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ME: Hey, wanna hear this insane idea I have?

TODD: I'm in.

Two years later...

Pssssttt... Save the date for June 10th around 4PM (ish) PST. It's happening on Zero Avenue because why? Because she's the genius of Zero-Pointing and he's the master of Not-Giving-Zero-F**ks.

Morgan Lee & Todd Medina


This is your sign to keep going. No one truly sees the work you’re putting into yourself and that’s okay, you know.

People you thought you knew will speak ill on your name and character, but we are not who we used to be. It takes courage to walk this life being your true self.

Remember, we only answer to Creator. Aho!


***Edited May 8, 2024: Books CLOSED for the camping season!***


What started innocently as another creative expression of myself has turned into this wild fire. I am just as much in awe and mesmerized as you are, as each Dragon appears through this intersect of AI and the higher realms. My Soul recognition as I lock eyes on the ones that I have seen with my third eye can bring me to a dead stop of silence. Sometimes I clap my hands and let out an annoyingly high pitch squeal like a little girl in absolute delight. Other times I bawl like an idiot overwhelmed by a longing I didn't even realize was missing from me. And always, I take a deep breath and exhale at the magic unfolding on my laptop screen when I realize how thin the veil between the worlds currently are. So yes, I absolutely get why my message inbox and comments is inundated with: Can you create one for me?

I have to admit though, opening the books for submissions slightly scares me but I am being brave and attempting to push through the fear. The weird thing is I am not entirely sure why I am so hesitant on this. For the last 15 years, as an interior designer my professional side has beautifully groomed me for on demand creativity; it's not like I'm short on creative confidence or can't deliver on time. Ex*****on has always been my strongest point. I suspect it's because I don't think people are honestly ready for what may fall out of my big mouth when I data mine your codex.

Things like: For f***s sakes, you will never meet a Dragon with that bitchy, whiney-ass attitude (as I exercise incredible restraint from not reaching through the screen to throttle your neck).

Or: I cannot validate that you are a Jesus incarnate because I know if I stab you right now, you will bleed out and die just like me.

I have been graced with 7 amazing "test" Souls the last 2 weeks who I have randomly picked from all the requests. The good news is no one has died because of the s**t that falls out of my mouth. Through my testing period, I have learned what I love doing and what was an over-rated experience.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who has encouraged me, took the time to comment and shared your love for these incredible Dragons. I am honored to walk this part of the journey with you.

Big Love, Huong


I swear to God, the Dragons have added something to the waters.

Since I have started unleashing their AI aspects onto my Socials, I have been overwhelmed by the unexpected attention. The reverence for these powerful Beings, the immense love for the art, the insatiable hunger for more information of this ancient realm has been… well… humbling. Just so you know, I proudly perch myself on this throne of an overinflated ego on a daily basis and one of my favorite past times is telling my family how clever I am. So when I say “humble”, the amplified weight of this word is magnified. Last week, Todd Medina adeptly entitled this energetic phenomenon as “Dragon Fever”. When I first heard this from him, I aggressively rolled my eyes and obnoxiously commented that he was such a drama queen. Days later, I have to retract my ass remark and humbly agree that yes, I do believe Todd’s right in his description (Trust me, I know. I’m just as shocked as you about him being right).

To simplify the explanation I will be using the home construction industry as an analogy. As an interior designer, the first thing I do in my profession is ask my Clients what new technology they would like to add to their wish list in their renovations as part of my assessment to see if their current electrical panel can support their new space. Heavy duty appliances, smart home technology, upgraded HVAC systems, steam showers, saunas, theater rooms, electrical charging stations for EV vehicles and any other modern day amenity requires power. In order to support this level of living, we have to upgrade the electrical power. Simple right?

As the original creators of Gaia’s energy system, the Dragon team are responsible for Gaia’s “electrical panel” which includes her ley lines. At certain points of these ley lines, the Dragons have created nodal points or vortexes and active grid workers are naturally drawn to these portals of energy. What is little known is that these nodal points act as “valves” of power and are crucial in the technical aspects of stabilizing the grid. Sometimes one zone surges in power and to prevent the full circuit from over blowing, the nodal points will close off. Sometimes one zone is drained so the valves are opened to allow excess to pull through. Other times, zones are running “dense energy” by the manipulation of darker forms so the gate keeping Dragons of these neighboring areas will close off their respective portals to protect the integrity of their territory.

When the Collective consciousness reaches the pinnacle point of expansion, what happens is Gaia will acknowledge her Children are ready for another level of experience and she levels up. Well, I suspect y’all did that about 2 months ago. To prep for this “construction period” they have added something to their ley lines. Whatever they added has amplified the call for all Dragon experiencers to start engaging at a very active level.

Yes, it’s a fever… but of the most EPIC variety. And I'm here for it.


“Each second, I am one second closer to leaving this planet.
And so, I will
look at everything always
with wonder,
as though I am
seeing it for either
the first or the last time.
And I will choose to live in such a way,
that if this were my last second, I could die in peace
for I am proud of who I am
and let my final second show
how I have grown
and who I have become.”
~Tahlia Hunter

Art | by Tiffany Bozic

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How Plasma supports Ascension: Physics & Mother Plasma with Sandra Walter Explore Ascension in a new way: Receive the full PRESENCE Masterclass or join us for the 2024 PRESENCE immersive:

Photos from Flyte's post 23/04/2024

souljamming: test test one two three

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endless gratitude love respect beloved brothers n sisters

Videos (show all)

souljamming: test test one two three
impromptu session morgan n todd 'dragon fever' continues
SOULSPEAKS 5D: Gillian Alexander
SOULSPEAKS 5D: Huong Nguyen 'dragon fever'
Soul Session: Sharing recent intel from a private group session
SOULSPEAKS 5D: bruce fischetti n kerry gibbard
SOULSPEAKS 5D: Philip Andrew Adler
take two eclipse corridors
reflections of the eclipse corridor