

Our Cell Therapy Center offers advanced patented methods of stem cell treatment for different diseas.


Sharing with you our new method of stem cells administration 🧠💉👃🏻


This is the letter from mommy of our patient with autism.
Patient: P.L. Male
Country: Bulgaria
Age: 7
Hello Emcell team, happy to finally find time to tell you everything about P.'s progress. He is doing really well in preschool and in all other therapies. The understanding is something big for him now and he is able now to learn new things and to be a part of our family. Now he can ask for food, for walk-yes only with two, three words, but still is something big for us. Petar visits psychologist 5 times weekly, occupational therapist-2 times and speech therapist-2 times weekly. He enjoys all the time spent this summer on the beach, learn how to ride scooter, how to kick a ball, how to throw a ball, how to bathe, how to blow out candles, to make soap bubbles. He had a birthday party with friends and for the first time he didn't cover his ears and blow out the candles. So many things have happened that i hope i don't miss anything. We also included in his treatment another ten course with Cortexin and we are extending the second course with Pantogam+Nivalin. He is currently also on an antiparasitic protocol, so are we. Then we will clean the heavy metals from his body and will be really really happy to see you as soon as this corona virus situation finished.
Thank you !


Intracoronary stem cell administration 💙💛 New and effective treatment method of CHF.
For more information you can simply send us a message on Messenger


Hello all. I have spoken to some Americans who have successfully made the trip to EmCell this month. For them, they arrived and got a COVID test by border control at Ukraine airport, then within 24 hours got a notification of a "negative test", freeing them from any monitoring after arrival. They do, however, ask that you install a SIM card into your phone for tracking during the first 24 hours.
It is also safest to get a get a COVID test at home within 48 hours before arrival to Kiev, as a safe backup.
More info:


March 25, 2021: Episode 12 of "The God Cells Podcast". Leigh and her father Dennis, (daughter and father). It's an entertaining conversation.
