Learning Holy Quran in a simple way with pictures in English

Learning Holy Quran in a simple way with pictures in English

This page created for all people to educate them Islamic rules, meaning and way of reading holy Qura


Walayalen a’shr means 10 days laken but ya’ani what’s the 10 days let us see the importance of those days scientists said Allah means the last 10 days of Ramadan month because you are extremely close to Allah doing salah w sawm fasting ya’ani w read holy Qura’an and so on,.. but others said that Allah means the 10 days before the feast of aladha almubarak those days we prepare if we can to go to visit bayt Allah alka’aba alshareefa as in this picture doing tawaf and other things I will explain it later on inshallah so we know that alhej visit alqa’ba ya’ani bayt Allah the home of Allah the place of doing tawaf ebada a lot of benefits the place where all doing the direction of the salah towards it so those 10 ten days is extremely perfect so try to be close to Allah by doing salah, read holy Quran at those days and increase the amount of reading of doing salah praying ya’ani that’s why is important let’s see what’s the next ba’ad qaleel insha’Allah


We are only available to swear by Allah only ya’ani if I need to said the truth I will say (walahy- I swear God- oqsem beAllah,.. and so on) w laken but Allah when he subhabo yoqsem sweared ya’ani so he did qasam swearing as what he wants he sweared by himself we will see later on like what Allah said and sweared but here in this perfect Sura Allah sweared by Alfahr the early morning let us see what’s the next inshallah


Walfajr as we said before Allah said wa that’s mean qasam meaning in English I swear so Allah swear by Alfajr means early morning ya’ani elshoroq that’s meaning in Arabic before sun rise so Allah swear and said walfajr due to the new beginning let us see what’s the next as Allah said I gonna explain by photoes from now to facilitate the meaning of holy Qura’an inshallah so let us see walfajr means as in this picture


So let us begin sorry for that delay I had some issues related to my health but thanks Allah he cured me Alhamdullelah so we will continue be’ezn Arrahman


walfajr w layalen ashr walshaf'e walwatre walayl iza yasar hal fezaleka qasam laze hejr a'alam tr kayfa fa'ala rabeka be a'ad erama zat ale'mad allaty lam yokhlaq methlaha fel belad w thamood allazena jabo alsakhr belwad w fer'awn ze alawtad allazen tagho feeha alfasad fsab a'alyhem rabeka souwt a'zab ena rabeka labelmersad flnara maza ba'ad after explanation of this part flnara now what's the meanng of this perfect part Allah sobhanaho w ta'ala kd aqsama yaa'ni swear by Alfajr the early morning yes we all now know that the Alfajr is salah perfectly done at early morning at 5:00 am I think and it depends on the country you live in yaa'ni w laken but why Allah called this soura alfajr and did kasam qasam yaa'ni swear because at the fajr is the new beginning of new appearance yaa'ni the discovering alekteshaf aerfto keef when you know someone yaa'ni or somethings I think at the first it's a difficult for you to understand what happens this person is good yaa'ni aerefto keef and Allah finally gonna you discover him or her if he need that yaa'ni aerefto keef you gonna see by yourself ala'yam kadema and you gonna discover all things to be every things clear yaa'ni flnara maza ba'ad beezn Arrahman who love us flnara maza ba'ad after a while


sourat AlFajr: سورة الفجر


Wama allazena kafaro ola’eka ashab almasha’ma a’alyhem naran mosada that means all bad peoples who did kofr a’arbada fwahesh those people ignore to change didn’t and do not want yaa’ni to change and we know change equal forward progress power but they are bad and love doing bad things so they gonna be bad also at youm alkeyama haza so ashab alshemal the left peoples on the left way left road yaa’ni altareeq alkhate’ tareeq ajjahem so nar Allah almofahama means nar fire mosada gonna be directly on them oh my God they deserve that depends on their choices yaa’ni flnara maza ba’ad as Allah said so let’s see the next soura after qaleel mn alwaqt beezn Allah Almawla a’j w jl subhano wta’ala a’ma yasefon flnara maza ba’ad


Fla aqtahem alaqaba wama adraka ma alaqaba so it means this is a huge things as we know of Allah said ma adrak that means this is an important and huge things laken what’s that meaning of alaqaba hazehe let’s see now on both roads you gonna choose yaa'ni you will met yaa'ni so'bat hard things difficult thoughts conditions yaa'ni aerefto keef no matter I am deciding to do all bests yaa'ni even it's so hard yes oh my God I saw my default everyday but I resist time by time you are excellent but the other person says no it's difficult for me I can't resist to be good so I gonna returns back to all defects bad things no stop you make a deal but actually perfect deal with your God zo aljalale walekram f so you must respect this deal aerefto keef but we don't know how to be protected after doing esteghfar and choose the good way which leads us to jana heaven yaa'ni Allah helped and helps us ever and forever why let's see how to break all difficulties yaa'ni all bad thoughts all bad things and never ever returned back to it flnara what's that means yaa'ni fak raqaba means tahreer a'beed yaa'ni let him free those on old days now there is no a'beed on those days to let them free yaa'ni okey on old days previously kan yojad All exists yaa'ni let's know what's the next aw et'am fe youm ze masghaba yateman za maqraba aw maskeenan za matraba means you can bring foods drinks halal to poor people to people who need that you can see them on the street yaa'ni or people you know them yaa'ni your closest family with no dad with no money with no mum orphans yaa'ni yateem or poor people maskeen yaa'ni you can found him with bad clothes appearance on the street for example on the window of restaurant when you eat actually you should give him part of foods halal drinks money even aerefto keef what's else flnara Allah what actually told us and tell us this on this perfect soura thoma then yaa'ni thoma kan men allazena a'amano w tawaso belsabr w tawaso belmarhama what's that meaning yaa'ni do aleman w arkano aleman bellah f his angles his books his prophets and messengers and finally b youm alkeyama aleqab and althawab haza as we said before and do all goods in your life yaa'ni salah soum fasting yaa'ni read Holy Quran save it also it's perfect if you do this hej zakat arkan aleslam yaa'ni then tawaso belsabr then almarhama being calm yaa'ni once there is problem not be angery know all things goods came come yaa'ni from Allah then be raheem means calm kind with your family animals peoples in general feel about them and put yourselves in their situations to be Raheem yaa'ni all of these Allah said ola'aeka ashab almaymana ashab alyamen the right way altareeq Almostakeem flnara maza ba'ad after a while ba'ada qaleel beezn Arrahman Arraheem


Ayhsab an lam yaraho ah'ad a'lam naj'al laho a'ynayn w lesanan w shefatyn w hadaynaho alnajdyn flnara what's that means did this person which one anyone yaa'ni did he thought yaa'ni that Allah didn't and doesn't see him yaa'ni !! How ba'aa yaa'ni ezay Allah always ever and forever see us at the light at the dark at the early morning at the evening all the day and knows everythings about us what we love what we hate foods people and also people who dealed with them if they are good or fake and so on and knows my bad manager everyone Allah knows everythings and everyone on the Earth yaa'ni flnara maza ba'ad Allah give yaa'ni gave us eyes to see to read to understand through eyes you can not be a lier yaa'ni can not be fake with eyes you can read Holy Quran read what we said now about tafseer alsoura alkareema hazehe not use your eyes badly yaa'ni looked at bad things moharamat yaa'ni because those eyes gonna speak about you youma alkeyama flnara maza ba'ad mn ne'am Allah a'alayna jamee'ana all goods benefits Allah give it to us we have to say allahoma lak alhamd w lak alshokr aerefto keef f maza ba'ad w lesanan w shafatyn means Allah give us lesan tongue yaa'ni w shafatyn upper and lower lips leesh why leeh yaa'ni to speak to read loudly slowly quickly holy Quran aerefto keef not to say bad things not to swear faulty yaa'ni not to lie not to say bad things on Islam on aleman yaa'ni arefto keef wala shou not say I saw this and you didn't see this situation shehada zoor means you are fake don't read Holy Quran just loudly infront of people to get them think that you are perfect and you know that you are fake yaa'ni f maza ba'ad what's next w hadaynaho alnajdyn means Allah allow us either to be good or to be bad to make good things yaa'ni or to do bad things yaa'ni the right way and the wrong way what about semi right way leads to right this road Allah allowed us to take it extremely tafheem yaa'ni if you had or have bad life stupid family yaa'ni Allah always ever and forever helped helps and helping you if you want to do esteghfar and change so Allah immediately alfawar gonna helps you to catch the right way the right tract altareeq Almostakeem flnara maza ba'ad after a while beezn Arrahman let's see ba'ad kaleel mn alwaqt yaa'ni flnara


La oqsem behaza albalad means there is no need for Allah to do qasam swear yaa'ni behaza albalad why because all people know about maka almokarama yaa'ni that's why Allah did qasam behay altareeka means Allah did swear yaa'ni by using special way of swearing yaa'ni subhan Allah f maza ba'ad what's next yaa'ni wa'nta h'ulen behaza albalad means wejodoh halal bl wmorahab beeh means being at this place albalad maka almokarama are being welcomed yaa'ni you are welcomed to be their at maka almokaramat takreeman katheram mn e'nda Allah flnara maza ba'ad w waled wama walad means my dad and my brother Almasheen yaa'ni aerfto keef means you and your son and your daughter yaa'ni alzoreya yaa'ni why Allah did qasam on those bad peoples with bad behaviors and attitude it depends on when your dad became not perfect in islamic emanic yaa'ni this leads to your son your daughter gonna be like you except your wife is being perfectly in Islamic and emanic so here in this situation may be one of them or both gonna be like her or like their dad but actually it depends on their behaviors attitudes to be better yaa'ni aerefto keef let's see what's next lakad khalaqna alensan fe kabad means Allah create us and get us at the donia the life yaa'ni and knows well that we are always ever and forever being tired specially when you ignore to be better to improve your self to change to progress aerfto keef ayhseb an lam yakdar a'layhe ah'ad yaqool ahlakt malan labadan means I have a money yaa'ni I have a money more and more I gonna do whaever what I want aerefto keef arbada fwahesh bad things stop immediately Allah gonna see you immediately stop because if did bad things to the people closest people like your mum your sister Allah syantaqem menka fawran immediately Allah gonna did ekab on you sayaqdar a'layk gonna hurt you as you hurt all closest and other people flnara maza ba'ad after a while beezn Allahe ta'ala flnara maza ba'ad


La oqsem behaza albalad wa'nta holen behaza albalad wwaleden w ma walad lkd khalaqna alensan fe kabad ayehseb an lam yaraho ah'ad yqol ahlakt malan labad ayhseb an lam yaraho ah'ad a'lam naj'al laho a'ynayn w lesanan w shafatyn w hadaynoho alnajdayn fla aktahem alaqaba w maadrak maalaqaba fk raqaba aw et'am fe youm masghba yateman za maqraba aw maskeenan zamatraba thoma twaso belsabr w tawaso belmarhama ola'eka ashab almaymana w am a'ama alazena kafaro ola'eka ashab almasha'ma a'layhem naran mosada sadaqa Allaho ala'zeem flnara maza ba'ad what's the meaning of this beautiful perfect soura which called albalad which country yaa'ni balad rasolena alkareem sayedna Muhammad a'layhe afdal salato fsalam what's this country K.S.A. Also'odeya which had alka'ba asharefa ala'feefa aerefto keef maka almokarama yaa'ni ka'bat alsalah qeblatna jamee'an yaa'ni aerfto keef wala shou flnara maza ba'ad let's pray alfajr jamee'an ala'an alfawreya then Allah kd yewafeqna now immediately yaa'ni to fehm sourat albalad ba'd qaleel mn alwaqt after a while yaa'ni beezn arrahman


Sourat albalad سورة البلد


The benefits of sayedna saleh a'layhe alsalat welslan story flnara what about it :
1- If Allah say no so it's never be close to it means naqataAllah Allah here was spoken about the rezq money smallest camel f there is no need to kill it and ignore to give poor people their needs
2- Not to be selfish
3- Not to cross the line with Allah behave be careful because when Allah became angery from you your life will be bad actually you need and hope yaa'ni to die from all bads that you faced bad thoughts bad thinking bad life bad behavior bad attitude bad things yaa'ni aerfto keef
4- be patient don't take action decision when you are angry yaa'ni not be alashqa not be fake not be bad try to improve yourself taran f tara means mara f Mara times by times Allah see you don't worry but keep in your mind (change = forward = progress= power )
Flnara maza ba'd befadl mn Allah w rodwano


Kazabat thmod betaghwaha ez enba'tha ashqaha f qal lahom rasol Allah naqa Allah w seqyaha fkazaboh fa'qaroha fdamdam a'layhem rabehem bezanbehem fsawaha w la yakhaf aqbaha sadaq Allaho Ala'ly ala'zeem flnara what's that meaning in this part yaa'ni flnara maza ba'ad let's see this part of sourat asshams speak about the story of Naby Allah saleh this is awel the first story we can explain it to you in the story of prophets qesass alanbeya' yaa'ni flnara he told them not hurting this naqa the daughter of camel yaa'ni because it's so calm and need to drink water milk in a peace that's why he want them to be kind with animal get them to love Allah do everythings good yaa'ni but unfortunately they were kofar bad people didn't love didn't like Allah fleslam fleman yaa'ni aerefto keef so they kill this small animal doing bad things against the order of Allah aerefto keef so Allah kd tawa'ad lahom so Allah damdam a'layhem bezanbehem f sawaha w la yakhaf a'qbaha means Allah did eqab and a'zab on them at their life he sobhano get them always afraid loss their life money family way occupation they loss everythings plus Allah make rajfa allowed them to be afraid from weak people aslan flnara maza ba'd Allah did what he wants always ever and forever and he sobhano didn't afraid from what he did yaa'ni la yakhaf a'qbaha aerefto ezay let's know what's the benefits of this story let's see in the next post insha'Allah flnara maza ba'ad beezn Allah al'aly al'zeem


Wassma' wma banaha walard wama tahaha w nafs wama sawaha flkd alhamha fjoreha bl w taqwaha kd aflah mn zakaha taharha yaa'ni w kd khab mn dasaha Akhy Almasheen yaa'ni what's that means let's see now Allah sobhano kd aqsama means swear yaa'ni bel samaa' means the sky and how perfect in building it how it's perfect in standing like that changing in the color aerfto keef yaa'ni and the earth alard yaa'ni wma tahaha means the Earth how it's straight mashallah mosataha momadada mostaweya means Allah makes it but actually made it for us human animals and so on to live to walk at the earth yaa'ni with any irregularities yaa'ni that's why Allah kd aqsama belard w ma tahaha means Allah who make it straight for all of us thanks Allah what's else yaa'ni w nafsen wma sawaha means Allah kd sawana make us straight also our thoughts our life our body our thinking aerfto keef yaa'ni f here at this life we have actually three choices the first and second one leads us to the perfect life at eldonia and elakhera youm alkeyama yaa'ni the green street yaa'ni and the bluest one the green street indicate the perfection in islamic emanic from the beginning of the life you are perfect and improve yourself yaa'ni once by once and the blue street tareek aleslah means the way of progression it's actually a gift from Allah if you have a slightly bad family yaa'ni not care about you yaa'ni or if you are not good enough yaa'ni let's be better and change remember if you change to be perfect in your islam and eman attitude behavior Allah always love you that's why Allah sobhano gonna see you you need to be better and need to do esteghfar yaa'ni so Allah gonna help you alfawr immediately aerefto keef so you are the winner at this life and the happiest one at youm alkeyama yaa'ni so kd aflah mn zakaha taharha means need to begin with Allah's way from the beginning yaa'ni to be better more and more do touwba esteghfar salah souwm hej read Holy Quran yaa'ni aerefto keef but kd khab mn dasaha means Akhy Almasheen I meant that Allah give gave and will give us daily weekly monthly actually each minute each second yaa'ni Allah give you chance gift yaa'ni to improve yourself and he sobhano gonna helped helps you always ever and forever yaa'ni but you ignore that but need to be bad always ever and forever yaa'ni so sorry for that you are looser not only youm alkeyama but also at this life alhayat donia you gonna loss your Eman Eslam your Allah's help protection loves aerefto keef and loss your family your life your money and welcome for badness fwahesh and arbada f kofr f Nar mofahma red way actually black extremely dark way a'ozo bellah flnara maza ba'ad let's choose and begin anew beginning with Allah do esteghfar be perfect you gonna see the difference in your life try to promise Allah not to do any bad things again and feel bad towards those bad things and try hardly not to get close to those things and make do'aa and ask Allah immediately he sobhano gonna listen to you All of us did this and Allah sobhano helps and helped us immediately saraha truly yaa'ni let's see what's the next beezn Allah ta'ala


so Allah kd aqsam belshams the sun yaa'ni and also the second qasam was doha elshams means yaa'ni elsherouq eleshraq the beginning of the morning yaa'ni what's the next the next qasam Walkamar eza talaha means Allah swear by alkamar means the moon yaa'ni when the lightening aydan also yaa'ni be the next after the sun rays means beleel yaa'ni the night after the morning aerefto keef means yaa'ni Allah told us after each appearance of the truth there is always lightening yaa'ni alshams then alkamar and also this lightening means thanks Allah for everythings for beautiful appearance for sun rays always benefits to our sons and daughters vitamen D and so on also Allah let us to know the koon the world yaa'ni needs a break actually Allah always support everyone inside the world means sun then moon yaa'ni the morning next to it the evening aerefto keef wala shou so all person items kaen inside the world Allah always divide the responsibilities between them that's why Allaho Raheem Rahman yaa'ni kind love each person actually love all of things inside the world the sun the moon get them to sleep all of those sleep like us yaa'ni all of things people animals plants yaa'ni sleep except Allah yaa'ni ze aljalalat walekram let's see maza ba'ad what's the next let's see Allah kd aqsama sobhano belnahar the early morning eza jalaha walayl eza yaghshaha means yaa'ni the evening yaa'ni beleel when it comes an extremely darkness aerefto keef that's both qasam here the early morning lightening and the lately evening darkness both qasam means yaa'ni when Allah allow you to discover some one fake person yaa'ni means like lightening for you and darkness for him aerfto keef wala shou flnara maza ba'ad beezn Arrahman


Walshams w dohaha walqamar eza talaha w elnahar eza jalaha walyl eza yaghshaha wasama' wma banaha walard wama dahaha w nafsen wma swaha fa'lhamha fjouraha w taqwaha kd aflah mn zakaha w kd khaba mn dasaha this is the first part of the soura this perfect soura alshams is one of the perfect souwar AlQuraan alkareem aerfto keef let's learn what Allah needs us to know through this perfect soura let's see this is the only soura begin with 11 qasam means Allah swear by 11 items eleven things what about them yaa'ni let's see wasshams means what the sun the perfect sun at the sky do you see the light on my God let me wear my newest sunglasses Dior yala beena let's go to the pool to swim and so on aerefto keef what's the next w dohaha means addoha aldoha w dohaha means sheroq alshams means the early morning yaa'ni one the beginning of the appearance of the shams yaa'ni of the sun in the sky there is a little light and sunrays yaa'ni you gonna see it on the sky why Allah said those both qasam swears yaa'ni because Allah want us to know even if you get a lot of secrets actually bad one and you didn't want your family to know Allah kd yezherha aman alnas jamee'an fe youm mn ayam aldonia w felakhera kamana let's see what is that meaning I meant if the person is bad and don't want to improve him self actually related to towba make esteghfar ask Allah for a help to help him always and forever yaa'ni so there was a promise aswear yaa'ni qasam yaa'ni from Allah to al bad peoples yaa'ni to get them knowing well that everythings Allah gonna get it kd yozheraho appears yaa'ni infront of all people that you are fake infront of them yaa'ni at this life and at youm alkeyama alsadeed so let's see what about the next qasam yaa'ni swear let's see after a while beezn Allah arrahem flnara maza ba'ad beezn Almawla a*z w jal


Fanzartakom be careful attention yaa’ni there is Naran tolza means fire on fire Nar extremely strong heavy hurting people oh my God for whom this fire kd la yeslaha ela alashqa means this fire actually extremely fire designed prepared for people with extremely bad attitude and behavior kofr didn’t love didn’t like didn’t believe in Holy Quran in Allah in aleman faleslam yaa’ni aerefto keef flnara maza ba’d that’s why Allah defined to us the meaning of alashqa yaa’ni this person kazaba didn’t believe yaa’ni as we said before tawala means leave all ebada all eslam and aleman haza and leave loving Holy Quran and became in a bad track yaa’ni altareek alaswad black way darkness allayl yaa’ni the name of the soura Al-layl yaa’ni w saytjanabha alatqa means this way bad way which leads alashqa to the fire alnar haza yaa’ni will be avoided by whom alatqa the good person please Allah give us the definition of Alatqa means allazi kd yo’ta malaho yatazaka means love alzakat lelah all the time even if you don’t have a money Allah not make it obligatory to give all the poor people a lot of money yaa’ni it’s enough alittle money alittle items clothes yaa’ni and so on why because of Allah not be fake make it because of all people say oh my God this person is perfect la la no need for that we have altaqwa we did this because of wajh raby ala’ala we didn’t need someone to club his hands on us yaa’ni no we need Allah see believe and love us that’s why all other things aydan also yaa’ni alsalah alzakat alhej read Holy Quran and so on aerefto keef w lesawfa yourda and Allah will be rady on us means loves you protect you and always helped helps you ever and forever flnara maza ba’d let’s see what’s else beezn arrahman insha’Allah yaa’ni


Wa’ma mn bakhala w estaghna like Akhy Almasheen haza didn’t make for Allah any salah and if he did salah make it infront of people raya’ yaa’ni yokazeb a’la alnas lying on people to get them thinking that he is good al yaa’ni and so on make sadaqa infront of people and he didn’t make it because of wajh rabehe alkareem so that no need for this actually Allah said that only Allah allow people to do sadaqa tasadok zakat salah and so on lewajh Allah to Allah to be honest always ever and forever not make it to be fake infront of people actually you have to know that you are not good and estaghnayt a’n being perfect yaa’ni means you leave all good things and steps and things that gonna make you perfect and this in Arabic called estaghnayt yaa’ni not only that but also kazaba belhosna lying on Aleslam aleman Holy Quran mokazeb yaa’ni lier didn’t love Allah Holy Quran and didn’t believe in them actually didn’t believe also in youm alkeyama the end day of the life and after alba’th as Allah said that’s why Allah will yoyaserahe lel o’sra means Allah will make all bad things easily to him like love fawahesh a’rbada bad things sareqa sehr majic yaa’ni kofr and so one that’s why because he is was will be bad bad and extremely bad ever and forever so Allah a’layhe Alhoda aleman altaqwa to all person that they love that aerefto keef w ena lana shou whats else Allah have lelakherate falo’la means youm alkeyama and this life because Allah is was will be always ever and forever malek alkouwn yaa’ni the king of the whole world yaa’ni what’s else we have to open our Holy Quran when we explain this soura to you now to fix the information and the meaning together as Allah said to us now flnara maza ba’d after a while keda flnara let’s see yaa’ni


fa'ma mn a'ta w etaqa Allah means give everythings and make everythings good perfect performance yaa'ni hejab salah mafroda obligatory and choosen one nawafel allow people to learn more and more about islamic read Holy Quran explain it to the surrounding soum means fasting yaa'ni did all arkan aleman faleslam lewajh Allah mendon reya' yaa'ni and they did perfect and well done befadl mn Allah thanks Allah a'la ma Ana behe al'an and so on so what's else they feel altaqwa I meant the taqwa haza being afraid alittle from Allah and always love Allah evenif he did bad things on you yaa'ni but we know that Allah never ever did bad things to us but why he allowed us to be sad feel gelty bad feelings to be strong as he said always ever and forever he know that flnara maza ba'd w sadaqa belhosna means believe in youm alkeyama faljana heaven yaa'ni and believe in the end day of the life and after that f Allah gonna yoyaseraho befadlehe lel yousra means Allah gonna make you feel happy easy towards holy Quran towards save it at your mind towards alsalah towards everythings related to aleman feleslam yaa'ni so you are perfect don't worry from any experiment Allah did on you to show what is your response yaa'ni flnara maza ba'd let's see after a while beeznehe ta'la flnara maza ba'd let's see


Walayl eza yaghsha walnahar eza taghala wma khalaqa alzakr walontha ena sa'yakom lashata fa'ma mn a'ta w etaqa w sadaqa belhosna flnoyaseraho lel hosna w ama mn bakhal w estaghna w kazaba belhosna flnoyaseraho lel osra ena a'alayna lelhoda w elayna lelakherate welo'la fanzartokom naran tolza la yeselaha ela alashqa allazi kazab w tawala w saytajanabha alatqa allazi yo'ta malaho yatazaka w ma le'ahaden mn a'andehe mn ne'maten tojza ela ebtegha' wajh rabeka al'a'la w lesawfa yarda
What's the meaning of this beautiful soura this soura is the one of the most and extremely perfect soura from Allah leesh why yaa'ni because Allah was spoken about Al-layl what's the layl haza it's the darkness yaa'ni the night yaa'ni do you know how aerefto keef yaa'ni that's why Allah kd aqsama bel layl yaa'ni what's iza yaghsa means when the night and the darkness came seriously at the kouwn the world yaa'ni aerefto keef oh my God bondoq is afraid oh my God hanady is afraid all people afraid from what from the completely darkness yaa'ni then what's next walnahar iza taghla means when the completely lightening is appearing yaa'ni alnahar aldohr yaa'ni noor douw' Allah look at the sky keda yaa'ni you gonna see the beautiful sun so this is the second swear from Allah to the sun swear means alqasm yaa'ni aerfto keef flnara maza ba'ad w ma khalaq a*zakar walontha means eh yaa'ni means that Allah at this koun world create both men and women male and female yaa'ni at all things inside the koon alkoun the world yaa'ni animals male and female as we know that human also male and female yaa'ni we know that insects and so on that's ena lesa'yokom leshata means All people gonna do whaever they want yaa'ni means eno everyone has his life his attitude his behavior to do whatever he want he choose his life either being perfect life full of good ebada salah soum read Holy Quran yaa'ni and so on plus doing his job his responsibilities yaa'ni and the others few people making a'arbada bad things bad life ever take medications drugs wesqe drinks yaa'ni all the time they gonna loosing everything yaa'ni their life family money jobs and the most important things they lose Allah completely in and at their life yaa'ni flnara what about those two ways flnara 'an kareeb as soon as possible yaa'ni flnara maza ba'd delwa'ty yaa'ni ala'n beeznehe ta'ala flnara let's see what's the next


Sourat AlLail سورة الليل


A'lam yajedeka yateman fa'wa wwajadaka dalan fhada wwajadaka a'elan fa'ghna what's that meant yaa'ni Allah asked Muhammad a'layhe assalato wassalam ma'an actually not only asked he sobhano told Muhammad our prophet and our messenger actually I believe that Allah also speaks to me to you to everyone at this situation yaa'ni a'lam yajedeka yateman fa'awa means Allah knows that you are now orphan yateem yaa'ni f Allaho aw'ak means being your supporter helper protector ever and forever beezn Allah get you home sakeena protection never ever anyone hurts you Allah ma'ak don't worry he gonna solve everythings as soon as possible don't worry flnara maza ba'd wwjadaka dalan f hada means and seen you dalan did bad things f hadak ela yaa'ni to altareek Almostakeem yaa'ni altareek alsaleh alsadeed aleslah yaa'ni what's else wwajadaka a'elan faghna and see you a'elan on and at your family fkd fa'ghna means get you need nothing from your bad family ever aerefto keef that's why Allah always perfect and gonna do what's perfect to you ever and forever and I think now you understand the meaning of ehkam if someone refused to be mohkam howy hor Allah always support us and if you didn't need his help no need for you saraha truly we have to listen to Allah always ever and forever aerefto keef wala shou so let's complete the soura fa'ma alyateem fla toqhar means about the orphan you must treat him or her well don't punish them don't be rode with them w'ama alsae'l fla tanhar means if someone poor asking you for money don't say how poor is you or say get away from me yaa'ni la tanhar don't be bad with him say perfect word to him like Allah yesahelak or God bless you w a'ma bene'mate rabeka fhadeth means by Allah's good things yaa'ni good things that Allah gave it to you you have to be glade for that day thanks Allah for this perfect ne'ma says always ever and forever Alhamdolelah allahoma lak alhamd alshokr lelah masalan do you know that and so on you can pray to Allah nafela from choosen salah to told Allah how much you feel thankful to him sobhano w ta'ala and if you did salah and you are not deeply became thankful no need for it flnara maza ba'd let's see heek bado Allah Allah said this no one can delay the other flnara maza ba'd beezn Allahe ta'ala
