Lilly's Teal Ribbon

Lilly's Teal Ribbon

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Lilly's Teal Ribbon, Medical and health, .


Wrestling has always been a big part of our family's lives from Lily's brother Damian Munster being a amazing wrestler through Columbia and her cousins Destiny Edgecomb and Abbi Hernandez being a part of the huge growth and female wrestling in Idaho we look forward to supporting this event and are grateful to see such an amazing sport support such a great cause please share this flyer if you know anybody that would be interested in competing you everybody is welcome to come out and watch and if you're interested in donating please reach out to us via instant message there's so many great ways to support this great fundraiser


Today I had a small procedure to remove my kidney stents and my port where I used to get chemotherapy now that I'm in remission they were able to remove the port. I also got my IVC filter out. Now as I like to say I'm at the end of an era being in remission and under heavy surveillance. Thank you to all the love and support throughout this journey!
Love Lilly 🤍


I thought I'd give an update Lily is feeling good she's out and about up and around today was her last shot for the blood clots now she gets to go on pills That's a relief and she goes into the doctor the week of January 7th I believe it is she's got two or three appointments and then they're scheduling the surgery for the 10th to remove the stents in her kidneys The filter in her lung and hopefully they can remove the port for her IV we're just trying to get it all done in one shot but we are so happy so relieved it is just been a good day thank you everyone for the love and support through all of this we just got a little ways to go we are at the finish line


Yes last night's news was the most astounding amazing absolutely best gift that Lilly could have gotten I have waited for that to be said for 5 months and 21 days it's going to be a good day thank you everyone for all the support the love the prayers and they have all been answered she has some healing to do she needs to remember she just had surgery lol she kind of forgets about that and things she can take the world on but that's Lilly she's always taking this world on face first thank you again everybody


Hello Everyone this is Lilly, just received news from Dr. Meeker I am now in what he likes to call "surveillance". Meaning I am at the end of my treatment no more chemotherapy and no more radiation. I will have monthly blood draws and scans from here on out and be closely monitored. After 6 months of treatment I could not be more grateful of the news I got today! Thank you for all of the love, support, and prayers. ❤️ We will still be keeping everyone here on Facebook updated.
With much love, Lilly 🫶


But now that I got to almost decent night's sleep at home in my bed and Lily is home in her bed super happy we will start our journey to healing we don't have the results of the pathology report to know what is going on for sure they said it'll be a week or so they had to send them all up Seattle but we just have to really watch her clothes for the blood clot and just go day by day on her healing she seems to be doing very well she is such a rock star so that is what's going on she's just got to take it really easy and heal before we start our next journey of either chemo or radiation we will know we're sure praying for radiation thank you everyone for the wonderful wonderful prayers because they was truly answered her feeling will be so much easier with the least amount of surgery that she had to have but it was a big one again 14 and a half hours on a table that's that's a big surgery at some healing again thank you everyone


Well we thought we might be able to go home today Lily's very upset but they had to do another CT scan for the blood clot they are becoming very concerning and they need to try to even up the medications for the blood clot and so she's not bleeding through the incision she's got a huge from stem to stern on her belly that she has one on her arm and then her neck from the other surgery procedure they had to do but hopefully tomorrow she is feeling okay somewhat medically I guess the best way I know how to say it but she just she really wants to go home to her own bed her own food her own stuff her sisters her brother or cousins just does not like the hospital at all and I don't blame her but we have to do what's best to make sure this blood clots are not going to cause any problems they could be devastating so I will let everybody know what's going on as of now we're just going to chill for another 24 in the hospital thank you all for the prayers


Well Lily has been removed into room 7028 she is on an adult unit which is super exciting because she can have flowers and balloons and whatever else here there's no restrictions on that she is filling a little better of course she hurts she's getting a little bit of an appetite she says she's feeling okay she is a super rock star for going through a surgery like this and no complaints pretty amazing she's happy not to have all the restrictions that they do in the pedes ward and the SICU so let everybody know what's going on as soon as we get more information but right now we're just doing well and resting


Lilly is resting not feeling well still having issues with the blood clot they are doing surgery on Monday hopefully that works she is in a lot of pain still thanks for the prayers


Well the latest update they have been able to save the bladder the bowels the kidneys the uterus and o***y yeah the uterus and o***y that is so amazing they have done the liver we've still got time to go anywhere from 4:00 to 6 more hours I guess but I will take all the fabulous news it is about time Lily is going to be so beyond happy for this we are just all so amazed Dr Richard and her team are absolute rock star heroes they have done amazing and the prayers the prayers have been answered thank you


Well almost 8 hours later and we just get updates that they're doing well and we still have hours to go that's about the only updates that we've gotten they say things are going well thank you all for the prayers


That's been a long painful heartbreaking tragic 5 months but she is back in surgery their estimating surgery time of 14 hours so we will just wait the day All we can do is hope for the best thank you everyone she was very upset and hurt I believe thinking of the procedure that she's having but all we can do again is hope for the best I will keep everyone updated as we get an update thank you all again


Well I just put a post on there I don't know for sure what I did with it but what is going on we are here at the hospital we've been here since 11:00 and they are doing surgery prep doing the antibiotics Lilly seems to be in good spirits hoping all that will go well with everything that has happened to get us to this part of the journey now we just need a lot of prayers and hope thank you everyone


Well we are at the hospital we have been admitted since 11:00 they are June the surgery prep with antibiotics and cleansing as of now everything is a go surgery will be tomorrow morning at approximately 7:30 a.m. and we are just hoping everything goes well Lilly is in somewhat of good spirits for the challenges that we have had to get to this point so I will give everybody updates as we get them and right now all we need is a lot of prayer good vibes and hope thank you everyone


Results of today we had a trial with the department of health and welfare for a hearing and then we went to another hearing over at the canyon county courthouse and of course the surgery has been approved so now we're on the waiting game of when the process is very invasive but we got to do what we got to do I will keep everybody updated as time goes it was an amazing process they got this done in 6 days it usually takes weeks from what I understand I'm so truly grateful for the lawyers the department of health and welfare and judge roker he was amazing and very understanding to take his time and do this hearing for us it was greatly appreciated thank you everyone


Just letting everybody know it's been a quiet but very chaotic weekend Lily has chosen to just go have fun but if there is anybody out there that knows anyone that can help us get a hold of someone that can help us to reach out to somebody so that we can get the support we need and the help we need to get this surgery done that would be greatly appreciated I can't get much response every time I call there's nobody in at the time but if there's anyone out there that knows how to reach someone to get this done would be greatly appreciated thank you


Unfortunately again another update The state of Idaho has stopped Lily surgery until we get lawyers in court orders for Lily to explain them why she has to have a procedure for sterilization hysterectomy it is become insane completely can't even comprehend what is going on anymore but that's what's going on now we have to have a court order from a judge before we can continue with any type of surgery like I said bunch of crazy crazy stuff can honestly say I think Lily and the families about completely broken The pieces I don't know how we're going to put them back together cuz it just doesn't stop cuz that's what's going on thanks everybody continue to support and prayers it's like we've said all along all we have is prayer and that doesn't seem to be getting us very far anymore


Well I'm going to put another update out there for some reason Medicaid did not submit the right paperwork to the UC San Diego hospital so the surgeons called and said they will not do it so it has been canceled we do not have any plans of it now Lily just told him she will not do chemo again that they will find a surgeon in Idaho she doesn't care she wants them out with this coming week I will put an update out there All I know is due to the inability for people to do their jobs properly I guess is where we're at so that's the only information I've gotten and I will give it update as soon as we have one


Well I do believe we have some definite plans Lily destiny and I will definitely be flying out on Monday to San Diego then Lily goes to the doctor's on Tuesday and Wednesday is her major surgery through many struggles and extreme time and energy put into it Leslie has obtained us a motel a rental car directions to everywhere she thinks we need to go she has helped get everything lined up some of the organizations kind of fell through so we're just kind of doing this our own so that is why we did put the GoFundMe back out there San Diego wow that is an expensive cost of living but anything to get Lily taken care of we're going to get her down there get her surgery bring her home and see where we go from that thank you again everybody for all that you have done all the prayers and loves again thank you


Well I thought it was about time I finally got to putting an update sorry guys but Lily destiny and I should be leaving on the 11th of November to fly down to UC San Diego and her surgery is on the 16th of November I will try to keep people updated through the process that right now we just need prayers and more prayers for healing for Lily she is such a amazing young lady and she's got a long road ahead for the next month but we've got this me her and Desi I'll go paint to town LOL thank you


I know again it's been awhile we've had a lot of I don't knows and we don't knows but we are coming up at the plan her surgery date is definitely November 14th at UC San Diego she has two wonderful surgeons that will be taking care of her we will be talking with one of the surgeons tomorrow by video and then one on the 1st by video she's doing pretty good she's feeling good for right now she will be going through so much here shortly I just want prayers and love sent her way anybody wants to stop by and see her over the next week let us know we'll be gone for 20 to 30 days in California it's going to be an adventure but we are coming to a very important part of this process with getting things removed something she has wanted more than anything since the beginning hoping all works out and it goes as planned we've got this we might get lost along the way but we will get found Desi's going with us she is our guide again anybody wants to stop by feel free to everybody have a wonderful day


I want to put a huge thank you out there to Gracie's tortillas they were absolutely amazing the fundraiser was absolutely amazing and I want to thank everyone that purchased these tortillas and help us out up date from doctors is I don't know there are three famous words Lily's feeling okay we're still just waiting on word I don't know what words they keep saying LOL but that's where we're at I know that they have to do this surgery within the next two to three weeks and not any longer than that so I will update everybody when we know something again thank you for all the support and prayers thank you so much Gracie for what you did and how you helped out the family you're amazing


Lily came home late last night from the hospital after her fifth round of chemo it was very devastating for her it's very hard on her because she gets so sick and it makes her feel horrible we are just waiting on an answer for surgery I told her doctor I absolutely will not go to the hospital in Houston Texas if they can't have any compassion for her and get this done he needs to find someone that will do it now but she's just very tired and not feeling well but we will get there just keep sending the prayers hopefully the doctors can get something done before the next 17 days


Fundraiser time****
Where do I begin, this young lady was nominated by a few people, after a family member reached out to me and we had a great conversation. Wow what a journey this young lady has gone through. My tortilla lady family let me introduce you too Lily, such a young girl that has been fighting hard. Lily was diagnosed with ovarian Cancer, very rare Cancer that she has that only 3 States only offer the surgery that she needs! Funds are tight as she is in care of her grandparents. The Tortilla lady family needs our help to raise money for Lily and her family to pay for treatments and get the surgery she needs. So Oct 15th Saturday, I will be making fresh homemade tortillas, packaged at a dozen, you pay what you want per dozen, all funds will go towards Lily. I will have a pick up location. Comment or message me your orders. I'm ready to make tortillas.


Well Lily went and did her photos with all her friends for homecoming she is so absolutely beautiful but tomorrow morning we go in for chemo will be there most likely until Thursday hopefully all will go well her brother Damien senior night is Friday October 14th for football I sure hope things go well and we can make it those two have always been so close but we'll see what happens everybody have a good day thank you for the prayers


Thank you all for the support

Fundraiser time****
Where do I begin, this young lady was nominated by a few people, after a family member reached out to me and we had a great conversation. Wow what a journey this young lady has gone through. My tortilla lady family let me introduce you too Lily, such a young girl that has been fighting hard. Lily was diagnosed with ovarian Cancer, very rare Cancer that she has that only 3 States only offer the surgery that she needs! Funds are tight as she is in care of her grandparents. The Tortilla lady family needs our help to raise money for Lily and her family to pay for treatments and get the surgery she needs. So Oct 15th Saturday, I will be making fresh homemade tortillas, packaged at a dozen, you pay what you want per dozen, all funds will go towards Lily. I will have a pick up location. Comment or message me your orders. I'm ready to make tortillas.


Sorry it's been awhile for an update but Lily is feeling pretty well she has an extra week off of doing chemo so she's pretty happy about that she almost feels okay we are just waiting on word for when we are going to Texas hopefully it is soon she does have a lot of bad days and a few good days so we're just going to go with that for now thank you again everyone for all the continuous prayers


Surgery is done kidney stents removed and replaced she does have a lot of discomfort at this time but kidneys are now up to good function level they said within 24 to 48 hours she should feel much better she's in bed so she's going to school tomorrow we'll see what happens but other than that things went pretty good again thank you for all the prayers


Well we made it home today but surgery for the stent removal and replacement is on Monday she didn't come home easily the doctors had to give her a lot of platelets lot of blood products to get her stable enough to bring home but Lily really does not like it there so they let her come home and tell Monday and we'll go from there again thank you everybody for all that you do want to put a big shout out there to ISI and everybody that sent her gifts to her mailbox she really loved opening all the cards and different little trinkets again thank you very much


Another update on Lilly's hospital stay we are going to be here until Saturday at the very least but on Monday morning she is having a surgery a minor surgery to replace the stents in her kidneys and hoping that that will stop the infections she's very unhappy but she does not like being here so if everyone can just give us some positive vibes good prayers and we'll make it through this hopefully Texas soon then we can be halfway done


Well today Lily was admitted in the hospital again she has an infection and a UTI or just hitting her with some really strong antibiotics and lots fluids and hoping for the best but other than that she's kind of in good spirits we don't have the results though on what's going on with the kidneys themselves hopefully we will know after x-rays ultrasound and CT scan I don't think we're going to get any answers tonight will hopefully tomorrow something just keep sending prayers and love thank you everyone

Photos from Lilly's Teal Ribbon's post 17/09/2022

Here are a few photos from the awesome car wash thank you to all the girls that were out there helping you were amazing and a great big shout out to all the football players from Columbia high School that was absolutely amazing for your show of support and the family and friends thank you Lizzy and family for taking on 12th avenue that was amazing again thank you everyone for your time your effort and support through this time


I want to thank everybody that showed up for the car wash today the help was absolutely amazing the support from the community was as amazing the update is is the doctors want Lily to go to Houston Texas to complete treatment and surgery that's all we are waiting on is a date but other than that we are just continuing chemo Lily is feeling okay she has good days now the chemo still isn't her favorite thing but we are staying positive on everything again thank you everyone for the help the participation for those of you who were there and who helped out from afar thank you so much


Selling car decals to raise money for lillys trip down to Texas for her chemo treatment we are asking $5 a piece any donation is welcome as well


Well another update we were admitted into oncology last night for blood clots in her lungs she said she feels great but obviously it's a big issue they'll start the medication today and hopefully we'll be home tonight she's just worried about getting back into school she is such a strong person she is the warrior


Sorry should have put an update sooner this round of chemo was really a rough one she was sick from Friday until basically yesterday she's feeling a little better today she does plan on to attend in school starting tomorrow I just pray that it goes well for her she's very strong minded but still very weak thank you again everybody for the prayers


Well I know I haven't been sharing for a while things have been going good she's got an appetite and a little bit of energy she's been doing very well but we are back at the hospital for the third round of chemo hopefully it goes as well as it has been she's in high spirits so her appetite is still good we'll see what happens with this round thank you everybody for the continued support and prayers they are so greatly appreciated thank you
