Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

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Isaiah 55:8
Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. NIV
The ‘God was ‘means he who can go back to the past and fix it. The ‘God who is ’means he who can come to your present and reinstate your goals and your future while The ‘God who is to come’ means he will go into your future and finish it before you come in. Sometimes in life, pain and agony takes forever to end and many have lost faith and questioned God’s faithfulness. However we have to understand that a thousand years are like single day in his sight.
Our ways and thoughts are not the ways of God. He transforms your life until it starts making sense. Evaluating your past, you probably would have experienced certain mishaps and may be surprised at what God has done for you over time. Others may have been mocked and rejected in the past, but the God of host has a way to turn stories around and put the devil where he belongs. In such cases, it didn’t make sense then, but it makes sense when God shows up.
God’s thoughts towards us are beyond our wildest imaginations. (1 Cor 2:9 ‘however it is written: eye have not seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.’ NIV. All you need do is submit to his perfect will. It is bound to make sense.

No matter what you are going through now, trust God, in a matter of time it will make sense.

Closing Prayer
My father my father, in the mighty name of Jesus, my life must make sense, I shall make sense in life and destiny.
My father, design my future and destiny, make sense out of it in Jesus name.
Thank you Jesus, for answered prayers.


Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto thee. KJV

Commitment is the willingness to passionately give your energy, resources and time to something you solely believe in. It is also a firm decision to do something. It is not an intermittent act but consistent and the drive gets better with time.

Apostle Paul one of the Biblical Legends, set the pace for committed and his actions are worth following. He became committed to a point where he wanted to be in the purpose of God in life or in death. He surrendered himself completely and supressed his flesh. His undaunted committed warranted him to see everything with a godly eye. He gave up everything to work with God. Yes this is commitment in the real sense of the word.
Brethren your commitment with God must be evaluated and re-evaluated to determine if you are increasing in the service of God or otherwise. In this domain therefore, vital questions as per your services to God should be asked and answered. I’m I living in past glory? How much input have I invested in God and the house of God? Have I gone in my shell because of life’s circumstances? Proverbs 4:18. The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more unto a perfect day. KJV). Your yesterday should never be better than your today. Ask God to help you to be committed to him even unto death.

Commitment with God is all you need to take you to your glory. Brethren it is a magic that works. Try it and your testimonies will overflow.
Closing Prayer
My father my father, I receive into me a fresh passion to be committed to you and your kingdom.
My father my father, whatever will make me not to be committed in kingdom work take it away from me in Jesus name.
My father my maker, give me a kingdom mind-set in the name of Jesus.
Prophetic Declaration
Receive grace to be committed in the things of God.


Exodus 14:15
The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace and remain in rest. AMP

Standing water smells. A river is meant to flow and that’s why dams are treated to avoid smell. Stagnation is not a way of life. A new born baby is expected to make accelerated growth by the day. A new born who doesn’t grow may as well be a cursed child.
Dear children of God do not subject yourselves to a life of stagnation by remaining on one spot for a long time. When you remain on one spot you miss the blessings and you also cheat yourself from accessing doors that would have been open for you.
Get this straight! Manna doesn’t just magically fall from heaven. God gives manna depending on the sort of relationship you have built with him. Until you get tired of your situation, you can’t do anything to change it.

Desire to explore and explode in life in any capacity you find yourself and your heavenly father will grant your heart desires.

Closing Prayer
My father my maker give the grace to accelerate.
Anything that will stop me from moving be eliminated in Jesus name.
Prophetic Declaration
I usher you into divine speed in Jesus name.


Heavenly Inspirational Rhema For Living
from the deak of the Lion
I John 5:14
‘This is the confidence that we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything

Faith is having complete confidence and trust in something or someone. It may also be defined as a strong believe in the doctrines of a religion based on spiritual convictions rather than proofs. Faith lays emphasis from Biblical spiritual references. It a spiritual link between believers and their creator. Faith brings divinity into a physical realm and makes God to become a more tangible reality to appeal to human perception. It also serves as the springboard to building a lasting relationship with God.

The scripture in Heb 11:1 states (Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. NKJV.) You should never at any point in your life put your trust in men. Curse is a man that puts his trust in another. We live in a morally bankrupt society and it is a very tragic illusion for anyone who thinks that his friends, family or spouse can adequately live up to his expectations in life. In this regard therefore, if you put your trust in man, you miss the point completely.

Christians do have the tendency to rush God. Your heavenly father is too mighty to be put under compulsion. Table your worries and have faith that the God who has the blueprint of the affairs of your life in his hands, will show up in time to eliminate every worry. Whatever your desire may be, if you pray without an adequate measure of faith, I put it to you that your request will be unanswered.

When you begin to doubt God, you limit His capacity to take over your challenges and you make his word a lie. This is definitely untrue. Our God is too mighty to fail and above all Jesus died on the cross for our burdens and pains to be uplifted (I John 5:14 'This is the confidence that we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. NIV) Henceforth, anything that has ever made you doubt the potency of ‘The Great I AM’, let it be destroyed today in the name of Jesus.

There is no mystery about success in life and destiny. Faith embodies every promise of God in your life. Build your faith and your prayers will be answered.

Closing Prayers
My father my father, take away every spirit of doubt in my life in the name of Jesus.
My father my father, give me ability to trust and believe in you in Jesus name.
My father my father, forgive me for doubting your word in my life in Jesus name.
Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name.
Pray for the man of God.

Prophetic Declaration
I plant the office of faith in your heart in Jesus name.
