Curating Simple

Curating Simple

Reclaiming health and vitality with nourishing foods and an empowered lifestyle. I am a Holistic Fam


Factors in infertility that you can actually do something about:

•chronic over-exposure to toxins through
👉🏼synthetic fibers like polyester
👉🏼flame retardants in clothing & furniture
👉🏼fragrance in air sprays, perfumes & candles
👉🏼pollutants in drinking water
👉🏼unnatural ingredients in home, hygiene & beauty products
👉🏼foods sprayed with pesticides & loaded with preservatives, dyes & artificial flavoring

•imbalance in the body caused by
👉🏼acidic & acid-forming foods
👉🏼low energy foods
👉🏼foods deficient in essential micronutrients
👉🏼dehydrating foods
👉🏼lack of sun exposure
👉🏼lack of fiber & variety in the diet
👉🏼obstructions like mucoid plaque, liver & gallstones, lymphatic congestion
👉🏼parasites, biofilms & bacterial overgrowth
👉🏼past or present use of pharmaceuticals

•external sources of stress such as
👉🏼EMF radiation
👉🏼disorganization & visual clutter
👉🏼low-frequency sounds, music & entertainment
👉🏼relationship strains
👉🏼financial struggles
👉🏼stimulants like alcohol, ci******es & coffee
👉🏼spiritual attacks

Regenerative detoxification is about addressing the root cause of toxicity, impairment & imbalance to restore body functions by way of regeneration & revitalization.

In today’s day & age, all of these things listed (& more) influence our reproductive fertility. It’s very likely impossible to completely eliminate ALL toxins from the body & remove ALL sources of toxicity from our home & lifestyle…

HOWEVER, with an awareness of these things & how they impact our fertility, we can step back into the driver’s seat to make conscious & intentional decisions that will improve our reproductive health naturally, as well as that of our future children & grandchildren.

If you’d like to learn more about how I reversed my infertility by addressing the root cause with regenerative detoxification, send me a message to start the conversation 🫶🏼

Infertility sucks. But there is hope with natural solutions.


I set an unofficial intention for December to keep my approach to the holidays simple, intentional & Christ-centered.

Decluttering has played a big role in that, as well as some much needed deep cleaning & TLC in areas that have been needing my attention at home, in business & in my routine.

By taking the time this month to reflect on how I can move more intentionally toward family, life, health & financial goals, I feel really optimistic that the kind of success & wealth I’m working to create for my family is just beyond the horizon🌅

As I’ve been doing this, the principle from Luke 16:10 keeps passing through my mind, that “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much.”

We must faithfully steward with care & gratitude the things we already have if we are to acquire more of what is good & maintain or improve upon it in a way that brings God glory.

We must make & hold space for the blessings to pour in, for our joy to unfold in the everyday moments.

What things are you looking to steward better in the new year & next season of your life?



Like daydreams in a glass🥭🌺✨🍊


The year is winding down, coming to a close & looks very different from what I was expecting, but it feels exactly how I truthfully wanted it to.

I did so much this year in my business that challenged & stretched me, nudged me to learn, trust & ask for help.

Right now I’m entering a new season of motherhood, marriage, business & life. I don’t know all that the next year will bring, so I’m giving myself permission to pull back a bit so I can move more intentionally & in a really balanced, enriching way in my business.

So if you’re ready for some guidance, support & natural solutions that will help you elevate your health, finances & quality of life—I’m here for it!

Just send me a message so we can chat & get you plugged into the resources you need 🌱

Wishing you all a joy-filled holiday season full of laughter, good health & an abundance of blessings✨

-Lex 🤍



We’re beyond excited to be expecting another sweetie pie come July!

This season is incredibly sweet for me because of all the effort, money & faith I’ve invested in the process of restoring my fertility naturally.

Even when the task felt daunting & the reward distant, I knew this moment would come at just the right time because my God is faithful & He provided all of the tools, resources & support I would need along the way 🙏🏼

Thanks in advance for your love & congratulations 🤍 Jade, & I appreciate it all very much!


I’m so excited to enjoy some yummy plant-based dishes & desserts today with family, while reflecting on all that I am thankful for.

I’m especially glad I remembered before we completely left the driveway that these chocolate covered cookie dough balls were still in the freezer 😅 Jade calls them “recipes” lol

I was super inspired by all the fresh plant-based recipes in the beautiful ebooks that are included in the Plant Based Bundle✨

There’s only 4 days left to purchase the bundle—a $50 investment you won’t regret!!

Click the link below to get the bundle before it’s gone & have a happy thanksgiving!🍁🍽🧡


I wasn’t always plant-based.

I grew up eating a standard American diet (SAD is the acronym for that)🙇🏼‍♀️

Kraft mac & cheese
Top ramen
Chicken Alfredo
Hamburgers, hotdogs & fries
Steak & potatoes
Fish sticks
School lunches
Capri Sun, SunnyD & sports drinks
Red Bull, Rockstar & espresso
Canned fruit
Microwaved whatever

You name it, I probably ate it.

Sure I ate fruits and vegetables, but nowhere near the proportions my body needed.

No wonder I was always bloated, had acne, eczema, and super oily skin. No wonder it’s taken so long to restore my fertility and bring my body into some semblance of balance.

Most of my life was spent filling my stomach but not feeding my cells.

The most profound shifts happened when I switched to a vegan diet. Seriously. Then even later when I better understood the role chemistry played in health, which led me to increase the alkalinity of my diet. Then even further still when I incorporated regeneratively-grown superfoods.

🤰if you’re ready to revitalize your health to prepare for conception, support your pregnancy, or elevate your motherhood experience THIS IS FOR YOU👇

An incredible round-up of plant-based recipe ebooks, guides & courses from a diverse group of professionals, influencers & creatives.

We’re talking nearly $9,000 in value for just 🤑FIFTY DOLLARS🤑

is LIVE but for a limited time only⏳

Click the link in my bio to get yours 🌱


This week has not been my favorite.

💡We’ve yet to identify the source of the electrical issues we’ve been having in part of our house since the storm

🚽Some plumbing issues arose on Saturday (we’re closer to figuring this one out)

🩸My menstrual cycle has been way more balanced this go around, BUT I’m feeling stuck as my already long luteal phase continues on

I kind of just want to crawl out of my body & hit the reset button on my life at this point!

But that’s just how it is sometimes, and it’s totally normal—even on a natural healing journey where you’re in the driver’s seat.

What I LOVE about all this is that even though things don’t feel spectacular right now, I am gaining INSIGHT in to physical, mental, emotional & relational imbalances/deficiencies/obstructions.

Learning to sit with how you feel while developing 🗝detachment🗝 between what’s happening in your life & your SELF/WORTH is powerful.

Through life’s challenges, God will bring you closer to Him & into greater alignment with the version of life He wants you to live—if you let Him!

Tomorrow at 4pm PST // 6pm CST I’ll be going live over on Facebook with my friend to talk about turning trials into triumphs in all aspects of life.

Also, this afternoon at 3 PST // 5 CST I will be going live with my girl .hooft on FB to talk some more about the holistic health course we’re working on together, called Hands on Health 🙌🏼

See you on the other side 👩🏼‍🌾


What food was given to man in the garden of Eden?


What did God tell Adam & Eve to do?

Be fruitful & multiply!

I want you to make this connection:

Our capacity to multiply comes when we are fruit-full & we are fruitful because we multiply!

Diet is one of the biggest factors at play when women & men find themselves in an infertile condition.

⚠️If you know you need to make some healthier diet changes but don’t know where to start, KEEP READING!⚠️

I’m excited to announce that in less than a week, 3️⃣ of my ebooks will be included in the upcoming round of !

This incredible bundle includes over 200 courses, ebooks & guides from a diverse group of plant-based chefs, health pros, personal trainers, authors & enthusiasts 👌🏼

❗️Don’t miss this: FOR ONLY $50❗️

The bundle will be available for a limited time, so if you don’t want to miss it, DM me your email so you can be the first to know when this offer launches!💌


3pm PST // 5pm CST tomorrow join .hooft & myself live here on Instagram as we chat about the project we’ve been collaborating on & are so eager put in your, well… HANDS!

Bring questions if you have them & any ideas for holistic health-related things you’d love to learn more about in an online course. We want this course to serve you well!

Photos from Curating Simple's post 04/11/2022

Is your fertility a priority for you right now?

This morning my priority is not to make the bed, get dressed and ready for the day, to wash the dishes, sweep the floors, do the laundry or help the toddler clean her room.

These things can wait until this afternoon, because right now I’m in a creative flow 🌊working on my slides for the Empowered Pregnancy Workshop coming up on Monday 🙌🏼 as well as some other plans I have, such as a series of live fertility discussions I’ll be having with my dear friend Nicolle every other week starting on the 16th 💃🏼💃🏾

If you do nothing else today, DO THIS👇

🌸Click the link to register for the FREE 5-day Empowered Pregnancy workshop next week

🌸Let me know in the comments if there are any topics you would like me & Nicolle to cover in our live series on fertility

🌸Tag a friend you know would love to learn more about supporting their fertility for improved conception, pregnancy, birth & postpartum outcomes

There are countless women out there struggling—openly or in silence—with infertility, pregnancy loss, and breastfeeding challenges that can be resolved or dramatically improved with a natural & holistic approach to health.

Thank you for helping me reach them!🙏🏼


Hey girl 🙋🏼‍♀️

My name is Alexis & I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to restore your fertility & revitalize your health NATURALLY.

My fertility journey really began about 5 years ago when I ditched my hormonal birth control—the patch.

What led me to do so were some horrific side effects like:

⚠️hair loss
⚠️chronic fatigue
⚠️constant bloating & gas

After discontinuing it’s use, it took me close to a year and a half to get my period back, let alone ovulate!

If it weren’t for the diet, herbs, regeneratively-grown superfoods & detox techniques I’ve utilized in the last 7 years, I would very likely be without a cycle still.

If you want to increase your fertility for improved odds of conception, a healthy pregnancy & a resilient postpartum experience, you need to start optimizing your health RIGHT NOW.

Don’t wait to make your health a priority. If you do, you’ll only be increasing imbalance, deficiency, dis-ease & infertility in your body.

Every woman I work with receives personalized insights into their current state of health & guidance on how to revitalize it sustainably for a generational impact.

DM me if you’re ready to take the next step 💃

Photos from Curating Simple's post 27/10/2022

Why we announced at 5 weeks

{With Jade} I knew very early on that I was pregnant because I was aware that ovulation was approaching due to changes in my cervical fluid, and because of the shifts I felt in my body and noticed in my behavior within the first week of conception.

Long before seriously thinking about growing our family, I knew I didn’t want to wait long to tell our family, friends, and the rest of the world that we were expecting.

My reasoning was this: If miscarriage were to occur, I wouldn’t want my husband or I to go through that experience alone. I also didn’t want our baby and joys to go unknown or uncelebrated.

The only reason we waited as long as we did, was really because we wanted to enjoy the intimacy of that very early stage of pregnancy, before the world was poking their nose in.

And actually, the first people we told were two of our closest friends on the day of their gender reveal. This happened to be about 9 days after conception, when I confirmed my suspicions with a pregnancy test—which is extremely early to detect and confirm pregnancy.

All this to say, the right time to announce your pregnancy is whenever that feels right to you. Every pregnancy is valid and worthy of celebration at all stages.

I personally think that more women would receive the proper support and care they need in the event of miscarriage if we did away with the social construct of the 12 week wait.

What are your thoughts or experiences with this?

Photos from Curating Simple's post 26/10/2022


A plant cannot thrive in soil that is devoid of nutrients or that is imbalanced in some way.

Like rich soil that nourishes the root system of a growing plant & sustains its foliage, our womb should be a nourishing, supple, warm & balanced place for a seed to be buried that will grow into a beautiful, healthy plant.

Lymphatic acidity, cellular dehydration, frigidity, restriction & nutrient deficiency are all root-cause conditions that may play a role in a woman’s experience of infertility.

To learn how you can restore fertility naturally, rejuvenate the soil of your womb & balance your body holistically, be sure to follow my page 🪴

I am shifting gears in my work as a health coach to serve women in optimizing their health to improving fertility, pregnancy, birth & postpartum outcomes 🌸 I’d love to support you on your journey to a healthy family!


If you’re experiencing fertility issues, I want you to remember that

👉fertility is not just about reproductive ability👈

Yes, our bodies need to be fertile soil for the seeds that will one day grow our babies 🌱

BUT, our mind, soul, relationships, career, ministry & lifestyle can (and should) be fruitful, too.

As daughters of the King, be not discouraged when the fruits of the flesh are delayed. Sink deeper into the soil of Christ’s love for the nourishment of spiritual seeds.

Even though the Lord’s plan for your life might not be exactly what you envisioned for yourself, His plan is always to use your story for His glory.

I know you want a baby right now. You might be afraid of your only child growing up without siblings. You might feel betrayed by your body. Like you’ve failed as a woman. Or that you’ve let your husband down…

Trust Him.

Spend time reflecting on the life you’re living. Might God be trying to preserve you for a different mission? Could He be saying “come just a little closer?” Is He calling you to use your skills, awareness, and experience to serve someone else?

Be mindful to not let the Lord’s will come secondary to your pursuit of growing a family. I know that’s hard. Instead, spend a season nurturing and mothering another area of your life and see if your faith in Him doesn’t grow and strengthen.

The next harvest could just be the fruit of your womb 🍊


Balancing your cycle takes TIME.

Because I started using hormonal contraceptives at age 15, my body never had time to establish a balanced & complete menstrual cycle.

The timely bleeds I was used to having when I would remove my birth control patch every 3rd week was not in fact the menstrual phase of my cycle, but a withdrawal bleed.

The feedback loop in my body was being disrupted by an external source of hormones, which suppressed ovulation—a vital point in a woman’s menstrual cycle.

When I finally figured out that my birth control was a factor in my health issues & was encouraging infertility in by body, I knew it had to go.

If I had not started taking charge of my fertility & supporting my health naturally when I did, or waited to get off birth control until I was ready to get pregnant, I believe I wouldn’t be a mother today.

After ditching HBC, I didn’t get my period back, nor did I start ovulating right away. In fact, that part took well over a year. And my first ovulatory cycle after that 5+ years on HBC, my daughter was conceived.

Following 9 months of pregnancy & nearly 2.5 years of breastfeeding, I achieved my first period on May 8th of this year. I am curious to see how my current cycle unfolds as I continue to cleanse, nourish & support my body naturally.

Generations of reproductive health in my family line begins with me!


The health & well-being of society is a direct reflection of the health & well-being of the family.

To boil this down even further, the health of a family depends invariably on the health of the individuals in that family. An individual’s health is largely dependent on the health of the soil in which their daily nourishment is grown.

There are so many factors that play into health & well-being, so it’s important to have a balanced, HOLISTIC approach to your lifestyle.

I am proud to be partnered with a company that GETS IT and has systems, structures & support in place to help individuals and families elevate their health sustainably because of the core values our superfoods economy are built on.

The past 3 months I’ve experienced profound growth in my health, finances, business, community connections & personal development.

This is an opportunity I I Vite you and your entire family to step into. The choice you make today will have a generational impact!



What in your life are you making harder for yourself by resisting truth? resisting change? resisting growth?

When you are called to something, be bold in taking messy action. Stand firm in your convictions without losing compassion for others who aren’t yet at the place you are in your understanding.

Doing what’s right is typically met with the most resistance from others, but it is always worth it for the peace that enters into your heart. Sacrificing your values to ease the minds of others is the best way to disrupt that peace in your heart.

Have the Doss mentality. And if you don’t know what I mean, please ask!

How you show up for yourself will be reflected in the impact you’re able to make in the lives of others.


Last year on this date, we sealed our love and lifelong commitment to each other with a kiss (followed by some paper signing).

We went with an intimate elopement at our home because our relationship has always been about US.

The day we got married was filled with special moments that we will cherish forever.

Like how we stopped at a local farm to get flowers, which ended up being closed, but somehow we got there right as a sweet old lady was leaving to close the gate, and she let us in to take whatever flowers we wanted for our special day.

Then after our little ceremony and pictures, a storm began as we left the house to dine out with our closest people. It poured down rain and there was thunder and lightning to top it all off.

Our love felt like electricity in the air that day! And the fire still burns strong ❤️‍🔥

Happy anniversary my love, !


This webinar is going to be 🔥❤️‍🔥
Put it in your electronic calendar RIGHT NOW ⚡️


I’ve only shared this with a few people because it sometimes weighs heavy on my heart…

Since coming to Christ, I’ve also come to dislike having tattoos.

Sometimes I intentionally cover them to avoid the attention they might attract or to show reverence. But even when I don’t cover them, i am at peace because I know I could never do anything of myself to be saved—I am confident in my salvation because of who my Savior is.

So I admit that whenever someone points out my tattoos, asks about them, or compliments me on them, I get uncomfortable and usually pretty quiet. Not because I can’t take a compliment, or because I don’t like the stories behind my tattoos, or because I dislike the artwork…

But because I now know that I am bought with a price. Because I am not my own to do whatever I want with this body God has given me. Because my tattoos attract undue attention to me and not to Christ. Because I don’t feel they are reflective of what I value as a Christian. Which is why I no longer talk about my own tattoos or make remarks about other people’s tattoos unless it feels right to take the conversation in this direction🤷🏼‍♀️

The Bible says in Leviticus 19:28, “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you.”

I look forward to the coming of my Lord when my body will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye. But for now, these markings on my skin serve as proof that Jesus alone can save a person like me from a sinful past.

I think that should answer the question, “So do you plan on getting any more tattoos?”

This is just the life I’m living 🙏🏼

Photos from Curating Simple's post 15/09/2022

It happens…

Sometimes we fall of the wagon or indulge ourselves a little too much.

Use these moments to gather insight about your health, what’s working or not, and the greater lessons of mind/soul/relationship.

Don’t hang yourself up when it happens, but reflect, make a plan, then jump back in!

What’s so beautiful about being in our community or working more closely with a coach is that you not only get the tools you need to elevate your health, but support, accountability, personalized guidance through the process, connection, and insights that help you do the deeper internal work.

Even if you have to take messy action, don’t miss the opportunity!


A few weeks on regenerative superfoods! Imagine what a few months or years could do for your health!?

This is simply the nutrition we SHOULD be getting from our food, but are not because of depleted soils & conventional farming practices…

🏵No you don’t have to be vegan or even vegetarian to get results
🏵No you don’t have to cut out everything you enjoy eating to get results
🏵No you don’t have to spend extra time juicing or meal prepping to get results

Can these things boost the affects of the superfoods? Absolutely!

Sustainable results can & typically do happen this quickly when you’re putting the right chemistry & an abundance of essential nutrition into your body.

Join my regenerative health community to be guided & educated through the process of your healing.

Leave a 💚 in the comments if your body is telling you YES to a simple yet profound solution!

Photos from Curating Simple's post 25/08/2022

This regenerative health community is here to support you in a personalized way by meeting you where you’re at & getting you to where you want to be in your health… and beyond 🌟

Join our team this evening for a virtual health opportunity call to learn how superfoods can cleanse & regenerate your body, followed by an informative session about our incredible business opportunity!🌱

This company truly cares about the health & wellbeing of people, as well as the planet 🌎

There’s no better time to elevate your health & wealth than RIGHT NOW 🌸

Details, link & password in the graphics… see you at 5pt/7CT!

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