The unsung stories of the fallen ones

The unsung stories of the fallen ones

They asked me to do this a long time ago... the time is finally here.


Chapter 2

After months of not having new info I was starting to think that this was going to be the end of it, but life has her ways of surprising me when I least expect it, the little bitch... I was NOT ready for the bomb that was just dropped on me today. Honestly I still don't know how to feel about it... it's a mix of for f***s sake and relief because now some things make so much sense.
When it comes to love I have been chasing a particular feeling my entire life. It was nagging at me endlessly, always there, always pushing 'you need to find it! it's out there! you need to find it!' It's that special feeling that movies are made after... that love that ignites your very being the moment you lay eyes on them.
Even though I would deny it most times, I secretly hoped that I would meet that special person in this lifetime. The past few years and a second broken marriage have kind of cured me of that secret hope though. I stopped hoping to meet the one person that I would set the world on fire for, the one person that I could not breathe, or live without... those were just fairy tales spun by hopeless romantics.
A couple of years ago I learned about the so called twin flames and my first reaction was 'it's not for me. I'm not going to meet that special person, at least not in this life time, if ever' If I only knew how right I was
*bitter sad laugh*

I've had a very full week at work. Normally I work from home, but some times I'm needed on site to help with different things and this was one of those ocassions. I didn't have the chance to think or try to connect with my ghost budy all week... until today. There's a coworker that's been pi***ng me off all week, we've had our ups and downs but it generally ends with peace. This morning my mind was not present and she was being extra sassy, said something and left. I honestly didn't even bother to process her very presence, ignoring most of her chitchat.
The second she left, a pretty big and heavy wire rack flew towards her head, missing her by a couple of milimetres. It fell from the top of a fridge she was pasing by... way taller than her, nobody touched it. My other coworker instantly called out my name which made me laugh so hard. I just told her "I wish I had that kind of power' but the next moment I realized what it was... it was him, he did it, I had no doubt about it.
But why? Why would he defend me (especially when I didn't need it at the time, she wasn't maliciuos just annoying as f**k). Thinking about it I heard twin flame, a very soft and loving voice... maybe it was my own, but it was a tone that I hadn't discovered yet. I chuckled at the idea. It couldn't be, could it?
The more I thought about it the more information I seemed to be knowing. We are twin flames, two parts of the same soul, separated gods know when and we've been chasing each other ever since. Every time we find each other something happens and we get separated again and again and again in an endless cicle... I have the strong feeling that it's always tragic.
I was taken back to that first vision, the two hands held together on gray, apocaliptic, bloody backgruond... I had a faint feeling that it was about a couple at the time...that was us.
Something tells me the deal he made with the so called devil was so that we could finally be together.
Something tells me he already burnt down the world for me at least once and he would probably do it again even though he is kinda pi**ed for the trouble I got him into. This has me so conflicted... every new answer I get brings hundreds more questions... typing that word reminded me of what he said that night 'you're asking the wrong questions. the important thing is what I've done'


Devil doesn't bargain
Chapter 1

I was minding my business at work as usual. It was nighttime and I was listening to music to keep myself awake. At one point I felt it's presence, The eerie feeling creeping in like always.
'You don't scare me!' I tell it. I am not afraid of you!' no answer
Minutes pass by and work distracts me. Out of the blue I hear a screech, just like zombies do in the movies. Then a weird hiss behind me, opposite to the direction it first came from. Scared the crap out of me... almost like saying 'wanna bet I can still scare you?'
I growl back discontented.
'Still not afraid of you'
This presence puzzles me. At first I thought simple haunting case. Lost spirit won't leave because of gods know what personal reason. It doesn't feel like it has the best intentions towards the people that share that space, but at the same time it doesn't feel rotten to the core.
I find myself asking the same questions as I did so many times before: who are you? what are you? what do you want?....of course no answer comes. What did I expect? Silly kid
Not being able to shake it I message a friend, one that won't think I'm crazy. I start describing our relationship to her: It likes to scare me and after that we're friends. It's like it likes to establish dominance.
Thinking how to best describe this spirit I found myself knowing way more things that I did before.... 'So you do want to talk you as**at' and with that mental note I continue describing this thing.
It feels male and it's been stuck here for a very very long time. So long that it almost feels merged with the place's energies. He cannot leave although he wants to so badly. As I was tipping this I felt him trying to attach himself to me
'No! You cannot come home with me (this is the second time I'm tipping this and both times I tipped 'home to me'... I'm sure this will make sense later). Absolutely not!'
I went on telling my friend that I'm not sure whether it's a human soul or another type of entity bound to this place and as I wrote the second part I got chills through my entire body.... it doesn't feel like a simple soul, but not completely deity like either. It feels like someone that gained a lot of power somehow. But why was it bound... 'what did you do?' as I asked this question I instantly kenw I wasn't ready to receive this answer. I circle back:
what are you?
that's not important (the answer comes swiftly and clear as day)
maybe it's important to me (I fight back)
you're asking the wrong question (he says patiently)
the important thing is what I've done
what did you do?
I only saw a flash, two hands held together while the background was chaotic, bloody and grey... a lot of grief , pain and it somehow feels like it has something to do with children... a lot of them. My eyes widen in sorrow and horror
'what did you do???' I ask again as I can barely contain my feelings.
' you're not ready for that' the answer comes.
I instantly regreted not having my pendulum on me, I had so many unanswered questions! My mind racing... If this thing hurt a lot of children it makes sense that it is bound... but something still doesn't feel right, I know for a fact I don't have all the pieces to this puzzle. The energy feels like he did something evil during his lifetime but he didn't want to, or he realized the consequences of his actions when it was too late... as I'm rummaging through these thoughts a song catches my attention... The devil doesn't bargain, it says...
The devil doesn't bargain
It's useless, don't do this
It's hubris to try
He's ruthless, you knew this
I told you, didn't I?
He's abusive, elusive
The truth is, he lies
I know you don't want to let go
And just like before
I can see that you're sure
You can change him but I know you won't...
I've been listening to this song on repeat for some days I know why... it suddenly has a new meaning, the feeling of being stuck in a situation you desperately want to get out of but can't find a way overwhelms me... you've made a pact with the devil didn't you?
No answer comes and I'm left trying to shine light on this situation.
'you need to make amends, don't you?' again, no answer...
