Candid Conversations

Candid Conversations

Trainer, Coach, Mentor and student of life! Workshops and Trainings on various soft skills & behavioural skills topics. DM to know more!


Dear Learners,
Thank you for your interest in our FREE online grammar course. The campaign was closed on 20.05.2020.
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Who moved my cheese?

In the current times that are changing at the blink of the eye, itā€™s important for all beings on earth to be ADAPTIBLE. All beings apart from Humans have adaptability as an instinct. For humans, it is a skill hence, it becomes challenging for us to face a new situation with all our heart and soul.

If you have a paper and a pen, do make a list of TOP 3 things that have changed in your life post COVID-19. On the flip side, write how did you react to these situations? What was your approach? Fight, flight or freeze?

Youā€™ll be surprised, for most people there was no reaction to this situation, for the first time in a few 100 years, man has adapted to a situation this well! Sadly, not because weā€™ve learnt this as an art but because it was imposed by the governments.

The online market is emerging like never before and humans are coming up with ideas to work with the new change!

Yes, we won't deny that a few hundreds and thousands did display extreme reactions.

Having said that, if you found yourself in the FIGHT or FLIGHT matrix, NOW is a good time to reflect upon your own behaviour. If you have 10 minutes do watch this video on ā€˜who moved my cheeseā€™, it's a concept by Dr.Spencer Johnson.

This is a fabulous video that talks about how reactive humans are when it comes on the basic needs of life and how adaptive animals are in the same situation.

Subsequently, a lot of our time and energy gets consumed in the 3 Fs(fight, flight and freeze) which results in us being drained out to even think of an adaptive approach!

Video courtesy: Unknown
Concept by ā€“ Dr. Spencer Johnson


is the law of life!

Thought of the day : 'Just when you are about to plug in the last piece, the puzzle may get replaced'.

What are you going to do if the above happens?
as a pandemic has not just affected the health of people but the very core of existence. Now, we need to learn to 'thrive' vs. merely existing.

Every part of nature does it job so well and can thrive in the most challenging environment. All species have a reset button in them to forget the old and work the new way! Ironically, as humans we have forgotten our reset button which has triggered various behaviours in us like fear, hoarding objects, aggression and dissension of the current reality!

We will be posting articles, thoughts and thesis on 'CHANGE' for the next few days. Stay tuned.


Go back in time, take a minute & think about your most favourite Leader?

Who is it ? For most people, a Leader they look up to is the one who was not just a dictator, a fault digging person who continuously shared feedback on what's not going right BUT
a person who was real, caring, shared feedback equally on the mistakes as well as the accomplishments.
If you wish that your team must look up to you, 3 SIMPLE STEPS to follow:

1. Get real - Have conversations with them off work. In your to-do list, assign 15 minutes daily to talk to your team maybe over a coffee. Come what may, this shouldn't be missed

2. On-the-spot feedback - Don't wait for appraisals or a time in the future to share feedback about what they did right. Time is TODAY

3. Meet outside work - If possible, go out with your team for a coffee or dinner. You'll be surprised in 3 months of doing this once/monthly your connect with the team will be uplifted. They'll be more caring, happy and loyal towards you.


Feels like your life is falling apart?
What if we told you it's actually coming together?

Think of any glass object around you right now, it went through tremendous heat to be made into that beautiful piece of art it is now!
You'll have moments in life which will break you ironically, those are the moments which will let you ace in life!
Give your life a new perspective!!

"What you think could be breaking you, could be THE Break Through you've been looking for".

Remember: A great orator, presentor, trainer or a Leader for that matter, is a person who has some amazing life-touching stories to share which can move the audience and help them FIND their own BREAKTHROUGH



Albert Mehrabian is a professor of Psychology, born in 1939, he had published an interesting research where the entire verbal communication was divided into 3 parts - Body Language, Tone of Voice and Words.

Body Language : 55% importance was given to body language. This means, during a face-to-face conversation 55% weightage is on how we use our hands, body movements including eye contact.

Tone of Voice : Ever felt that someone you met was a robot ? Why do you think that? Was it their body language or the flat tone ?

It's usually the latter. How you modulate your voice, stress on key words, focus on your pace may not be too important for you as a speaker but it will impact the Listener's experience.
That's because Tone of Voice has 38% importance while we talk.

Words: Our spoken words, which we pay the most heed to carry just 7% weightage.

For many of us this may be surprising and for the others it is something we are aware of but may not have used!! Let us know your thoughts.
Our goal is to create a world where every conversation is impactful, important and sensible while being sensitive too.


Wonder why the last conversation you had with your Boss/colleague/spouse/friend/child didn't go as planned?

Your unhealed emotions could be a major reason for failed communications.

To be candid at every conversation, you need the 'FULL' you which means, your entire self - mind, body and soul needs to be included in that communication to leave it an impact.

Think of this - Each time you've given an interview and cleared it, what were your thoughts? You'll realize your body language, your mind and your inner-self had just one goal all through the interview - TO CLEAR IT.

What if we could align ourselves this way for every single conversation?
Yes, we have all had our share of problems and disappointments but today could be that day when you let them go and choose to BUILD A NEW YOU.


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your thoughts can be a major barrier in communicating with others? Often we've heard people say 'keep your professional & personal life separate'.

That's NOT possible. If there's a HAVOC in your mind it'll impact all areas of your life - including professional life.

Today's thought is for all those who seem to have lost track of where they are.

We suggest burn those chapters that aren't taking you to a conclusion and re-write your story.



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We Believe, to have a perfect and flawless conversation with every person you meet should be our goal, that's how we can leave a mark in this world, isn't it? It's all about you talk and make the other person feel. Furthermore, I suggest our course on "Effective Communication" as one of the tools that's once learned will be applicable for life and can be taught as well to others by you.

Before we even get there, the first 'right' that has to happen is our thoughts. To quote Mahatma Gandhi "Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.

Hence, we'll be sharing one thought of the day, everyday which can be that seed of self belief, positivity, motivation and courage for all of us..

Photos from Candid Conversations's post 25/04/2020

DM or call us @9372654841

Power Distance Index is like air, you can't see but you can feel and it doesn't distinguish in whom it affects - It covers every single one around! Hope you find this content useful to utilize in your trainings sessions.

Follow us for new content and concepts everyday

Photos from Candid Conversations's post 22/04/2020

famous Circle of Concern and Circle on Influence for Times.

Circle of Conern in simple terms are events, things, people, behaviours which are out of our control

Circle of Influence are things, events, behaviour which are dependent on us and we have 100% authority internally, externally, emotionally, logically to change them and make our life easier.

Take a close look at the first picture (entire orange). During a crisis situation we are bound to think like its all coming to an end and we may never recover. Ironically, our true inner strength is tested during these times. The picture is entire orange because 1 person chose to spend the entire day by thinking about components which are out of his control consequently, this left minimal room to think about things in our control

Whereas the second picture, has the same person but with a shifted focus. The problems still remain the same however, he now chooses to think about the components under his control first and then with the remaining time, energy and thoughts think about everything else that could be buckitised as ''negative''.


Candid Conversations - What do we offer?

We are a bunch of millenials and a few boomers who believe an impact is created when a human is able to converse with fluency, confidence, poise, ease, mindful knowledge sharing, natural tone and self.

A conversation is further elevated when the ''energies'' or ''vibes'' as we call them now, are not just positive but inspiring, uplifting and impactful.

We offer various trainings, webinars and workshops on everything that can be a possible roadblock in your communication.

DM or contact @ +91 9372654841


Word : Accomodation

Incorrect : ACCO - mo - da - tion

Correct : acco - mo - DA - tion

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841 to know more about the free grammar online course we offer and a professional Conversation course*


Word : Situation

Incorrect : SITU - a - tion

Correct : si - tu - A - tion

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841 to know more about the free grammar online course we offer and a professional Conversation course*


5 tips to write better emails:

1. Never miss the salutation: No matter how busy you are and what designation you are at, never miss the salutation (dear, hello, hi). It is not only professional but courteous.

2. Keep your subject line to max 8 words: A subject line that contains more than 8 words may be missed out by the readers as the mind wouldnā€™t want to focus on a ā€˜bulkyā€™ email when itā€™s busy.

3. Keep the font size to a normal 10-11: People who write in a bigger or smaller font size than 10-11 may not be appreciated for their emails. Most companies follow Arial, Georgia or Times Roman as their official font let, itā€™s suggested to use a minimum of font size 10 else, itā€™ll be difficult for the other person to read.

4. Proofread a long email: There are times when most of us must write long emails which is okay if itā€™s a requirement at that time but ensure to proofread such emails. If you think you canā€™t figure out the grammatical errors please ask for assistance from a colleague.

5. Be careful, itā€™s in black & white: Would you sign a legal document and then think if you shouldā€™ve signed or not? No right? The same is with emails. Often people write emails in mixed emotions and later ponder if it was necessary to be sent. Please understand we are in an era where even WhatsApp messages can be used as an evidence, emails are much formal mode of communication. Be careful in what you write and send an email only if required.

Register for our Email Writing course at a discounted price, mention code : CCFB

DM or contact @ +91 9372654841


Word : Capacity

Incorrect : CA - pa - city

Correct : ca - PA - city

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841 to know more about the free grammar online course we offer and a professional Conversation course*


Word : Graduate

Incorrect : gra - du - ATE

Correct : GRA - du - ate

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841 to know more about the free grammar online course we offer and a professional Conversation course*


Word : Begin

Incorrect : BE- gin

Correct : be - GIN

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841 to know more about the free grammar course we offer and a professional Conversation course*


Word : Before

Incorrect : BE- fore

Correct : be - FORE

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841 to know about the free English grammar course we offer.


Word : Development

Incorrect : DE- ve - lop - ment

Correct : de - VEL - opment

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841


Word : Develop

Incorrect : DE- ve - lop

Correct : de - VE- LOP

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841


Simple tips to get you better at speaking in English!


Word : Vegetable

Incorrect : ve - GE - table

Correct : VEGE - table

If you're looking to get fluent at Spoken English, enroll yourself in our 'Online Conversation Classes'

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841


Word : Vegetarian

Incorrect : VEGE - tarian

Correct : vege - TA - rian

If you're looking to get fluent at Spoken English, enroll yourself in our 'Online Conversation Classes'

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841


Word : Photography

Incorrect : PHO - to - gra - phy

Correct : pho - TO - gra - phy

If you're looking to get fluent at Spoken English, enroll yourself in our 'Online Conversation Classes'

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841


Word : Photograph

Incorrect : pho - TO - graph

Correct : PHO - to - graph

If you're looking to get fluent at Spoken English, enroll yourself in our 'Online Conversation Classes'

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841


Word : Office

Incorrect : of - FICE

Correct : OF - fice

If you're looking to get fluent at Spoken English, enroll yourself in our 'Online Conversation Classes'

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841


Word : Official

Incorrect : OF - fi - cial

Correct : of - FFI - cial

If you're looking to get fluent at Spoken English, enroll yourself in our 'Online Conversation Classes'

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841


Word : Technology

Incorrect : TECH - no - logy

Correct : Tech - NO - logy

If you're looking to get fluent at Spoken English, enroll yourself in our 'Online Conversation Classes'

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841


Word : Technicality

Incorrect : Tech - NI - ca - lity

Correct : Tech - ni - CAL - ity

If you're looking to get fluent at Spoken English, enroll yourself in our 'Online Conversation Classes'

DM or call/WhatsApp @ +91 9372654841

Videos (show all)

Saying just a ā€˜Thank youā€™ is cliche and may sound repetitive and too formal! For giving it a more personalised feel, add...
Interrupting during an important meeting can often go against you unless you sound genuine, polite and have a serious pe...
As a Communication Coach, I always recommend reading about a topic called ā€˜Indianismsā€™. It will be of great help in avoi...
Who moved my cheese?In the current times that are changing at the blink of the eye, itā€™s important for all beings on ear...



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00