we do. For me this is Ahimsa.


Flying is natural


Wait a moment


All my life I was searching for something. Never knew exactly what it was or how to express in words this lost part of mine. The closest word to that something was peace.
A year ago I started to practice yoga on a regular basis. Every time I was on the mat I understood more of myself. The asanas and the pranayama techniques were challenging and somehow, at the end of a yoga class, I felt calm, free, with no boundaries.
This experience led me to attend and complete a 200-hour teacher training program. This is the beginning of my story.
I know now that yoga is a way of life. I feel it. When I let everything go, everything comes back to me.

Searching... for shells
