The Healthy Leadership Company

The Healthy Leadership Company

Imagine the possibilities when you tap into your inner wisdom and magic… Be Phenomenal.


The Power of Vision, Intention, Goals AND the Tension!

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about my business (and life).

Naturally, being a coach, I go to the strategies that people like Simon Sinek tout... and look at the big picture, the vision, or the “Why”.

But I've learned, there is so much more!

Looking at , the interplay between vision, goals, intention, AND tension, creates a powerful framework for success.

Here are some thoughts about these concepts, or dare I say, driving forces:

🌟 Vision is the big picture or long-term destination. It’s an overarching, aspirational view of what you want to achieve in the future. Vision is broad and inspiring, providing direction and purpose. It’s your ultimate "why."
As you know, a compelling vision unites teams, ignites passion and keeps us moving forward, even in the face of challenges. It is the ultimate destination that makes the journey worthwhile.
Example: “To create a sustainable, innovative company that positively impacts the world.”

✨ Intention is the mindset and commitment behind your actions. It’s the spark. It’s the deliberate focus and purpose that guide your daily efforts.
Intention is internally driven, reflecting your values and desires. It’s the clear, focused energy that sets everything in motion. It’s the "how" that guides your behaviour and decisions with purpose and clarity. When we lead with intention, we inspire those around us to move in alignment with our values.
Example: “To approach every project with creativity and integrity.”

🎯 Goals are the specific, measurable targets you set to achieve your vision. They give you direction and break down your vision and intention into actionable steps, providing milestones for progress.
So, goals are the "what". They give structure to our efforts and help keep us focused and motivated, turning intention into tangible achievements.
Example: “To increase revenue by 20% in the next fiscal year.”

💥 Tension, often seen as negative, is actually a crucial component of growth. Tension is the catalyst. It’s the space between where we are and where we want to be. It’s the creative force that challenges us to stretch beyond our comfort zones.
Sitting with the tension means recognising that growth often comes from moments of discomfort. Knowing that this tension is normal, fuels our progress beyond our comfort zones.

Together, these elements create a dynamic and effective leadership approach. Whether that’s leading your team, your business, or your Self.

By setting clear intentions, embracing tension, defining actionable goals, and holding a compelling vision, we can achieve phenomenal outcomes.


Slow. It. Down.

What do hostage negotiators, dogs, and tortoises have in common?

They all understand the power of slowing down.

As I’ve mentioned before, so many of us are ‘busy’ and ‘rushing’.
I’ve also had the experience of being accused of not caring about someone, simply because I seemed ‘too busy’.

It is easy to rush through conversations and life in general. But as Chris Voss highlights in "Never Split the Difference," slowing down can be life or death important.

"If we're too much in a hurry, people can feel as if they're not being heard, and we risk undermining the rapport and trust we've built... When you slow the process down, you also calm it down. After all, if someone is talking, they’re not shooting."

When we slow down, we create space for deeper understanding, better connection, and more thoughtful responses.

It allows us to:
• Listen deeply: Truly hear what the other person is saying and what they're not saying.
• Ask calibrated questions: These encourage the other person to think and reveal more information.
• Influence: By slowing the pace, we can steer the conversation more effectively.
• “Win the race”: As the tortoise and the hare remind us.
• Enjoy life: As our dogs teach us.

This principle doesn't just apply to negotiations. In life, slowing down helps us appreciate the journey, build stronger relationships, and make better decisions.

So, whether you're negotiating a deal or walking your dog, (or observing a tortoise), remember to breathe, listen, and slow it down.

You'll be surprised at how much more you can achieve.


The Leadership of Orca Whales: Wisdom of the Matriarchs! 🌊🐋

I recently learned that in the fascinating world of orcas, leadership isn't defined by physical prowess and power, but by wisdom and experience.

Post-menopausal female orcas, the matriarchs, lead their pods with unparalleled grace and intelligence, guiding their families through the vast oceans.

These matriarchs are revered and respected, their wisdom crucial for the survival and success of their pods. They know the best hunting grounds, understand complex social structures, and navigate uncertain waters with an intuitive sense honed over decades.

I believe their leadership actually transcends age and gender... demonstrating profound insights, knowledge and strength, ensuring the pod remains cohesive and resilient and thrives in the face of challenges.

We can (and I believe we must) learn from the orcas' example, recognising and respecting the indispensable contributions of seasoned leaders. Be open to learning from the depth of their experience.

For each of you, as leaders in the professional world, know that you can draw on your own wealth of experience to guide and inspire those that you lead and serve.

For all of us, it's a reminder that our journeys are enriched by the diverse perspectives and wisdom of all, especially those who've navigated through life's various stages.

It's a call to action for us to honour and integrate the wisdom of older leaders in our professional and personal lives, ensuring their voices are heard and their insights respected. To celebrate the power of wisdom and the importance of valuing all voices, especially those who've navigated life's diverse challenges. Whether in the ocean or our businesses and workplaces, the experience and knowledge of seasoned leaders are indispensable.


What if Imposter Syndrome Was a Good Thing?

I remember the first time I experienced Imposter Syndrome.

It was in an ‘oral practical’ exam in my finals as a medical student.

Imagine this... in a room, moving around to different tables of examiners, not knowing what you’re going to be asked to demonstrate or talk about. A bit like speed dating but very different!

I still remember the exact moment when I thought: “What if they find out that I don’t really know this. I’m not really good enough to be a doctor!”

Most of us perceive Imposter Syndrome as a negative, debilitating force. A really serious SYNDROME to be fought against and overcome.

It’s that persistent fear of being exposed as a "fraud," despite clear evidence of our competence and achievements.

Many high achievers—leaders, executives, and professionals—struggle with this syndrome, feeling they don’t deserve their success.

What Research Has Shown
Research indicates that nearly 70% of people will experience Imposter Syndrome at some point in their careers. It affects individuals regardless of their career stage or level of success. Interestingly, studies also suggest that this phenomenon often accompanies high achievement and ambition.

But what if we could see Imposter Syndrome differently? As Normal?

Maybe Imposter Syndrome is a sign that we’re exactly where we need to be, and definitely on the right track?

Maybe Imposter Syndrome shows you have:

A Growth Mindset
Feeling like an imposter often means you're stepping out of your comfort zone. It's a signal of your willingness to take on new challenges.
It indicates that you're learning and evolving.

Humility and Self-Reflection
Imposter Syndrome can keep us grounded and humble. There's always more to learn and that can motivate us to seek feedback, keep improving, and remain open to new ideas and perspectives.

Empathy and Connection
Recognising this syndrome in ourselves can increase our empathy and connection with others experiencing the same doubts. Linked with vulnerability, when we share our experiences, we break the sense of isolation that often accompanies these feelings.

Drive and Motivation
The fear of being "found out" can serve as a powerful motivator for many of us to prepare thoroughly, develop our skills, and strive for excellence.

Authenticity and Courage
Acknowledging our imposter feelings requires inner courage and authenticity. It means being honest about our insecurities and recognising that everyone has moments of self-doubt. This can reassure and inspire others.

So, think about Imposter Syndrome as a normal part of personal and professional growth.

In a sense, you are an imposter if you're growing and being someone different. You’ve never been there before. So, celebrate that you've stepped out of your comfort zone. You have evolved and grown into a new future phenomenal self!


If you're curious about coaching, NLP, time based techniques and hypnosis....

Time is running out to sign up for this phenomenal experiential workshop this weekend...

Step Into Your Power Workshop
(18 and 19 May 2024)

Based on 'The Secret to Creating Your Future' Book and Seminar.

Really experience the power of NLP and related tools for quick and long-lasting change in your life now.

Apply many of the NLP principles and processes for change, such as:
•Prime directives of the unconscious mind
•NLP communication model
•Well Formed Outcomes
•NLP Values elicitation
•NLP Goal setting

Timeline based techniques
•Using timeline to release negative emotions from the past
•Using timeline to get rid of anxiety
•Using timeline to get rid of self-limiting beliefs
•Creating your future - putting goals into your timeline

Guided hypnosis for success.

Message or Email me: [email protected]


How do you Steer Your Ship Through Storms?

As a leader navigating the vast sea of life’s waters, we often suddenly remember that we are the skippers of our own boats!

Yet, as I often say - and remind myself - what truly defines us is not just the smooth sailing days, but how we weather the storms when they inevitably arise.

So, when bad weather hits our sails—whether it's in the form of unexpected challenges, setbacks, or crises, feelings of uncertainty or discouragement —it's crucial to stay grounded and maintain our leadership stance.

Here are three principles to stay captain of your ship and Into Your Power when faced with turbulent waters:

1. Stay Calm and Centred: Like a sturdy vessel built to withstand rough seas, learn to cultivate resilience within yourself. When challenges arise, acknowledge them, but don't let them shake your core. Instead, lean into your inner strength and determination to navigate through the storm. As a leader, maintaining a calm and composed demeanor is paramount. Get into your best state possible to that you can approach challenges with a level head, allowing for rational decision-making.

2. Adapt and Course Correct: Like adjusting the sails to navigate changing winds, as leaders you must be adaptable and flexible in your approach. When confronted with obstacles, it's essential to reassess the situation, recalibrate strategies, and pivot when necessary to stay on course toward your goals. Maintain a clear vision of your destination. Take stock of your goals and values, and use them as your North Star to guide your decisions.

3. Empower Your Crew: A true leader knows that they're not alone. Surround yourself with a supportive crew who shares your vision and values. Communicate effectively, delegate responsibilities, and trust in the expertise of your team. Together, you can navigate any storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

So, when bad weather hits your sails, remember that you are the captain of your own ship.
In the end, being the skipper of your own boat isn't just about navigating the smooth waters; it's about mastering the storms and emerging stronger on the other side. By staying true to your leadership principles, accepting that storms are part of the course, build up your skillset and truly empower your team, you can not only weather the storm but emerge as a stronger and more capable leader.


Do you ever think, I wish I knew what I know now?

If so, what is ONE thing you know now, that you wish you knew then?


Feeling stuck?

Feeling stuck is a universal experience. It happens to the best of us!
But remember, there’s always a flip-side to every coin.
And although sometimes we don’t want to hear it, every setback is an opportunity for growth.

So, if you find yourself stuck in a hole, here are some insights from "The Winner's Mindset" by Shane Watson to help you climb out and handle challenging times:

1️ Stop Digging: It's simple but profound. The first step to getting out of a hole is to stop digging!
Take control of your conscious mind (yes you can) and stop any negative thoughts or actions that may be making the hole even deeper.

2️ One Thought at a Time: Your conscious mind can only actively process one thought at a time. Choose wisely what you focus on. Just like watching the ball in a game, put the right thing in your mind at the right time. Choose to fill it with a positive and constructive thought, like focusing on the present moment or visualizing success.

3️ Mind's Magnet: You cannot not think about whatever's on your mind .Be mindful of what you allow to occupy your thoughts.

4️ Control Your Dominant Thoughts: Following on from 3, your dominant thought influences your performance and emotions. Recognize that you have the power to control your dominant thought. Take charge and choose thoughts that empower and uplift you. (Sometimes, even in challenging times, I just repeat to myself, ‘think good-feeling thoughts... think good-feeling thoughts’!)

5 Perspective: Sometimes, a shift in perspective can work wonders. Take a step back, reassess the situation, and explore different angles. You might be surprised by the solutions that emerge. What’s possible?

6 Do Something Differently: If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got. If you want different results, you need to approach the situation with a different mindset. Break free from the cycle of repeating old patterns, just take one step out of your comfort zone and take a new approach for transformation. (And that may mean asking someone for help!)

In every challenge lies an opportunity for growth.

Remember, your mind is your most powerful tool in getting unstuck, overcoming obstacles and can get back on the path to achieving success.


Remove the Stone in Your Shoe!

The other day, I was in a hurry to get somewhere, and there was this annoying tiny stone in my shoe. I kept going, believing it was more important to ‘get there on time’ only to end up with a sore foot and a hole in my sock.

Have you ever felt like there's a persistent discomfort, a nagging feeling slowing your progress towards what you want to achieve? Blocking your happiness?

Maybe that's the metaphorical ‘stone in your shoe’ – the subtle yet significant obstacles that hold us back from achieving fully what we’re truly capable of – with flow and ease.

I work in the world of leadership and personal development and notice that we often overlook these metaphorical stones. They may manifest as stress, limiting beliefs, fear of failure, fear of change, self-doubt, kidding ourselves that this is ‘OK’, the uncertainty of what lies ahead, or simply staying in our routines and comfort zones. But here's the truth: until we address them, they'll continue to impede our progress ... and cause pain.

Picture this: you're walking towards your goals, each step heavier or more difficult than it should be. That discomfort? It's not just physical; it's the weight of indecision, self-doubt, unfulfilled dreams, unrealised potential.

So, here's the good news: you have the power to remove that stone!

So, what's stopping you?

Imagine for a moment a life without that constant discomfort, without the burden of that stone. Picture a path where each step is light and free, confident, purposeful and aligned with your true self.

As a leadership mindset expert, I've seen countless individuals shift their minds and transform their lives by dealing with those metaphorical stones.

It starts with slowing down, to be aware that It. Is. Just. A. Stone.

(And, as I always say – acknowledging yourself - that you have your shoes on and you are on a path – or there would be no stone!)

Then, choosing to remove it. (Sure, sometimes we need a bit of help with that step...)

Now, I challenge you to identify that metaphorical stone in your shoe.
What's holding you back from change and stepping into your power, your greatness?

Ready to get rid of those obstacles?

Reach out to me to explore how we can turn those painful stones into stepping stones!

And... Join our Step Into Your Power Workshop - Live on Line - May 18th and 18th!


Are Your Spending Your TIME Doing What Lights You Up?

Did you ever think after a meeting, or a business interaction, "well, that's an hour I'll never get back?"

I believe that we have a couple of precious resources - time and energy.

Once expended, we can't get it back.

So, therefore, it seems important to spend your time and energy on things that you feel happy about, that are aligned with your purpose, that light you up, that make a meaningful difference.

How do you know if you're on track?
If you're doing things that indicate you are on purpose?

Here's a acronym method that may help: T.I.M.E.

T = What do you spend your Time on? Consider this. It's often either something that's important to you, or, you feel obligated to do.

I = How do you feel Inspired. What inspires you often indicates your zone of genius, your superpower!

M = Money. What you spend your money on often indicates what's important to you.

E = Energy. What gives you energy? What energises you? This may be physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. Do more of this.

It's simple. The more we spend time on doing the things that are important to us, the more fulfilled and happy we'll be. The more we will love our whole life.

If you want to know how I can support you more, please message or email me: [email protected]

If you have time on the weekend of May 18 and 19, join my colleague Genevieve Lai as we show you how to clearly identify what's important in your life, clear out inner mind blocks and resistances in your way and achieve your goals the way you want them!


ANTs and how we can get Rid of them! 🚫🐜

As leaders in professional businesses and organisations, I believe that our minds and our mindsets are our greatest assets.

Yet, so often we find ourselves held back by Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) that sneak into our consciousness, undermining our confidence and creativity, growth and success.

While I’m not saying we can eliminate them for good, I know that we can certainly learn to manage our minds and even master those pesky ANTs.

This is really important - because where you bring your mind, your thoughts, your attention, your focus - will determine how you feel.

A clear mindset is vital so that you can live and lead like you mean to.

So, your brain responds to every thought you have.

In a nutshell, your thoughts cause your brain to release neurochemicals that immediately make you experience a feeling. Feelings create our behaviours... what we do or don’t do, what we say or don’t say. Our behaviours (actions) create our outcomes.

So, with a negative thought, the brain releases chemicals that immediately make you feel bad. What do you do when you feel bad? What results do you get?

Whenever you have a positive thought, your brain releases a completely different set of chemicals that make you feel good. What do you do when you feel good? What outcomes do you experience then?

So, automatic negative thoughts are based on complex chemical reactions and memories. They are designed to keep us safe and alive. You could say, they’re instinctual. These thoughts are automatic... they just happen AND they lie... a lot!

Some different types of ANTs that most us experience include:
• All-Or-Nothing ANTs
• I have no choice ANTs
• I am not good enough ANTs
• Labeling ANTs
• Mind Reading ANTs
• If Only ANTs
• Why me ANTs
• I’ll be happier when ANTs
• I should ANTs
• Blaming ANTs

However, you don’t have to believe every thought you have.

Here are a few strategies I’ve found effective for controlling or exterminating ANTs:

Awareness: Start by simply noticing when negative thoughts arise. Awareness is the first step to change.

Write down: what you are thinking. (And I also then write down what I feel, and notice what I’m doing and what results I’m getting... so, the whole sequence)

Challenge: Question the validity of your negative thoughts.

Self-coaching questions include:
• Is it true?
• Is it absolutely true?
• How do I feel when I have this thought?
• Who would I be without the thought?

Reframe: Turn the thought around to its opposite. Is the opposite true or truer than the original thought?
Replace negative thoughts with positive or neutral ones. Reframing allows us to see situations from a more empowering perspective.

Get Support: Don’t hesitate to reach out to coaches, uplifting colleagues, inspiring mentors, or motivational resources for guidance and encouragement.

Be kind to yourself: Everyone experiences negative thoughts, and it’s okay to struggle sometimes.

Remember, our thoughts create how we feel and our experience of reality, so let’s make them empowering ones!


The Mind’s Struggle to Let Go: Lessons from "The Matrix"

On a plane to Singapore recently, I watched the iconic movie "The Matrix" (again!)

I scribbled down some notes... one of them: “The Mind has trouble letting go.”
Wow, that’s the truth some days, isn’t it?

The mind often struggles to let go.

The human mind is a complex world, intricately woven with memories, emotions, and experiences. Yet, despite our best efforts, we sometimes find ourselves holding onto things that no longer serve us. Whether it's past mistakes, missed opportunities, or lingering doubts, the struggle to let go can weigh heavily and hold us back.

Morpheus delivers a profound message about the power of the mind. He challenges Neo to let go of his preconceived notions and embrace his true potential.

"Just think you are, know you are," Morpheus asserts, emphasizing the importance of believing in yourself.

I notice how this sentiment transcends the script and scenes of the film, resonating deeply with our own struggles in letting go.

As Morpheus guides Neo through his journey, he implores him to "free your mind."
You have to let it all go... fear, doubt, disbelief...

This serves as a powerful metaphor for releasing the shackles of learned and habitual inner personal barriers and obstacles that hold us back.

In our own lives, we often find ourselves trapped by the limitations of our minds. Fear whispers doubts into our ears, urging us to cling onto what is familiar and safe.

Some people I talk to actually say the feel shackled... to their job, to their business, to the way their life is. (I think that’s when we keep taking the blue pill...)

But as Morpheus reminds us, true liberation comes from letting go.

"Just let it all go," he urges. Fear, doubt, past failures — they are but illusions that constrain our potential. Only by letting go can we truly tap into our inner strength and magic, and step into our greatness and power.

So, I challenge you to consider Morpheus's wisdom.

Take the red pill.

If you would like a process, a guide or support – connect with me for a confidential conversation.

[email protected]


What's Stopping You From Reaching Your Goals?

As a doctor turned personal leadership coach and mentor, I've found that asking ourselves the right questions is crucial for personal growth and professional success.

One question stands out among the rest: What do I want?
Actually this question is better: What do I really want?

Self-coaching tip: Write it down!

But here's where the magic happens: once you've identified your desires, take a moment to acknowledge any fears or limiting beliefs that surface.

Write them down too.

Next: Challenge those fears and beliefs.
Ask yourself, "Is there any chance they're completely false?"
Look around—do others achieve what you desire?

Then, consider this: What if you went for it?

What's the worst that could happen?
And more importantly, what's the best that could happen?

At the end of the day, it all boils down to one question: Is it worth it?

Don't let fear hold you back.
Question what you believe to be true.
Imagine the possibility of what could be.
Your goals are within reach.
Dare to go for them.

If you're interested in fast-tracking this process, attend our online weekend workshop May 18 and 19, and really Step Into Your Power!


Do You Want More Time, More Productivity and More Profit?
Delegate for Leadership Success!

Do you experience:
· Not enough time
· Overwhelm - some days verging on burnout
· Frustration with your team seeming stagnated or disengaged
· Unexpected surprises revealing your blind spots
· Never finishing the ‘to do’ list, let alone addressing your ideas and goals?

I hear you!

As leaders, we're often tempted to ask ourselves, "How can I get this done?"
We’re trying to find more time, get more done and achieve personal balance.
Maybe the key lies in asking a different question: "Who can get this done for me?"

As Dan Sullivan says, look at adopting the “Who Not How” principle into your approach - delegating for increased personal and professional effectiveness.

Some benefits include:

· More Time: By adopting the "Who Not How" mindset, we liberate ourselves from the constraints of trying to do everything alone. Instead of focusing on the "how," we identify the right individuals – the "whos" – who possess the skills and capabilities to execute tasks more efficiently and effectively. By entrusting tasks to capable team members, you reclaim invaluable time to invest in strategic endeavours, driving productivity and growth.

· Team Empowerment & Skill Development: Delegation becomes a catalyst for talent development when we prioritise "who" over "how." By assigning tasks based on individuals' strengths and growth areas, we provide opportunities for skill enhancement and professional advancement, fostering a culture of collaboration, trust, and shared ownership, driving engagement, innovation and nurturing a pipeline of empowered leaders within our organisations.

· Profit Maximisation: By leveraging the expertise of others, you streamline operations, optimize efficiency, and unlock new revenue streams, ultimately boosting your bottom line.

· Strategic Focus: By leveraging the "Who Not How" principle, we elevate our ability to strategically allocate our time and resources. Rather than getting bogged down in the minutiae of ex*****on, we focus our energy on setting clear objectives, guiding our teams, and steering the ship toward our long-term vision.

· Stress Reduction & Personal Fulfillment: By letting go of the need to control every aspect of a task or project, we mitigate overwhelm and preserve our well-being. That enables a more balanced, fulfilling leadership experience.

Consider delegation as a personal and professional strategic imperative.

When you think “how am I going to do this?” ask the next question: “who could do this?”

I’m looking forward to discussing delegation further tomorrow with BRENT SZALAY (FCPA) and Talya Faigenbaum in the LIV Leaders in Practice - Delegation Unveiled: A dynamic panel discussion.

Connekt + Convert |2 Day intensive, the fast and easy path to more conversions with a world leading expert 05/03/2024

Are you in the business of selling intangibles?

Do you ever find it a struggle to sell that intangible?

Definition of intangible: Impossible to touch, to describe exactly, or to give an exact value.

Who wants to join me in learning about the mindset of a sales master to master sales?

From someone who personally closed over $40 million in coaching and training package sales ...

Click this link to sign up for this live online training on March 14 & 15:

Connekt + Convert |2 Day intensive, the fast and easy path to more conversions with a world leading expert How to get the road map to 50% + Conversion in 2 days without being pushy and losing clients.