Mike Vandermus for School Board

Mike Vandermus for School Board

I will be running for Harbor Springs School Board in the November Election.

My purpose is to be an advocate for ALL kids and their opportunities both during and after high school through the classroom, the community and extracurricular programs.


Thank you all for your support and your trust! I am honored to work for a great school district and I will do my absolute best to help represent our community, kids and staff and to ensure that those we entrust our kids to on a daily basis have the resources needed to continue doing a great job in helping to educate and build character (of the highest quality) in them. I am excited to begin working with other board members, teachers, coaches, faculty and parents in this new role!

"There is no more powerful leadership tool than your own personal example" - John Wooden


The youth are the future of our community. I could not be more grateful to be part of such a great community that has been so supportive of my family over the years. I remind my kids often how lucky we are to live in Harbor Springs and the responsibility of being kind and caring to every boy and girl in their schools. We are constantly faced with choices each day and sometimes the right choice is the tough one. I am appreciative of all who have voted for me and for those who choose to vote for me tomorrow, and I will do my best and be dilligent and careful in helping to make the right decisions for our district, our kids, our staff and our community while being transparent doing so and keeping families and staff involved.

"To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same as to be right in doing it."

G.K. Chesterton


It's a blessing having such a great community to raise our family in. Trick or treating never disappoints in small town Harbor Springs!


Abraham Lincoln once stated that "The best way to predict your future is to create it." The future of our youth begins with education; educating the mind and the heart - the whole child. My wife and I, and now two of our girls (Rylie and Skylar) have been fortunate enough to experience this education through amazing teachers, coaches and leaders. It would be a privilege to be a part of a board that prioritizes the entirety of this education both inside and outside of the classroom.


We have a few signs left if anyone would like one for their yard! Message me and we can get one out there!


My name is Mike Vandermus, and I am running for a spot on the Harbor Springs School Board on November 8th. I am doing this as a long time Harbor Springs resident and community member. I am one of 8 kids in my family, 7 of which graduated from Harbor Springs High School. Having graduated in 2010 as a 4-sport student-athlete, I went on to play 4 years of college football at Albion College and earn a double major in both Kinesiology and Communications. My wife Kaela (another 2010 Harbor Springs graduate) and I moved back up to Harbor Springs in 2014 to work for the family excavating business, coach athletics and raise our family. We coached for six years at Harbor Springs, but more importantly, hopefully helped to develop character and work ethic throughout those years. We now have 3 daughters at the ages of 7, 5 and 1 and the two eldest both attend school here in Harbor Springs. My wife and I plan on being here for years to come and we want to ensure that not only our kids, but just as importantly yours, have the same support, safety and opportunities that we experienced growing up here. It is also important to me, that taxpayer funds are being used in the best interest for the students and ensuring that those we trust them with on a daily basis (teachers, coaches, mentors and faculty) have the resources needed to give our youth the opportunities they deserve to be successful throughout, and more importantly after, their time in Harbor Springs Public Schools. I take the education and development of our youth and the future of our district very seriously. It would be an honor to have not just your vote but your trust, that I will stand for the best interest of our youth, our district and our community.
