Rach Does Magic

Rach Does Magic

I’m a expat Witch, just doing stuff.

Photos from Rach Does Magic's post 28/08/2024

Hello my favourite people of the internet!
It’s Virgo season, which means it is THE BEST time of the year to start creating new habits.
But, how many times have you tried and been unsuccessful at sticking to it? Me, a lot!

And what I learned is that habits work a lot better if they’re built more like frameworks than strict boundaries.

I would love nothing more than to show you how you can create routines and habits that are healthy, that you LOVE, that you stand fully behind. Even if your ADHD is as bad as mine. Even if you’re a Gemini that hates even the word “habit”. Even if you tried *everything*.

Comment an emoji, and I’ll send you link to book a free 20mins calls to talk about how we can work together! And if you you’re ready to take the jump, my 7 weeks program is open for enrolment!


The very best of traders!
Wonderfully weird, terrifically talented and the nicest people you will ever have the pleasure of meeting! 🖤shop





This is true for romantic partners, for sure.
But it is actually also true for all and any relationships.

Have you found yourself reaching out to someone you had walked away from? Just to later on finding yourself disappointed again? Or maybe you’ve been beating yourself up because “you miss them, despite everything”. Well the good news is, you’re not alone. Like not at all.

One thing that helps, is having a thought that you can go back to when times get hard. When your inner chatter seems to be working against you.
A thought that is a little bit like your own personal motto, that reminds you of your reason why. For example why you left, why you don’t go out with that friend, why you don’t talk to your auntie.
An “anchor thought” that you can come back to, over and over.

I read that quote somewhere some time ago, and going back to it had truly held me from sending texts I would have regretted 😂.

Of course, this is just one piece of the puzzle. A patch, to help getting through the toughest times. But it is a great start!

If you want to learn more strategies, and if you want to work out something that’s been bugging you, my new offer might be just the thing you need!

DM any questions or to get yourself booked in.

Photos from Rach Does Magic's post 05/08/2024

Right. So, this is been a debate inside my head for the past week: I want to help, and I don’t want to profit from tragedy. So this is what I came up with.

The socio-political climate in the area where I live is, right now, terrifying to say the least. I know that a lot of us are worried and scared and this whole situation is really hard to cope with.

So I’m offering a package of 3 coaching sessions where you can pay whatever you can, no amount is too small. Each session will be 45 minutes, and will cover mind calming, processing and somatic practices as well as talking through what is on your mind and finding ways to help you digest and cope with it all.

We will go at your pace, we will cover what you feel it is most useful to you.

By the end of the sessions, you will have learned a couple of techniques that resonate with you, specifically, that you can keep using on your own going forward.

I wish I could do all of this work for free, but if I overwork myself for free and don’t get any way of supporting myself then I won’t be able to help anyone at all. Hopefully, you get it 🖤.

If you think this might be useful but you’re unsure, get in touch and we’ll figure it out together.

And if you can share this far and wide, it might reach just the person that needs it most.

In Shadow and Light,
With Love always.

Photos from Rach Does Magic's post 14/07/2024

Was this the ONLY thing that showed me he wasn’t “it”? Obviously not.
But this has been a testimony of the support we can get from our spiritual allies.

Aphrodite has been in my life for a long time; I didn’t wake up one morning, lit a candle and crossed my fingers 😂. Working with the Spirit realm requires dedication, patience and a degree of rawness. In my experience at least.

Also, let this be a reminder to choose your allies carefully; and, depending on your views and beliefs, be specific in your asks.

Am I “glad” something negative happened to him? Absolutely not. Would never had wished it, nor thought about it!
But, and he knew this, if you mess with me you might want to know that I have protection. A quote I read somewhere said: I know the Universe protects me, how it does that it’s not up to me (or something like that).
I leave the details up to the Gods, cause I trust they know the best way to bring back balance.

Also, a shoutout to .aphrodisian.witch who just over 4 years ago opened my path to Aphrodite ❤️

Photos from Rach Does Magic's post 03/06/2024

Ebbs and flows are part of life, we know that.
But some dips are so harsh, so full of grief. And so what? The instinct is to run into the next thing.
And then the shame kicks in.
And then the guilt.

If you need it, I give you permission to jump onto whatever your next thing is! If it’s what you want, do it.

But first, notice: where does the need come from? Does it spur from a sense of “I’m content and I’d love some more” or does it stem from “I *need* more because I don’t have enough”?

Do you feel how the energy shifts as you play with one concept and then the other?

I’m going through the ringers in my personal life, and here’s what I noticed: the more I accept the empty spaces, the more capacity I develop for it. And as soon as the empty feels comfortable, naturally, something beautiful comes around.

Have you ever noticed this pattern in you? The race to the “next big thing” when something ends!

Photos from Rach Does Magic's post 29/03/2024

Hi my loves! This Friday brings you some of my thoughts on what is means to be authentic on social media. This comes from the perspective of creating content with the intention of sharing it - I know about 3 people that share online little screeches of their lives “as they come”.
Even my grandma takes a few selfies before choosing the one she wants to share.

Hopefully, this won’t p*ss off too many people 😂.

But yh. Being authentic and being online don’t really go hand in hand a lot. In my opinion, of course 🖤.

Stay safe out there, find space for kindness, and listen to your inner self.

In shadow and light always,

Photos from Rach Does Magic's post 09/03/2024

This might rub some people the wrong way but, I’m not one who strives to be palatable in real life, so why do that on the internet?
It might be my Capricorn Stellium, it might be spicy Mars, it might be the coaching on being authentic online or a combination of all those things but I get so freakin annoyed by reading the simplest most basic information on difficult and complex topics like Witchcraft, Astrology, Psychology and Spirituality without even any indication on where/how to go deeper is someone wants to. As if having this light superficial sprinkle of information could ever be enough or even useful in any way.
When is it that “simplifying” becomes misinforming? And, do people share these basic thoughts because they don’t think their audience could understand the nuance or is it because they don’t actually understand it fully themselves?

Sharing information and educating in bite-size chunks is an artform I truly appreciate so much, but it is not something everyone can do. And that’s ok! There are other ways to create content and to let our voices be heard.

So this is my Saturday Stance. Any thoughts you wanna share? Let me know in the comments or by DM and let’s have a conversation ✨✌🏼

Photos from Rach Does Magic's post 16/02/2024

Venus’s Day, the month of Love, so I thought of bringing out a reading for you that answers the question: what is stopping me from having the romantic connection I truly want?

Card 1: Stength, Reversed - the belief that what you desire and want is not available to you. Subconsciously you don’t think that you deserve it, or perhaps you carry guilt with you from past connections that went wrong. Claim your power back to you! Working on releasing some of this stuff will help.

Card 2: The Hermit, Reversed: you are keeping yourself shielded, energetically you are withdrawn. Past wounds have not been healed yet, not fully. Is your inner self asking you for more time? And if so, are you listening or are you just pushing through? You can work on identifying and letting go. Or just start by being more people-y.

Card 3: Ace of Staff, Reversed: the fire is very feeble. Maybe you lost interest, or you’re going through a low-energy time. But at your core, your relationship (or the thought of being in one) is not inspiring for you anymore. And look, it’s ok. It’s pretty normal. Wanna fix it? Try doing things that make you feel excited and bring some joy or adrenaline back. Or, take a break and rest.

This concludes the reading. I hope you found it helpful, insightful and/or it sparked some thoughts.
If you can, like, comment and/or share to help me grow 🪴
Are you left with more questions? Would you like an in depth reading? DM to book or check my 🕸️site from the usual place 🫶🏼.

Deck used: The Sufi Tarot - Ayeda Husain


Happy Sun’s Day Evening 🫶🏼
I have a short and sweet(ish) message, on the energy the week ahead.
Here’s what you need to know:
You can’t please everyone, so use your energy wisely. It is totally valid to want to feel accepted and welcomed and it makes us feel good, in the short term, to see others happy. But now it’s the time to play the long game.

Are you prepared to disappoint some people, in the interest of YOUR highest good?

Photos from Rach Does Magic's post 04/02/2024

Week Ahead Vibe Check: what do you need to know?
If you’re called to, pick the card combination that is drawing your attention….

Pile 1: The Empress, The Priest, The House Maid
How are you meeting your own needs? Different people giving you advice on how to run your life can be supportive sometimes but ultimately you need to know when to put all the input on YOUR scale and then make your own decisions. With your own needs in mind.

Pile 2: The Devil, Sighs, The Enemy
Oh boi. Feeling trapped much? Well I got news. You’re trapping yourself. Seriously. I am the first one to blame the systems and recognise the harm of oppression but this time you are holding yourself back big times. So instead of watching your back from enemies, look inside you cause your fears and your chains will be found there. And once you find them and accept them you can integrate them or let them go and start anew. Either ways, things will change drastically for the better from there onwards.

Pile 3: Judgement Rx, Maiden, Heartfelt Joy
You needn’t be so critical of yourself. As you continue your work or reconnecting to your emotional self, embracing the receptive, intuitive e soft nature (that you have denied for way too long!) you will begin to see changes. Some more obvious than others. Be mindful, pay attention, and be grateful for each nugget that comes your way.

I hope you found some inspiration and ideas of direction.

Collective readings are always kind of challenging for me to do but I love them and I’m enjoying finding my own style with these 🖤.

If you want your own personalised reading, a coaching session to problem-solve, or starting a new journey of introspection and growth: GET IN TOUCH! You can DM with any questions or check my bi0 ✨


Full Moon wind down. Connecting with my land, practicing old medicine, feeling into what wants to be felt.

Reading books has been extremely difficult in the past yea, it requires so much effort. I love it, and it is hard. In this lunation energy, leaning into the stable fire of Leo whilst letting the creative juices flow has been really supportive.

In my path, Full Moons aren't a time for workings and rituals, they are time of rest, listening and feeling. So I made a lunar tea, got my Sibille and let whatever wanted to come through to just do that 🖤

Take the "should" out of your spirituality. It doesnt belong there.


The start of a new year can come with all sorts of feelings: from hope and inspiration to regret and overwhelm.
It’s a prime time to get a reading or coaching session to support you in starting off just as you want and setting up to define and reach your goals!!
And, you can have it *for free*!!
To enter:
- follow me
- like and save
- share and tag me
- comment what is your desire for 2024?
That’s it ✨
Closing on 09/01. Winner announced on same day.

This is not in any way affiliated with Instagram nor Meta.


Whilst we can all agree that buying from independent businesses and small-batch creators is *much* better than buying from fast-producing corporations, it can feel quite hard on the sensitive souls when we realise that we can’t buy from *all* the small biz that we love.
So take this as a reminder that you’re being awesome for supporting indie creators as much as you can, and when you can’t make a purchase, there are tons of *free* ways in which you can support them!!
Share this pic and tag some of your favourite artists and makers -> help them (and me!) get discovered 🫶🏼
I’ve tagged some of my favourites in the post, go check them out! And keep being awesome 🤩
In Shadow and Light,

Photos from Rach Does Magic's post 17/11/2023

Upcoming events, from now till the end of the year (ish).
In the new year I will take a bit of a break from markets, so if you want to grab any of the markets' specials, make sure to save the date(s)!
Some of the regular spots AND some new ones 👀 - have you spotted them?
Also taking this as an opportunity to thank every event host in the North East who supported me over the past few years and all the clients and the amazing feedbacks you always share with me. I literally could not do this without you all 🥰💫🧙

Photos from Fuzzy Bosom's post 17/11/2023

Looking forward to this!! Will be a big one 🤩

Photos from Rach Does Magic's post 13/11/2023

New Moon, New Cycle begins.
With Scorpio new moon reminding us to be unapologetically vocal, keeping the tongue sharp and the actions focused and purposeful, I found safety and solace in a me tal retreat.
It is important to remember that although each astrological event carries and intrinsic energy, the way the energy interacts with each individual is different.
And as a consequence, how we can harness and make the most of the energy changes, based on our personal charts and how the transits (the movement of the planets and luminaries) interact with it.
Do you know how to make each astrological event work in your favour? And if not, would you want to learn?
Let me know in the comments!


Come and find me at Rage & Love this Sunday ✨🖤🧙🏼‍♀️

This Sunday!
Tarot Readings, Energy Healing, Shadow Intergration with the fantastic Rach Does Magic 💜✨


It’s the First of October, we’re more than a week into the magical season of Autumn 🍂.
Spooky season is 100% here and the spirits start to be louder and more inclined to be noticed.
Are you willing to listen and see?


Got this much awaited book on the day of release!! .word.witch I’m so excited to dive in.. and I’m in the best company ever 🥹🧙🏼‍♀️✨🐾

I love learning new viewpoints and new perspectives - especially Radical ones!!


Last Sunday of Summer, a good time to take stock of all the bounty that’s come our way in the past 6 months.
Also, the beginning of the most spirit-friendly season for me, when I feel so deeply connected to my inner witch, my spirituality, my Practice.
Connecting to the Land Wights and the Spirits of the home has been such a transformative process, one that has made me grow immensely and has shown me my place in the world in a very magical way.
I’m so excited for all that has yet to come 🖤.
I felt prompted to share this with you all:
I am present, I am ready, I am grateful.
And if you feel it, use this affirmation for yourself as we transition in the dark half of the year.


One week to go ✨
Come and join me at the best alt store in the North East for some chilled vibes, comfy sofas, badass clothes, and of course A LOT of magic 🔮✨
Tarot readings, Energy healing, Shadow work and much more.. message if you have any questions and to book a slot 🫶🏼


It will be my first time down that neck of the woods 🥹🥹 come say hi! ✨

Here's another one of our new fantastic Vendors... Rach Does Magic who offers a range of divination techniques.


Leo season season is in full swing, we celebrate the first harvest, and this month is all about abundance, sharing and generosity!
This Full Moon in Aquarius is defo enhancing my need to serve the collective in more ways so I’m coming at you with a little *offer*!
If you book yourself for an online reading during August, and/or if you get a full reading at a market, you will receive a £5voucher to spend on a follow up service of your choice ✨
You can keep the voucher for yourself or you can gift it ~ whatever makes your soul the happiest 🥹
So, if you’re coming tonight at you’ll get the very first physical copies ever! And also, keep your eyes peeled for upcoming dates too 🫶🏼
Wishing you all a wonderful day!
Stay blessed, and stay witchy 🖤

Photos from Rach Does Magic's post 29/07/2023

Holy shizzles!! In the last 7 months I read for 1000 human beings.
How wild!!
To think that so many people invested their hard earned money in me and trusted me enough to open their heart to me is giving me *all* kind of feels 🥹🫶🏼.
What a life I’m living!! ✨


Free Pagan Magazine, packed full of information, ideas, witchy things and more!!!
Gove it a read 🖤🖤

ITS HERE! EVERYONE! Our 27th Issue, Lughnasadh is here for you to enjoy!! It's completely free to download on our website!


We hope you enjoy! ✨️


A few more prompts from the Simple Tarot Challenge by . I love Melissa's challenges because they come with no pressure of consistency (concept that my ND brain cannot stand!). So when I feel called and have the spoons, I sit and answer some of the prompts: such good inputs I got today!!

Today I drew promotions 9to15 and here some reflections...
10) how do I overcome obstacles: ace of swords. What obstacle? I see no obstacle, just winning opportunity 😁, seeing obstacles as a must conquer it type of mission. Get the spark, find that out of the box solution, and knowing I will get it done.
13) Energy to let go of: 8 of wands. Stop rushing and looking for battles to fight. It's ok to have no conflicts sometimes.
15) My bad habits: knight of swords. LMAO. Sharp tongue and a need to always run against the current and towards danger. Yes please 🤗🙈.

I totally recommend you go and see the challenge, see if any prompts call out to you and draw a few cards and have fun with it!

~if you want me to read for you, DM or check my bio for more info~


Past 2 days have been rather poo(r)… My body needs some help fighting *all* of these flare ups so I crafted an anti inflammatory and antioxidant concoction 💛 added some magic, charged with healing energy and now… trust the process ✨
DM for the recipe 🧙🏼‍♀️
Also it’s 🖤👻🎃


Today I’m starting a new journey of less self-censoring and more openness. This is challenging my nervous system and that is ok because the challenge is coming from a place of love AND I have the tools to regulate and resource.
On Mars day, as Mars gets into Pisces, the doing becomes more important AND more gentle.

Abundance, however *YOU* define it, is your birth right too! Find the courage to believe in this, and claim it for yourself 🌙

With all the love,


Joined July tarot challenge. Here are some considerations about days 1 to 8:
✨1) How do I create magic? Devil Rx
Diving in the depth of darkness, embracing the shadow self and empowering others to do the same. Magic as Liberation.
✨3) How to nurture myself: 4 of Swords
Sleep and Frolic. Rest the whole of me, guilt free.
✨6) What big decision is coming up? 2 of Pentacles, Rx
Reworking my priorities cause I need to find a balance that works for me. Not the cookie-cutter type. My own.
I got so much value out of doing this spread and I’m really grateful for the insights I found.
Take this as an invitation to join in, do it when it feels good, in a way that works for you 🖤

And if you like introspective, shadow-work kind of readings and you want me to read for you DM to book ✨🧙🏼‍♀️🌑
Also wee thanks to for spitting such a gem, activated.

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