Review Blastoff

Review Blastoff

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Have you noticed this in your area yet? Google has made it a lot easier to sort GMB and Maps listings by average rating. As consumers discover this tool, it's likely to put an even greater premium on getting positive reviews, but also on preventing negative reviews. I'm surprised neither Search Engine Journal nor Search Engine Land have written about this yet.

Google is also presenting different search results to a consumer searching for providers in a category vs the same search for "best" providers in the category and doing so in 2 ways. First, the local pack results are different between the two searches. Second, when you include "best" in your query, you'll only get providers rated 4.0 and above, but you can still sort for lower rated businesses (although I don't know why anyone would).

Here are some examples. The first was for a general category search and the second for the same search, but including the word "best" in the query. You might try this for a local example in your own market today. Note: It's a little more straight forward on laptop or desktop than mobile, but you can still sort the same way on your mobile device.

Businesses that leave review generation to chance are taking a big risk they'll be left out of search results entirely if consumers start sorting only for 4.0 and up or even 4.5 and up.


I really really dislike Yelp. Even more so when I had a client tell me a story of cancelling their "review boost" subscription to Yelp and then discover that Yelp removed ALL of their reviews.

Plus who gets on Yelp? Not the happy clients.

We help small businesses grow and keep all the best parts of #stayingsmall 30/12/2020

The normal response rate for facebook ads is 3%. If your conversion rate is 10% that means you need to reach 3000 of the right people on facebook to possibly make one sale.
If you are a local in-person businesses need to connect with locals who go outside- not who shop online.
Want to connect with local customers without having to buy ads and without your emails marked as spam?
Have new customers can discover your business? (even if they don’t know your name)
Combine the power of word-of-mouth referrals with the 24/7 availability of being online to generate leads constantly?
Build trust and social proof that outshines your competition? (even they’ve been around longer)
Want to know to do all of this in a way that is genuine and authentic while everyone else keeps wasting time looking like they don’t know what they’re doing?
Who is this for?
Local in-person businesses that either have high traffic (with low return-per-customer) or high-ticket offerings.
Dental practices, Chiropractors, Plumbers, Fence Repair, Landscapers, etc.

We help small businesses grow and keep all the best parts of #stayingsmall We help small businesses build trust, connection, and revenue through reviews from their local customers. Our tools gently encourage happy customers to speak out about their great experiences. Nearly 95% of all consumers start their search for a business online?

Create your Holiday Promotion in 30 minutes or less 26/11/2020

Miss our "Create a Holiday Promotion" workshop? Here's the replay!

Create your Holiday Promotion in 30 minutes or less We will take you step by step though our simple holiday promotion strategy that will help you generate more sales. In 30 minutes you’ll have: Created the per...

Black Friday Special - Review Blast Off 25/11/2020

BLACK FRIDAY SALE- Get $500 off setup and first month from Review Blastoff. PLUS a review report and strategy session included.

Black Friday Special - Review Blast Off Get FREE SETUP ($500 OFF) Our Review Generation & Management System


Enter to win this holiday gift basket and

Blog Ideas Generator 05/11/2020

Need help generating ideas to write and post about on social? Here's an amazing tool. It's free.

Blog Ideas Generator ’s free Blog Ideas Generator tool gives you a year’s worth of blog post ideas in a matter of seconds.


Most of what I do on Facebook is interact with women who are entrepreneurs. At least 10x a day, I see posts with an image saying "which one of these do you like the best" and it just tears me up.

Marketing is NOT ART. It's an image, and text designed to skillfully communicate what you are offering in a way that appeals to the audience that needs or wants what you have to sell. I know that these women are spending SO MUCH MONEY putting out ads based on the opinions of well meaning cheerleaders.

This is why the universe invented something called A/B testing. If this is you, reaching out to friends and family for opinions, first of all, please stop now. They're either going to try and discourage you (for your own good of course) or conversely they will love everything you show them ONLY because it's YOU showing it to them.

Create an A/B test and show it to ONLY people who are in your targeted customer group. See which ones they react to (like press a button) not the ones they like or think it "looks pretty".

Business is about content that creates sales, not opinions.

Creating Your Customer Avatar - Review Blast Off 27/10/2020

Want to understand who to advertise to?
I was always frustrated with the "customer avatar" process, it felt like stupid, waste-of-time guesswork.
Now that this tool is available, you can learn AMAZING detail about your REAL audience- not just who you guess that your audience is.

Creating Your Customer Avatar - Review Blast Off Want to understand who to advertise to? I was always frustrated with the “customer avatar” process, it felt like stupid, waste-of-time guesswork. Now that this tool is available, you can learn AMAZING detail about your REAL audience- not just who you guess that your audience is. The tool? Facebo...


What would happen to your business if Facebook went offline today?


The only way to reach your customers now is ONLINE. But there's 2 issues:
1- they don't know how to use the tools to see your offerings or
2- They are showing up but are so overwhelmed (by everyone's fb lives, ig lives, and free offers) that they are just adding to the noise and not really connecting with your business.
Join Us TOMORROW (March 26th) for Tips to Make You a Zoom Pro!


Local Businesses, You are wasting your ad budget on SEO!

If you are a local in-person retail or service business you can get MORE CUSTOMERS from a Google business listing than a website. 46% of all Google searches are for local businesses.

Want to know how to set up your business for free?

Register Your Business with Google for Local Search - Review Blast Off 19/02/2020

Small Biz Owners ~ A Google listing will generate more leads for you than a website!

46% of all Google searches are for local businesses.[Source: HubSpot]
People are looking for local products, services, and information every day.

Want to know how to list your business for free?

Register Your Business with Google for Local Search - Review Blast Off Bots don't do it all! How to register your business with Google to be listed in local search results.

Register Your Business with Google for Local Search - Review Blast Off 18/02/2020

Need to know how to get your business listed with Google for Local Search? Here it is!

Register Your Business with Google for Local Search - Review Blast Off Bots don't do it all! How to register your business with Google to be listed in local search results.


Research from Moz found businesses with negative reviews listed on page one of Google risk losing:

21.9% of customers if you have just ONE negative review

44.1% of customers if you have TWO negative results

59.2%of customers with THREE negative results

69.9% of customers with FOUR negative results


as much as you can!

Why do your Foursquare reviews matter at all? - Review Blast Off 10/02/2020

So, your business got a bad review on Angies list, Trip Advisor, Foursquare or some other review site. Why does it matter? Who looks at those anyway?
Google. Google looks at those.

Why do your Foursquare reviews matter at all? - Review Blast Off Bad reviews anywhere online affect your reputation everywhere not just in that corner of the internet.

How We Get Your Happy Customers to Review Your Business Online 31/01/2020

How We Get Your Happy Customers to Review Your Business Online Our process can get you more (and better reviews) from your real customers!

How this dental-orthodontic practice increased revenue 75% in one year 29/01/2020

This dental practice used the POWER of reviews to up their sales numbers by 75% !

How this dental-orthodontic practice increased revenue 75% in one year Marketing tips from Joy Gendusa.