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Merry Christmas!


How sickening. Trading a monster for an " athlete" that knowing broke the law of another country because of "extreme pressure from the highest levels"

What high levels? "Lebron James and Stephen Curry". Yes that who is making policy.

I guess people have forgotten that our current occupant of the White House and former ( current) boss jailed military members for "crimes" they committed in warzone. Many are still jailed but we need to hurry up and get this America hating basketball player back on US soil where she can continue to play the victim card.

Let's not forget

"Notably, the Griner-for-Bout exchange leaves retired U.S. Marine Paul Whelan imprisoned in Russia. Whelan has been in Russian custody for nearly four years. He was convicted on espionage charges that the U.S. has called false."

Let's also not forget

"Bout, who was most recently held at a federal prison in Marion, Illinois, was arrested by the Drug Enforcement Agency in Thailand following a sting operation in 2008. He was convicted of conspiring to kill Americans and began his 25-year sentence a decade ago"

"Prior to his arrest, Bout was accused by the U.N. of arming Liberian President Charles Taylor during the brutal civil war in Sierra Leone. "

Of course there's more like dealing weapons to shoot down civilian aircraft but who cares, we got a basketball player back.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Today we celebrate VJ Day, also known as Victory over Japan Day. This is the day in 1945 on which Imperial Japan surrendered in World War II, in effect bringing the war to an end. May we never forget the heroes of WWII. Our world today would look a whole lot different if it weren't for their selfless sacrifices and unbridled bravery. They weren't called "The Greatest Generation" for nothing. God bless them all.


I'm sure the fact checkers will have something to say about this


It seems like it because it's true.

Democrats Propose Spending $80 Billion to Expand the IRS - The Ohio Star 31/07/2022

Democrats Propose Spending $80 Billion to Expand the IRS - The Ohio Star Democrats in Congress have proposed a new spending bill that would allocate $80 billion for the sole purpose of expanding the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), ostensibly to fight inflation by raising government revenues.

22 Republican AGs sue Biden admin over plan to tie food assistance to school transgender policies 29/07/2022

22 Republican AGs sue Biden admin over plan to tie food assistance to school transgender policies “We all know the Biden administration is dead-set on imposing an extreme left-wing agenda on Americans nationwide,” Rokita said


The Left says they can't control gasoline prices... but the weather is something they can fix


Those who disrespect our flag have never been handed a folded one.

Biden Admin Sold Nearly 1 Million Barrels Of Oil To Chinese State-Owned Company Tied To Hunter Biden 10/07/2022

Biden Admin Sold Nearly 1 Million Barrels Of Oil To Chinese State-Owned Company Tied To Hunter Biden — News —Biden Admin Sold Nearly 1 Million Barrels Of Oil To Chinese State-Owned Company Tied To Hunter BidenBy Tim Pearce•Jul 8, 2022 DailyWire.com•FacebookTwitterMailDrew Angerer/Getty Images The Biden administration sold close to one million barrels of oil from the United States’ strate...



Judy, a purebred pointer, was the mascot of several ships in the Pacific, and was captured by the Japanese in 1942 and taken to a prison camp. There she met Aircraftsman Frank Williams, who shared his small portion of rice with her.

Judy raised morale in the POW camp, and also barked when poisonous snakes, crocodiles or even tigers approached the prisoners. When the prisoners were shipped back to Singapore, she was smuggled out in a rice sack, never whimpering or betraying her presence to the guards.

The next day, that ship was torpedoed. Williams pushed Judy out of a porthole in an attempt to save her life, even though there was a 15-foot drop to the sea. He made his own escape from the ship, but was then recaptured and sent to a new POW camp.

He didn't know if Judy had survived, but soon he began hearing stories about a dog helping drowning men reach pieces of debris after the shipwreck. And when Williams arrived at the new camp, he said: "I couldn’t believe my eyes! As I walked through the gate, a scraggly dog hit me square between the shoulders and knocked me over. I’d never been so glad to see the old girl!"

They spent a year together at that camp in Sumatra. "Judy saved my life in so many ways," said Williams. "But the greatest of all was giving me a reason to live. All I had to do was look into those weary, bloodshot eyes and ask myself: 'What would happen to her if I died?' I had to keep going."

Once hostilities ceased, Judy was then smuggled aboard a troopship heading back to Liverpool. In England, she was awarded the Dickin Medal (the "Victoria Cross" for animals) in May 1946. Her citation reads: "For magnificent courage and endurance in Japanese prison camps, which helped to maintain morale among her fellow prisoners, and also for saving many lives through her intelligence and watchfulness".

At the same time, Frank Williams was awarded the PDSA's White Cross of St. Giles for his devotion to Judy. Frank and Judy spent a year after the war visiting the relatives of English POWs who had not survived, and Frank said that Judy "always provided a comforting presence to the families."

When Judy finally died at the age of 13, Frank spent two months building a granite and marble memorial in her memory, which included a plaque describing her life story.

NIH awards millions for aging survey, HIV self-testing app, smoking cessation in China 26/06/2022

I would like to say it's unbelievable but it's not.

NIH awards millions for aging survey, HIV self-testing app, smoking cessation in China U.S. taxpayers would probably prefer that we not "invest in communist countries that give us global pandemics, steal our intellectual property, and commit genocide on religious minorities," writes Sen. James Lankford.

Biden Admin Considers Banning All Offshore Drilling as Energy Crisis Worsens: Report - The Ohio Star 25/06/2022

Biden Admin Considers Banning All Offshore Drilling as Energy Crisis Worsens: Report - The Ohio Star The Biden administration is mulling the prospect of banning new American offshore oil and natural gas drilling projects as fuel prices continue to spike, The New York Times reported Thursday.