Kokyu mindfulness school

Kokyu mindfulness school

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Kokyu mindfulness school, Health & Wellness Website, .


Infinite gratitude!


Timeline photos 07/11/2020

Neither before, nor after.... everything comes when it is supposed to....

Timeline photos 12/10/2020

Here and now:
I am the most powerful magnet for happiness, abundance, health and harmony. The whole universe is on my side....
for kids

Timeline photos 07/10/2020

Timeline photos 03/10/2020

The first seed for abundance is gratitud!

Timeline photos 27/09/2020

Timeline photos 21/09/2020

There is no one as powerful as you as when you trust in yourself!

Timeline photos 19/09/2020

Fluyamos sin expectativas, viviendo el aquí y el ahora. Así encontraremos la felicidad! Let’s be fluid without expectations, living in the here and now. This way, we will find our happiness.

Timeline photos 15/09/2020

Agradece cada día por todo lo que tienes.... grande o pequeño y verás la fortaleza que vas a ir adquiriendo. Vibrarás alto y atraerás cosas increíbles de alta vibración. Be grateful for everything you have.... big or small and you will see the strength that will come from within you. You will vibrate in high frequencies! And will attract amazing things that vibrate in high frequencies as well.

Timeline photos 07/09/2020

Acuérdate que TU PUEDES! Si te mantienes positivo en una situación negativa... ¡tú ganas!
Remember that YOU CAN! If you stay positive during a negative situation.... you win!

Timeline photos 30/08/2020

“Ama lo que haces y haz lo que amas” papá Jaime.

Photos from Kokyu mindfulness school's post 19/08/2020

No permitas que nadie te lleve a su tormenta, mejor atráelos a tu paz. Aprendamos a mantener la calma, es nuestra mejor defensa. Don’t allow anyone to drag you to their storm, instead, bring them over to your peace. Let’s learn how to stay calm, it is our biggest shield. 🌻

Photos from Kokyu mindfulness school's post 17/08/2020

Agradezcamos por cada cosa que tenemos sea grande o pequeña! Let’s be grateful for every thing we have, big or small!

Photos from Kokyu mindfulness school's post 02/08/2020

¡Vive tu vida al máximo! Viniste a este mundo a ser feliz. ¡Busca y encuentra lo que te llena el alma!
Live life at its fullest! You came to this world to be happy! Search and find what fills your soul!

Photos from Kokyu mindfulness school's post 31/07/2020

Deja que tu imaginación y tus sueños vuelen alto. Vive la vida al máximo sin temor, sin ataduras, sin miedos. Dando gracias por todo lo que Dios y la vida nos da. ¡Que viva la vida!
Let your imagination and your dreams fly high. Live life at its fullest without fears, nor attachments. Being grateful for everything that God and life give you! Hooray for life! ̃os ̃os

Timeline photos 27/07/2020

Learn to find the companionship within yourself that you cannot find outside. Those who are ok with themselves are never lonely.

Photos from Kokyu mindfulness school's post 25/07/2020

Cuando sintás que las cosas pesan, aseguráte de detenerte, respirar y ser vos! Tené confianza y fe de que todo va a salir bien. Disfrutá cada momento de tu vida al máximo!
When you feel that life is heavy, make sure you stop, breath, and be! Have faith that everything is going to turn out well. Enjoy every moment of your life fully!

Photos from Kokyu mindfulness school's post 21/07/2020

Vive tu vida al máximo, sin miedos, sin ataduras, sin apegos. Vive tu vida con amor, con fe, con esperanza, con emoción. Atrévete a saltar y volar, atrévete a cumplir tus sueños. Enseñale a tu hijo(a) a vivir al máximo!
Live life at its fullest, without fears, without restrains nor attachments. Live your life with love and faith, with hope, see life with excitement. Dare to jump and fly, dare to make your dreams come true. Teach your children to live life at its fullest.

Timeline photos 18/07/2020

Take advantage of this stop in the road to grow spiritually. To become stronger from the inside out. ́jaime

Timeline photos 18/07/2020

Aprovechá este alto en el camino para crecer espiritualmente y conocerte desde tu interior. Para fortalecerte de adentro hacia afuera. ́jaime

Timeline photos 16/07/2020

Let’s appreciate the wonderful moments given to us. Let’s hold in our hearts all the blessings that God gives us. Being grateful each and every moment that we are alive.

Timeline photos 16/07/2020

Coleccionemos los momentos mágicos que la vida nos regala. Guardemos en el corazón esas bendiciones que nos da Dios, agradeciendo cada instante que nos toca vivir.

Timeline photos 14/07/2020

Practiquemos actos de bondad cada instante que podamos. El dar lo mejor de nosotros a cada ser viviente nos hace vibrar en una frecuencia muy alta librándonos de enfermedades, miedos, depresión e infelicidad y nos da esa felicidad interna que no se consigue con nada material. El solo hecho de darle a alguien una sonrisa, aunque sea con los ojos, le puede cambiar el día a esa persona y te lo cambia a vos también.

Timeline photos 14/07/2020

Let’s practice acts of kindness every time we can. Giving our best to every living being makes us vibrate in high frequencies sparing us from illnesses, fear, depression and unhappiness and it will give us that internal joy that cannot be attained by any material possessions. The simply gift of giving a smile to someone, can change their day and it will change yours for sure!


Es muy importante que los niños aprendan a encontrar la calma por si solos y encontrar esa fuerza interior especialmente en tiempos como los que vivimos en estos momentos. Este vídeo nos enseña un ejercicio de respiración simple y fácil de entender que puedes hacer con tus niños. Si quieres, lo puedes hacer tú también.


It is so important for children to learn how to calm themselves and find that inner strength, especially in challenging times like the ones we are living right now. This short video shows an easy exercise that you can do with your children. You can even do it for yourself.
