Halima Khatun

Halima Khatun

This is an author page for Halima Khatun and her debut novel - 'The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marr


I’m so sorry to have been rubbish on here… life and book 3 has taken over. But I’m back, so expect lots of updates!

Stockport mum penned award-winning novel on phone while raising two kids 07/05/2021

My PR friends will know, that getting featured in The Manchester Evening News is akin to securing nation media coverage. So I’m beyond delighted with the piece on my recent Selfie award win. As a double bit of good news, The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage ebook is now available in even more stores! You can get it on and any library in the world! And it’ll be on and v. soon!

Now... to celebrate my PR coverage by walking around like this 😎


Stockport mum penned award-winning novel on phone while raising two kids Halima Khatun 'forgot' she had even entered the competition with her book The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage

May - Literary Fiction - Woman's Fiction - Historical Fiction 01/05/2021

Happy May! Here are some free books to start the month: https://books.bookfunnel.com/generalfiction4/fjqxy2enrp

May - Literary Fiction - Woman's Fiction - Historical Fiction Searching for your next Fiction Novel? Look no further! These bestselling authors have teamed up to offer a delightful selection of new books. Available for a limited time.

Photos from Halima Khatun's post 21/04/2021

Is it uncool not to be cool about this???

Timeline photos 19/03/2021

I’m delighted to say that The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage has been shortlisted for A Bookbrunch 2021 selfie award! No, I don’t mean a selfie as In a photo of me. That would never get shortlisted for anything. Ever.

The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage: laugh out loud British chick lit with a multicultural twist 03/03/2021

My award-winning debut novel The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage is currently on an Amazon deal for 99p! Go get it while it’s a bargain!


The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage: laugh out loud British chick lit with a multicultural twist The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage: laugh out loud British chick lit with a multicultural twist

Timeline photos 10/02/2021

Okay so I know I should really stop reading my reviews. But when there is good is this, and managed to turn opinions around, how could I not?

The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage: laugh out loud British chick lit with a multicultural twist 26/01/2021

My award-winning debut novel, The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage is FREE (ebook version) for the next couple of days only! grab it now:


The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage: laugh out loud British chick lit with a multicultural twist The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage: laugh out loud British chick lit with a multicultural twist

The Secret Diary of a Bengali Bridezilla: The hilarious follow-up to The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage 21/01/2021

The Secret’s out (again). ..
I wasn’t sure what pic to post so I figured I’d share my recen interview with DesiBlitz magazine. Now that I’ve got your attention...
The Secret Diary of a Bengali Bridezilla is out!!! Well, in ebook form anyway, paperback is coming after some final flourishes. (Link in bio).
Now the last time I posted an excerpt from the book that was a little emotional. So as promised, this time I’m bringing the funny... and ladies, if you’ve ever had a makeup trial you may know this all too well...

Excerpt from The Secret Diary of a Bengali Bridezilla...

RANIA, A PETITE WOMAN with a childlike frame, arrived with a disappointingly small silver makeup box. It’s not dissimilar to the metal cosmetic briefcase I was gifted by M’s family for my engagement. I’m paying 30 quid for this trial. So, if that trinket doesn’t spout products like Mary Poppins’ bag, I’m going to be miffed.
“Have you thought about your hair?” asks Rania as she starts laying out some eyeshadow pallets on our dining room table.
“Erm, well I was thinking maybe some kind of updo...”
“Do you want pieces?”
“Pieces? Of what?” Should I know this? “Hair. Hair extensions. That way you won’t just look good for your wedding day, you’ll have great hair for your honeymoon, too.”
“Oh yeah, that sounds nice. Is that something you do?” I ask.
“Yeah. I’m big on Russian hair extensions. Real hair.”
I’m not sure how I feel about having a Russian head of hair on top of my Bengali mane. “Is this included in the price?”
Rania looks at me with flared nostrils and a raised eyebrow, as though I’d just farted. “No love. It’s extra. What about your lashes? Have you thought about those?”
“I didn’t know I should be thinking about my... eyelashes.” Clearly this makeup business is some seriously deep s**t.

The Secret Diary of a Bengali Bridezilla: The hilarious follow-up to The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage The Secret Diary of a Bengali Bridezilla: The hilarious follow-up to The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage

Halima Khatun talks Books, Arranged Marriage & Journey | DESIblitz 20/01/2021

So excited to have been featured in magazine, sharing my author journey and talking about my upcoming book The Secret Diary of a Bengali Bridezilla!

Halima Khatun talks Books, Arranged Marriage & Journey | DESIblitz We speak exclusively to Halima Khatun about her thought-provoking novel, 'The Diary of a Bengali Bridezilla', her writing journey and more.

Contemporary Shorts Stories (Prequels/Novellas etc) 15/01/2021

Anyone looking for some free short stories, including mine:


Contemporary Shorts Stories (Prequels/Novellas etc) Searching for your next Contemporary Romance Short Story? Check out these books!

The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage 13/01/2021

The paperback of The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage has been reduced on amazon! Enjoy:


The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage eBook: Khatun, Halima: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store

Photos from Halima Khatun's post 06/01/2021

I should write something more to accompany these pictures as it’s kind of a big deal... but my 9mnth old who’s skipping naps and fighting sleep has wiped me out. And he’s still not sleeping. Still, I’ve got a full page spread in Good Housekeeping all about my author journey to smile about.

Timeline photos 03/01/2021

Almost there.

Timeline photos 20/12/2020

You know how people say they’d like to write a book whilst on maternity leave... well, I’m the mad b*tch that did it. During a global pandemic. Yeah, I got issues...

But there she is... the labour of love, cause of sleepless nights, companion during night-feeds, and the reason for the odd grey hair due to rigorous proofing, editing, re-editing, audio listening-back and more. But I’m glad to say, less than a year after the release of The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage, I’m very close to releasing its follow-up, The Secret Diary of a Bengali Bridezilla. Expect more belly-laughs, the odd tear and many a politically incorrect elder (if you know, you know).

This little beauty will be making its way to you in January 2021.

Halima Khatun 18/12/2020

I have an author website! It’s got a little more work to be done on it, but feel free to poke around...


Halima Khatun Hi, and welcome to my website. I’m a former broadcast journalist, working for ITV and the BBC, author, PR consultant and blogger. In short, words are my thing. Read More about “About”…

Meet the London author busting myths about arranged marriage 30/11/2020

So proud to have been featured in MyLondon, talking all about my work. Can I call myself an author now???


Meet the London author busting myths about arranged marriage Halima hopes to 'challenge the stereotypes'

Timeline photos 20/10/2020

**The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage is an award winner!**

Attending an award ceremony in the new normal (and winning, too). So tonight I attended The Page Turner Awards via zoom. I threw on a dress over my jeans, slapped on some lipstick and a sweep of highlighter and I was good to go. Oh and I had a dapper date in the form of my teething 6mnth old who’s head could be seen bobbing around on the bottom of my screen. Plus he was sick on my dress just before I went online. Anyway, my book — The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage won the Patron prize - which was voted for by the public, so there’s that. Actually I don’t mean to sound blaze, I’m thrilled. The public award was the most important to me, as I value the opinion of my readers. It’s also especially touching as I wrote the book in the throes of early motherhood, literally writing drafts on the phone whilst breastfeeding my daughter. It was published when I was 9months pregnant with my son. So it just goes to show, anyone who says mums can’t do great work is wrong. This ones for the mamas.

www.subscribepage.com 15/10/2020

Would you like to read my next book, for free, before it goes to market? If so, you can join my advanced reader team. You can find out more here:


www.subscribepage.com As I’m sure you’re aware, even the world’s greatest books won’t get read if nobody knows about them. So the aim of having an advanced reader team is to build momentum and appetite for the book ahead of release.


Concepts for book 2 are being created. Can’t wait to share!


I’ve exciting news to report - I’ve been selected as a finalist for the Page Turner Awards for my debut novel, The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage! Thanks to the literary judges for shortlisting next, and thanks to all of you who have supported me by liking this FB page!


Timeline photos 24/08/2020

Writing is a process, a journey. And while I love the ride, it’s exciting, satisfying and a little emotional to near the end. I’m excited to report that I’ve just finished the first draft of my follow-up to The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage. Now for 1 million proofreads and a developmental edit!

Free Books About Family 01/08/2020

And here’s another one for you - stories about family...

Free Books About Family Stories About Where We Come from and Where We're Going Family sagas from the Inuit in the Arctic to the Maori in New Zealand, from an immigrant family in Canada to a cross-country trip of discovery in the United States. These stories are about death and life, estrangement and forgiveness, judgment a...

Uplifting Fiction 01/08/2020

Happy Saturday, I know I’ve been quite for a while, but I’ve been busy drafting book 2. So to make up for my absence, I’m sharing some free reads and special offer links below. You’re welcome :)



Uplifting Fiction Enjoy this selection of FREE uplifting, positive, amazing reads. Enjoy reading this month with this selection of FREE sensational stories you will love. Claim your favorites and enjoy your new reads!

The side of the story you never get to hear 23/06/2020

Hi all, I’ve written a short story from the perspective of the mother in The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage. I’m sharing it for free so it can be widely read as I think it’s an important story from a voice you don’t get to hear. I’d love for you to read it if interested, here’s the link for you to download:


The side of the story you never get to hear When it comes to the topic of arranged marriages, you never hear the perspective of the mother of the 'bride'. They're often depicted as a figure of fun, or an uncaring, backward-minded woman. This short story will change all that. It shares a unique insight into the struggles of someone desperately...

Wrexham-born writer challenges views on arranged marriages 09/06/2020

All the national media coverage in the world would quite match the specific sentimental achievement of being in my local paper!

Wrexham-born writer challenges views on arranged marriages A WREXHAM-BORN writer has challenged views on arranged marriages.

Timeline photos 02/06/2020

New project in the making... and I can’t wait to share it with you!


Halima Khatun - Author reading for the Wrexham Carnival of Words lit fest. Leave any questions in a comment below!

Timeline photos 06/04/2020

Sorry for being elusive, but there’s good reason! Welcome to the (currently strange and crazy) world Ishaaq Saif Rahman. Our hearts are bursting with love. I hope you’re all well and staying safe x


How is everyone doing during this rather daunting time? I hope you're staying safe and indoors. We're in this together. I've been busying myself with work as well as nesting, largely to keep distracted from the slightly scary world outside my door. But I had to share this lovely testimonial from Mary Carr, which really brightened up my day:

"I loved The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage. It was almost like chatting to a friend, also hilarious in places. I read it in one sitting even using my recipe book holder for it while I ate lunch!"

I've mentioned this before, but I wanted to make my book as accessible and affordable as possible during this very difficult time. So if you are looking for a distraction from the news, the ebook is on for just .99, which you can grab here: https://geni.us/SecretDiary

Stay safe :)

The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage 19/03/2020

Please share far and wide:
It’s a scary and difficult time for many of us right now. You can’t move for stories of coronavirus. However, aside from the panic buying of toilet roll stories all over social media, some good has come out of it.

On my street, my local book club whatsapp group has converted to a group for everyone to help each other, with a specific focus on the elderly that are now having to self-isolate. I was interviewed about this in the Telegraph, which you can read here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2020/03/19/meet-neighbours-using-whatsapp-groups-help-isolated-elderly/.

I wondered what more I could do to help. As I’m due any day now, I’m advised to self-isolate myself so can’t really pull my weight (no pun intended) physically.

So the only thing I could think of is to give out my book for free so that people could at least have something amusing to read (away from the doom and gloom of the news) whilst in isolation.

But Amazon rules won’t allow it. So I’m doing the next best thing, which is reducing it to the lowest possible price so more people can read it if they want to. So The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage will be priced at just 0.99p.

Please don’t think of this as a cynical marketing ploy. I’ll actually take financial hit and stand to make pennies from this but it doesn’t matter. There’s bigger issues at large. Many of us are doing what we can to help, this is my small way.

If you’ve read my book but know someone who could use the distraction, feel free to share this.

The global link to book is https://geni.us/SecretDiary. If this takes you to the paperback version by default, you can click on the kindle version from there.

Also, for anyone in the US, I’ve learned that Amazon are now offering two months free on Kindle Unlimited membership, so there’s another option.

That’s all for now,

The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage A British-Bengali girl looking for Mr Right. A motley crew of men, some hoping it’s them. A mum on a mission to match make. And an age-old tradition with a twist. Welcome to the world of the arranged marriage. “While I’m young, (somewhat) free and single, time is - by Bengali...


Stay safe everyone 🙏🏼

Bumper book giveaway – win nearly £200 of skincare and clothing goodies & a signed copy of my book! - HalimaBobs 11/03/2020

Have you entered the bumper book giveaway on my blog? It’s ending tomorrow so head over for your chance to win over £150 of skincare, some gorgeous athleisure and a signed copy of my book! https://halimabobs.com/2020/02/bumper-book-giveaway.html

Bumper book giveaway – win nearly £200 of skincare and clothing goodies & a signed copy of my book! - HalimaBobs The celebrate the success of The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage, I'm giving away nearly £200 of skincare and athleisure and a signed copy of my book!


Have you read The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage? If so, I would love for you to leave a review on my Amazon page. This makes a huge difference to me as an author and the success of the book. So if you have a few minutes, the direct links is: https://geni.us/SecretDiary

Amazon Sign In


Hi all from Manchester!

I’ve just noticed that I’ve reached over 100 likes on this new author page so I thought I’d say hello and reintroduce myself.

My name’s Halima and I’m mum to a very inquisitive toddler. I used to work as a journalist before moving into PR, which some people call the ‘dark side’. Outside of the day job I run a lifestyle blog (HalimaBobs.com) and I’ve also just released my debut novel The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage. The latter is likely why you’re on this page. Essentially I’ve written my whole life in some form or other. But publishing a book is perhaps the achievement I’m most proud of. In the fact, I enjoyed the process so much that the sequel is currently being drafted!

I’ll be using this page to post updates, share offers and any other exciting tidbits.

Anyway, I’d love to hear from you, so feel free to say hello in the comments below.

Photos from Halima Khatun's post 05/03/2020

In our house it’s World Book Day everyday! Hannah loves her growing bedroom library and the bedtime story is a necessity, even when she’s super tired. I’m so happy that she’s inherited my love of books. For me, books are like magic... they make you use your imagination in a way you wouldn’t with TV, there are a tonne of free options like your local library (pls support them or they will close down) and buying books isn’t as expensive as it seems. The little library set I picked up at Aldi cost £4.99, down from £19.99. That’s about the same price as a KFC, which is admittedly delicious in a different way!....
What books are you reading for ?

The Woodford mum aiming to 'debunk myths' about arranged marriage 05/03/2020

Truth time... the media find it hard to understand the premise behind my book. It's seen as confusing and perhaps controversial. But it reality, The Secret Diary of an Arranged Marriage is far from it. It's funny, sometimes emotional and a little enlightening. So I'm incredibly grateful to MyLondon, one of the capital's biggest publication for taking the time to get under the skin of the book instead of making assumptions from the title alone. And I'm so glad with the way the featured turned out...


The Woodford mum aiming to 'debunk myths' about arranged marriage "You see so many stories about force and women being controlled"

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