

Jenille is a Bermuda based health and fitness coach that has a passion for helping her clients and community to live healthy and wise. And she can help you too!


Today, mid November I went for a swim.. I have continually vowed that I would never get in the water until mid June. I was relieved to find it quite a pleasant experience. Perhaps that no swim clause should be deleted. Boundaries only exist because you put them in place. Try opening up to something new. It can be quite refreshing ;) -J


Diet simply defines the food that you put in your mouth. So when I ask you how is your diet? What mean is what do you eat, not what recent paleo-atkins-grapefruit-lemonade-highcarb-lowcarb-21day-shrinkbellyfat-mediterranean-cabbage-weightwatcher's way to get "slimfast". What do you eat?


Trick or treat always ends in the parents gorging on their children's candy. Maybe they don't eat it all at once. Maybe they do it gradually over time so their child won't notice. We adults can be just as sneaky as children when it comes to candy. The problem with Halloween is that all of a sudden your house is filled with bite sized miniatures of your favorite candies. Maybe it has been your mantra to keep junkfood out of the house but on halloween all bets are off. I have seen halloween be the gateway drug to christmas and newyears. Once you have your Halloween binge, then it's Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Newyears. Then its back on the diet wagon. Maybe this year choose trick over treat. The trick is, stick to your diet.


How bout this heat!?? This is just a PSA reminding you to stay hydrated. How do you know you are hydrated? You urine should run clear at least once a day. If it ranges from orange to yellow drink more water! Hydration ensures that your metabolism runs efficiently and keeps your body and mind in balance. Drink up my friends it's gonna be a long hottttt summer!


This year I am focusing on baby steps. Rather than procrastinating because a task itself is too large to tackle. I am focusing on taking small steps, or small bites and making sure to celebrate the small victories. As long as you are moving you are not standing still. You can not change in a day but you can change your day. Whatever it is that you have been meaning to do, take a small step today.


I feel fall in the air and winter on the horizon. It is starting to cool down. This is the prime time for outdoor fitness. Cardio is one of the most abused form of exercise. I see people doing hours of fruitless cardio in the gym. In order for you to yeild weightloss results with cardio it must be done efficiently and correctly or you may find yourself exhausted and discouraged. It must also be accompanied with a nutritious beneficial diet plan. I am now offering both. Starting In Septermber I am offering 45min cardio bootcamp with a 15 min stretch accompanied by nutrition consultations and guidence. If you are interested and motivated please inbox me for more information.

Timeline photos 21/05/2014

"Summers' coming" that's a common motivational excuse to get your health and body in order. But summer doesn't last. Don't make your fitness goals seasonal. Think longterm. Think quality of life, think reaching and living your goals. Excuses will only move you further away from your desires.

The emotional stages of going to the gym:

Timeline photos 13/02/2014

It seems like every woman I know is on a diet. I too have been guilty of chronic dieting. When I was younger I obsessed about my weight to the point of illness. But out of that darkness I have built understanding. I have learned how to care for my body. How to feed and nuture it correctly. I recognize that you "get out, what you put in". The truth is that everyday we grow older. There is not much we can control. But you never know what you can "prevent". Start thinking about your body's future today.

Timeline photos 04/02/2014

Recenty my family planted a garden. It is an incredibly gratifying and interactive activity. Tending and planting is a good source of both physical activity and good clean healthy food. The rewards are plenty. Plant a garden today!


Lulu capris tights, an ipod that shuffles, nike fleece hoodies, beats headphones that muffle, bright asics sneakers w/neon shoe strings these are a few of my favorite things...

5 Minutes Of What The Media Actually Does To Women 06/12/2013

I just finished watching this clip and it deals with something I constantly battle both within myself and with my clients... Realistic body image..

5 Minutes Of What The Media Actually Does To Women "I don't look like that, and I don't desire to look like that." —Kate Winslet

Study Links Aspartame To Fast-Paced Decline in Kidney Function 05/12/2013

Yet another reason not to drink Diet Coke...

Study Links Aspartame To Fast-Paced Decline in Kidney Function A study published in the Clinical Journal of  the American Society of Nephrology determined that

Microsoft developed a 'smart' bra 05/12/2013

The new solution to emotional eating..

Microsoft developed a 'smart' bra Microsoft researchers are developing a bra with sensors that could monitor a woman's emotional state to combat overeating.



Timeline photos 05/12/2013

Will power can be an extremely beneficial when attempting to redirect your eating habits. Intially when you set out to change your ways will power is all that you have. Eventually that will power will take on a new form. It becomes acceptance. Acceptance then grows into a lifestlye change. People always ask for cheat days and cheat meals. I believe they are necessary, but only when your willpower has transformed into a lifestlye. You see when you commit to change, a cheat meal will not end in self-sabotage. When you commit to change you can have your cake and eat it too.

Timeline photos 04/12/2013

Quaintrelle! This has officially made its way to the top of my "My Favorite Words" list along with serendipity (look it up). I now have a word that clearly defines what I strive to be. Ladies be bold, courageous and fantastic! Quaintrelle!

Timeline photos 04/12/2013

In this time if economic uncertainty having a personal trainer or joining a gym may seem like a luxary. Eating organic healthy foods may seem like a fantasy reserved for those with higher incomes. I am here to tell you that where there is a will there is a way. The first thing that you need to do. Is mentally commit to change. Once you have made this commitment seek out the experts, online, on television and in person, who hold the keys to your success. You must be willing to learn and adapt. Working out and exercise is not restricted to a gym. Healthy eating is not restricted to the organic section. If you are intersted in learning more about health and fitness on a tight budget drop me a line.
Take care of yourself -J

Timeline photos 03/12/2013

Have you tried HIIT? High intensity interval training is short and not so sweet. It is a series of intervals where you push your body to it's max for short bursts of time. It is proven to burn more fat throughout your day than continual cardio ie. Running on the treadmill. If you are interested in learning more about HIIT cardio. Come train with me... Don't worry! I'll go easy on you ;)

Timeline photos 03/12/2013

The new year is coming. Januaray is well known for new beginnings. As we kiss 2013 good bye, ask yourself "am I a badass?"... If the answer is "no" clear a space on your calendar to come and train with me. Together we will tap into and release tge bad ass in you. Have a happy healthy day! -Jenille


Bootcamp today will be at the National Sports Centre from 12-1pm. Hope to see you there!

Funny Ads Drench Goldfish 01/02/2013

Stay drenched team!

Funny Ads Drench Goldfish Funny Ads - Hilarious ads starring the world cleverest goldfish, Mr memory. I guess, drench can help us to be smarter just like it help Mr Memory. ;D watch m...


Hi Facebook Friends,
February is almost here. I will be offering a Bootcamp for the month of February, every Tuesday and Thursday at 12:00 to 1:00 pm at Fort Hamilton. It is $100 for the month, come as many times as you can , for a combination of strength training, cardio, core, abs n buns. All fitness levels are welcome! For more information please inbox me. Hope to see you there!

Chewstick 10th Anniversary Musical | Jan. 5th 2013 at Ruth Seaton James 02/01/2013

Chewstick's 10th Anniversary Celebration is THIS Saturday at RSJ - come support!

Chewstick 10th Anniversary Musical | Jan. 5th 2013 at Ruth Seaton James The Chewstick Foundation will be holding its 10th Anniversary Celebration on January 5, 2012 at the Ruth Seaton James Center for the Performing Arts. The Celebration will be a journey through the s...

Timeline photos 01/01/2013

Every Tuesday and Thursday in January I will be holding Bootcamp and circuit training at Fort Hamilton from 12pm to 1 pm. The cost for the month is $100. Come as many times as you'd like during the month of January. For more information inbox me Jenille Deveson-Smith. All are welcome! Hope to see you there!

Timeline photos 02/12/2012
Timeline photos 02/12/2012

Superman Bananas!!

Timeline photos 02/12/2012

What a gorgeous Sunday. Bootcamp was awesome! Thanks for all those who participated. Looking forward to the next one!

Timeline photos 28/11/2012

Give the gift of fitness and better health! This month I will be offering discounted rates and gift certificates on my bootcamps, personal training and food label reading grocery tours. For more information, email me at [email protected]
Why wait until the new year to make a healthy change. start Today!
