Y bocs llysiau

Y bocs llysiau

Vegetable Boxes in small and large and Eggs

Photos from Y bocs llysiau's post 14/05/2024

🥔🥔 Tatws Newydd/ New Potatoes 🥔🥔

❗️Ar gael NAWR/ Available NOW ❗️

£3 y bag / a bag.


Amser yna o’r flwyddyn eto.
Pwy sydd yn barod i piclo Nionod at ddolig???
£2 y Kg
* Vinegar gyda sbeisys ar gael hefyd *


That time of the year again.
Who is ready to pickle pickled onions for Xmas??
£2 a Kg
* Vinegar with spices available too *


🎄🎄Bocsys Llysiau Nadolig 🎄🎄
Yn cymryd Archebion NAWR am focsys Llysiau Nadolig £20
Tatws, moron, panas, savoy, cenin, cabaij coch, brocoli, blodfresych, ysgewyll, rwdan a satsumas. Cysylltwch i archebu.
Danfon at eich drws y 22/23 o Ragfyr


🎄🎄 Christmas Vegetable box 🎄🎄
NOW taking orders for Christmas Veg boxes £20
Potatoes, carrots, parsnips, savoy cabbage, leek, red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, swede and satsumas. Message to order.
Delivered to your door either 22/23 of December

Photos from Y bocs llysiau's post 29/01/2022

Marmalade season! 🍊
Seville Oranges now available £2 a kg


🎄🎄Bocsys Llysiau Nadolig 🎄🎄
Yn cymryd Archebion NAWR am focsys Llysiau Nadolig £20
Tatws, moron, panas, savoy, cenin, cabaij coch, brocoli, blodfresych, ysgewyll, rwdan a satsumas. Cysylltwch i archebu.
Danfon at eich drws.


🎄🎄 Christmas Vegetable box 🎄🎄
NOW taking orders for Christmas Veg boxes £20
Potatoes, carrots, parsnips, savoy cabbage, leek, red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, swede and satsumas. Message to order.
Delivered to your door


Bagiau o datws 25kg ar gael £10
Bags of potatoes 25kg available £10

Wyau buarth £5 y Tre/ £1 y bocs 1/2 dwsin
Free range eggs £5 a tray/ £1 a box 1/2 dozen


Ionod piclo ar gael nawr £2 y bag
Pickling onions available £2 a bag

Pickling onions now available. £2 a bag
Ionod piclo ar gael nawr £2 y bag

Photos from Y bocs llysiau's post 07/08/2021

Tatws Newydd Syth or Cae heddiw yn barod am cinio Dydd Sul £2 y kg a Moron fres £1.50 y bwndal. 🥔🥕

New potatoes straight from the field today re y for Sunday lunch tomorrow £2 a kg and fresh carrots £1.50 a bundle 🥔🥕


🥔🥔 1kg o datws newydd am £2 🥔🥔

🥔🥔1kg of New potatoes for £2 🥔🥔


🥔 Tatws Newydd NAWR ar gael 🥔
£2 y kg

🥔 New potatoes available NOW available 🥔
£2 a kg

Moron fres/ fresh carrots £1.50

Wyau buarth £1 y bocs /
Free range eggs £1 a box


Moron fres nawr ar gael £1.50 y bwndal

Fresh Carrots available £1.50 a bundle


Bocsys llysiau bach, mawr a cymysg ar gael.

Archebwch cyn 9 heno. Am delivery nos yfory


Vegetable boxes available in small, large or mixed fruit and veg.

Order before 9pm tonight for tomorrow evening delivery


Archebwch eich Bocsys cyn 9 heno am delivery yfory
🌽Bocsys llysiau bach £10
🍅Bocsys llysiau mawr £15
🍑 neu Bocsys cymysg gyda 1/2 dwsin o wyau. £15


Order your box before 9pm tonight for tomorrow delivery
🥬small veg box £10
🥦Large veg box £15
🍍mixed box with 1/2 a dozen eggs £15


Dyma beth oedd yn bocs cymysg wythnos yma: This is what was in this weeks mixed box.

🥕moron / carrots
🥬Cabaij coch/ red cabbage
🥔Tatws/ potatoes
🍑Eirin Gwlanog/ Peaches
Panas/ parsnips
Riwbob/ Rhubard
Ionod gwanwyn/ Spring onions
sbigoglys/ Spinach
asbaragws/ Asparagus
🍅Tomato’s / Tomatoes
Letys/ Lettuce
Dwy lemon/ two lemons
1/2 dwsin o wyau buarth/ 1/2 a dozen of free range eggs

Llongyfarchiadau i’r ennillydd ein bocs cymysg Eifiona a Gary Glo. Da iawn 🥦🌽🥕🥬🥒🫒

⭐️ Archebwch cyn Nos fercher i delivery Nos iau. Order before Wednesday for thursday’s delivery ⭐️


Archebwch heno am eich delivery Nos yfory.
Bocs bach llysiau £10
Bocs mawr £15
Bocs ffrwyth salad £15

⭐️ Bocs cymysg gyda Wyau £15 ⭐️


Order tonight for tomorrow delivery
Small Veg box £10
Large box £15
Fruit and salad box £10

⭐️ Mixed box with eggs £15⭐️

Photos from Y bocs llysiau's post 09/05/2021

⭐️⭐️ Cystadleuaeth / Competition ⭐️⭐️

Cyfle i Ennill bocs cymysg o ffrwythau a llysiau gyda hanner dwsin o wyau buarth fres. Mi Fydd y gystadleuaeth yn cau Nos Fercher y 19eg o Fai am 6y.h.

Rhaid :
⭐️ Hoffi ein tudalen
⭐️ Rhannu y post.
⭐️Tagiwch 3 person yn y post.

⭐️❗️ Ennillydd y bocs yw ❗️⭐️
🥬 Eifiona a Gary Glo 🥬

A chance to win a mixture of Fruit and Veg box with half a dozen of free range eggs. The competition will close on the 19th of May at 6pm.

You must:
⭐️Like our page
⭐️Share our post
⭐️Tag 3 people in the post.

⭐️❗️ The winner of the mixed box is ❗️⭐️
🥬 Eifiona a Gary Glo 🥬

Photos from Y bocs llysiau's post 08/05/2021

Rydym wedi cael llawer yn holi am focsys cymysg gyda ffrwythau a llysiau Ynddo. Mi Fydd bocs cymysg yn wahanol pob wythnos gyda 1/2 dwsin o wyau buarth fres Syth or Nyth. 🍓 optsiwn o wyau ieir neu hwyaid.

£15 am y bocs.

We have had a few people asking for a mix box with fruit and veg. We will be doing a mix box with different items everyweek with 1/2 a dozen of Fresh Free range egg included. 🥚
Option of hen or duck eggs.

£15 for the box.


Wel Mae’n amser yna or flwyddyn eto. Plannu tatws Newydd 🥔


Well it’s that time of year again, planting new potatoes 🥔

Photos from Y bocs llysiau's post 31/03/2021

Y bocs llysiau

Bocsys bach yn £10
Bocsys Mawr £15
Bocsys Salad a ffrwyth £10
Wyau buarth £1 am haner dwsin neu Tre am £5
Sachau tatws yn £10
Yn danfon Syth i’r drws ar nos Iau

Small Vegetable box £10
Large vegetable box £15
Fruit and salad box £10
Free range eggs £1 for half a dozen or £5 for a tray.
Sack of potatoes £10
Delivered to your door on Thursday nights


Archebwch eich bocsys llysiau/ ffrwythau cyn 10y.h heno am delivery yfory

Order you veg/ fruit boxes before 10pm tonight for Thursday delivery


Archebwch cyn 10 heno I cael eich llysiau erbyn nos yfory.
Bocsys llysiau bach £10
Bocs llysiau mawr £15
Salad/ ffrwyth £10
Sachau tatws £10
Wyau buarth £5 am tre neu £1 hanner dwsin


Order before 10 tonight to have delivery for tomorrow night.
Small Veg box £10
Large box £15
Salad and fruit £10
Sack of potatoes £10
Tray of eggs £5 or £1 for half a dozen


🎄 Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda. Diolch yn fawr i pawb wnaeth cefnogi ni drost y blwyddyn dwythaf.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thankyou to all our customers that supported us this Year.



Wythnos dwythaf I archebu eich bocs Nadolig, byddym yn danfon ar y nos fawrth 22ain - Bocs Mawr Nadolig : savoy, cabbage coch, moron budur, panas, cenin, tatws, rwdan, ionod, broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts,chestnuts a satsumas. £20


Last week to order you Christmas box, we will be delivering on Tuesday night 22nd. Large Xmas box: savoy, red cabbage, dirty carrots, parsnips, potatoes, swede, leek, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, chestnuts and satsumas £20


Hello pawb, yn anffodus nid Ydym yn derbyn negeseuon ar y tudalen y bocs llysiau mae rhiwbeth wedi digwydd, felly fedrwch chi gyrru neges ar y tudalen ddim trwy neges preifat. Diolch

Hello everyone, unfortunately we are not having messages through our inbox. If you could message on the page and not through private message. Thankyou


Pickling onions now available. £2 a bag
Ionod piclo ar gael nawr £2 y bag


Y bocs llysiau gyda bocsys llysiau mewn maint Bach a mawr. Sachau Tatws Cartref Lleol. Wyau buarth ar gael. Mi fyddwn ni yn cymryd ordors ar gyfer bocsys nadolig eto blwyddyn yma. Archebwch nawr! Danfon at eich drws.


Y bocs llysiau has small and large Vegetable boxes. Sacks of local home grown Potatoes. Free range eggs available. We will be taking order for our Christmas Veg Boxes once again this year. Order now!
Delivered to your door.


Rydym yn deliverio pob Nos iau. Archebwch cyn nos fercher. Diolch

We are delivering every Thursday, please order before Wednesday. Thanks

Photos from Y bocs llysiau's post 24/07/2020
Photos from Y bocs llysiau's post 19/07/2020

Tatws Newydd Nebo - Dyma 1kg.
Argael mewn unrhyw bwysau

£2 a Kg

Nebo New Potatoes - here is 1kg.
Available in any weight.


Moron Fresh - £1.50
Fresh Carrots - £1.50

Videos (show all)

Wel Mae’n amser yna or flwyddyn eto. Plannu tatws Newydd 🥔 #tatwsnewydd #lleol #ybocsllysiau🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔Well it’s th...
