Elect Brian Blake

Elect Brian Blake

Logger, small business owner, and State Representative.

Running for reelection to continue fighting for our communities, investing in local needs, and ensuring there is a strong SW Washington voice in the legislature.

Meet Mildred Bryant, the 90-year-old, horse-packing deer hunter who just celebrated her 80th hunting anniversary by harvesting a mule deer 07/11/2022

Meet Mildred Bryant, the 90-year-old, horse-packing deer hunter who just celebrated her 80th hunting anniversary by harvesting a mule deer Hunting has no set expiration date — if you can shoulder a firearm, still see good enough to look down the sights and traverse a fair amount of open country, then your clock’s still ticking. If you’re 41 and fighting for a Super Bowl ring, you’re ancient. If you’re 41 and looking for that ...

RMAP - Removes Fish Passage Barriers 2001-2021 04/06/2022

Something to celebrate!

RMAP - Removes Fish Passage Barriers 2001-2021


The Willapa River is open for spring Chinook fishing.

Key to having a healthy forest? Frequent, low-intensity fires that burn at ground level 07/03/2022


Key to having a healthy forest? Frequent, low-intensity fires that burn at ground level A rebuttal to a previous Valley Voice essay on forest management. | Commentary


Let's bring little Oakley Carlson home. Please.

The Daily News' legislative picks 31/10/2020

Thank you to The Daily News editorial board for its endorsement! Here's part of what it said-

"...Elected leaders must be more willing to listen than to talk, and when they represent a region at a river’s edge, to understand the currents that are mainstream, and powerful. Brian Blake for nearly 18 years has shown he knows how to navigate those currents....Blake has a solid track record of helping his constituents. The Democrat has been especially effective a building bipartisan relationships in Olympia. As chair of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, he is in a great position to represent the needs of his district. We strongly endorse his return to the House."

The Daily News' legislative picks Note: Daily News Endorsements are opinions that reflect the official position of the Editorial Board of the Daily News, which makes its decisions independent of our news team. The Daily


With over 60% voter turnout for the state as of yesterday as of 5pm, I wanted to remind folks that you're able to check the status of your ballot through the Secretary of States office. You're able to check if your ballot has received and if there are any issues with it. Be aware it normally takes a few days for them to be processed, especially if you mail them-


Voter Portal


Legislative series 2011:

Even by 2011, I have omitted a bunch of smaller projects I got funding for in our community colleges. But in 2011 I thought I would bring attention to Lower Columbia College, when I got 2 million for the Myklebust Gymnasium. I have and will always fight for our community colleges-

Blake gets support | The Daily World 16/10/2020

Thanks Bob!

"If you are looking for a hardworking, concerned and dedicated person to take care of the 19th District, color in his box on the ballot."


Blake gets support | The Daily World Brian Blake, his wife Deb, my wife Marcy and I have been walking, hiking and exploring our area for many years. I am not a wilderness person, so Brian has been our guide on most of these occasions. We have explored both Grays Harbor and Pacific counties. Brian, through his years as a logger and hunt...

Washington Supreme Court strikes down I-976 to cut car-tab taxes 15/10/2020

This morning the Washington Supreme Court ruled that I-976 - "$30 car tabs" - was unconstitutional. I don't think I've shared this before but - I voted in favor of the measure - as did the vast majority of voters in the 19th, and a majority of Washingtonians.

I think carrying out the will of the voters on this issue must be one of our first priorities in the 2021 session. People want lower car tabs, and we need to find fair ways of funding local infrastructure projects.


Washington Supreme Court strikes down I-976 to cut car-tab taxes Car-tab Initiative 976 is unconstitutional because it “contains more than one subject, and its subject is not accurately expressed in its title,” the court ruled Thursday.

Wahkiakum RandDteam 15/10/2020

If you want to learn why I am the right choice for our district, join us in 2 hours for Wahkiakum County Republican and Democratic Virtual Debate. It can be streamed on their youtube channel -


Wahkiakum RandDteam

S*x ed bill, if passed, would have little local effect 13/10/2020

You might have heard radio ads or people talking about R 90 - the referendum on the S*x Ed bill, SB 5395. I am pretty frustrated by the dishonest depiction of what this bill actually does.

People have made this out to radically change our kids health curriculum and reshape the authority the state has over local districts. This just isn't the case. If you don't believe me, here's what the local schools districts actually think -

"Locally, Kelso School District spokesperson Michele Nerland said if the law is upheld, it will not change any health curriculum materials in Kelso."

S*x ed bill, if passed, would have little local effect Regardless of the fate of the November referendum challenge to the state’s new s*x education law, local school districts will likely be unaffected, officials said.


Legislative series 2010:

Ports are key economic engines for our communities. Over my time in Olympia I've worked closely with them to make sure that they have a voice in the decision making room and that we capitalize on potential opportunities for job growth. In 2010, I helped secure over $3 million for the port of Grays Harbor for the bulk liquid facility project. If re-elected, I will work to make sure that Ports are essential parts of any economic recovery plan.

I know I've already posted this photo, but in it you can see one of these holding tanks-


These are the kinds of accomplishments you can achieve as a legislator who is part of the majority caucus but who has an independent voting record. Brian Blake is one of the most influential members of the House. His experience and independence means he is always in the middle of major decisions.

Next up in my legislative series: 2009

There are a lot of important parts of our district's infrastructure, but I don't think there is a more critical piece than SR 4. SR4 connects Wahkiakum with Ilwaco and the coast to the West and Longview to the East. Its 2 of the 3 ways out of the County (and it happens to be a beautiful drive). In 2009, I got 15 million to replace Abernathy Creek Bridge, about 15 million East of Cathlamet.

As we have only a few more nice days of the year, I thought I would share a photo from a supporter's house just off SR4- (Thanks Steve)


Next up in my legislative series: 2009

There are a lot of important parts of our district's infrastructure, but I don't think there is a more critical piece than SR 4. SR4 connects Wahkiakum with Ilwaco and the coast to the West and Longview to the East. Its 2 of the 3 ways out of the County (and it happens to be a beautiful drive). In 2009, I got 15 million to replace Abernathy Creek Bridge, about 15 million East of Cathlamet.

As we have only a few more nice days of the year, I thought I would share a photo from a supporter's house just off SR4- (Thanks Steve)


This guy?? We go way back. I've known Elect Brian Blake since I was just a pup, back in Aberdeen, WA! That's a whole 7 years! We love you, Brian!


My legislative series continues with 2008:

Our rivers, like our roads and bridges, are critical infrastructure that needs to be maintained. In 2008, I worked to get $150,000 to immediately dredge the Cowlitz river, so that sandbars didn't threaten the City of Longview's intake facility that is necessary for the city to obtain water. While most people don't think of dredging, its something I've made sure gets done across the district, from Longview, to Ilwaco, to Aberdeen (Below)


Thank you to the AUWS for their endorsement. The tireless work of our advanced registered nurse practitioners makes a difference every day.


Next up in my legislative series: 2007

I'll be honest in 2007, I didn't get it right the first time. I proposed HB 1075, which tried to provide better management of our fishing and shellfish industries, but had liability issues and so didn't have the support of our fishing and shellfish farmer stakeholders. The legislative process works best when you come back again and again until you find the solutions and compromises that meet people's needs. I think it's ridiculous that folks think that if you just bang on the table enough you will get something done.

So I came back and worked with the stakeholders to address the liability issues and proposed a new bill, HB 1646, that was supported by the Coalition of Coastal Fisheries and DFW. The legislation creates better tracking of fish and shellfish products so that we know folks are following the laws. I'm not gonna claim my record is perfect, but I do carry the lessons learned with this bill with me today.

Photo is of Goose Point Oysters off of hwy 101


This one is special to me, it's located on the Pete Dykstra farm in the Boistfort valley. He lost his dairy cows in the 2007 flood. It was a devastating sight and it was wonderful to visit with him last weekend as he is enjoying his retirement.

An endorsement of Blake and Takko 10/09/2020

Thank you Kent for your endorsement and letter of support-


An endorsement of Blake and Takko To The Eagle: I come from one of the older families in Wahkiakum County. Over the past 150 years my extended family has participated in all three natural-resource-based occupations, fishing, farming and logging. I’d like to offer a perspective on the upcoming election that I hope will be helpful f...


I'm proud to announce that I was just endorsed by the Aberdeen Firefighters Local 2639! Thank you to these men and women who serve our community.


Strong eastern winds here in South Aberdeen. While it is still pretty clear here, I am wishing the best to families of Malden and everyone who is being affected by the fires and the air quality.


Next up my legislative series: 2006

“Jobs,” “local businesses,” “economic development,” whatever you call it, our small business is the lifeblood of every economy and every community. Back in 2006, I was proud to cosponsor HB 1815 to develop a competitive grant program for small businesses. We should always put government to work for us, rewarding successful small businesses is one of the best ways. In the next session, I will make sure this type of option is on the table to help our small businesses.


I was down in Longview today and Lake Sacajawea looked great


Next up: 2005

I think to be a good representative you need to be able to work on big stuff and little stuff at the same time. From the 2005 session, I want to highlight two very different projects. First, we secured the funding for the LCC’s Instructional Fine Arts Building, we got over 20 million! You’ll notice a theme with these posts over the next week: investments in education. It always has been and always will be a priority of mine.

Second, we got funding for restoration of the Julia Butler Hansen house, built in 1867 (it's the oldest surviving house in Cathlamet and Wahkiakum County). The cost was 10,000. While the price tag might be small, these types of investments in our heritage are critical and have lasting benefits for their community and our state.

Here's a photo I took of the Hansen house a few years ago:

Photos from Elect Brian Blake's post 29/08/2020

Next in the series: 2004

I first became involved in state politics because of public access issues. In my 2nd year in the legislature, I ensured that our world-class razor claims would be accessible to the public. I worked with retail license sellers to streamline the process for short term clam licenses. A 3 day harvesting license now costs about 10 bucks and is a great addition to trips to the coast. The annual license is also a great option because you know you’re going to want more


I get asked “What have you done for our district?” by Democrats, Independents, and Republicans. It's a good question and one I want to answer more publicly. I’ll be doing a series here on Facebook talking about every single year I’ve had the honor of representing the communities of Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific and Wahkiakum Counties.

When I first started working for you in the legislature and in my first session in 2003, the Naselle Hatchery was on the verge of closing its doors for good due to budget cuts. I couldn’t let that happen. We got appropriated nearly 14 million dollars to make improvements and build new hatchery infrastructure. The Naselle Hatchery is an important part of our state’s hatchery network and critical for Pacific county.


After spending much of the day working in my role as a Commissioner on the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, I stopped by the Lower Satsop River Restoration Project.

We got over 1.4M to protect Keys road and stop erosion and loss of important farmland near the mouth of the Satsop river. It’s designed to enhance fish habitat. Thank you to Grays Harbor Commissioner Vickie Raines for her leadership!


I’m proud to receive the endorsement of the Washington Education Association! We need to continue to support our educational professionals - education changes lives


I thought I would share my answer to the question I was asked the other day: Why am I running for reelection?

I'm running to defend the heritage and invest in the future of the 19th. I'm a representative who prioritizes attracting private investment and jobs, while ensuring public access to our natural lands and protecting our individual rights.


Sign waving for the 19th LD in Longview. If honks and waves are an indication, Cowlitz County really supports Brian Blake, Clint Bryson, and Dean Takko.


Brian is honored to receive the endorsement of the WA State Railroad Operating Labor Organizations. Brian has a reputation and history of supporting Labor - our working men and women and their families


Here’s the thing about Elect Brian Blake: he’s a decent guy in a time when decency is a bit scarce. He knows how to listen with an open mind. He’s smart but not afraid to learn more. He has high hopes for his district and our state AND his feet are on the ground. He works hard for all of us. Brian Sims.


Brian has listened to 19th District seniors and understands the toll the pandemic has taken on them: limiting family visits, decreasing healthcare access, and weighing on their personal security and well-being. He will work to improve internet access and technology assistance, expand telemedicine options, and deliver peace of mind to those who are vulnerable.


When the Janus decision came down, Representative Brian Blake joined SEIU 925 and other union members in Kelso to rally in support of unions. Rep. Blake represents district 19, southwest Washington, and has always stated that one of his priorities is family wage jobs. We love seeing elected officials walk the walk and not just talk talk the talk. 💜

From wood cellulose to textile fibres 11/07/2020

What are the barriers to making this fabric in Washington State?

From wood cellulose to textile fibres How to use wood cellulose to manufacture textile that is softer than cotton? The Biocelsol method, developed at TUT, transforms the wood pulp into fiber in a...

BrianBlakeWSLC.mp4 10/07/2020

Endorsements from Unions such as IBEW, Washington State Nurses, Grocery and Retail workers SEIU, and so many more validate Brian’s lifelong support of the working men and women of SW Washington.



Brian really appreciates the support of voters like Greg Mueller who said...

Brian has a long history of being able to work with members of both parties in finding the middle ground and solving problems. That’s how issues get resolved and progress is made. Brian is that voice.


July 8, 2020
Elect Brian Blake
PO Box 1541
Longview WA 98632

Dear Brian,
It is pleasure to inform you that the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 77
Political Action Committee has endorsed your campaign for Washington State House of
Representatives. This endorsement acknowledges your interest in the issues affecting workers
and your commitment to addressing the needs of all hard-working men and women.
If you have any questions, please contact Political Director Christine Reid at (206)718-0477 or
[email protected].
We look forward to working with you.
Damian Hernadez, President